Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stress of baby

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Sometimes, when we see children laughing and playing, it is difficult to believe that kids also experience stress.  In fact in common misconception that children do not have a single worry in the world.  Nothing could be farther than the truth.  Children also experience stress in varying types and degrees.

Unfortunately, depending upon the child and the source of stress,  too much stress could produce a detrimental effects upon the child's development. It is  only though the loving support of family, relatives and friends that a child can develop the necessary skills and coping mechanism to deal with stress.

Dealing with stranger and unfamiliar surroundings, separation from parents and sudden loud noises and movements.  This is just example of stress a child can encounter, while they are still a baby.

For young children and pre adolescent, the stresses that they could experience are overhearing parent's fighting, family financial troubles change of residence.

There are stress that a child will experience that it traumatize them are divorce of parents, serious illness, or death of a parent, home destroyed by a natural disaster, and physical and sexual abuse..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Post Traumatic Post

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Traumatic experiences literraly scare us half to death.  They shake the foundation of our beliefs abput safety and shatter our assumptions of trust.  After the experience we can find purselves behaving and acting strangely, which disturbs us even more.

Post traumatic stress disorder is a type of psychological damage that can occur after you experience, witness or participate in an overwhelming frightening event.  The even may be catastrophic and may involve many people, such as an earthquake, typhoon, airplane crash or major flood. It could be something low key that has happened to the relatively few people, maybe only you. 

Perhaps, it was a serious accident or you were the victim of crime.  Understanding normal responses to these abnormal events can aid you in coping effectively with your feelings, thoughts and behaviors, and help you along the path to recovery.

Shock and denial are typical responses to disasters and other kinds of trauma, especially shortly after the event.  Both shock and denial and normal protective reactions. Shock is a sudden and often intense disturbance of your emotional state that may leave you feeling stunned or dazed.  Denial involves not acknowledging fully the intensity of the event.  People often report they feel numb or disconnected from life.

Thoughts and behavior patterns are affected by the trauma.  As the initial shock subsides, reactions vary from one person to another. Feelings become intense and unpredictable.  You might be especially anxious, nervous, or depressed, and experience vivid flashbacks which occur for no apparent reason.  You may find it difficult to concentrate and make decisions or become more easily confused.  Sleep and eating patterns can become disrupted.  You  might experience physical symptoms like rapid heart  beat, sweating, headaches, and nausea.  Chest pain can accompany extreme stress and pre-existing medical conditions may worsen.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

De-Stress your LIFE

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Stress management is one of the most important life skills we need to learn. Here's how to make stress work for you instead of against you.

Stress is a natural part of life. All of us, at some point in our lives, experience stress. Stress the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. The demand can be a threat, a challenge, or any kind of change which requires the body to adapt. The response is automatic and immediate.

Normal Reaction
The stress response is a commonly used term for the body's hormonal reaction toprotect itself against real or perceived threats; it is a normal body mechanism. The stress response results from outpouring of adrenaline, a stimulant hormone, into the blood stream. This, with other stress hormones, produce a large number of changes in the body which are intended to be protective. The result often is the fight or flight response because it provides the strength and energy to either fight or run away from danger.

Stress is the most common cause of ill health in our society . Stress accounts for about 70 percent of all visits to family doctors . It can be both physical and mental and much of it comes from the pressures of daily living. Stress can be good when it helps us perform better, or it can be bad when it upsets us or makes us sick.

One of the most important skills in life we all must learn is how to deal with stress.
Signs of stress:
  • change in appetite
  • change in sleeping patterns
  • skin outbreaks
  • shortened temper
  • change in sexual appetite
  • forgetfulness or absentminded
  • increase in smoking
  • change in weight
  • difficulty in breathing
  • trembling
  • heart palpitations
  • excessive perspiration.


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