"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'" ~ C. S. Lewis
Showing posts with label The Doctor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Doctor. Show all posts

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Doctor Who?

I grew up watching sci-fi and fantasy. I practically lived with the Star Trek crews - from the original to NG to DS9 to (my personal favorite) Voyager. (we weren't a big fan of Enterprise)

Watched all 3 Star Wars videos until they were warbly (in ye olde dark ages with VHS) and loved movies like Flight of the Navigator, StarGate, and Tron.

We (well, my Mom, Dad, Naomi and I) like to latch onto a tv show and watch it from start to finish on DVD. We recently worked through StarGate SG1, and then StarGate Atlantis.

Then Naomi and I made Mom and Dad watch Firefly (*sigh* Nathan Filion).

Mom, Dad, and I are currently on the 5th and final season of Babylon 5 and Naomi and Mom have been watching Farscape online. But the four of us have now embarked on a journey with the last time lord.

Mom and Dad watched Doctor Who long before the reboot, and I know I saw a few episodes here and there, but it was never something I really latched on to. Then Naomi borrowed season 4 of the new series from the library (it was the only one in our library system) and started watching it with Mom and Dad. I jumped in about half way through and crammed to watch what I had missed before we had to return it. We loved it.

I found season 1 and 2 for a great bundle price and we started from the beginning. Having seen David Tennant as Doctor Who in Season 4, I wasn't sure what to think of Christopher Eccleston in Season 1, but he was fantastic. However, as they say, your first doctor tends to be your favorite. I was actually really sad to see Eccleston go, but Tennant is something really special.

Season 1 was fun, Season 2 had some spectacular episodes (one of my favorite is "The Girl in the Fireplace" - Brilliant!), but Season 3 shows a depth of emotion in the doctor that is absolutely phenomenal as well as just fantastically ... yes, I have to say it again, brilliant episodes! David Tennant emotes such passion and pathos carrying the memory of the events of the season 2 finale and season 3 premier all the way into the finale of season 3. I won't say what the event was for those of you that haven't seen it. I'm very anti-spoilery. But the episodes of season 3 have a richness and a depth that is overpowering.

"The Shakespeare Code" was so much fun. "Family of Blood" really stretched my view of what the Doctor really is and if "Blink" doesn't give you nightmares, well then you're stronger than I am.

I'm really excited to rewatch Season 4 with the history of seasons 1-3 behind me and I really would like to start back at the beginning again, because I have a feeling it will be even better and richer the second time.

So there's my plug for Doctor Who. Brilliant writing and acting. What more could you ask for?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

In Honor of Singleness Awareness Day

Every year on this day I play the "try-to-be-happy-and-remember-that-I-am-not-less-of-a-person-because-I-do-not-have-a-man-in-my-life-but-I-still-really-wish-that-I-had-somebody-to-give-me-flowers-and-chocolate-and-giant-stuffed-animals" game.

Yes, I love my life. Yes, I am happy and content with the progress I am making as an individual. Yes, I realize that there are things I can do now that wouldn't be as possible if I were attached to someone. But yes, I still wish that God would hurry up and bring that special person into my life.

So in honor of defying any pity parties, as well as rejoicing in the things I can do since I am single, I shall put together my list of... ::insert trumpet fanfare here::


In no particular order we begin.....
(half of these are going to be Lost related, because, well... because that's kind of what's on my mind right now :)

1. Benjamin Linus:
Yes, I get delicious chills whenever he comes on screen. And there is a heart in there. See the latest Benry Knows Best and try not to get a little teary eyed.

2. Timothy McGee: Seriously. How flippin' cute is he!

3. The Doctor from Star Trek: Voyager. Gah! I cannot find a good picture of him though. It is truly driving me crazy. Here's an okay shot, but it doesn't quite work.

4. Sawyer Ford (not James btw): Yes, I know I am not alone in this, but seriously, the thing that totally gets me is the way he's such a bookworm. Totally adorable. (Unfortunately I couldn't find a good shot of him reading and I am too lazy to go dig out my DVDs right now.)

5. Ronon Dex: I kind of owe this one to my sister :) For those of you who don't know, he's from StarGate Atlantis and I LOVE his character arc so much. (We are watching them on DVD and just about finishing S4)

6. Richard Alpert: Eternal life, silky long eyelashes, perpetually good dresser... what's NOT to love ;)

7. Dr. Horrible: I'd rule the world with him :)

8. Dr. Cox: Okay, I'm finding this one a little weird myself, but it doesn't make it not true.

9. Ethan Rom/Goodspeed: I realize I am very much in the minority on this one, but (to quote myself) while everyone else is screaming EVIL DEMON! I'm like, you can kidnap me in the jungle any day ;) And again, I couldn't find the picture I wanted. I really wanted one from the most recent episode, but couldn't get it. :(

And as a bonus... (and now we're heading into deep dark secret territory...

10. This was my very first "tv crush". I think I was fourteen and I had a major thing for Wesley Crusher :P

(Thank you to Joan Crawford for coining the usage of the word palatable and thank you to all of the lovely ladies over at Nik at Nite for encouraging me to embrace my inner weirdo and admit to the creepy/strange/odd/etc. people I find palatable.)