Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts

Monday, March 02, 2009


Hi Friends

I have shift to a new blog, to go to my new house, click here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bear Lim Limited Edition T-shirts

Bear Lim, a creative lady has recently design very cute and nice limited edition t-shirts.

If anyone of u is considering of buying what gifts for your loves one during Valentines Day or for your own wearing, maybe u can consider this.

Sorry, i'm too lazy to copy the pictures and post it here, for more informations, pls click here.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Opinion Wanted!!!

Someone told me this :

Writing blogs is very superficial!!!

I would like to hear opinions on this.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bandage Left Hand

Two three day ago, i felt a bit of pain in my second finger of my left hand and today i went to Chinatown to have it rubbed. After that my hand was bandage and i was told to remove it around 6pm ~ 7pm but i can't wait and remove it after a while after coming home.

Front of hand

Back of hand

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bead Stitch

The other day saw 阿珊 post a Cross Stitch post, was telling her that i like cross stitch, but am lazy to do it and that SG used to have a shop that sell bead stitch but the shop is not there anymore and i find that bead stitch is easlier to do.

This is the bead stitch that i did

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Soft Toy

The other day while passing by 游乐场, normally i like to look at those cute cute soft toys inside the toy catcher machines. Came across this soft toy and decided to try my luck in catching it. It's S$1 per catch and i happen to be lucky that day and use only S$1 to catch it and bring it home.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Books bought at Bookfest@Singapore

There's a Bookfest@Singapore going on at Suntec City from 14th November 2008 till 23th November 2008. Was there to take a look.

Bought a book Marley & Me which i have been aiming at, at Bookfest Price. Actually i saw this book before at xxx bookstore selling at 3 for the price of 2 but the other books that are there didn't catch my attention.

I bought another book which is to be given to my 姑姑 as christmas present. (My 姑姑 don't know that i have a blog, so i can post this book up, hehe).

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


John ask me to blog about F1, but i was not there, so nothing for me to blog about F1, but saw the following car at a shopping centre, so only this car to blog about.

There's a blogger friend who is in Singapore for holiday. Maybe someone can guess who is this person who is in Singapore. (But no prize for correct answer).

Sunday, September 28, 2008

T-shirt (2)

I posted a post on the T-shirt that i bought. Vincent was mentioning about seeing the cartoon design. There it goes!!!

Nice9 was mentioning about wearing it and take picture. But i'm too shy to take picture in it and post it up.

Black T-shirt - Front

Black T-shirt - Back

Red T-shirt - Front

Red T-shirt - Back

White T-shirt - Front

White T-shirt - Back

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The other time while shopping, came across a shop that sells unisex T-shirt and i was attracted by the cute cartoon in the T-shirt. They were selling at 3 for the price of 2, so decided to buy it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

17th Sept 2008

I do not know what is this call in english or chinese, as i only know what is it called in dialet. Took this sometime ago when saw it as find that the way it grow is quite cute.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Future Photo Museum

Saw from Chobits blog that she tried out The Future Photo Museum and it looks interesting, so i decided to try it out.

The Future Photo Museum
sharonのFuture Photo

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Gift Time!!!

I have prepared 3 sets of gifts for the first 3 blogger friends who leave comment at my blog as an appreciation for the support. What u have to do is

1st : leave a comment in my blog

2nd : leave me your name and address at and i will mail the gifts to you.

That all.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Image Chef

I was recommended by Happy Irene to Image Chef, so i decided to give it a try.

Osaka Castle at Japan

My cousin and her hubby

My cousins

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Have been seeing quite a number of blogger friends trying out on Photofunia, so i decided to give it a try also.

My cousin - Cherie

My cousin - Jasmon

My friend son - Song Chi

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Happen to see a grasshopper the other day when i went out, so took a picture on it.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Unlucky day - 8th Jul

Yesterday when i alight from the bus at Clementi, i put my ez-link card in my pocket of my pant. After buying things from the supermarket, i wanted to take out my ez-link to take a bus home, but i could not find my ez-link card. Thinking that i might have put it back inside my bag, i search for it and could not find it, i use the other ez-link card (i have a spare one) and when i got home, i took out everything in my bag to find it, but could not find it. Inside my ez-link card is a value of S$9 plus, luckily it not just after top-up (normally i will top-up S$20) if not my loss will be greater... So unlucky... :(

Monday, July 07, 2008

Switching of Radio Station from Love 972 to Class 95

Last Friday morning , i heard from FM972 开心大闹钟 DJ Chen Jian Bin that he will be on leave from today to Wednesday. Since Chen Jian Bin is on leave, so i decide to switch station to listen to Class 95 Morning Express The Flying Dutchman and Glenn Ong, but when i tune in this morning, heard that The Flying Dutchman is on leave for a week and Glenn Ong is on leave for 2 weeks and Vernetta Lopez co host with Daryl David for Morning Express.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Shooting of The Showdown

Last Saturday afternoon, outside Wisma Atria at Orchard Road, happen to see Suhaimi Yusof and two of the cast shooting for The Showdown which will be shown in tv starting tonight.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cocoa Cupcake/Guy at Rooftop

I think i am addicted to making cupcake. Last fri(Good Friday), i make Pandan Cup Cake, thur i make Coffee Cup Cake and today i make Cocoa Cup Cake.

This picture is taken from my house.

This evening, at around 7pm after watching the channel 8 news, my mum pop out of the window, and she was wondering what is happening as there's a lot of people standing around the other block of flat and also that there's ambulance, SCDF vehicle and also police car around. I also pop out to figure out what has happened, at first i thought that there's fire going on at the other block. Only to realise later that there's a guy at the top of the rooftop walking to and fro. After a while, he began to sat down at the edge of the building. (Maybe he is trying to commit suicide). SCDF/police personnel went up to talk to him and it was only at around 8pm that this guy is being pull out by the SCDF/police and being taken away. (Luckily he didn't jump down, if not i think i will have nightmare that night if i were to see it).
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