
Showing posts with the label Clydesdale

Work progressed on "Bricks and Stones."

Bricks and Stones has been pulled out of it's packing box. A sprinkling of work has been added to the baby steps. Working on the contrast between bricks and the Clyde's velvet coat is great. The end result can only be startling. Not a regular occurrence to find a horse standing free in front of a stone wall. The stone wall is starting to take on a life of it's on. The intricacies found in walls are mind boggling and really something to get my eager little scribble friends dug into. There are going to be cracks, patch-ups, distortions, crevices, breaks, unbalanced layouts. Basically an engineers nightmare come true: not one brick will be alike. Each and every one a little bit more broken or distorted than the other. Fun stuff! Next update coming soon ...

Bricks and stones: baby step added

Time was shuffled around and re-arranged over the week-end to give my pencils a wee gap to add a few more bricks and muscles. Below the result of a few hours: a Clydesdale with an ever increasing chest and a wall with a new wonky bricks. Next update coming soon....