Showing posts with label rosette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rosette. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ribbon Rosettes for Spring

Has it really been a month? I must admit that Library of Memories is keeping me busy, but I am still super thrilled with the progress we are making toward better kept memories and stories.
It's been hinted that I needed a few more items up in my shoppe, and the rosettes are still top requested. I hope to have some of these beauties up in the next few days!

Except maybe that last one- it's may be a keeper! I'll see how much more of that ribbon I have left to make more.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Count Down to Vacation

Tomorrow we will be on our way to North Carolina! My whole family plus one father-in-law packed into our van, along with our clothes, snacks, and a boatload of scrapbooking goodness. I promised I'd share pictures of the finished packaging for my goodie bag items for the retreat participants. (I'll have to get a picture of my decorated goodie bags, as our hostess Amanda insisted we have one. I was down to last minute, so I have a lovely decoupaged Target redbag.)
Here are the finished sets. I wish I'd had a bunch of glassine envelopes available instead of the sandwich baggies, but I made do. Each is made in the favorite colors of the recipient.

This one here is for our hostess Amanda
More lovelies. I cut the ice creams from Basic Grey's cupcake papers
This one is for Theresa, who invited me into the group. She likes purple, can you tell?
I know it's Kendra's on the left, but can't remember who the other is for. Thank goodness they all have names on the back!