Alya Qistina

Showing posts with label FRIENDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FRIENDS. Show all posts

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Hahaha I can't believe I just abandoned you, my dear blog. It was last year since we've been together. Last year, I repeat. So I guess there should be a lot to tell you. But actually, nothing much has happened within these 4 months.

You know, same routine as before. I am still a student okay. And now a degree student, so much pressure, so much stress. Somehow I missed how the things used to be during my diploma years. What made it so so precious to me was that bunch of silly friends that sincerely stuck with me through my ups and downs, like literally!

And Alhamdulillah, things are still going on well between us all, though some said distance might kills us. Thank Allah, I don't know how we do this, but we are still the old us. Same jokes, same laughter, same hateful fights, same stupid nicknames.

Sometimes, I ponder how blessed my life is with these people. And Dolls too. They aren't any single people on earth that can even replace them. Even the slightest. I know it's almost impossible to find a friend who would take you as you are, who you can be really silly with, you can just be yourself, cause they won't judge. Simply because they don't want to judge. Cause they are the same too! Hahaha. But these people, I don't know what I did that Allah has been so generous to send them to me.

Distance doesn't really kill us, but we still missed few gossips!

So now we make most of technology by make it mandatory for everyone of us to send a selfie on our WhatsApp group. With hashtag #selfiehariini. So annoying right. So basically I woke up by seeing their selfies. Very cheap ah you guys hahaha.

Anyhow, this is my life. This is my precious friendship. I'm looking forward to seeing their selfies 50 years from now. With wrinkles. Hahaha. 

I used to own hundreds pictures of us during our old days. So whenever I feel like missing them/the moments, I would go flipping through our pictures and started to tersengih like kepah hahah. Now, bye bye my lappy just crashed. Pictures disappear. But memories don't! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wedding cum Raya

Wedding and hari raya. Chemistry 90%. Wedding, hari raya and public holiday, chemistry level of 100% and traffic jam will add up to 101%.

Anyhow, I'm getting older now. I received a lot of invitations to open house, weddings and all. A sign that I should start to know how it feels to appreciate those invitations and feeling the need of maintaining a good relationship.

Yes, one step further to my adult life. Hari raya with Ameerul's family and friends. God, I'm so old. Never thought hari raya will be this wide to celebrate in this 22 years old time. Hehe. 

Everything was in Seremban. I'm now memorize how much total of money that we need to pay to the tolls through PLUS and LEKAS. 

I went a lil bit annoying (and mental) when I replied some of my friends' text messages with "Selamat hari raya too. From Qissy, Ameerul and our children". My friends euw-ed me. Okay thanks. Haha.

This is Mariyah. Chemistry blended us into purple. 

Some of Ameerul's friends on Zara's Alang's wedding. Sort of Ameerul's life. He can never live without his boys. He dated me bringing all these boys, you see. And that's how I become close to them. By the way, they will have this kind of raya convoy annually and I missed it this year and for the next 5 years then. Sigh.

I love this picture. And this picture brings no message. That's all. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Old old friends

Guess what, I've got the least duit raya among all! They thought I was a big girl, working now and had my own money. I felt like pasting a piece of paper on my forehead saying, "I'd resigned and I need donation" as thought they would give me a bunch of money then. 

So I convinced myself, raya wasn't only about money and let's not put money as the main priority hihi. 

2nd Syawal. Well, I spent most of my time at home - people kept coming to my house and my aunt held a BBQ session at her house and she lives nearby to my house - less than 100m to mine, but still being the last one to arrive. Too mainstream!

I was at Syad's place after that and suddenly I got a phone call from Nadya, my very ex elementary schoolmate. Guys, a very long long friendship ever. Nadya told me she was at my place with the other friends. I was like, friends? Do I have any other elementary school friends beside her and 2 to 3 more than I knew? Questionable friends.

So I drove back to my house and some nags across me, "Macam mana ni? Tetamu tunggu tuan rumah?" - In front of my 'questionable friends'.

Guyssss! They were my elementary school classmates that I didn't meet them for almost 12 years! And no, we didn't recognize each other! It was Nadya who dragged them here. Haha. It was like a small reunion and I needed ice-breaking session. So we started to introduce ourselves and some updates about us now.

We are old now.

"Qis, you are still the shortest!"

I know.  -___-

A part of my family members. My mom's family is really huge. I wonder if we are all together, I can't imagine how many we are and in a picture, I know that my face must be really small and un-spotted! Haha.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Fake siblings

1. One staff at Tawakkal asked me, "Hajaaar! Baru lunch?" I was like, haaa? She must got the wrong person. Hahaha.

2. One Tawakkal staff asked Kak Hajar, "Why are you laughing at me?" Kak Hajar told him that Kak Hajar was just only arrived at Tawakkal. That boy got a wrong person. It was me who actually laughed at him.

3. One of Haslam restaurant staff told Kak Hajar, "Eh adik kan, tunggu bus kan? Asyik bercakap phone je, dengan handbag besar. Bahaya, nanti kena ragut.". Hahaha. She thought Kak Hajar was me.

4. Practical students thought Kak Hajar and I were siblings. So I told them, yes we were siblings with different dad. Hahaha. They wanted us to show our ICs. Sigh.

5. Whenever I picked up Tawakkal phone, people on the other line must thought I was Kak Hajar.

Now tell me, which one is me and which one is Kak Hajar? Hahaha. Easy question, I'll give you 10 bucks! Lol.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lover of Engineers

I may be a little bit noob in repairing wires, recognized circuit symbols during high school, memorizing those weird Laws made up by the experts.

I know nothing about engineering. What are they doing? Making buildings? Go to construction sites and see if the thing goes properly according to the plans? Make sure the compound of cements and sands and steel is accurate?

Come on.

And, have you ever seen something like this? I don't know what he was calculating. What's the big matter of searching the value of x and y? I don't get it.

Never mind.

I tell you what, I don't get along well with Physics. I'd never got A in Physics. Either it was me who failed to create such chemistry with Physics or maybe the paper was being enough tough. I thank God how SPM was really an ending of me and Physics. Pheww. No more weird Laws, please?

But still, I think they're following me. My bestfriend and my boyfriend are now taking Engineering. Sigh. It's such a torture seeing them study hard and memorize those stuffs. I was once helped Shushy studied by memorizing her lecture note because she had a test the next day. We read the notes and tried to memorized each sentence perfectly. Because according to Shushy, I can memorize very well, ehem. Haha. So we study Cement together. -_-

I studied Physics with Ameerul. I learnt about Calculus with them. I was forced to listened to Shushy's explanation about Steel.

It was fun when it came to this where you just only have to sit down and listened to what she taught, where she pretended to be my lecturer. And nodding your head as a sign that showed you understand to what she told you, (for actually you're not, obviously). But I know how hard it is for them to survive those killing papers by their own. Poor little engineers.

And now they're on final exams weeks!

Good luck Shushy and Ameerul. Allah's with you. Amin. :)

Friday, February 3, 2012


This girl is Nurul Hajar, my colleague at Tawakkal Hospital. Just a colleague, I know her here. No blood relation and family bond.

But too many people asked us, "Are you two siblings? Or twins?"

"Do you have any family relations to her?"

"You resemble each other. Sibling or what?"

And we said, no. We only know each other here.

But sometimes when we are too tired of explaining to people, we just go like, "Yes, we are siblings."

"She is my sister. We both taking Pharmacy".

Easy right? Hehe.
Now tell me, do we look alike?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New year with loves

Oh happy new year 2012 guys.

I was off the day so Ameerul took me to his place Seremban. Guess who I met?

And we're off for some refreshment .And now looking back at this picture making me to have a huge urge for Tutti Frutti. Well, I'm not good in decorating topping for the yogurt and my Tutti Frutti cup always ended up being a so not tempting one.

Even Ameerul refused to eat it!

Played a game on a piece of paper. We just didn't know what to do while waiting for other friends to arrive.

Lake Garden.

Why I couldn't just stop talking?

And spotted Yasmin Hanani at the back!

This was my first time meeting her. She's so sweet and easy going. She's just adorable.

And she's wacky! Haha.

And my other girl, Mariyah.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Raya Raya Raya.

Everyone's still in raya mood, everywhere, anywhere and guess what, no one's left at my work place because I reckon that they might be still doing rendang at home. Oh lucky them. And so do on Facebook and Twitter as they kept updating each photo and status about raya, TV programmes oh so tempting. I HATE THAT I HAVE TO GO TO WORK!

But the raya celebration must always go on!

I got the chance to spent some precious times with my family on Independence Day's night and everyone's eating like there's no more tomorrow. Urghh. They killed the chickens.

This one was at Kelantan, a day before I left to KL because I had to go to work on forth raya. They said, " Only crazy people will work on raya". See, everybody's so mean.

Daddy and his little girl. Oh I feel young.

My dad with my lil sister. I asked my dad about his whiten beard, I wonder why his hair's still remains black while the other part was not. Please hair, don't inherit that on me. Hehe.

But hoping that wearing a big shade like this, might help..

Well, I was having a great weekend with Ameerul and some of his wacky friends, spending some times going from one to another one house to collect more duit raya. Hehe.

No seatbelt at all. Failed! But the smile helped. I got you baby. :)

At Zara's house.

In front of Hasnan's house. Ohhh, Hasnan's mom's rendang was so delicious. I'll invite you guys there next year, promise! Hehe.

At Alif Haikal's house.

Anddd we're going for more that 3 houses afterwards. You should see how Ameerul tried to cover his bigger tummy with his sampin. So weird. Hahaha.

I swear, knowing and trying to accept Ameerul's friends to be my friends is like something that I don't really have to think twice to do. Haha because their wackiness will scare you. They were beyond awesome, I swear. You'll laugh all day long with just only their jokes. No wonder that Ameerul will always leave me just to be with them. I'm giving you guys a compliment that surely need to be paid back with duit raya. TAKE NOTE! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Broga Hill

So, I've told in the previous entry that we, I mean my friends and I were planning to go hiking at Broga Hill.

Ameerul wanted us to go early so we managed to see the sunrise. Oh myyy, so sweet of you boyfriend. And what's not so sweet was, I had to wake up early. I mean it, like we were departed from house at 4 am.

But he's cool, he still managed to smile even he was having such long day and just having 2 to 3 hours of sleeping throughout the day. Good boy!

The 4 of us. From left, Syafiq the talkative-cool one, Qissy the small one, Ameerul the messy-caring-sweet-boyfriend and Ermin, a new friendly buddy of mine.

Taking picture while enjoying such beautiful sunrise coming up from the skyline. So beautiful.

The bodyguards.

They're mean, they're making fun of my height. This was my first time meeting up with Ermin (the man with a cap). We knew each other via Ameerul. So we're like making friends through Facebook and I realized how funny and cool he was in person outside. Hi buddy!

Oh, next. Skip this. Hehe.

Boy will always be boy, whenever, wherever you are.

See, this guy was making such annoying face when he had to carry my bag. Haha. You cute man.

I wanna go there again, it was such a peaceful place to go to and I wish I was having a home up there so whenever I feel so tired after coming back from work, at least I have such peaceful, breezy place to rest myself of. Nice, isn't it?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Beyond friendship

I was having such tired days lately. Waking up early in the morning, going to work and only come back at 7 pm and rarely got the chance to update my blog. Poor me, a young-fresh working lady.

And yes, I think I have sacrificed a lot. I lacked of time for my friends. They were asking me to go out together but too bad, I just can't.

Dolls. I missed them.

I came back from work one day and signed in my FB account and have been tagged on this photo.

Hahaha, so cute. I miss them.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A year friends

Oh my, I haven't blog for so long. I missed that. Seriously, when you get older you actually have to sacrifice in almost everything. Time for friends, time for yourself, work and sometimes whatever you do, you actually have to consider everyone in your surrounding. Yes, we are not like kids anymore that crying wanting a sweet without considering anything. But still, parents give them what they want.

I'm 21, still young and I actually still learning and just started my life. I mean, I have to squeeze my brain thinking about my own future, it's complicated you see. I wonder how everyone survives their 21's well. Sigh.

And I, at 21, Alhamdulillah I finished my diploma. I'm thankful for what I've reached today. I met new people, making friends which I think is what I love and appreciate the most.

And last week, I officially had finished my a year of internship at Hospital USM. I mean like, I felt so sad to leave them. They were very nice to me. I learned a lot, it was fun you see when you've been surrounded by the bunch of great people in your field.

What I love the most is, I find friendship is like an oxygen to me.

This is 9 of us. Frankly speaking, we didn't actually talked to each other before. I'd never talked to Wahida even though we were in the same batch like we were sitting at the same lecture halls, listening to the same lecturer but seriously, we didn't even looked at each other.

Haha, it's funny how when we first met and we didn't knew how to address each other. Awkward, you see!

But yes, after being attached together, we were close like we holding hands to cafeteria. So girly.

Thanks for everything, friends. A year of everything that taught me to be a better motivational person. Love much!

Monday, May 23, 2011

UiTM dihatiku

God, I'm having a post-reunion fever. I got to sleep every night thinking about them. Waking up every morning and recalled our activities first before taking bath. Truth be told, I miss them already.

On our last reunion in Penang, going back to UiTM campus was like a mandatory activity for us.

Monday morning. Started the day by having breakfast together while playing game. Then got boo-ed by others for the game over.

This is Rab, my ex classmates slash ex housemates slash my-always-good listener.

Andd so UiTM-lover. Hehe. Rab, I wish you a warm Happy 21th birthday. I love you buddy.

Everything seemed to change a lot at UiTM after a year. It now has a new big hall, 3 new hostels and a new big library. I felt kinda dissapointed for not be able to get inside each of those new buildings. Because they were so cool with purple and yellow paint combination colour. Haha. Bad taste all the way.

We've got a chance to meet our coolest lecturer, Mr Ezani. And he's changed a lot too. Much less having the same changes proportionally with UiTM buildings. Hehe.

See, Mr Ezani is now a skinnier-tall-handsome guy. And he will pursue a PhD at New Zealand. A complete package man, but yes, he's obviously taken.

So this is Laman Perdana of UiTM Pinang Pinang. A centre place of everything, including eye-ing handsome Mechy's students. LOL. I'm kidding.

Thanks buddies, I'm so thankful to Allah for letting me know such great friends like you guys. My teenange life would never be this awesome. Thank you. :)