Saturday, May 26, 2012

Our Growing Family

I was just looking over pictures since this past Thanksgiving and it is just crazy how much Breckyn has changed.  She is turning into a big girl.  It is a little sad for us to see that but it is fun too.
Breckyn is going to be a big sister in October and I am sure she is going to be the best big sister.  We find out next week if it is a brother or sister.  Breckyn goes back and forth when we ask her if it is a boy or a girl.  I am sure she will be excited either way.  We are super excited for this new baby and can't wait for our sweet Breckyn to have a little buddy.

Here are a few pictures from the year and how stinking cute Breckyn is. . .

Breckyn at Thanksgiving time. 

Breckyn and her buddy Chloe.  They are little princesses. 

She loves to wear mom's shirts to bed.  

Sailyr, Kacie, Skylar, and Breckyn- cousins. 

Breckyn LOVES to dress up.

Breckyn on Valentines Day.  

Dressing up....again. 

Breckyn getting ready to start her first dance competition.

She did GREAT!

Once again in her dress up clothes.

Breckyn and her buddies waiting to dance at their second dance competition. 

My sweet little dancer.  We just love her to pieces!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our little dancer

One of Breckyn's favorite things to do is to dance.  We have the cutest dance teacher in our ward and she happens to be the same dance teacher I took from when I was little.  We asked her if it was too early for Breckyn to start because she just turned 2 but she said to have her give it a try.  Today was her first day and I think it is the start of many more fun classes.  She is in love with her little dance outfit and when I got home she wanted to show me all of her dance moves.  It was so sweet.  Here is a little video or her dancing today.  It might be turned sideways but she is too cute to not put it on here anyways.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Half Marathon(s)

A little over a year ago, my sister in law had me run the Ogden Marathon 5K.  I never really ran just to run before that.  I had always played sports growing up but never really did much long distance running.  After I ran the 5K I was asked to run the Wasatch Back Ragnar.  I was not in great shape for that Ragnar and was a little embarrassed at how slow I was.  Just a little while after that my sister in law asked if I wanted to do the Las Vegas Ragnar.  I said yes and it all started there.  I actually had some time to get ready for that Ragnar and I ended up having tons of fun running it.  After that, my sister in law asked if I wanted to take her friend's spot in the Ogden Half Marathon.  I of course said yes and we started training.  We did a really good job getting ready and then the two weeks before the race I got pretty sick.  I ended up making the decision to run the race even though I hadn't been able to run and still didn't feel great. I didn't do as good as I hoped to but with how I had been feeling, I was glad I finished it.  About a month later, my sister in law asked if I wanted to do the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon with her.  I was so excited to get another chance to do better.  We didn't have much time to get ready but we still ended up doing pretty good.  I ended up taking a little over 20 minutes off of my first time.  It was a fun run and I was so happy to do better.  My sister in law, Sierra, is so nice to invite me to do all of these races with her.  We are going to be running the Vegas Ragnar again and I am so excited for it.  Thanks Sierra for pushing me and I hope we do lots more races together!  Love ya!

Just coming out of the canyon.

Almost to the finish line!

We made it!  

Breckyn likes to put these headbands on and she says, "I wanna run" because these are the headbands I use when I run.. . She is such a funny girl! 
I don't have any pictures of the Bryce Canyon race because we didn't take our camera.  I will have to steal some pictures from Sierra and post them later.

Dirty Girl

This girl likes to be dirty.  She loves to help water the flowers and usually ends up a little like this. . . okay, not really but she does usually end up pretty wet.  This day she got her crocs stuck in the mud and took a dive into the mud.

Trying to go inside to get cleaned up.

Side view.

So cute, muddy and all.

She likes to push the doorbell before she comes inside.

We love that sweet smile.


Breckyn got her very first haircut oh April 28th.  She was so cute when she got it.  She felt like a big girl.  Her Aunt Sierra did it at her house and she got to have her cute cousins there with her.  It is funny to look at these pictures now because her hair has just grown in so thick even since this first haircut.  She looks like such a big girl with her hair styled.  She is just so fun and stinkin' cute!

Before picture

Aunt Sierra is the best hair stylist!

Breckyn loves Sierra. 

First cut!

After photo of back. 

After picture.  So cute!  (She was eating lots of treats while she got her hair cut, obviously). :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

California Adventure

Brady and I had a fun trip that we were going to be going on with my bff and her husband, Brady and Laurel.  Unfortunately, the day we were supposed to leave Brady was supposed to take his boards for medical school.  He ended up not being able to take it that day and wasn't sure when he would be able to take the test again and therefore they were not able to go with us.  Brady and I contemplated what we should do and we just decided that instead of cancelling our trip all together, we would just take Breckyn and head to California.  We actually ended up finding really cheap tickets and invited our families to come too.  My mom, dad, and sister came along with Brady's mom.  It was such a fun trip and I am so glad we got to do that with Breckyn.  Although Brady and I were looking forward to a fun vacation with our friends, it all turned out good for us (we missed you Brady and Laurel) and Breckyn had the time of her life.  She was only 18 months at the time and we didn't know if she would really like Disneyland.  She ended up loving it.  After we went the first day, all she could say was "I wanna ride".  It was so funny.  She had so much fun on all of the rides and after our family got there with us we were all able to go on some fun rides ourselves.  While we were in California we were also able to go down to the San Diego Zoo, Six Flags (which I don't recommend), and also to the beach.  It was so fun and now we just want to take Breckyn back again.  The only crappy part of our trip was the flight home.  We ended up having to wait in the airport for like 4-5 hours.  It ended up being okay but we didn't get home until after midnight.  Breckyn is now starting to watch more of the Disney movies so I am sure next time we go there she is going to love it even more.  Just to watch Breckyn's face made it so magical.  It is so fun to be able to start making fun family memories with that sweet girl.

Our first day at Disneyland.

She was SO happy after her first day at Disneyland.

Our second day at Disneyland with the rest of our family there this time. 

Breckyn on the tea cups.

Its A Small World with Grandma Patti.

We all went on A Bugs Life coaster with B Loo.

Breckyn loves her Aunt "Da-ee".

Our family at California Adventures.

Grandma Patti with us at California Adventure Park.

My family at California Adventure Park.

This is as close as we got to getting a picture in front of the castle. 

Our family that came with us on the trip.  We love you guys!  

Another attempt at getting a picture in front of the castle. The camera wouldn't cooperate. :)

Breckyn at the Zoo running away from Taz.

Mom, Breckyn, Karlee at the Zoo.

My favorite animal.

Breckyn and Aunt Karlee played on the playground.

Breckyn LOVES to go down slides. 

Petting zoo.

Beautiful San Diego temple.

Breckyn was all ready to go swimming.

Such a cute dad.  

Grandma Brenda loves to collect sea shells.

Breckyn and mom in the freezing water.

She loves the sand.

We started to walk on the pier but got a little worried with Breckyn because she is a maniac and RUNS everywhere!  We ended up turning around and letting everyone else go on the pier.

Saying goodbye to her grandmas.

Such a good kisser.

Breckyn loves her grandpa.