Blah Blah Blah.
A tiring week for my brain.
From last Sunday Night [ AJL Night ]
till last night.
I was accused of so many weird things.
By various people from various 'check-ins'
One took my status update to the opposite direction
while another
used to stamp a scarlet letter on my forhead.
The drama is so intense that I had chest pains and major breakdown.
I have been 'sober' for the past 6 months or so.
With the help from family, close friends and officemates.
but thanks to some..I nearly smacked my face down in mud!
That was before my MIL held me.
How weak I am!
But seriously, I am kinda fragile.
[ops! i am not suppose to laugh like that - some take it as rude and memusnahkan siratulrahim]
Currently I am my elder sister's condo with her and my younger sister.
What am I doing here?
Making chocolates!!!!...
Truffles, Ganaches , Milk Chocolates, Dark Chocolates, Coconuts, Almonds...yadayadayada.
This afternoon I was CAJOLED and DRAGGED by my younger sister.
She and my elder sister planed to go out chocolate hunting.
As always , I was the designated driver.
To be frank, I was so lazy and too upset to go anywhere.
But as i said.
Went to Bake With Yen at Puchong.
Got lost! Thanks to google map!
Google map gave us the opposite direction!!!...The postcode was totally different.
Alhamdulillah I had WANROZITA map.
After that we went to The Box Shop.
My sister read the address wrongly.
Another BIGBANG!
Not Puchong Perdana
Putra Perdana.
It was fuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrthhhhhhhhhhherrrrrrrrrrrr up ,
towards CyberJaya.
There are TONS & TONS of boxes.
Anyway, before we headed back to the Condo
when ordered DARABIF to go!
GTG...sorting things out.