"If you can count the number of projects you have going , you need to begin another, so you have a varied range of complexity from the very simple 'mind-less' ones to those that demand undivided attention." (Laura Early).


Copyright: The Stitchin' Chicken

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Showing posts with label Disney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disney. Show all posts

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Very busy , getting nowhere.

I can't believe how quickly the time is passing . Not helped by the kids having an extra week and half off round half term due to moving into their new school building. They go back tomorrow , so hopefully I'll be able to now get lots done.

 Stitching time has been interrupted , but still managed to get some done , and have time to go to the park when it has been nice weather wise. We also managed a day at the coast on Wednesday , which was a lovely change. I would so love to move over that way.

More a/c squares for Love Quilts

Disney Princesses and Super Heroes are forever in demand .

  This one was finished just yesterday .

Only two more squares to go , and I've done 100 !

I now plan on finishing the wolf I am doing for my daughter , and maybe one other project before starting anything else , though I am itching to start ,lol .

  I am hoping to start at least one more HAED this year , but maybe even two or three. Yes , I am that sad ,lol.

 Thanks for dropping by ,

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Three cheers .

Happy Valentines Day everyone , especially if you are doing something special .  We don't do Valentines. We say "I love you" pretty much every day , so no need to make a special day for it . It has been very sweet though , as my six year old son has made two lovely pictures with hand written messages for his sweetheart at school , and he brought home two pictures from her , which has made his day ,lol .

 Anyway , on to other things. The other day saw the arrival of the last of my stash .
 This had somehow gotten missed from my order from Anita, so I e-mailed her and she very kindly sent it on. Looking forward to stitching these later in the year .

 I had a little finish last week . Whilst sorting out some stuff I came across this just started cover kit and decided to finish it. It's nice to have something that is easy to pick up and put down as well as a main project.
 Not sure what I'm going to do with him yet, though I'm maybe thinking of making up a little dolly bag , we shall see .

 And , I am up to 200 followers - yahoo!!!, so that means a give away is coming up . I am going to leave it until next month , as it's half term next week and there are things going on etc, plus I would like to know what people would like to win , so I'm going to put a poll up on the sidebar .Please either vote in the poll or leave a comment with what you think would be a good give away prize .

The other big news , is my progress on Butterflies Galore. The face is done !
 The confetti was a pain in the derry , and to be honest , I'm not totally sure a lot of it was necessary. That said , I am loving stitching her and already looking forward to the next one ,lol .
 So , I'm hoping you want to see pics .

  I have done a little bit more since taking these photos , but you get the idea. I am really pleased with how she is turning out .
 Thanks for dropping by ,

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Catching Up.

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. And a big Thank you to everyone who is now sending a card for Ellie , looking forward to seeing more of them.

  Last weekend after having a bath , my Daughter cam downstairs and said "Mum ,I want my hair cutting , can you get your scissors and do it please?" After my horrified squawk of "NO" , I persuaded her to give it a week and if she still wanted it doing , I would make her an appointment at the hairdressers. Until then ,she had been adamant that she was growing her hair down to her bottom , so I was not convinced that she would go ahead with it. By Friday , I was fed up hearing "I am sure I want it doing. "  So off we went . From this,
To this

It is taking a bit of getting used to, but she likes it which is the main thing. Though , she keeps saying that she wants it even shorter.
   The weather is pretty rotten at the moment . Wet and murky today , which is an improvement on Monday evening ,when we had a terrific hail storm which lasted for quite a while.

Finally ,some stitchy updates . Here's where I'm at with my boys' Pokemon
And my Daughters' Disney squares

 Ariel now has a full head of hair , but nothing else yet . This will be remedied quite soon. Tomorrow I am planning a serious case of stitch ass. Hubby has a play date , so when he has gone , I'm planting until it's time to fetch the kids from school . Hopefully , then I will have some decent progress on LK ABC Lessons.

 Still getting used to the new blogger layout ,slow but sure (hopefully , lol.)

Until then ,thanks for dropping by ,


Friday, 30 October 2009


And Minnie And MinnieAnd Minnie

Aunty Jane at Stitch for Charity has had a request for a pink Minnie Mouse quilt , and these are my contribution. I've stitched a couple of them before as they are from cover kits , but I've changed the colours , so they are very pink.

Thankfully ,all germs seem to have been banished.Normal service has been resumed , the kids are bickering and squabbling non-stop , so I think we can safely say they are fit and well again.

Thanks for dropping by , and stay tuned, I should have a big finish to show you very soon.
