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Showing posts with label framing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label framing. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016

Some Christmas Framing

I had six pieces framed to give as Christmas presents in 2015 - they got done so close to Christmas that I never found time to get any pictures.  The other day my sibling and I took the ones for my Mum and Dad outside and got pictures of them - still a little bit reflective, but this is probably as good as they are going to get!

'Angel of Grace' by Lavender and Lace, framed in an antique frame my mother has been saving in her closet forever just for this angel!  She is huge, almost four feet high!

I can't tell which picture is better - one has less reflection but the other has better focus... I think.

And 'God Bless America', a Janlynn kit framed for my Dad - I didn't get the other project I wanted to finish for him done, since Gracie took a little longer than I thought she would.  But he loves this and he's wanted it framed for a while.  We already had this frame, too - it matches the others in his office. I think it came out a little large for the project, but my Dad really likes it so who cares?  That's a bit of wicker from the chair at the bottom, not a broken bit of frame :D

Since I supplied my own frames, I got them both framed for a lovely cheap price!  Gracie was $26 and the Eagle was $23!  

I also got four smaller pieces framed, but I am still nagging my siblings to take pictures for me :D Hopefully I will have them soon!  I don't think I ever even showed two of the finishes XD

Happy Stitching!


Friday, July 13, 2012

Framing and a Finish (Picture Heavy)

I know, it's been forever!
I'm so sorry!
And wow! I have 101 followers!  When did THAT happen?!

I haven't been stitching much this summer - too much pool and jigsaw puzzles! But I have gotten some framing done and a little finish to show you guys :D


Going to Market  is now hanging on my Mum's wall in her Africa/jungle themed den.  She already had this frame and the glass, I only had to pay for the mat and the work.


Mermaid of the Deep will soon be hanging on my living room wall, as soon as I figure out where. Sorry for the flash burn, it was impossible to get her focused without it.  The framer chose to pick up the weird skin tones in her tummy for the mat - I like it!


I don't remember the name of this kit, but it's going in my living room, too.  I got the antique frame at a flea market, and the framer added the mat and glass.  The Mermaid's frame color was chosen to match the gold trim on this one.


and doesn't Spike look gorgeous?  I couldn't figure out how he was going to be framed so that he wouldn't blend into the mat, but my framer said to trust her and I'm glad I did!

Total for getting these four pieces framed?  $46.23!!!  I love my framing shop!!!  Small, independent business for the win!  :D :D :D

And here's my finish - 'Welcome Guests' by 2Needles.


I can frame this one myself - just got to get around to washing and pressing it!  It's roughly 5x7, and one of my Crazy January starts.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Reasons for My Silence - Here's Lots of Pics!!!

We had no power at all for over five days!

We had a blizzard (for us)! 17 inches here and over 30 on the mountain tops! Sometimes I miss living up there but not now!

Here's some pics...
My car buried in snow:

My broken-down snowball bush and see all the snow on the lines? It was heavy, wet snow; it fell straight down and there was no wind at all so it didn't drift. The lines were so heavy that they just snapped. Not these, but a lot! Poles fell down, and trees - tiny and huge, both! - broke and pulled down more lines. It looked like a hurricane had hit.


My back porch on the day after it snowed. The day after this, we got a few more inches, but my camera batteries had given up the ghost by then.
The roads are still really rough - one lane for traffic because of the huge walls of ice and snow the snowplows inadvertenly made.
I couldn't work on a big project, but I could crochet and I also made this ornamenet (by the light of an oil lamp! I thought I would go blind! I have much more respect for those stitchers who did their work by oil lamp and candle.)
This ornament came from a little kit that I bought years and years ago. I don't remember where. I started a snowman, but I didn't finish it. Mostly, I crocheted. These are what I made:
Three of them; two pale-brown for my SIL and my Mum, and one black for my lil' goth-chick sister.
She opened it today and immediately stuck it on her husband:
And declared that he was Franklin, the 'frilly' Ninja.
She's a nutcase...
I also crocheted one more hat, for my Da:
Here's some framing - my brother and my mother's gift. My SIL took them for me - see her reflection? lol! She didn't realize she was showing up!
I finished 'Mother's Bliss' a couple years ago, but never had it framed because one of my coworkers, when I was showing it off, grabbed it with greasy fingers and stained it. I could have died. I got most of the stains out, but one yellow spot on the right side defeated me. I probably never would have framed it, but my Mum knew I had stitched it, declared she didn't care, and demanded it. So she got it. Don't argue with the Mums!
I framed my 'Stress Reduction Kit' for my Da, but we forgot to take a pic of it. I'll try to get one later.
My Gran really loved her 'Mothers Tree'. You can see some of her beautiful thread crochet work in the cabinet behind her. She's 84 and still does crochet or embroidery every day.
and my nephew liked his afghan, too. He pretended he was a villian caught in Spiderman's web, lol! He's six and a definite handful!
and... I got a new camera! I didn't really expect one - what with the economy and all - so was I ever surprised!!!
I have no real idea how to work it yet (the first pic is blurry, as you can see) but I can already tell a huge difference! Here's some pics I took of the drop spindle kit I also got (insert huge grin here) and the bag that came with it. You can see the detail of the bag even though I took the pic only a few inches away - the old camera I was using would have showed a washed out blue-brown blur. I'm so happy!
Now I just need to learn to work the pretty thing correctly! (and the drop spindle, too)
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, or... a Happy Festivus?