Showing posts with label making stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label making stuff. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2010

A quick Silver Bella Tour

I know, I know, this post is long coming. I had to work some long shifts immediately upon coming home, then Thanksgiving, then the dull drudgery of Christmas shopping (OK, the shopping was enjoyable ;). First off, you gotta love these adorable top hats made by Cari Kraft :
Most Bellas start their trip by getting a shopping fix at Second Chance Antiques:
I scored a hat for vendor night, an embroidered blue silk with purple velvet:

Always old friends to meet and new friends to make (here with Amy Powers, Heather Buhaj, and Kathi Pilar)

We don't go away hungry, the chef made these special for our last dinner together:

Swaps are a favorite part of the whole Bella event, isn't this bee crown the best?

Did I mention shopping?

And finally, bringing home our precious pieces to display for our families:

Thanks for peeking into my trip!