Showing posts with label JTeam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JTeam. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2009

Chinatown Point

Last Sun, Director Jack Neo was at Chinatown Point with some of his casts to promote his upcoming 贺岁片 辛福万岁.

Heard that the lady (second from the right) and the gentleman (third from the right) is famous DJ from Malaysia.

Host for that day is Michelle Tay

Michelle with the two Director, Director Gibert Chan and Director Neo

Natalli Wong, Alex Leong and Director Jack Neo

Michelle Tay, 辉哥, 杨雁雁 and Director Jack Neo

辉哥 being carried by 杨雁雁


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


CNY decoration outside AMK Hub

Mascot inside one of the bank

Those who spend S$100 in AMK Hub will get a J Team CNY Album and some of the artistes are there to sing songs from the album.


尤发 and Michelle Tay

Nick Shen

尤发 and 郑盈盈

Saw 财神爷 inside supermarket

Monday, January 12, 2009

"幸福万岁合家欢" 喜剧 by Jteam

There a "幸福万岁合家欢" 喜剧 by Jteam comedians 辉哥, Brandon Wong, Michelle Tay and 郑盈盈 in AMK Hub as follows :

Date : 9 to 18 Jan
Time : Tue to Fri – 7pm, Sat & Sun – 1pm & 7pm

Host for the events is 林尤发

Michelle Tay singing a song

Michelle and 辉哥 act as a couple

郑盈盈 & Brandon Wong

Beside the skit, they also sang some CNY songs.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

J Team Performance -14th Sept 2008

I was SMSing with Michelle Tay on Friday when she inform me that she's having a performance with 辉哥 and Seth Ang at Chinatown Point on Sunday.

Michelle sang two songs, one mandrain song and one hokkien song. 辉哥 sang a 'rojak' song (mixed song) and also 一百万.

Lantern made from recycle item. Managed to take one picture only as there's many people looking around at that time.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Money Not Enough 2 Roadshow - Part 2 of 2 - 19th July

Mark Lee

( L to R) : Mark Lee & Director Neo singing a song

(L to R) : Mark Lee, 辉哥, Director Neo


(L to R) : Mark Lee, 辉哥,林茹萍,Director Neo

(L to R) : 林茹萍, 李佩芬,Director Neo

(L to R) : 王雷,钟耀南

(L to R) : Mark Lee, 明珠姐妹, Director Neo

Group picture of the casts

Cast apprearing at Plaza Singapura there were Director Jack Neo, Mark Lee, Henry Thia (辉哥), 林茹萍, 李佩芬, 王雷,钟耀南 , 明珠姐妹

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Money Not Enough 2 Roadshow - Part 1 of 2 - 19th July

Starhub booth in a corner
Street Race Challange whereby contestants who sign up compete against each other to see whose car won the race. (Max 4 contestants)

3 contestants who take part will compete to see who drives the fastest and won the race.

Movie Money Not Enough 2 will be shown in Cinemas on 31st July

Those who bought a pair a Money Not Enough 2 movie ticket will get a chance to enter the container and grap as much money as they can. (S$2 notes)

1000 free goodies bag up for grab

So many people have been queuing up even before the start of the giving of the goodies bag at 4pm.

People who bought the movie tickets get to go inside the container to grab for Money.

People braving the rain qeuning up to get into the container to grab for Money.

Yesterday, there's a Singtel/Starhub/Money Not Enough 2 roadshow outside Plaza Singapura In Orchard Road. Cast of Money Not Enough 2 was there from 5pm to 6pm and it will be posted in my blog as part 2.

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