Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2011


Much better!  Thank you all for you kind comments and get well wishes...I'm feeling back to normal today :)

Got the socks for Youngest done.  I swear I'm not playing favorites, he's the only one of the Kiddos who wears handknit socks daily.  The other two only wear them occasionally (not sure what the occasion has to be, but...)  And, since his socks are the same size as mine...I figure next winter they'll be in my drawer, lol! 

60st basic stockinette socks
Zwerger Garn Opal Zirkus/Circus
(gifted to me by Margaret clear back in 2008!)
2.5mm dpns

Because I finished those socks, I was able to cast on some new ones (for me of course!)  And these just seem to be zipping along (but maybe that's because I'm no longer in an achy, hazy fog.)


I saw these in the store this week and couldn't help myself.  I just got done telling Hubby last week that I am a total sucker for stuff with retro/vintage packaging :)

And finally, thank you everyone for leaving a comment on my giveaway post, I really wish I could send you each a little something.  Drumroll please!  The Random Number Generator picked #42:

Tea at Weasel's said...
Hi there! What a gorgeous blog you have here. Thank you for the kind comment you left on my post today :)
I would love to enter your givaway if you don't mind? The little jumper is just too cute!!
My email address is

Hope you are having a fab weekend,
Louise xx

Thank you everyone for stopping by my neck of the woods...your visits brighten my day!  Happy Friday!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Hello Dear Friends!
It's that time of year...
Time to say a big Thank-You for visiting me here...
Time to share a bit of Christmas Cheer...
Time for my annual Final Giveaway!!!

I have a lot of fun deciding on the ornament each year.
And this year it's one of the little sweater ornies :)
I LOVE this sequined yarn...
isn't it festive?

And of course,
there has to be other goodies too!
A handknit cotton dishcloth to help clean up after all the baking.
Two darling little melamine plates for your Christmas treats.
Handy little spools of colorful thread.
And some cute patterned cardboard bobbins.
(Not only useful for embroidery floss,
but they'd be awfully cute with a few yards of yarn wrapped around for repairs to include with handknitted gifts.)

So here's the drill:
Leave a comment on
This Post Only
please Include Your Email Address
if it isn't attached to your name.
A winner will be randomly drawn on
Friday, Dec 9th.
This is open to everyone!

Good Luck!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Hello Dear Friends.  As we can see, I'm lacking for a clever title (as usual.)  I'm stating the obvious...I have stuff to share.

The other gift shawls arrived in time for a couple of special birthdays and I'm happy to say that both recipients were surprised and pleased :)

These two shawls have now arrived at their respective homes.  Gifts that were "just because".  No special reason except that they are both treasured friends (who happen to share my love for red!)

Ventura Wrap by Rebecca Hill
freebie found here
needles:  sz 11
yarn:  Country by Caron, Claret
1.5 skeins each

And I know I'm a few days late, but the winner of the Leafy Washcloths is~~Barbara at Mainely Stitching!  Congrats Barbara (email coming) and thank you everyone for visiting!

It's Friday...Have a Great One!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Leafy Giveaway!

I said they were fun.
And fast.
And that there'd be more.

Wouldn't you enjoy using these leafy

Leave a comment on this post only.
Please include your email address if it isn't attached to your name.
A winner will be randomly drawn on Wed, June 15th :)
Good Luck!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Day Late...

Because I missed my self-imposed deadline of getting my second skirt finished on Sunday so that I could blog about both finishes yesterday today. 

I never thought in a million years that I would knit skirts.  But here I am with two off the needles in less than 2 weeks!  I think I'm obsessed...I've started a third one (that's the reason for the self-imposed deadline, yarn for skirt #3 arrived in Sat's mail.)  I've been scouring my books and magazines and all over Ravelry and the 'net for patterns.  I've been through my stash for suitable yarn to pair with patterns that are lining up.  I've already got another yarn order ready to go, lol :)

Skirt knitting is F-U-N!!!  They are sooo comfy!  They can be dressed up and down.  And most of them are very forgiving in the shape department :)

Chantelle by Shirley MacNulty
Knit 'n Style, April 2011
size:  x-small
yarn:  Patons Classic Wool
color:  Currant
3 skeins:  223yds/100g each
needles:  size 7, 24 inch circular

Olive Heather Skirt
Knitting 24/7 by Veronik Avery
size: small
yarn:  3 skeins misc worsted weight wool
needles:  size 7, 24 inch circular

Ok, so I know that what you're really here for is to find out who won my blogiversary giveaway......Congratulations Paisley!  Thank you everyone for visiting and commenting, I really appreciate the time you take to stop by :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It's my 3rd Blogiversary!
And that means...
it's time for a giveaway!!!

A pincushion, a floss tag and 360 DMC colors...

Leave a comment on This Post Only.
Please include your email address :)
This is open to everyone.
A winner will be randomly drawn Monday, March 7th.
Good Luck!!!

Thank You everyone for making this blogging thing so much fun!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm in love!

With this shawl!
Or shawlette.
The knitting was addictive.
And it's an absolute joy to wear!

I can see endless color combinations.
The small size takes so little yarn that it's perfect for using up those odds and ends and stray skeins in your stash!

So versatile and gorgeous!
Dress it up or down.

You've gotta knit this :)

Andrea's Shawl by
size: S
yarn:  leftover Cascade 220 (I'm pretty sure, but the labels were missing)
~used approx 116g grey and 30g natural~
needles:  size 7 32" circular (sz 7 straights for edging)

*note*  there are a couple typos/errors in the written border directions,
the charted border directions are error-free

The winner of the snowman chart is Sadie!  Thank you everyone for your enthusiastic comments on my ornaments...they sure add to my motivation!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jan Ornies

When it came time to put up our tree this past Christmas, I was rather disappointed with myself that I hadn't made any new ornaments...we didn't even have one of my felted heart ornies.  This year, I'm doing an ornament-a-month SAL with Valerie, Lois and Carol.  And I'm putting a little twist on mine.  I have several stitched ornies in my needs-finishing drawer, so in addition to stitching an ornie a month, I'm also going to finish one oldie a month too.

This month's ornament is a kit I've had a long time.  And to be perfectly honest, I hated every stitch.  I've never stitched with pearl cotton over 2 on 18ct linen, and I didn't like it.  It's a darn good thing that snowman's so cute...

Bent Creek Zippies:  Snowman
linen, pearl cotton and button incl in kit

This month's oldie-from-the-drawer was stitched for me by my dear, sweet friend Jody.
Thanks Jody, I'll finally enjoy looking at it on my tree!

So now I'm going to sneak in a little giveaway.
(I love doing that at the end of post!)

If you'd like the Snowman Chart,
leave a comment on this post only.
Be sure to include your email address if it isn't attached to your name.
I'll draw a name on Sunday (Jan 9th.)
Good Luck
and Thanks for Stopping By!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ornaments and a Winner!

Hello, Hello!  The R#G picked Faye/Carolina Stitcher as the winner of my final giveaway for 2010!  Congrats Faye and thank you everyone for visiting me and commenting...I wish I could send each of you a heart!

And lo and behold, we have some stitching content today...and will wonders never cease, they are actual Finishes!  I better come clean because if you look closely enough, there's a little "09" in the corners.  That doesn't seem so bad, except that they were stitched in JANUARY of '09, like, 23 months ago.  Pitiful.  But part of the reason they sat in the drawer so long is that I didn't leave quite enough fabric border around (you can tell in the pic here.)  And I've been in a quandry ever since about the best way to finish~finish them.

I've been wanting to copy Lynn B's felt ornament finish for a long time, and it turned out to be a perfect solution to my 'not-enough-border' problem :)  The kiddos' 2009 ornaments are finally hanging on our 2010 tree.

Quaker Scissors Pinkeep by
With My Needle
JCS Ornaments 2006
fabric:  32ct cream belfast linen
fibers:  DMC 115
kiddos' first name initial in Carrie's Creation Gator Green

Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods and for your sweet comments.  I'll be back soon to show you some really lovely birthday gifts I've received and to show you more finishes (of the knitty kind.)  Have a Happy Holiday Weekend!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's Time...

For my final giveaway of the year!
It's become a sort of tradition for me. 
There was one my first year of blogging in 2008 and last year's was a little late but it still happened.
So here's this year's giveaway:

One of my handknit and felted heart ornaments,
rusty bells and safety pins I made this past fall,
and an assortment of red ribbons :)

All you have to do is leave a comment on
This Post Only,
Please Include Your Email Address.
That's it.
This Giveaway is open to EVERYONE!
A winner will be randomly drawn on Thursday, December 9th.

Sending you all a little Christmas Cheer!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

What's colorful and covered in spots?

A GIVEAWAY (of course!) 

A perfect way to celebrate the first day of summer and that I now have over 400 followers!!!, that's quite astounding.  It makes me feel awfully humble just thinking that anyone would be the least bit interested in what I'm up to. 

It makes me wish I were more creative.  It makes me wish I took better pictures.  It makes me wish I knew how to sew and paint.  It makes me wish I liked baking and gardening.  It makes me wish my house looked like a layout in Country Living.  LOL :) 

BUT, it warms my heart and puts a smile on my face and makes me feel ever-so-grateful that you come to visit me anyway :)

I've found myself craving bright stripey, dotty things lately.  And unable to resist adding a few new (and recycled) items into my decor and daily usage.  I've collected a few cheery items to share, because you might have a craving like mine :)  If you do, please leave a comment On This Post Only (and Please Include Your Email.)  This giveaway is open to everyone.  You don't have to be a follower of my blog and you don't have to post this on your own (BUT, if you want to, Please Do!) 

A winner will be randomly chosen on Wednesday, June 30th. 

Best of Luck to Each of You!!! 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Feelin' Stripey

Hello All!  Thank you to all of you prospective ribbon-adopters!!!  Congrats to Blu~~will be emailing you shortly :)  And a Great Big Thank You sweet blogging friends who've bestowed awards on me, I appreciate your thoughtfulness :)

I've been knitting~~of course!  Socks~~naturally!  I finished a "plain" pair of mis-matched stripey ones...

56 stitch basic stockinette sock
size:  women's sm/med
yarn:  Sassy Stripes by Cascade Yarns,
color # 765
2 skeins:  50g/200m
needles:  size 2 dpn's

I finished a pair of anklets today, but no pic yet because it's snowing (again!)  I'll take one when there's better lighting :)  But I do have a photo of another stripey sock in progress.  I'm completely copying this one.  Noro yarn, 5 row stripes, one ball~~knit alternating with one end from inside and one end from outside of ball...

I've been getting lots of sock-knitting questions...and I've found some sites that you might find helpful:
Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods and for all your wonderful comments!  Happy Knitting :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

It's a new week,

and I'm still behind with my blogging! Both posting and visiting. I hope to get back on track with my reading and commenting, it's so easy to get way behind with it!

Thank you everyone for your blogiversary wishes :) And straight from winner is, Annemarie! Congratulations!

I received my Whitman's Tin from Becky. It really took my breath away when I unwrapped it. It's just so pretty! The pattern is lovely, the colors divine, and the stitching and finishing are absolute perfection! Thank you sooo much Becky, I absolutely adore it!!!

Doesn't it look perfect on my bedside table???

You know those mittens that were the hottest item at the Vancouver Olympics??? My sis has an extra pair and I've put them on my de-stash blog. These are brand new with tags so be sure to check 'em out!

WendyJo and I had a great time last week! She is such a sweetie. I took my camera, but didn't take a single pic. We're going to meet again tomorrow, one last time before she heads home. Maybe I'll remember some pics, lol ;)

Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods and for all your great comments. I hope your week is off to a great start!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Hello dear friends! Today is my 2nd Blogiversary...I can't believe it! It's been an amazing two years of meeting, sharing and creating...sometimes from me to you, but more often I'm the lucky recipient. As a little thank you, I've put together some bits and bobs that I think any stitcher will find useful...

Please note, the altoids tins are empty :) To enter your name in the drawing, all you have to do is comment on THIS POST ONLY and PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS! this drawing is open to everyone. A winner will be randomly drawn first thing Monday, March 8th.

Today I am meeting Wendy Jo! My very first meet up with a fellow blogger :) It didn't dawn on me when we decided to meet today that it was my blogiversary...and I can't think of a better way to celebrate!

Have a wonderful day everyone and thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods! Sending you all some Colorado Sun!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome 2010!

I really love the week between Christmas and New Year's. I can actually feel the dust settle. The hustle and bustle of the holidays over and the year winding down. We are usually committment-free, so it's a relaxing time for us. A time to just be...nowhere to go, nothing to do, nothing too pressing. A much needed interlude to refuel our energies for the new year.

I spent some happy hours stitching this, this past week. Although there is anything but immense quiet around here with the kiddos running around. This quote makes me content to be in my warm home while the air is frosty out and the evening is dark. It makes me think of beautiful and peaceful snow, and how it muffles all noise.

Winter Cabin (portion)

The Cricket Collectin #149

fabric: 28ct "staci-dyed" evenweave

fibers: recommended DMC

Summing up my crafty accomplishments for 2009: I had 52 cross stitch finishes, 60 knitting finishes, 3 embroidery finishes, and 1 crochet finish. HAPPY!!! Thank you to each and every one of you who stop by my little bit of cyberspace...without your inspiration and encouragement, I would never get anything done.

Thank you everyone for your incredible response to my giveaway! I wish I could send you each something. These giveaways are so much fun for me, and I find new-to-me blogs to visit with each one. So stay tuned for more in the coming year. Without further ado: Congrats Cathy B/With Needle and Thread! You've won my final giveaway for 2009!

Happy New Year everyone, hope yours is a good one!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Final Giveaway for 2009

I planned to do my final giveaway of the year earlier this month. But with my computer issues, everything got a little sidetracked. But no matter. I've got it all packaged and it's sitting here, waiting to be shipped off to it's new home. Are you interested? Here's a little rundown of what's in the package...

An ornament for next year's tree...

5 little vintage-looking gift cards by Moda...

Some homespun fabrics in 1/4 yard cuts and red and cream czech glass seed beads...

And a pair of really sharp, pointy scissors...

So if you don't mind that the ornament is dated 2009 and that you're getting it after Christmas. Actually, if you don't mind that you'll be getting it after New Year's. This giveaway is open to everyone, no exclusions! Just leave a comment on this post only. Please include your email address. I'll use the Random Number Generator to pick a winner on New Year's Day.

Good Luck. And as always, thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods, I sure appreciate your visits!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Green or Gray

I had so much fun with the brown lace scarf from my previous post, that I couldn't help myself and did two more...

edging pattern from the Cottage Lace Cardigan
Interweave Knits Weekend special issue mag, 2009
Yarn: Wool-Ease Chunky by Lion Brand Yarn, color Medium Grass Green
Needles: size 15

edging pattern from the Cottage Lace Cardigan
Interweave Knits Weekend special issue mag, 2009
Yarn: Wool-Ease Chunky by Lion Brand Yarn, color Charcoal
Needles: size 15

Now to answer a few questions :)

1) Jolene asked if this pattern was suitable for a beginner. I think it is because the lace patterning is only on the wrong side rows (all right side rows are knit.) You only need to know how to yarn-over and there are 3 different decrease stitches (all of which are very easy and explained.) The pic above shows how I keep track of where I am with the pattern.

2) Jen asked about the scissors in my post from Sept 24, 2008. I bought them on ebay and the seller is: rosa0537. I have no idea if they're still available, I hope they are!

And finally, if you stayed through this post to the end. I'm sneaking in a little giveaway to thank you for all the scarf love :) Just leave a comment on this post only (include your email address please!) The winner gets their choice of either the Green OR Gray Scarf!!! A winner will be randomly chosen on Friday, October 2nd. Good luck and thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods!!!