Showing posts with label my faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my faith. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Some of you may know that I have a separate face book page called Personal Testimony Page.
  I shared my testimony on July 2013 and was overwhelmed at the responses from my friends..
  I  was hoping others would share their testimony also.....and some of them did.
  I re-share my testimony around that time each year.
  Activity on that page is few and far between so when I saw I had a notification from that page I was
 excited to see. This is what I saw and I asked if I could share it and he said yes.
Chris Wright

 January 27 at 11:52pm.
Before I came to Christ I was a drinker and occasionally took drugs for recreation.
 I believed there was a God, but had no intention of changing my ways.
After going to Thailand and having some magic mushrooms, i had a bad trip.
 My sister had had schizophrenia, so I thought I was going to get it too.
 I returned home to Australia and felt a bit better.
However the fear returned and I couldn't get any relief.
 One day I decided to visit my Mum's church. It helped me a little.
While I was there, someone gave me a tape about Psalm 22.
It is about Jesus' sufferings on the cross.
 Apparently his mental suffering was much greater than his physical suffering.
 So from then on I felt someone could sympathize with me.
From then on I decided to read the bible and pray, and focus on Jesus' words.
 That changed me and helped me to overcome my anxiety. I'm not perfect but He loves me anyway.
I thought this was a beautiful testimony and I clicked on Chris' name to see where he is from.
Lives in Seoul, South Korea
From Melbourne, Australia
God is so good!
  I question the use of face book sometimes but the OUTREACH can be so powerful when God is
given the glory.
 I thank Chris for this touching testimony and I encourage each of you to put yourself out
there in faith and let God do the rest.
  Love and hugs to each of you
You may not think that you have anything worthwhile to say because I thought
that also.  I thought my life is way far from perfect and I shouldn't be telling anyone
else anything.  But God kept pushing and nudging me to share and guess who
got a blessing from!  So listen to HIM......He will take your words, no matter how clumsy
and shaky they seem and He will work it our for His good.
Trust and Obey!
So here is my testimony if anyone is interested and I pray I get to hear yours some day!
My Testimony
As I was reading my Bible this morning I read this verse....2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 "The coming of the lawless
one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and
wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused
to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe
the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
I grieved over this. Before I was saved, I thought, at the end times people could clearly see what was happening
and ask for forgiveness and be saved....but according to that verse that is not so. After turning away from God so
many times and refusing to love the truth God himself will send a delusion so that you will never see the truth.
I want everyone to be saved. I prayed and prayed this morning and I just kept getting the urging to give my testimony.
Which I have never done before. So dear God....please give me the words to say......amen.
When I was 13 I was saved at a revival at Springfield Methodist Protestant Church.
And then I went on with my life. I tried very hard to do "right" but failed so many times and even
forgot about any of it for months at a time. And there lies the problem. My salvation was not an "it"
was not "doing" the right was not showing up at was not giving up all of my
bad habits....but I didn't realize that. You could ask me if I was 100% positive that I was saved
and I would waiver just a little bit.
I would say "I think so but how does anyone know if they are doing everything right enough?" I would have
great time periods of being a good "Christian" or so I thought.
And time marched on...I got married....I had children.....we went to church most of the time....
Fast forward 30 years later.
I'm still up and down. I love the Lord. I think I'm safe.
Then, for some reason, I make a commitment to start reading my Bible more.
Then, I decide to turn my radio in my car to WMBV Christian Radio and listen.
I started my mornings off with a preacher on television.
And these things have dramatically changed my life.
What you surround yourself with is what comes forth in your life.
I am not putting down the Church in any way....because it and the people there are my foundation.
I would not be at this next step without them.
The more I heard and read the more I understood and wanted to know more.
I started a new relationship in my life. My relationship with Christ. Key word - relationship.
I had to put in time in this relationship......not just Sundays.
Would you wake up with your loved one and not say anything.....or even talk to them for days at a time? No!
So our relationship began. Then I started praying for wisdom and knowledge about our relationship and it
was like a light turned on after trying to read in darkness.
I started reading only Christian books to further my education on our relationship.
That was only about 7 years ago that I made this total commitment to Christ......that I said "I Do"...that I will love , honor and cherish you.
I can tell you that I am 100% sure that I am saved!! I will go to heaven and be with my Savior.......praise the Lord!
I can also tell you that I am far from perfect. I mess up.....a lot. I have terrible days but I still have my relationship
with Christ. He will not leave me. If you act ugly or have a bad day with your spouse or loved one does that mean the
relationship is over....NO! You make do love each talk to each continue
on with your relationship. That's how Christ is.......he loves to him.
We try to make this hard and it's so easy.........and it's the most wonderful thing you can ever do in your life.
It doesn't mean our lives will be perfect or not have sadness and trouble.
But it does mean that we will never have to face anything alone or be unloved.....what else could you want in life?
Please don't wait as long as I may not have that much time.
Please ask Christ to come into your life today if you don't have that relationship.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Lisa Tucker - status - In a relationship

Love to you all!!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Crooked Blessings?

She walked in the door and closed it a little harder than usual.
It was a tough day.
She grumbled......."look at this mess.
Does anyone else ever clean up around here?!"
She stomped to the kitchen and is thinking
"why do I always have to decide what to cook for supper?"
"I'm tired, we get up when it's dark....
we come home when it's dark...."
She walks into the living room and her eyes squint...
"just look at this.....why can't they fix the sign when they bump
it and make it crooked?"
And she walks toward the sign......
and her steps slow down....
and her eyes fix on the words.....
and as her hand reaches for the sign...
 she is immediately sorry for her attitude...
And she knows.......she knows.......
that her blessings aren't crooked at all.....
the sign may be.....but her blessings aren't.
You just have to "straighten" out your attitude
in order to see them.

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Struggle

How can I be 50 years old and still struggling with how and what I want my life to be?
How can I be 50 years old?
But do you struggle with that?
You I wasting my hours here on earth?
I know we have to work..(most of us)...and sleep...
 but that still leaves 6 to 8 hours more or less a day.

I find myself getting home from work and crashing on the couch

and vegging out in front of the television.

This is unacceptable but the flesh is weak.....and tired....and wants to watch The Voice.

And then I decide that I'm going to list what things need to be accomplished.

Clean house

Do laundry


Bible study


Take care of animals

Spend time with husband


Take a bath

Talk with friends

Visit parents


Write a book

Pay bills

Go to church

Eat healthy

Can this be done????????

I become overwhelmed and flop back on the couch and inhale a pop tart while my eyes glaze over

 during Project Runway.

I am not a Type A personality......I fall waaaaaay down to probably Type Zzzz....(snore)

And what about gardening and canning and putting up for the future?

And all of these things that I have mentioned are all for me.

What about what Jesus really wants us to do?

 Serve others.

How do I fit that in?

I really struggle with the balance of it all!

Do you?

I have decided that I can make some small changes throughout my day.

Some mornings I may not be able to do my Bible study but I can listen to a Christian radio station on my way to work.

I can slow down and enjoy God's wonderful creation around me as I'm traveling to and from work.

I can pray for others during my 30 minute commute.

I can be an ambassador for God at work.

I know God blessed us with this business and I fully intend to honor Him in it!

I am getting better at these things but I still struggle with balance.

I know I'm living a very selfish life but some days I can barely meet my basic needs.

It's the hours at home that is my biggest struggle.

I definitely waste some of that precious time.

I guess I'm just wondering how you all do it?

Is it a struggle?

Do you have suggestions?

I want to make changes and do more but I also know that I am miserable if I go wide open all the time.

I'm just not built that way.

How do you change your life?

Start new habits and make them stick?

I don't want the next 50 years to be wasted....

so the million dollar question is.....

how do you know what you really want and what must be done to accomplish it?


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Back In Business

Well I'm back in business!!

My boys called and one is sick and one is hungry!

God always knows what I need!
(not that I wanted one to be know what I mean)

I made homemade vegetable soup that I canned last year and fajitas with

homemade salsa!




Saturday, July 26, 2014

Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde

Well I was going to share with y'all some pretty photos of the scenery that I got to see on my way to

move college kid home (for the final time) from Tuscaloosa.

But I am in a really crappy mood today and instead of  saying beautiful things about life

and the beauty of nature this is what you get.

This is a beautiful photo of blue skies, green grass and a dead tree......yep just like life.

stupid dead tree...

Oh and here I am....dead tree and broken limb....

What is wrong with me?

I don't know.....I wasn't prepared for the emotions of  moving college kid for the last time.

And I didn't move him home... he went to live with his brother...which is right down the road so

I don't know why I'm sad about this.

I would be twice as sad if he stayed in college forever.... so what do I want?

I don't like change.

Are you like that?

Any big change just shakes me up.

And change is ALL that we have had lately.

(it's a good thing you don't have sound or you would here a woman blowing her horn at me
because I was drifting into her lane while taking this photo.......I know.....shame on me.)

But I was desperate to get this photo for the LAST time.....which is so's not like I'm never

going to Tuscaloosa again!

What is wrong with me?

This is what you want for your children.

To grow up and be normal, healthy adults that can thrive on their own.

But part of me is thinking  "they are growing up and thriving on their own!!!

(thriving may be stretching kid still needs a job...Masters Degree in Sports Management in case you have connections with a college or Pro team that needs to hire someone..:)

Why are my insides churning and my heart aching?

And so I load these beautiful images and I think...

Beautiful fences..............stupid garbage can.

I apologize for this mood.

Wouldn't it have been nice to tranquilly enjoy these photos without a crazy woman ranting

about kids and a life that has been wonderful to her?

Sakes best be getting in that Bible.....that's what you need!

It is.....what I need.

I'll be better tomorrow.....I promise.

Okay.....let's say something great here.

Beautiful red skies.....

just don't drift and get hit by that 18 wheeler....

That was terrible Lisa!!!

Try again....

Look at the pretty hay.....

all lined up and ready to go......

just like my boys...


Oh well....

today is not going to work.

I'll be better tomorrow....

if the Lord's willing and the creek don't rise.

Dear me....

you better leave now.....before some of this mess gets on you....:)

Have a great weekend....

no....I really mean it...:)


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Saturday and Sunday

 Wasn't the Super Moon beautiful?

I sure hope you all got to see it!

Do you see the light in the window on the top pic?

That was me earlier that night (because of course it was not me then because I was taking the picture.)
 (why did I feel the need to tell y'all that?)


that was me.....still in Quick Books Hades....

moving on......that's all I'm going to say about that (in my Forest Gump voice)

If you have been reading my blog very long then you know one of our (me and hubby) favorite

things to do is ride the roads.....especially the dirt roads.

With the windows down and the radio on and the dogs in the back.

We sure do solve a lot of life's problems that way....:)

 At the end of some of those dirt roads are friends of ours with a barn and some cows.

Now if you have cows and are not taking photos of them.....shame on you!

They love to have their photos taken!...:)

Aren't they so cute!

Then today I got outside before church and took these photos.

Orange kitty is a stray that has been staying at my house for months now.

My male kitty is not happy about this tom living here.

I didn't know Tom has been leasing the big bird house to live in.

I think the birds have been evicted......(I hope that is what happened to them)

Well...that concludes my Saturday and Sunday.

I hope yours was enjoyable as well.

If the Lord is willing we will rise tomorrow with a brand new day.

And don't forget we get to choose the attitude we will enjoy it with.

I hope you make the right choice....:)


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Purpose of Weeds

I had a great 4th and I hope you did as well.

I posted these photos on face book

"Finally got invited to play with the pros"

and I posted this one..

"Guess who the winning team was!"

And then I posted...

"To finish the day off perfectly college kid made us grilled venison fajitas!"

Do you ever feel guilty when you post good times on face book?

I don't ever want to make people feel bad or to make people think that my life is perfect.

In fact....most people don't know what's really going on in each others lives.

Do they know that this family day together couldn't have come at a better time?

Can they see the lack of sleep circles under our eyes?

I am a very happy person and I have great faith but it doesn't mean that I don't stress out over things.

I try not to but I do.

There is a lot going on with our life right now.

College kid is finishing college and needs a job.

Oldest kid is searching for a home of his own.

Hubby and I are starting all over in our fifties with our career path.

We have a beautiful life but it is filled with weeds!

Yes....I said weeds.

I was working in the yard yesterday and I was thinking of all of these things.

I was already frustrated and then I started working on my flower beds.

 I was mad because weeds were growing everywhere!

Why Lord?

Weeds are ugly.

They are time consuming.

They mess up all of your hard work.

They are frustrating.

They grow in the wrong places at the wrong times.

What is their purpose Lord?

And do you know what answer I got back?




It's not for me to know.

There are things that only God knows.

And apparently what's the purpose of weeds is one of them.

And so is the reason "weeds" are in my life.

Only God knows.

He has a plan for my future......

and if that involves "weeds" in my life then who am I to say they shouldn't be there.

They can be ugly and time consuming and show up at the wrong times and

definitely frustrating but they must have a purpose

because God put them there.

So I need to learn that I don't know all the answers,

I can ask but may never get the answers....

much less the answers that I want.

The best that I can do is trust and lean on the Lord.

Every year there are weeds in my gardens...

But it doesn't mean that my flowers aren't growing also.


Thanks for listening.



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