Griselda is a woman of her word - when all else has failed, she has indeed borrowed Hagrid's Fluffy to amplify her message: get building!!
Joten, ei kun töihin! Ensi töikseni kaivoin kaapista aika päivää sitten matskuksi ostamani bambuverhot ja ryhdyin purkamaan niitä ja leikkelemään niistä lautoja puolipaneloitua seinää varten:
I keep putting off renovating the actual houses, having developed something of a block with them. I have lots of ideas but as always I'm having trouble mounting the courage to actually get to it, fearing that it won't be anything like what I'd want it to be. I have to admit though, that Fluffy's three growling and slobbering maws are very persuasive...
So, I decided to take the plunge! I dug out a set of bamboo blinds that I've bought at the fleamarket for this very purpose. I began taking them apart and cutting boards for a panelled wall:
Verhojen nyöristä saa myös matskua ja noi nyörien päissä olleet puujutut on loistavia pulloja!
The string from the blinds will be good for crfts too and the wooden bits from the ends of the strings make very good bottles!
Seuraavaksi leikkasin Bilteman iki-ihanista sytykkeistä lattialautoja:
Next I cut fire starter sticks into floor boards:
Tässä lankut leikattuina ja mallattuina Lilyn huoneeseen. Mun täytyy vielä poimia ne pois, hioa ne, liimata ne pahville ja sit maalata ne ennen kuin voin laittaa ne tuonne pysyvästi:
Here are the cut boards fit into Lily's room. I still need to take them out, sand them, glue them to card and paint them before putting them permanently in place: