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Showing posts with the label funny

part 1: the "weirdo guy"

salam dan hi to all of u, wish u have wonderful weekend k, so i like to share some conversation between me n my friend. one of his friend have weird attitude.the reasons why i want to share due to one of my bloglist that i like to read everyday is stripped , she like to write about her conversation between her n her sister. i love her sis so much, so funny, crazy and unpredictable. so, this guy have very super pelik attitude. u can see it after u read the conversation...haha ................................................................................................................................ perbualan ni telah lama perbualan berlangsung di depan tv semasa melihat ulangan akedemi fantasia 3 (ala, yang mawi menang tu), seorang peserta baru nak memulakan nyanyian (lupa siapa, kan dah bgtau perbualan ni dah lama). lagu belum berkumandang, cuma ada rentak dia saja, weird guy : best lagu ni, lagu stacy my friend: mana ada lagu stacy, bukanla weird guy: betulla lagu stacy, nanti den...