Showing posts with label 25. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 25. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Mittens With Moxie

 Hello Everyone,

I made a batch of Mittens with Moxie in 2013.  They were just so darn cute!

I put a little old-fashioned tag on them.  The twins were about 10 at the time, and they wrote all of the names on the tags for me. 

You can use the mittens as ornaments on the tree.  Or the medium and large mittens make great holders for a gift card.  Or you can use them as place cards on your Holiday table to hold a setting of silverware.

Mr. Joe made me a stand from a wine stave, and we displayed them on the mantel for years.

Several years ago, I made a set of mittens for our dearest friends, Santa Mike and Mrs. Mike.  We had to add on a little trailer to their display when they were blessed with more grandchildren. 

Santa Mike has been part of our family's Christmas tradition for years.  We would always begin with the reading of The Polar Express. Years ago, Kinsey volunteered to read the story to everyone.  When the little kids heard the bells, (thanks to a cell phone and someone hiding in the kitchen, the bells were right on cue), Santa Mike appeared in our courtyard ringing bells and we could hear a faint ho, ho, ho.

This is the same grandson who came to the cabin last weekend and stacked wood.  How quickly the years have flown by.

This is a family tradition I will always cherish.

So now for the best part, I'm giving the Mittens with Moxie pattern to all of you!

I figured out how you can download the pattern for FREE from my blog.  Click HERE for the front and back of the pattern with the fabric requirements.  

Click HERE for the directions.

I had forgotten that I also made a tutorial for the mittens.  Tutorial HERE.

I hope you will add a little "Moxie" to your Christmas.  They are fun to make and you can use of lots of varied Christmas fabrics.
