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    Showing posts with label Las Vegas. Show all posts
    Showing posts with label Las Vegas. Show all posts

    Monday, December 29, 2008

    A Few More Birthday Pictures

    These pictures were taken at the Ghost Bar on the top of the Palms Hotel on my birthday.

    Check out the view behind us:

    Here we are and I'm not really sure what we were doing. Too much alcohol:

    I really will eventually get around to posting the story of the Las Vegas trip. Hopefully this week.

    Monday, December 22, 2008

    Coming & Going

    We made it home from Las Vegas. I've been up for 40 hours and am headed to bed but I leave you with this. The city of Las Vegas made a little park around the famous Vegas sign. You used to only be able to drive by it:

    I will hopefully find time to fill you in on all the fun and debauchery that was had by all.

    Saturday, December 20, 2008

    Random Vegas

    Here we are on my birthday. This is me, Stacy & Becky. Becky bought me the tiara, which I've always wanted. Love it!

    Here we are at the Ghost Bar on top of the Palms hotel:

    I'm having a blast! Will post more when I have time, but keep watch up top for Twitter updates.

    Wednesday, December 17, 2008

    Vegas, Baby!

    I'm leaving, on a jet plane in about 10 hours. If all goes well, I'll be spending my 40th birthday in the most fabulous city in the U.S. I plan on partying hard and winning big!

    Be prepared to receive drunken Twitter updates at the top of this blog.

    I'll miss you all. Peace out!

    Monday, December 15, 2008

    Something Wicked This Way Comes

    Well, I did my best to fight off all the crud that my whole family seems to have picked up. Thought I had dodged a bullet only to be smacked right between the eyes with the most evil illness I've had in a while.

    My throat had been pretty sore, but when I woke up Friday morning I knew I had better go to the doctor so I could be better by the Vegas trip on Wednesday. The doctor took one look at my throat and started writing a prescription. He didn't culture it but I was pretty sure I had Strep throat.

    By the time I got to the pharmacy, I could barely breathe because my throat had swollen. The bubbly cashier in the pharmacy was not as helpful as I'd have liked her to be. She took my prescription and told me it would be 15 minutes. I'm thinking, "No problem, I'll shop around a bit". I went directly to the cold aisle and picked out a throat spray that said it was Maximum Strength available. I waited the 15 minutes but was growing more ill. The cashier then tells me that my insurance isn't working and "is there a problem?" This always happens since I rarely use my insurance card. I called Mr. Sign who assured me that he had just used his card there the day before and to have her recheck. She does and miracle of miracles, it works. They still haven't filled the RX so I'm stuck and having trouble breathing. I tell her that I have to use the throat spray or I'm going to die. She says, " You have to pay for it right now." Mind you, it's been 30 minutes and I'm ready to jump over the counter and throttle that pig tailed dim wit. I decide that jail time would only complicate my predicament and proceed to pay for the spray and use it. It does nothing! Great. So I've paid $10 for a spray that doesn't work, I can't breathe and I still don't have the prescription. Luckily the pharmacist sees my pain (in the ass) and fills the script right away and I go about my business.

    Mr. Sign wakes up Saturday morning with a sore throat so I suggest he see a doctor as well. He does and tests positive for Strep. The doctor suggest that I come back in and be seen again for a strep test and to also bring the girls in because they may have it as well as it's highly contagious.

    The girls and I spend 2.5 hours waiting only to find out that all three of us are positive and they believe that I need to be tested for Mono. I knew I didn't have Mono. All of my symptoms were classic Strep, but at this point there is no use arguing. After 3 stabs and lots of blood, the mono test comes back negative.

    I can't swallow my own saliva. Every swallow feels like razor blades are lining my throat. I haven't eaten for 3 days. All I'm thinking at this point is that I better get better or I'm not going to be going to Las Vegas. I spend Saturday and Sunday in bed all day still not feeling better and having to take Demerol for the pain or I can't swallow. My throat looks like a science experiment.

    My boss told me to stay home today and rest which I'm doing since I'm still exhausted. I'm so thankful that this hit me now instead of in Vegas. Unfortunately, I haven't accomplished anything I needed to do. But, I should be well rested soon.

    Sunday, November 23, 2008

    Bullets Galore!

    I've decided that using bullets is the laziest easiest way to blog for me right now. I'm not sure I'm able to make complete sentences, so bear with me.

    • The upcoming holidays are making me ambivalent for more than one reason. I wish I didn't have to put up decorations because I'm a Grinch at heart right now.
    • December is normally my favorite month of the year, but not this year. First we have our 19th wedding anniversary, my 40th birthday in Vegas, Christmas and finally New Years Eve. All of these festivities are leaving me feeling cold.
    • Every day I am reminded of how much I have to be thankful for. My girls amaze me every day with one thing or another. They are healthy, articulate, brilliant, beautiful, talented, loving etc. I could go on for days...
    • Both of my maternal grandparents are still alive and living on their own. I don't want to think about life without them.
    • My love for my electric blanket is bordering on insanity. I want to go to bed at 6 PM every night.
    • Do any of you read my Twitter updates at the top of this blog? I ♥ Twitter.
    • The fitness magazine has contacted me and now I'm having a hard time deciding which pictures to use. They have offered to take a new after shot, but I dread the idea of not having control over the picture. I am so critical of myself that way.
    • Most of you have no idea how much my life is really sucking right now. It's ok to be confused, because I sure am.
    • Could these bullets be more bi polar?
    • I have become one of the best music CD makers ever! My kids love me for that.
    • Thinking of quitting my day job to become a go go dancer (as long as I can keep my clothes on. Ahaha!!
    • People never cease to amaze me. I thoroughly enjoy watching their faces as they figure out that I'm not as dumb as I appear although I admit to using that to my advantage when playing Poker.
    • Dancing in my car makes me laugh, especially when other drivers are watching.
    That is all for now. Toodles!

    Thursday, August 30, 2007

    Vegas HNT

    These should qualify as half nekkid since I'm sleeveless, right?

    Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!!

    Go see the King.

    Thursday, August 23, 2007

    More Vegas Pictures

    Mr. Sign and I were walking around Mandalay Bay which is pretty swanky. At least that's what we thought until we ran across this:

    There was never a shortage of Elvis

    Mr. Sign and I went to the Shark Reef and saw jellyfish

    and of course, sharks

    We found sugar free desserts in New York, New York. Yummy!

    The last night that we were there, we decided to go to the Ghost Bar. It's called that because the entire thing is glass. It was very ritzy and a little pricey. We got there early and got the best seats on the balcony. The bar actually hangs over the side of the Palms hotel. There is a glass floor that looks down over 55 stories. It was so hard to make myself walk on it. It's just not natural.

    We had the most awesome view I've ever witnessed. You could see on 3 sides of the patio. Here are a few pictures (taken with my cell phone):

    I was just sitting on the patio taking in the experience when I noticed a guy who looked familiar. He ended up literally rubbing elbows with me. I instantly realized that he was a Gotti boy (John Gotti's grandson). This made sense since security was hawking around him. People were not even paying attention to the Gotti. He seemed pretty docile. Unfortunately, I didn't bring the camera with the flash (who knew you would need one at the bar? Leave no evidence) so this is the best shot I got. You can see how close he was to me though.

    Hugh Hefner was downstairs with the playmates having a huge party ($250 just to get in the door) and was supposed to come up to the bar. We left at 2 am PST (remember, we are from the Eastern time zone and had to get on a plane at 9 am) and they still hadn't arrived. The guys were bummed.

    I will leave you with another Dick picture from after the Ghost Bar. The waiter gave me the balloon. Can you read what it says? The other side said, "I blow more than just balloons." I attached it to my earring and wore it around the casino. That way, my friends knew where I was at all times, LMAO.

    We had a great time and there's way too much to tell. We did get to Fremont Street and the Hoover Dam. We didn't win any money, but I played lots of Black Jack every day. I lost a pound, which brings me to a total of 150 pounds lost!! I can't wait to go back!

    Wednesday, August 22, 2007

    Vegas Pictures

    I have so much to tell you about our fabulous trip, but I have so many pictures too. I just don't know where to begin. I'll start with some pictures:

    Mr. Sign and me at the Winn (the name is a misnomer)

    I got to check off one of my weightloss goals.
    I rode the roller coaster!!!
    I fit and the guy who took my ticket told me I was beautiful.
    I'm on the left and Stacy is on the right.

    This is me wearing my dorky tennis shoes.
    I walked over 12 miles that day and had blisters on every toe.

    It was Elvis week in Vegas in remembrance of 30 years after his death.
    This is me with "Pricilla" at Dick's Last Resort.

    This is me in my bib after several Bloody Marys.
    I was happy I had the bib later.

    We had an awesome trip and I can't wait to share the rest. I have many more pictures to share but they will have to wait.

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    Last Minute Musings

    I'm all packed and mostly ready to go to Vegas. Somehow I ended up with the tiny suitcase and Mr. Sign got the large one. This only drives my point home that he is high maintenance.

    I've always been an excellent packer. When I was in high school, I made a trip to Europe. One of the chaperons told us to lay all of our clothes out on the bed before packing them. She said to then only take half of what you think you need. That has always worked for me. That was a priceless little gem that has helped me many times.

    My feet have been giving me grief. It seems that I'm walking so much more than I ever did (5-7 miles a day), that the skin is wearing off my feet. I walk on the balls of my feet and they are peeling and painful. I bought some shoe inserts to help relieve the pressure. I just hope my feet hold out for this trip.

    I'm also hoping to lose weight while I'm gone. I need to lose one more pound to have lost a total of 150 pounds. That is almost unfathomable. I've lost 39% of my body weight and am 73% to my goal. I have 55 pounds more to go. I've lost an average of 3.4 pounds a week since October. Of course this has slowed down greatly in the last couple of months. It's all good!

    Speaking of weight loss, I've put up a poll over in the side bar about whether or not you want to hear about my weight loss. Let me know what you really think.

    Well, I'll be back with hopefully many great pictures and stories. But remember, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

    Here's a picture my daughter took of me with her cell phone so you don't forget what I look like, LMAO!