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    Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts

    Tuesday, November 18, 2008

    Tuesday Meme

    1. Do you like blue cheese salad dressing?

    2. Favorite late night snack?

    3. Do you own a gun?
    A BB pistol

    4. What’s your favorite drink at Starbucks or other specialty coffee shop?

    5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?

    6. What do you think of hot dogs?
    I love Kogel brand

    7. Favorite Christmas song?
    So This Is Christmas ~ John Lennon

    8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
    Protein shake

    9. Can you do push-ups?
    Only 2 at a time. I try every day

    10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
    Wedding ring

    11. Favorite hobby?
    Exercising, Duh!

    12. Do you have A.D.D.?

    13. What’s one trait that you hate about yourself?
    Lack of self esteem

    14. The last disease you contracted?
    Chicken Pox I suppose

    15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
    I am dead tired
    I can't believe I painted for 5 straight hours at work
    Wish it were Friday

    16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
    Protein drink
    Crystal Lite

    17. Current worry right now?

    18. Current hate right now?
    People who leave you hanging when texting

    19. Favorite place to be?
    Under my nice hot electric blanket

    20. How did you ring in the New Year?
    That was almost a year ago and I can't remember. I'm old.

    21. Like to travel?

    22. Name three people who will complete this meme.
    Anyone who has the wherewithal.

    23. Do you own slippers?
    Yes, and they are on my feet now.

    24. What color shirt are you wearing?
    I have three on in various shades of blue

    25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
    Hate them. Too slippery

    26. Can you whistle?

    27. Favorite singer/band?

    28. Could you ever make it 39 days on the show Survivor?
    Well, heck yes! I'm a tough broad.

    29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
    Werewolves of London

    30. Favorite girl’s names?
    Haley and Lexi (there's a hint)

    31. Favorite boy’s name?
    Benjamin & Jory

    32. What’s in your pocket right now?
    My cell phone

    33. Last thing that made you laugh?
    A friend farting in front of me for the first time. Still laughing.

    34. Like your job?
    I love my job.

    36. Do you love where you live?
    Very much

    37. How many TVs do you have in your house?

    38. Who is your loudest friend?
    My mother

    39. Do you drive the speed limit or speed?
    Speed 6 miles over the limit

    40. Does someone have a crush on you?
    I think maybe

    41. What is your favorite book?
    Where The Wild Things Are or Go Dog Go

    43. Favorite Sports Team?
    Slutty midget mud wrestlers (SMMW)

    44. What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
    Talking to a blogger on the phone

    45. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up today?
    5 AM. Time to make the donuts...

    Monday, July 07, 2008

    My girl, Kimmy K, tagged me with this meme. I thoroughly enjoyed her answers,so I obliged her with mine.

    Here's the rules: (because yes, there are always rules!)
    Instructions: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your spring summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

    I've been into this song since it came out in 2001. It's one of those that makes me feel like I'm flying. I became addicted to it when I was racing through Chicago by train with the world whizzing by me. Strangely, I had never seen this video. It only makes me like it more.

    Close Your Eyes-The Chemical Brothers
    -This song puts me in a trance.

    Hello Bonjour - Michael Franti and Spearhead- A fun little ditty about people getting along in the world, set to a reggae beat.

    The Dance Electric-Andre Cymone
    -This song was a favorite of mine in the 80's during my Prince obsessed youth. Prince wrote this song and now, watching the video, I'm not sure that it wasn't Prince singing it. I recently loaded this on my phone/mp3 and bounce around to it.

    Dangerous-Kardinal Offishall featuring Akon
    -Any song that talks about being a big dog trying to get her little kitty to purr is a'ight with me. Makes my booty shake no matter where I am.

    Who Made Who-AC/DC-This is the most underrated AC/DC song, in my opinion. I first heard it in the movie Maximum Overdrive with Emilio Estevez (wiggles eyebrows).

    Cry For You-September-This song sums up exactly how I feel about people who didn't care about me when I was fat.

    So there you have my eclectic mix of music that I love to move to. I listen to these songs every day when I do my 4 mile walk. They keep me moving.

    So now I gotta tag se7en other people...oh, hells bells, I hate to make people feel like they have to do something. If you want to do it, let me know in the comments so I can read yours.

    Saturday, June 28, 2008

    I found this post originally dated January 30, 2006. It's fun to see that not much has changed in 2.5 years.

    DZER did this questionnaire a while ago and I thought it interesting.

    So, I present to everyone the "infamous" Proust Questionnaire, from the back of Vanity Fair, which is based on questions asked of Marcel Proust, first at age 13, then 20.

    What is your idea of perfect happiness?
    Being healthy, happy and loved.

    What is your current state of mind?
    Cloudy and unsure

    What is your greatest fear?
    Death of a loved one

    What is your favorite way of spending time?
    Talking with my kids on most days. Other days just listening to silence

    Which living person do you most admire?
    My mother

    Which historical figure do you most identify with?
    I don't

    Who are your favorite fictional heroes?
    Alex Cross

    Who are your heroes in real life?
    My parents

    Who are your favorite writers?
    Ann Rule, Anne Rice, and Stephen King (stop grumbling DZER)

    Who are your favorite musicians?
    Prince, The Eagles and The Doors

    Who are your favorite filmmakers?
    Steven Spielberg, John Hughes and Alfred Hitchcock

    Who are your favorite actors?
    John Cusack, Anthony Hopkins , Cary Grant and Clark Gable

    Who are your favorite actresses?
    Meg Ryan, Betty Davis, Paris Hilton (yeah, right)

    What was the last book you read?
    "A Father's Rage"

    What book are you reading now?
    "Blowout", by Catherine Coulter

    What is your most treasured possession?
    My family

    Who or what is the greatest love of your life?
    My daughters

    What are your most marked characteristics?
    Hard working ability, sense of humor, low self esteem

    What are the traits you most deplore in yourself?
    Low self esteem and emotional remoteness

    What are the traits you most dislike in others?
    Lying and condescension

    When and where were you happiest?
    Hmm, when I was just out of high school

    What are your drugs of choice?
    Caffeine, specifically Diet Pepsi

    What is your favorite journey?
    Trip upstairs to my bed at night

    What are your greatest extravagances?
    Umm, I live very frugally (I'm a cheap bitch) so I would have to say having my hair cut in a salon.

    What do you most dislike about your appearance?
    My weight

    What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
    Are any overrated?

    On what occasion do you lie?
    When I don't want to hurt someone's feelings

    What is your greatest regret?
    Not finishing my degree in nursing

    Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
    Hi, shut up, pick that up, stop hitting her, clean your room (can you tell I'm a mom?)

    What is your favorite swear word?

    If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
    My weight

    If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
    I wouldn't change anything

    What do you consider your greatest achievement so far?
    My children

    What would you regard as the lowest depths of misery?
    Being in pain with a terminal illness

    Where would you like to live?
    I love where I live

    What are the qualities you most admire in a man?
    Humor, intelligence, integrity, honesty

    What are the qualities you most admire in a woman?
    Scrupulousness, sincerity, trustworthiness

    What is it you most dislike?
    Lying and meanness

    What living person do you most despise?
    Hard to narrow it down but most politicians and political activists

    What is your biggest everyday pet peeve?
    Driving while talking on the cell phone

    What do you value most in your friends?

    How would you like to die?
    Old, happy and loved

    If you could choose what to come back as, what would it be?
    A philanthropist

    Who have been the greatest influences on you?
    My family

    What is your motto?
    Get over it!

    What talent would you most like to have?
    More artistic abilities using different mediums (mostly with painting)

    Monday, December 03, 2007

    Middle Name Meme

    The Sicilian tagged me with this meme and since I'd never done this one, here are my answers.

    Here are the rules

    1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.

    2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don't have a middle name, just make one up...or use the one you would have liked to have had.

    3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.

    4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog....

    My middle name is Susan.

    ~S~ Sassy! I can really be fun and flirty, but sassy is more fun.

    ~U~ Unstoppable! Once I start a project or set my mind to something, I won't quit. It will become an obsession to finish.

    ~S~ Skinny! I'm working on this every day.

    ~A~ Attentive! I try to always pay attention to people, no matter who they are, and how much they irritate me.

    ~N~ Naughty! I was going to use NICE, but I'm really more naughty.

    I'm not going to tag anyone. If you feel the need to do it, give me a shout out so I can read it.


    Several bloggers got together and we've started a new blog. Go ahead, click on that ass. You know you want to!

    Tuesday, November 20, 2007

    Getting To Know Me...Pt. Deux

    I was inspired by Flash to write another 100 things (even though I never made it to 100). I'm not sure I can pull off any more but here goes:

    1. I hate dirty kitchens and bathrooms. I can handle grossness anywhere but in those two rooms.

    2. On the same note, I cannot use a microwave unless it is spotless.

    3. I love to bake and am good at it.

    4. I am not a gourmet cook. I love cooking "down home" meals.

    5. I used to paint with oil paints. I haven't done it in years.

    6. When sleeping, I can't stand to have any clothes on. I can't move around like I like to.

    7. I use many blankets to keep me warm at night.

    8. Windows stay open in my bedroom at night even in below zero temps. I can't stand being hot at night.

    9. Since losing 176 pounds, I am freezing my butt off during the day.

    10. I have taken to wearing 3 shirts to work to keep warm.

    11. I went over a year without eating refined sugar. I had to eat a piece of candy corn so I could say I had tried sugar. It was taking up too much of my thoughts.

    12. I haven't had caffeine or soda pop since October 11, 2006.

    13. My ideal day is walking in the woods alone enjoying the beauty of nature.

    14. I grew up in the country and considered myself a country girl until recently.

    15. The city is my home because I love the convenience.

    16. I took four years of French in high school but can't speak it much.

    17. I received the foreign language award my senior year of high school which is kind of ironic given #16.

    18. Being tagged for a blog meme makes me insane.

    19. I hate being told what to do.

    20. I'm told that sometimes I give too much of myself and it's never reciprocated.

    21. Since losing so much weight, I am less worried about what people think of me.

    22. Everyday, I work on my self confidence.

    23. I love almost everything about my job.

    24. Being creative doesn't always come naturally to me. Sometimes I have to think about something for days.

    25. I am starting to enjoy my body.

    26. I lost my virginity when I was 19.

    27. I value people, not things.

    28. My goals in life are based on people rather than material items.

    29. I am very frugal when it comes to spending money on myself.

    30. Luckily for me, my mother buys most of my clothes. She knows I won't do it for myself.

    31. I cannot stand country music. Johnny Cash is the only exception.

    32. I'm really into techno music because I love to be hypnotized by it.

    33. I was able to check another item off my "before I die" list when I rode the mechanical bull this past weekend.

    34. I love to clean but I hate to pick up before cleaning.

    35. At one time, I was cleaning 12 houses a week to make money as a stay at home mom. I did them all when Mr. Sign could stay home with the girls.

    36. The shortest length of time I worked a job was 4 hours. I was delivering pizzas.

    37. I consider myself a jack of all trades having worked in farming, accounting, insurance and retail.

    38. A year ago, I quit selling for the leading kitchen "at home party" company. I sold for them for 9 years.

    39. I have awesome kitchen tools because of this experience and have trouble cooking without them.

    40. That company allowed me to gain confidence in speaking in public.

    41. I earned many trips from this company including: Washington D.C., San Antonio,Chicago, St. Louis and many more.

    42. Chicago is my favorite city of any I've ever been to, including Paris.

    43. I like the "mid-westernness" of Chicago.

    44. I never knew I lived in the mid west until I was in high school. I thought Michigan should be considered "East".

    45. I don't like many seasonings on my food. I like to taste the actual food I'm eating.

    46. I hate that the word "actually" has replaced the word "like".

    47. Actually, I use the word too much.

    48. I still feel like I'm 15 years old in my head.

    49. I used to think I could live alone in the wilderness. Now I'm not sure I'd want to.

    50. People tell me I was born 100 years too late.

    51. That may have been the case a few years ago, but now I'm too attached to technology.

    52. Every day, I worry that I'm not a good mother.

    53. My eating habits have become strange in the last year (ask G-Man).

    54. I'm petrified that my kids will end up abusing drugs or alcohol.

    55. I try to listen more than I talk but don't always do so well.

    56. I am enjoying freedom for the first time in 10 years because I'm done with the PTA.

    57. At the same time, I'm sad that I won't see the kids anymore.

    58. Sometimes I make myself angry for not being more thoughtful.

    59. I hate being in a car with locked doors. I was in an accident as a teen and was blocked in. I had to have the jaws of life pry me out.

    60. Often, I have great ideas in my head, but can't articulate them well.

    61. I worry that because things are going well, it's all going to come crashing down.

    62. Hopefully, in a month, I will weigh less than 200 pounds for the first time since 1989.

    63. Even though I'm not tall (5'6"), I can carry weight well. I looked good at 180 pounds.

    64. I know that some people will always be disgusted with me because I was super morbidly obese, even after I lose the weight.

    65. Nature amazes me every single day.

    66. I learn something new on the computer every day.

    67. I worry that I'm not intelligent.

    68. I enjoy being around smart people, but hate being looked down upon.

    69. I hate that some people think they are intelligent because they have a college degree. One of the smartest people I know, barely graduated from high school.

    70. Mr. Sign bugs me every day to go back to school. I worry that I can't cut it, so I don't.

    71. I have suffered from migraines since I was about 5 years old. As a child, I would get them so bad that I would pass out.

    72. I've only had one migraine since I had weight loss surgery. Most of my episodes revolved around bad eating habits and barometric pressure.

    73. I have nearly died 5 times. Once from a car accident, electrocution, an ear infection and twice from pregnancy.

    74. I was told to never have any more children because I would die.

    75. I love girls and most days I'm happy I had two.

    76. If I had had a boy, I'm not sure I would have known what to do with him.

    77. I miss my paternal grandmother every single day.

    78. December is my favorite month. Our anniversary, my birthday, Christmas and New Years all fall within it. It's one solid month of partying.

    79. I feel bad that I never asked my grandmother about her family before she died.

    80. I'm happy that my breasts haven't shrunk to raisin size with weight loss. In the same sense, I'm happy I won't have to have a reduction.

    81. Even though I blog about my life, most of you know very little about me.

    82. Even though I'm very happy with Mr. Sign, I'm sad that I never got to sew my wild oats.

    83. I love to flirt because it makes both parties feel good.

    84. In new situations, I'm usually very shy.

    85. Staying home is enjoyable to me.

    86. I have many friends but sometimes forget to make an effort to keep them.

    87. I cannot function well if I don't take a shower every day.

    88. I love my teeth but hate brushing them (I still do it).

    89. I had a palate expander in the roof of my mouth as a teenager. My mother had to turn the key 5 turns twice a day. She had to do it because I would pass out from the pressure every time. (Now orthodontists know that you don't have to be that extreme with treatment. My daughter only had to turn hers one turn, once a day).

    90. I hated having braces and fought with my parents about getting them. I'm glad they won.

    91. When I was a little girl, I loved being with my dad and was always holding his hand. He worked 2nd shift and I would get up at 1:30 am every night to sit on his lap while he read the paper. I fell asleep and he had to put me back to bed.

    92. When I was 5, a friend and I locked ourselves in my mom's car and smoked an entire carton (not a pack) of cigarettes. We also got the spanking of our lives.

    93. Almost everyone in my family smoked at one time or another. All of them have quit for more than 20 years.

    94. I was never a smoker (unless you count that carton above).

    95. The worst side effect I've had from weight loss surgery is loss of hair.

    96. Well, I have a few issues after having my gall bladder removed.

    97. Weight loss surgery is the best thing I have ever done for myself.

    98. I don't dwell on what I can't have, I focus on what I can.

    99. I'm winning the battle against my father's negativity. It's taken me years to do that.

    100. Blogging has changed my life. It's given me the courage to do things I wouldn't have done and allowed me a place to put my thoughts.

    Whew! I can't believe I made it. I'm not sure any of you will make it through that list. It was therapeutic and you should all try it.

    Tuesday, November 06, 2007

    Mate Meme

    Lime did this meme and I thought it was interesting since we don't often talk much about our mates.

    1. Who is your man?

    My "man" is Mr. Sign.

    2. How long have you been together?
    We just celebrated our 20th anniversary of our first date.

    3. How long dated?
    One and a half years.

    4. How old is your man?

    5. Who eats more?
    As has always been the case, even since weight loss surgery, Mr. Sign eats about three times as many calories as I do.

    6. Who said "I love you" first?
    He did.

    7. Who is taller?
    Mr. Sign is 6 feet tall. I am 5'6". I guess that means that he's got 6 inches on me (Lime, you got one up on me, hehe)

    8. Who sings better?
    Neither of us should ever open our mouths for singing purposes, but I am not tone deaf. Does that answer the question?

    9. Who is smarter?
    Depends on what topic you are talking about. Mr. Sign is intelligent about anything having to do with sales. I'm great at useless memories and farming. I suppose if we are talking education wise, it would be Mr. Sign. He's currently working on his master's degree. I have a degree in signology.

    10. Whose temper is worse?
    Mr. Sign is half Sicilian and half Romanian, what's your guess?

    11. Who does the laundry?
    Me, if I don't want pink underwear or bleached dark clothes.

    12. Who does the dishes?
    We all chip in by putting our dishes in our dishwasher. Who am I kidding? I'm the only one who knows how to open the door to said dishwasher.

    13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
    Are we talking about facing the bed or lying in it? Mr. Sign sleeps in thee middle. I try to find the side that has the most room.

    14. Who pays the bills?
    I have been paying them since Mr. Sign made an $800 error, not in our favor.

    15. Who has bigger feet?
    Mr. Sign

    16. Who has longer hair?
    Mine is now longer than his but was shorter for many years.

    17. Who is better with the computer?
    If you are talking Excel spread sheets then it would be Mr. Sign. If you are talking about HTML coding, it would be me.

    18. Who mows the lawn?
    Daughter #1 does now. I did it for the first 8 years of marriage because Mr. Sign has bad allergies. I tell him to buck up now when #1 can't do it.

    19. Who cooks dinner?
    We both share cooking duties pretty evenly. During the week, I cook most dinners because Mr. Sign doesn't get home until 8pm. On weekends, he cooks almost all the meals.

    20. Who drives when you are together?
    Usually me, unless I've had a drink.

    21. Who pays when you go out?
    Whoever is faster.

    22. Who is most stubborn?
    I hate to admit that I might be. He usually yields to me.

    23. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?

    24. Whose parents do you see the most?
    Mine. If we were seeing his the most, we would be on Maury Povich (is that show still on?) since his are deceased.

    25. Who kissed who first?
    He kissed me first but got my cheek.

    26. Who asked who out?
    Here's the story: We both worked in the Mall. I had to walk by his store to get to mine. He stood out front every day when he knew I would be walking by. I saw him as an annoyance. I was young and having fun. At night when we closed our stores, my friends would wait out front for me. Mr. Sign would talk to them and try to hint at going with us. I never offered. Finally, after many attempts to rid myself of him, I told him I would go out with him so he would leave me alone. In my car after the first date, I said out loud to myself, "I'm going to marry this guy".

    27. Who proposed?
    He did after 3 weeks of dating. I never accepted until 6 months later. Mr. Sign didn't realize that I had accepted since he always heard not now (men never listen when they are supposed to). The next day, my roommate answered the door and hugged and congratulated him. He had no idea what she was talking about. Did I mention that I accepted his offer of marriage while we were in bed?

    28. Who is more sensitive?
    Definitely, me.

    29. Who has more friends?

    30. Who has more siblings?
    He has 2 siblings, I have one and 5 step siblings.

    31. Who wears the pants in the family?
    We both wear the same pair of pants.

    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    Getting To Know Me

    I thought I would post some useless trivia about me. Some of it was posted almost 2 years ago.

    On with the freak show....

    1. I drive a light blue Nissan Quest. Have you seen one? Check out the dash.

    2. I work for my stepdad who I couldn't wait to get away from when I lived with him (not because he was abusive but because we are too much alike).

    3. I love my job because it's an outlet for my creativity.

    4. I am good at home improvements. I can hang and finish drywall or build a deck.

    5. I married the first (and only) man I ever slept with.

    6. Measuring is a major part of my job. I can center a sign to 1/32 of an inch.

    7. My job requires some hard labor digging holes and pounding in posts.

    8. I spent the last 10 years volunteering at my daughters' elementary school.

    9. I have a best friend that I would do almost anything for.

    10. I talk to my mom at least 3 times a day.

    11. I had hyperemesis (extreme vomiting) during both pregnancies. I threw up an average of 7 times an hour. I didn't eat or drink anything for 2 weeks (because I couldn't) and was hospitalized both times.

    12. Growing up I thought I was fat. Looking back now I know I wasn't as fat as I thought.

    13. I have terrible self esteem.

    14. Gardening is a passion for me.

    15. I would be happy if I never got another new thing.

    16. The goals I set in life are based on people, not money.

    17. I am the oldest of two. I have a sister.

    18. I grew up in the country, living on a farm.

    19. My grandfather taught me to drive a tractor at age 5. I worked for him and made $.50 and hour. I thought I was rich.

    20. I cleaned hog barns for 2 years in order to be able to go to Europe when I was in high school and I liked doing it.

    21. I am a whore for Tequila. I used to drink 12 shots straight up and still stand up and carry on a conversation.

    22. Growing up I thought that masturbating was bad but couldn't stop doing it.

    23. I dated a really hot guy who turned out to be gay. I was devastated but he was prettier than I was and I didn't need that kind of competition.

    24. I have had an obsession with Prince since I was 13.

    25. I worked for a top 5 life insurance company for 5 years in the underwriting department.

    26. I stayed home for 10 years with my girls. But I worked on days (cleaning houses) that my husband didn't.

    27. I started modeling at age 5. I stopped when I got married. I have been asked several times to do it again but think I'm too fat.

    28. I finished the school reading program in 6th grade that was supposed to last until 10th grade. My dad wouldn't let me skip a grade.

    29. I am a good cook.

    30. I have fun almost everywhere I go .

    31. I have always been fat but have always tried to be active.

    32. My husband didn't know my name until the 3rd date.

    33. He proposed to me on the 1st date. Hmmm....

    34. I love the way my teeth look.

    35. My hair is my second best attribute.

    36. My first concert was Weird Al Yankovic in 1988.

    37. I am overprotective of my girls because of things that have happened in my youth.

    38. I secretly (maybe not so secret now) wonder what sex would be like with someone other than my husband.

    39. I also wonder if i should get counseling.

    40. I strive to make others like me and can't figure out why I care.

    41. The internet, particularly blogs, have become an obsession.

    42. I was addicted to Diet Pepsi. I haven't had one in almost a year.

    43. I love music. I almost always have on my MP3 player.

    44. I have only smoked pot once and it made me paranoid.

    45. My mother in law was Sicilian and grew up with the Kennedy's.

    46. My husband and I have a generation gap even though he is only 8 years older. His parents were older than my grandparents. His sister is older than my mother.

    47. I have been told that I have psychic abilities by 3 different psychics.

    48. Winter camping is a hobby for me. We tent camp in the snow.

    49. I love to be outside no matter what the weather.

    50. I took care of both of my in-laws when they were dying of cancer (even though my mother-in-law hated me).

    51. I wanted to be a chiropracter when I grew up but got married instead.

    52. I am a great poker player. I learned as a child. We played poker every weekend when I was a kid.

    53. I've learned that men don't like to be beaten at poker by a woman.

    54. I'm too afraid to play in the poker rooms at the casinos. Those old men just give you dirty looks.

    56. I have an addictive personality but have been able to control all of them except food.

    57. I had surgery to rearrange my intestines (Gastric Bypass) in October 2006.

    58. I have currently lost over 150 pounds.

    59. I never dreamed I would be able to lose this much weight.

    60. I haven't had refined sugar or caffeine in almost a year.

    61. Mr. Sign and I have been married almost 18 years.

    If you made it this far you are a superhero and I thank you for caring enough to read this.

    Tuesday, February 20, 2007

    Number Meme

    Happy Mardi Gras! I won't be imbibing with any Packzi today. Eat some for me.

    Tagged by *S* for:


    * Favorite Color: Periwinkle
    * Favorite Food: Beef
    * Favorite Month: December
    * Favorite Song: Salisbury Hill by Peter Gabriel (hard to name one)
    * Favorite Movie: Repo Man
    * Favorite Sport: Softball
    * Favorite Season: Spring
    * Favorite Day of the week: Saturday
    * Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Moose Tracks
    * Favorite Time of Day: Morning


    * Current Mood: Excited
    * Current Taste: Salty
    * Current Clothes: Polar fleece bathrobe
    * Current Desktop: Kid #2
    * Current Toenail Color: Buff
    * Current Time: 9:00 am
    * Current Surroundings: Family room
    * Current Thoughts: Thinking about traveling to see frozen Lake Michigan

    8 FIRSTS

    * First Best Friend: Kelli Craft
    * First Kiss: David Martin
    * First Screen Name: JennHen
    * First Pet: Clara the Siamese cat
    * First Piercing: Ears (my babysitter pierced them without permission)
    * First Crush: Shawn Cassidy
    * First CD: Information Society (First LP? Dr. Hook)

    7 LASTS

    * Last Cigarette: June 2006 while drinking
    * Last Drink: June 2006
    * Last Car Ride: Last night at 1 am
    * Last Kiss: Last night
    * Last Movie Seen: Big Mama's House (kids!)
    * Last Phone Call: My mother
    * Last CD Played: Mid Michigan Youth Syphony (#1 kid plays with them)


    * Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Guy/Girl Friends: Yes
    * Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yes.
    * Have You Ever Been Arrested: No.
    * Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes.
    * Have You Ever Been on TV: Yes.
    * Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: No

    5 THINGS

    * Thing You're Wearing: Robe
    * Thing You've Done Today: Made bean soup, laundry and blogging
    * Thing You Can Hear Right Now: Daughter worrying about paper due
    * Thing You Can't Live Without: Love
    * Thing You Do When You're Bored: Blog and read (used to eat)


    * 1. Home
    * 2.
    * 3.
    * 4.


    * 1. Father
    * 2. Son
    * 3. Holy Ghost


    * 1. Black or White: Black
    * 2. Hot or Cold: Cold


    See my children grow up to be healthy, happy productive members of society.

    Wednesday, February 07, 2007

    Tagged Again!

    I've attributed my lack of intelligence this week to weightloss. I fear that my brain is about 3 pounds lighter.

    Without further adieu...............

    Sal assigned me to give 10 things that start with the letter "S".

    1. Sex has to be the first. Wouldn't it be for most people? It's something that makes us feel closer to someone even if it's ourself, lol. Sure we can live without it, but who would want to?

    2. Sun makes me feel happy no matter how much crap is going on in my life. I am a sun worshiper.

    3. Signs are a huge part of all of our lives. Without signs, we would all be lost.

    4. Social is usually used to describe me although I like it to be on my terms. If I'm in a room full of people I don't know, I usually observe first. I love watching people.

    5. Snow is beautiful! I love playing in it and even shoveling it. This picture of our house was taken in 2000. (We've since had it re-sided) That's the most snow we have had in over 20 years. I'm waiting for another day like that.

    6. Sugar is heavenly and I miss it terribly some days.

    7. Can you name the Seven Deadly Sins? Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. I think I have committed all of these today.

    8. A Speakeasy would be fun to have around again. The term comes from a patron's manner of ordering alcohol without raising suspicion — a bartender would tell a patron to be quiet and "speak easy" during prohibition.

    9. Sagittarians are individuals thought to have a dynamic, ethical, humorous, generous, open-hearted, compassionate, and energetic character, but one which is also prone to pridefulness, foolishness, impulsiveness, impracticality, and superstition. In terms of anatomy, Sagittarius is said to rule the hips, thighs, and sacral area.

    10. Snuggling was not something I enjoyed in the past. Maybe I didn't feel I deserved human contact. I find myself wanting to snuggle more lately, but I'm sure that has more to do with the fact that the high temperature today was 2 degrees with a windchill of 20 below zero.

    Wednesday, January 31, 2007


    *S* from Less Flab, More Fab tagged me with this.

    Explain what ended your last relationship?

    Wow, that was so long ago. I would have to say lack of interst on his part.

    When was the last time you shaved?
    This morning.

    What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.?
    Drinking breakfast.

    What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
    Trying to start the snowblower.

    Are you any good at math?
    I can add and subtract.

    Your prom night?
    I had two. The first was my Junior year. I went stag and then went to parties after with the jerk mentioned in #1. Went with jerk in #1 Senior year.

    Do you have any famous ancestors?
    Not that I know of.

    Have you had to take a loan out for school?

    Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile?
    MySpace is evil!

    Last thing received in the mail?

    How many different beverages have you had today?
    2 - protein drink and water

    Do you ever leave messages on peoples answering machine?

    Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to?
    Weird Al Yankovic in 1988. He's really quite talented.

    Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
    Yes, and make sandcastles too.

    What was the most painful dental procedure you have had?
    Having my palate split. They put a device in the roof of your mouth. There is a small crank inside that must be turned with a key. My mom had to turn mine twice a day because the pressure was so bad that I would pass out. Thankfully, new orthodontic procedures don't make patients turn the key more than once during the day.

    What is out your back door?

    Any plans for Friday night?
    Vegging out.

    Do you like what the ocean does to your hair?
    Yes and no. I love the feel of the warm water in my hair but it does make it feel like straw.

    Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns?
    Yes, yummy!

    Have you ever been to a planetarium?
    Yes, but I find them quite boring. I'd rather see real stars.

    Do you re-use towels after you shower?
    At home, yes. We all have our own hooks to hang them on to dry. They are bleached every time they are washed. Can you imagine if 4 people used 2 towels a day and had to wash them? That's 8 towels a day and 56 a week!

    Some things you are excited about?
    Losing weight, feeling better about myself, my children's success, and the new fallen snow.

    What is your favorite flavor of JELLO?
    Blueberry. Go figure since I don't like real blueberries.

    Describe your keychain(s)
    No key chain.

    Where do you keep your change?
    In a pocket inside my purse as well as a drawer in my car.

    Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?
    Closed because it keeps my 25 pound male cat from sitting by my head trying to get my attention all night.

    If you feel the urge, by all means, please do this meme.

    I may get brave and return to HNT tomorrow. We'll see.