Viser innlegg med etiketten Røros. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Røros. Vis alle innlegg

tirsdag, september 27, 2011


This is one of the original placemats from some years back - seems I got the new ones in the past post pretty much the same.

Last picking of Chanterelles? Some of them was broke due to frost so I guess the season is over.

Did sone quilting on a charityquilt for a friend of mine.

And some puzzeling on one of my own charity-quilts.

lørdag, august 06, 2011

Visiting Røros and Tynset

We also had to take a trip to the old mining-town Røros.

The church had a big renovation last year - guess I will have to take a look insides soon.

And we also visited a pottery - lots of potteries,

glass-making and other crafts to see in Røros.

The way back we drove over the mountain to se two of the old mines

The surroundings are so destroyed by the mining.

And the day after we visited Tynset, they just got a new SPARK (snow-sleigh) since they wants to have the biggest one. Last one can be seen here: