Showing posts with label Graffiti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graffiti. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

No through road

This is an interesting take on graffiti on road signs.  I've posted some Parisian road sign graffiti before, but this is a new one on me.  No through road for mythical characters here!

No through road for mythical saviours, Jesus, crucified, graffiti, Paris
No through road for mythical saviours
Its interesting though.  When I see people wearing a cross around their necks I usually find myself wanting to ask what the T stands for.

Now I know!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

More Parisian Graffiti

I have often featured interesting graffiti on Something Surprising.  Near the Pompidou Centre in Paris is this amazing face painted on a wall.  Is it graffiti or, given its location, art?

Graffiti or art - near the Pompidou Centre in Paris
Graffiti or art - near the Pompidou Centre in Paris

My feeling is that it is too good to be considered as modern art of the type favoured for modern art galleries.

I'll settle for calling it good graffiti.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Inverse topiary

Cruising down the River Thames, near Reading, I found that the graffiti artists have an unusual technique.  They cut away the ivy on a railway embankment wall to leave their friendly message.

Topiary as graffiti
Topiary as graffiti

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Another well-defaced road-sign

It seems to be a tradition to deface No Entry signs in Europe's cities.  Does it happen in other parts of the world?  Paris seems to be the capital of this type of graffiti.

Parisienne graffiti - no entry.
Parisienne graffiti - no entry.

Very tastefully executed!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Sunday, 13 January 2013

No large dogs

Just a bit of canal-side graffiti today.

Graffiti - no large dogs!
Graffiti - no large dogs!

Someone has added a funny caption.  It made me smile, at least

Small note:  Photo taken at Hungerford, Berkshire. And I did see a dog almost as large as that today!