Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Meet the Peepers

It's been awhile .......
But it's time you got caught up on...............
A lot of changes this year....
Pretty much a whole new crew this year.
It seems the other chickens went on strike for more pay (worms) and
when we didn't meet their terms they all walked off the set
(or died and was eaten by a raccoon or something).
Yes, they will be missed but I have learned that is the
way with chickens.
I had them for 4 years and they were happy, free ranging chickens.
This episode I want to introduce you to the peepers.
None of my hens have ever had babies before!
They are the cutest!!
But I was a hot mess.  I flew to my computer and searched for how to
care for baby chicks.
Oh my!  You should separate them from the flock because the other
chickens will peck them to death.
They need to be in a clean environment and kept warm
and bedding changed every day.
Watch for pasty butt and scaly mites and make sure you worm them.
I am not ready for this!!
All I have ready is little tutus for them to wear!!
I decided to do the best I could and let their mommy take care of them..:)
My son and I found some wasp larvae and gave it to them and they loved it!!

They are just the cutest and mom takes great care of them.

Hahahahaha! Wake up!!  Just in case y'all were going to sleep on me!!
The sad thing is that I know these people....they come visit us at the camp
every hunting season.  I try not to stand too close to
Just saying....
Back to the peepers....
 Here is a cute video for you.

You can see why I call them little peepers...:)
Please ignore the high pitched shrill of a Southern redneck chicken mama...;)
I'm sorry I have been so absent from my blog.  I am hoping
to start blogging more often.
Thanks for hanging in there with me.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Yin/Yang of a Perfect Life

Beautiful Spring is here!!
You know I am loving my beautiful cherry tree!
And all of the blooming flowers!
But I decided this time to interject what's not perfect here also
in case you thought things were not "Lisa"
and then my dog Breesy comes up.....
What in the world!!!!
Has she been cleaning chimneys????  Working in a coal mine?????
Who knows!!!!!
What a glorious morning!!
But instead of enjoying this glorious morning I am on a turkey hunt.
Lol.....oh you don't hunt this way????
When you hunt you have to have the 3 B's
No.......not bullets, boots and box call.......silly
Biscuits, books and blanket....:)
Home sweet home....
And home sweet home is where I should stay because........
I decide to take my very overweight out of shape body to the gym.
First time in years and years!!
I'm walking at a pretty good pace (for me) and I could tell it was
all kind of wobbly.
My back and hip fat was out of sync with my walking pace and
right in the middle of my brisk walk the treadmill just shuts down!
And starts blinking in big bright letters
Well I didn't know if it was concerned about my safety or its safety but
nevertheless I just picked my dignity off the floor
and got out of there as fast as my hips would wobble.
So there it is folks......
a perfect/not perfect life.......
and I'm grateful for all of it!!
So smile........:)
and look at this beautiful treeeeeeeee!!
(with a powerline)
Such is life.....embrace it all!

 sharing with:

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Puppies go to Redneck Island

Hubby and I decided to go to Redneck Island and take the new puppies.
Breesy was really excited!
I overheard her saying
 "it's about time someone took me out!  I had 14 puppies
and I deserve a break! Where's the daddy?  Who knows!!  Don't have any help...
I do all the cleaning AND the disciplining. I was told he stays out all night howling
at the moon. 
 Let's go you can't take Lisa's shoe with you.
Big Brown!  Leave the cat alone!  I said come!
Little Buck....tsk tsk.....bless your heart.....mama needs to feed you more.  Don't fret won't always be the runt.
We are going on a trip to the most fun place.....we can run and play to our hearts content.
Now load up like big boys and be on your best behavior."

 Now follow meeeeeeeee!!!!

Run babies run!!!
(and hopefully y'all will sleep all night)

What a great day it was!


Sunday, January 31, 2016

What's New in 2016

First up hello!!!
I have missed y'all!
Did I tell you my sweet husband got me some more chickens for Christmas?
This camouflaged beauty came to me named Rosie but I may have to rename her.
This beauty I have named Adele.
I think it suits her....:)
And then some friends surprised me with this guy!!!
A frizzle!!!
I did not need another rooster but who could turn him away?!
Russell Crow is not happy about it!
I thought and thought about a name for the new rooster.
I knew he reminded me of someone...............................................Marty Stuart!!!
And the best part of new hens..........
beautiful eggs!!! And some of them blue!
And of course the puppies, the puppies, the puppies!!
14 puppies will keep you very busy!!
I received a phone call from a photographer who wanted to take photos of
my sweet little bunch.
Our first road trip.....
Even though they peed all over her studio and tore down all of her backdrops
and tried to wrestle the camera strap out of her hands she took some incredible photos.
My heart is breaking a little today because 6 of my babies went to their forever home this weekend.
But I'll always have these photos and I'm so grateful.
But all in all life is as usual for "Lisa"...:)
My sons are good, work is busy, hubby is still putting up with me
and God is in control.
I hope each of you have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Once Upon A Time....

there was a magical kingdom with a grumpy
prince and a beautiful, slightly overweight princess.
One day the grumpy Prince declared "there will be no
more chickens in the kingdom!"

The Princess huffed and she puffed and she thought about

lowering her long beautiful hair out the window and leaving but
she forgot that she doesn't look good in long hair and she has short hair now so she just stormed out the front door. 
Then she thought about an evil plan of poisoning apples but she
had already used them all making yummy caramel apples.
She just knew evil stepsisters would know what to do but she doesn't have any so she went to her friends Sleepy, Dopey, and Doc  and got advice.

Sleepy said "push him off a wall and let him have a great fall!"

and Dopey said "I know a beanstalk in the woods and if he climbs it we could cut it down" and Doc said "just move...I know a beautiful house made out of candy."


Well the house made of candy was sorely tempting to the Princess but she loved the grumpy Prince.
So she just fell into a deep deep sleep each night and took the vow of silence during the day until the Prince slayed the dragon of grumpiness, kissed the Princess and granted her all of her wishes.


Many chickens will be added to the kingdom

and they lived happily

ever after.........

The End
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Monday, June 29, 2015

Chicken Thighs

the country life...

It makes some great scenery for my walk today.
Yes, I said my walk today.
I'm starting the healthy lifestyle....................................................................again.
I meal prepped yesterday.
I know....I've heard it all before....yada yada yada.
But I'm no quitter!........................well.....I am...I've quit 5,699 times
but I get back up and try again 5,700 times...:)
Oh my poor husband has heard it all.
The planning, the prepping, the books, the videos, the exercise equipment,
the excuses, the whining, the complaining, the groaning.
This morning I say "I may be a little late for work, I'm going to walk."
He says " know if you would just.."
Me: "grrrrr" (I may have growled a little) and (my evil eye starts twitching)
He tries again " I'm just saying all it takes is...."
Me:  "grrrrrr" (I pick up the knife.......(to cut grapes!)....but he doesn't know that (wink, wink).
He says "okay,  take all the time you need."
So I walked.....two miles...:)

 It was great.....and I feel so much better.
Consistency is my main problem......all you have to do is read a few months back
and you will see I've "started over" many other times.
I went to a wedding this weekend and when I opted for almost  a "muumuu" to wear
after 3 hours of trying on everything in my was a great motivator.
I think the meal prep will really help.
I caught the chickens discussing my latest fitness plan when I got back.
"Here she comes.....can you believe she is trying to lose weight again."
"If only she were a chicken......we look marvelous with fat thighs, and big breasts."
" she comes."
"BokBok ....LOOKING GOOD CHICKEN MAMA....bok....."
Lucy whispers  "Bok.....poor girl.....she looked terrible...bok..."
"tsk, tsk..........if only she were a chicken......