Beach splashes are over...
Wiping off the last of the sand before school starts next week.
Boy it's tough getting back down to business after having been in the groove over in Scotland for more than 2 weeks.
Mind you beach parties have a different meaning over there...the weather totally forbids normal souls from wearing any kind of beach attire!
Great to be back though... missed my little graphite friends!
A few of you are waiting for a email response from me: will be on top of things by the end of tomorrow.
Merci pour ces charmantes photos, la mer garde au fond d'elle tous nos beaux souvenirs.
Bon courage pour cette rentrée.
Le plaisir est le mien :D
Tu as raison. La mer est belle qu'elle soit chaude ou froide.
Je te souhaite également plein de bonnes choses.