Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas Decorating at Work

Well what do you do when you work all the time?
You use up all your Christmas decorating mojo at work
and that's why you don't have even one Christmas sprinkle
at your house.
So let's see what's going on at Tucker ATV shall we?
I made the guys build me a front porch in our lawn mower/ home section.
I have loved decorating it!
Meanwhile my front porch at home looks like this.
They want to know where the Christmas treats are!
Back at Tucker ATV I have put out several trees surrounded by my woodland creatures.

While working on the computer (cough cough) I found this!
The Shepherd on the Search
What a great idea!  It's like the elf on the shelf but the shepherd
is looking for the baby Jesus. 
Isn't that a great idea?!

And now that I'm off the subject of Christmas decorating let me tell you what happened to
us the other day.
Someone paid over $4000 in $1.00 gold coins and 50 cent pieces and $2.00 bills!!!
He asked my husband if we would take it and he said sure and then brought it to me and my
co-worker to count. (dagger eyes)

Thank goodness someone brought oreo bites or we wouldn't have made it...:)

Back to Christmas decorating.....oh wait that's a pic of me at work.
Welcome to Tucker ATV....may I help you?
Don't I sound professional.....if they only knew....bahahaha!
I did put this sign up to warn them.
Don't you love my chicken nesting boxes....they hold my tshirts...:)
You knew I was going to put my chicken theme in there somewhere didn't you?

I decorated the a boat!  That's a whole other story on how
I went to a flea market and called Shannon and told him I bought a rotten
boat.  Sheesh...who knew he was having such a hard time seeing my "vision"
of the store......heehee.  And it didn't help that they had to mount it high
up on the people!!  Focus!!

The deer had to have hats and scarves....:)
They are looking at the boat......they don't "get the vision" either....

And then came the 12' tree!
That was an entire day in Hobby Lobby to buy enough ornaments for the tree.
"Yes, dear we HAD to have these ornaments......if you have a 12' tree then you
have to have a ton of ornaments.  How important was it for us to make a profit
this year anyway??????"

I didn't even show y'all the Man Cave area.  Oh this was so much fun!

I need to get better pics.  The Man Cave has a swing in it and a tire wall and a couch etc.
I will get better pics of the entire store and do a post on it later.
So now you know why my house has nothing Christmasy in it at all.
I'm jingled out!
So from all of us at Tucker ATV we wish you a

Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day Fiasco

I hope everyone enjoyed the Father's Day weekend!
My dad's church hosted a father/daughter banquet Saturday and my mom
told my sister and I that dad wanted us to go with him....
what can you say?
So I texted my sister (who lives a state away) and broke the news
to her.
We laughed about us probably being the oldest daughters there (and we were).
We get to the small church and they had decorated it so cute.
We have arrived!
Yes my sister and I are complete opposites...she looks like mom and I look like dad.
And you will soon hear that I act like him also.
It was a small group of about 20 people and we had a wonderful speaker that also
sang a few songs.
We were in a small room so the speaker was about 10 feet away from us.
I take my phone in to take photos and I put it on mute (I'm not rude ya know).
My dad was sitting across the table from my sister and I.
He picked up my phone from the table and I'm in a panic because dad and cell phones
are a disaster waiting to happen.
He looks at the time and whispers/not whispers ( I don't know where he learned to whisper)
"is today Friday?"
I'm mortified and I'm shaking my head and barely whisper back "'s Saturday."
Dad whispers/notwhispers.... "I think the car race is on!"
I thought we were about to have to get up and take him home but we stayed.
As he put my phone back on the table (in this very quiet room),
my phone says "I'm sorry, I could not understand what you were asking?"
My sister's eyes are screaming at me "DO SOMETHING!!!!"
What could I was done.
So we just tried to shrink down and not move for the rest of the night....but no.
This little girl was sitting next to us..........adorable!
And she was perfectly good and quiet until my dad started playing with her,
throwing napkins at her until she erupted in giggles and talking to him.
Her mom got on to her and I got on to dad.
Finally the speaker asked if he could pray before we ate and he asked if fathers and daughters could
hold hands.
Well my family loves each other dearly but we have never done much holding hands etc
so I though it would be nice to capture this rare photo.
While my head was bowed I did lift up my camera and tried to guess what angle
to hold it and I quickly held the volume button on the side ( I just learned that this will snap
a photo on the IPhone) because I didn't want to be rude during the prayer.
(barely got my hands in dad's)
But of course something had to go wrong..........
my camera went noisily .....clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick
640 pictures!!!!!!!!!!
WHYYYYYY??????? poor sister is kicking me under the table!
I promise y'all I do not intentionally do these things.
We eat and win some door dad won the visor that is in every photo...
my mom is going to kill If you look at my first photo dad is also
suppose to be wearing a
It was a great banquet and I apologized to the host and speaker for our noise.
Everyone left and of course this Walker crew couldn't do that normally!
Somebody locked the keys in the truck!!!!
Don't y'all want us to come to all of your functions?
shaking my head..........typical.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Or better
And that concludes our Father's Day fiasco.

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!










AND SANTA!!!!!!!
That's not really going to be their 14!!!!!!
Can you believe it?!
She's such a good mommy!
The puppies are adorable and all seem healthy and so is mommy.

I was a little down this Christmas and God always knows just what to do.
You can't be down and out with this many little blessings.

I am trying to help her feed them though.......they are growing so fast and stay hungry!!

I love to see them sleeping so peacefully, with their tongues hanging out and full little bellies.
They are one week old today.
They were born on December 14.....hmmmm.. 14..coincidence?
Breesy is the best little mommy....she has been precious with them.

Believe it or not we have so many people that want them we had to make
a backup case someone doesn't want theirs,  there is someone to take their place.

The problem is...........I'm already attached......too attached.
And I have decided..............................
I want to keep them ALL!!!!!
OH SHANNON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Baby Story....

New Year's Day
It's my baby boy's birthday!
It always brings back memories of his birth....which is quite the story.
He turned 25 yesterday.
He is a graduate of the University of Alabama and he even got his Master's degree.
He will be starting his "real" job in a few weeks and we are so proud of him.
But back to the story of the day he was born....
New Year's Eve.....I am very VERY pregnant.
 Shannon is determined to go hunting but I say he can't leave me
 so what does he do but load my fat pregnant butt up in the truck,
pick up Adam Gunter and we go hunting.
Well a few hours in I ask Adam to look at his watch and a few minutes later
 asked him the time got it...I'm having contractions.
Shannon is too calm and doesn't want to end the hunt, I'm fairly calm but ready to go
 and Adam is freaking out! So we go , drop Adam off, check on Matt and head to Mobile.
We get to the hospital on New Years Eve...
so you just know all the doctors and nurses were ready to go out and celebrate...
I even heard them all discussing their plans and I'm thinking that's just great...
but we get set up in a room and they finally give me an epidural.
 Well of course I can't feel my legs at all and I'm watching t.v.
 and all of a sudden I hear a big BLAM!!!!
  I turn my head and look at Shannon (who wouldn't really make eye contact with me)
 and I ask "what was THAT?) He said "ummm....your leg...."
  I said "what?"
  He said " your leg was tangled up in the covers so I was trying to untangle it
and I lifted it up to unwrap the cover and I ummm....dropped it."
  Well you know after you have been poked and prodded and had contractions
you are not in the best mood so I kind of snapped at him to "not touch me!"
 And then he keeps reminding me that it would be nice if Tanner was born before midnight
 so we can get a tax break.
 Boy..if looks could kill.....
So the moment finally gets here.....12:01 the doctor walks in...
(I think he threw his party hat in the garbage as he walked in)
  Shannon and the doc had the nerve to be VERY interested in Evil Knievel doing his record breaking
 jump at that very moment.

 And I'm like....yoohoo....over here.....somebody's trying to have a baby.....
and we finally got down to the business of having a baby.
  I looked up at Shannon during and I thought it was so sweet because he had tears in his eyes!!!
  Awww.....all is forgiven.
 By 12:20 we had a beautiful baby almost 9 lb. baby boy!!!
  After celebrating and oohing and aahing they all left the room at almost 1 a.m.
Boy was I exhausted.....Shannon stayed in the room with me....they brought him a cot...
and it finally got dark and quiet and I was so tired I immediately started drifting off to sleep
and I hear......"psst" and then a voice whisper "Lisa...........are you asleep?"
   Wha????? Is someone waking me up...what is going on?
I realize it's coming from Shannon and I kind of snap "WHAT? What is it?"
   And he says "you are going to have to push that button and get the nurse back in here"
  I couldn't understand.....did he say I was going to have to call the nurse?
  I'm like....."why???????"
   He says "I burned my eyes welding yesterday and they are killing me!!!!"
  Well........I then put two and two together and realized that he was not crying at the beautiful birth
 of our child....his eyes were watering because they were burned!!!!!!!
And instead of being sympathetic I was mad!!!
I said "I am NOT calling the nurse back in here!"
 So he said fine I will go find a doctor myself!
  (isn't this a lovely baby story)
So he is gone for hours and I still couldn't sleep because I was a little worried

 about him but still mad too and he finally walks back in the room.

  I ask what happened and he said he blindly used his shoulder to rub against the wall

 and walked down the halls until he finally got a nurse to talk to the doctor

 who gave him eye drops for that kind of burn.

 BUT......get this.........

HE HAD ON A HOSPITAL BRACELET JUST LIKE MINE!!!!! know it's bad when you can't even get the most sympathy

 and attention when you HAVE A BABY!!

  I say this is proof that all men are the biggest BABIES!!!

  He claims they wouldn't give him anything until he was admitted to the hospital.......

my oh my....and to top it off he went home the next day (to rest his eyes)

 and couldn't come back to see us. (grrr)

  So in conclusion we now have in Tanner's baby book.........

a baby hospital bracelet, my hospital bracelet and Shannon's hospital bracelet.
The end

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How to decorate "simply"

This is how I decorate for Christmas.

  I'm not doing much this year...keeping it simple.

 Well I guess I better at least put up the tree...a few lights...a few ornaments...try to keep a simple theme....maybe just red.

  Up the stairs..go through boxes....down the stairs.....up the stairs

.....can't find my lights....I know they are in one of these boxes.....

why not just take ALL the boxes down the stairs.

  Oh look at this cute Santa....maybe I'll put

  Okay...the lights....hmmmm........well here's the outside icicle lights

 I'll just throw them on the tree...all the dangly parts will look cute!

....oh and here's some blue lights....I've never put blue lights on the tree.....

throw them on there too!

  Aww...look here's the gigantic Christmas frame with Matt and Tanner's picture

 let's just put!...on the end table...

.just skooch the lamp over and move this tray....hmmm..where can I put this tray?....

wait......rumble's a bunch of old ornaments......plunk...tumble...tumble....

throw them all on the hmmm.....where to put the tray......

let's just sit it on the coffee table...not the tree........
just red ornaments....keeping it simple......oh here's the ornament we bought on our family trip....

but it's green and has ducks on it.....oh well...just put it on......
might as well put all of these different random ornaments on the tree......
what about the mantle....I don't want to move the stuff that's on the mantle....
just too tired for that so let's just go outside and cut some branches and throw some more ornaments
 and hey here's an it up).
.(stepped back and looked) that looks stupid.......I'll take it down later.
  I like these natural branches from the cedar tree from outside
 let's just stick them behind EVERYTHING on the wall......
YOU get a branch....and YOU get a branch...and You get a branch.....
now what about the tree....hmmmm....maybe I should stick some branches IN the tree!!!
  Stick, stick, stick.........(stand back and look) that looks dumb.....
start pulling branches out and pull all those dangly lights out and half the ornaments
 and about this time Matt and Tanner and Shannon walk through the door....
and the look of horror on their of them said
 "it looks like Christmas threw up in here"..........hmmmpf....
they just don't know what a "simple" Christmas looks like.