
Showing posts with label PSAs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSAs. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


(Hat tip: Mirie) This fundraising project on Kickstarter looks interesting:
Unorthodox is a feature documentary that follows three teenagers from the modern Orthodox community as they spend a post-high school year studying in Israel. Tzipi, an intellectually gifted young woman, travels with intentions of clarifying her problems with Orthodox interpretations of Jewish law. Jake, a musician, wants to follow the religion but doesn’t see how he can reconcile his faith with his professional ambitions. Chaim, a half-Dominican bad-boy, undertakes his year of study without thinking about the possibilities of religious growth; he goes to Israel because tuition is paid for by his rabbis. In addition to documentary cinematography shot in the US and Israel, Tzipi, Chaim and Jake film themselves throughout the year with video diaries, offering an incredibly vivid and intimate glimpse into their lives. Narration throughout the film weaves Anna’s own story—of leaving the modern Orthodox community—with that of the three subjects, lending a very personal glimpse into the world of Orthodox Judaism.
They're looking to gather many small donations to complete the project, which is most of the way there already (all filming was completed, etc.). If you're interested in seeing this, read about it and donate!

Speaking of unorthodox, Chana sums up the YU Beacon story best: Writing a (poor) weak erotica-style piece with some confusing details about a girl's first-or-not time having sex with a guy she is-or-isn't in a serious relationship with is about attention-seeking, not about discussing an issue seriously. If they wished to discuss the issue of pre-marital sex among Orthodox people seriously, they could have done so by actually discussing it as a serious piece [much as Chana did with other aspects of the subject, as she notes]. Yes, there would still be much objection to this - a reasonable argument could be made for or against YU's school newspapers being the proper forum for such discussions - but at least it would be defensible [I should disclose that I did not think even Chana's were all necessary/appropriate, but they were at least defensible]. Oh, and in case it wasn't clear this was about attention, leaking it to national media is rather immature as well: Deal with the fallout within the context you wrote a piece, don't seek media to try and force and/or embarrass your university. Kudos to YU and its students for standing strongly against this, and it seems that the general consensus even from media was "...that was crappy writing."

And finally, singer/rapper Matisyahu shaved his beard. He's also still Orthodox, not "Un-Orthodox" (and looks really tired). So... who cares?

Monday, July 18, 2011

BDE, Helen Stone

Helen Stone of Cleveland (my grandmother's sister and widow of Irving I. Stone - he of American Greetings, Stone Chumash/Tanach, and the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland fame) passed away today.

Baruch Dayan Emes.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Don P. Design House

It's always great to see friends working really hard at something they're good at, especially as they start overcoming the various hurdles associated with it. One friend who has likely been mentioned previously on this blog has always been a great dresser and designer, ironically married someone who does the same, and now has started manufacturing and selling his own custom shirts for little boys - and other friends have been buying and loving them. Feel free to support him, he's just a great guy - and your sons will look great.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Switch Your Verizon Plan Now

If you're on Verizon or are considering switching to Verizon, do it today or tomorrow at the latest. After tomorrow Verizon will no longer have unlimited data plans. If however you're in by tomorrow you will be grandfathered in and keep your unlimited plan at $30/month (versus the new pricing levels which will range from $30-80/month).

Sunday, June 12, 2011

EZ Reads 6/12/11: Mazel Tov Edition

Since it's been a while...
  • Happy 38th Anniversary to my parents this past Friday!
  • Mazel tov to OD and SIL on the birth of a girl over Shavuos!
  • Mazel tov to G on the birth of a baby boy recently! (English name suggestion below...)
  • Mazel tov to Moshe and family on their move to (gasp) Cleveland!
  • Happy 24th (!) birthday to the Apple!
  • Mazel tov to Pobody's Nerfect on a baby girl recently!
  • ...and I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting, sorry!
  • Elsewhere, some good stuff - Blobby with a really nice story about Jews. That's how I was brought up, where that's how we were viewed. Awesome.
  • Avi Shafran proudly "informs" on other Jews, for a good cause. 
  • Love is the Motive talks of a nice new app (waiting for it on Android) called PowerSefer, bringing a slew of seforim etc. to your iPhone or PC.
  • And really - did you think I'd forget? GO MAVS!! (Suggestion for G: Dirk. I don't care what name he's got, this is a potential add, right?)

Monday, April 04, 2011

Queens Israel Solidarity Concert

Queens Israel Solidarity Concert 2011
Israel Solidarity Fund of America
3502 Quentin Road Brooklyn, NY 11234
(917) 751-1237

April 4, 2011

Dear Friend,

In the last few weeks a young family in Itamar, Israel was brutally murdered and the following week a bus was bombed in Jerusalem. Americans read about these horrible events and now many are looking for a way to help.  We live here in New York without such fears of attack and bombings. We must stand together in support of those who risk their lives each day by living in Israel. Their presence in Israel ensures that Jewish people will always have a homeland.

We will be holding a benefit concert to bring people in the Queens community and beyond together in support of Israel and to raise money for victims of terror.

By aiding victims of terror we will help ourselves and our people to live better lives. We need your help. As a grassroots effort, being launched by members of the community, we need to raise money to make money. At this time we are looking to raise $40-50,000 by April 10, 2011 in order to get this event off the ground. Once we have sponsorships for the event, all profits from the concert will go directly to the victims and their families. Israel Solidarity Fund is run by volunteers and has no over head costs. We hope we can count on your support.

Queens Israel Solidarity Concert
June 19, 2011 at CUNY Queens College – Colden Theatre
Top Jewish music talent (TBD based on monies raised)

Sponsorship Levels:
  • Platinum - $25,000
    • Name/Logo on all ads – concert sponsored by…, 20 VIP tickets, ad on inside-cover of playbill
  • Gold - $15,000
    • 15 VIP tickets, banner on stage, ad on inside-cover of playbill
  • Silver - $10,000
    • 10 VIP tickets, banner on stage, ad on inside-cover of playbill
  • Bronze - $5,000
    • 8 VIP tickets, banner on stage, full-page ad in playbill
  • Supporter - $2,500
    • 6 VIP tickets, banner on stage, full-page ad in playbill
  • Corporate - $1,000
    • 6 VIP tickets, full-page ad in playbill
  • Family - $500
    • 4 VIP tickets, half-page ad in playbill
  • Friend - $250
    • 2 VIP tickets, quarter-page ad in playbill

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support. Please call with any questions or for more information.


Samantha Kramer
Co-Chair Queens Israel Solidarity Concert

Friday, April 01, 2011

Phantom Charges From Aron's - Call Aron's or Your Bank


They have had an issue with their credit card processing machines, and you may have been charged randomly! We noticed a $100+ charge hitting our bank yesterday from Aron's Kissena Farms in Kew Gardens Hills, despite not having shopped there in a week. We called them last night, and were told they would look into it and we'd be called back (we were not). We called again today, they looked into it, and they said it was their error and have issued a refund (after transposing the refund amount and charging us again to make up the difference). Check your account and make sure any charges from Aron's were actually incurred, and if not, call them up and complain and/or call your bank to dispute the charge.

And yes, I think it's odd. It's not as if it was the same amount we spent and it accidentally resent the charge - it's a completely random (yet realistic) amount, which means many people may just think "Aron's, looks about right", and let it go. 

Please be aware!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

EZ Reads 3/30/11

  • Marco Rubio with a great editorial today on why he won't vote to raise the debt ceiling without significant changes to tax structures, Social Security, Medicare, and the like. I was reminded of the famous story of the old man being asked why he's planting an apple tree, and answering because his grandfather planted one so he would have it, so he is planting one so his grandchildren will have it. It's sad that most people are too engrossed in the present to look at the future. (WSJ)
  • A really interesting self-essay by QB Eric Ainge on his struggles with painkiller drugs and alcohol addictions. (ESPN)
  • Chana links to some fun upcoming Jewish events, including The First National Jewish Collegiate A Capella Competition.
  • Via his wife, Divrei Chaim with an interesting piece on Nadav and Avihu and what one of their sins was: Leaving women who wished to marry them as agunos because they felt they were above the women due to their status. Another chiddush, courtesy of R' Henoch Leibowitz zt"l, is an interesting mussar lesson - read the whole piece.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Memorial Service for Professor Budick

Lander Men and Women's division alumni - if you can attend it would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Under Construction

If you come to the blog and it looks a bit funky, just ignore it for the time being. We're fiddling with the template and layout, in the hopes that we'll no longer have the issues some people have complained about (slow load times, difficulty reading) and also to make it a lot more functional and a lot less chaotic.

If you have any suggestions feel free to post a comment! (And if you like something different you're seeing say what it is so I know what people like.)

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

BDE: Professor Arthur Budick

Message from Lander College for Men Dean R' Dr. Moshe Sokol:
I am deeply saddened to inform you that Arthur Budick passed away yesterday evening after a battle with cancer.

Arthur was a founding member of the LCM faculty, and taught literature at Touro since at least the mid-seventies, if not earlier. He was a friend to many of us, and a gifted and passionate professor who inspired and instructed generations of students. Virtually every LCM student took him for at least one course during their educational career. Arthur’s humanity, wisdom, depth and principle are simply irreplaceable.

The family has requested that funeral services and shiva be private. Touro plans to organize a shloshim memorial service at which the family will be present. I will share with you more information about this as it becomes available.

Baruch dayan ha-emet.

Moshe Sokol
Professor Arthur Budick was one of the most energetic and inspiring professors in Lander when I was there - I recall him being a rare professor who was not afraid to get completely "into" whatever he was teaching, acting out characters from the readings we were in middle of or in general adding some life into his classes. He was a tough grader, dedicated to forcing people to strive for perfection and not just adequacy. He was a good man and will be missed.

Baruch Dayan Emes.

Gift of Life (Bone Marrow) Request & EZ Reads 3/8/11

Just a few pieces for a slow Tuesday, and one important request:

The 1-year old daughter of Hindy Poupko and Seth Galena (of Bangitout I believe), Ayelet Yakira Galena, was recently diagnosed with a rare bone marrow failure disorder and will need a bone marrow transplant. Gift of Life is an incredible organization which does simple cheek swabs (essentially a Q-tip in your mouth for a few seconds) and keeps a record of your bone marrow on file, so if you're ever a match for someone who needs it they'll know. I did a swab 10 years ago, and it was the easiest way to potentially help save someone's life - and you never need to do a swab again. From one of the e-mails I received:
Here are some ways you can help us out:

1. You and everyone you know can get your cheeks swabbed at the bone marrow and sent it to the gift of life here is the direct link

2. If you think you are already in the registry, double check here:

3. Currently, Gift of Life (the Jewish bone marrow registry) does not have the funds to process all of the new registrants (each test costs $54) so consider donating to Gift of Life through our dedicated donors circle at: If you cannot afford it I am personally working on getting sponsors.

4. If you banked your child's cord blood and would consider donating it in the event that it is match - please be in touch with us

5. Forward this email to everyone you know.

6. Upcoming drives:

March 7th, 2:00-7:00pm, New York Region of Hadassah
5 West 58th Street, NY, NY 10019

March 19th and March 20th, 8:30-11:00 PM, The Jewish Center
131 W. 86th St., New York, NY

Thank you for your time and help, Hindy Poupko and Seth Galena
  • A fantastic article in the NY Times called The Tire Iron and the Tamale, via Rafi, on a man who has been stranded three times on the side of the road in the past year, and the people who came to help him out. Excerpts:
    Each time, when these things happened, I was disgusted with the way people didn’t bother to help. [...] But you know who came to my rescue all three times? Immigrants. Mexican immigrants. None of them spoke any English. [...]

    His wife produced a large water jug for us to wash our hands in. I tried to put a 20 in the man’s hand, but he wouldn’t take it, so instead I went up to the van and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could. [...] After I said my goodbyes and started walking back to the Jeep, the girl called out and asked if I’d had lunch. When I told her no, she ran up and handed me a tamale.

    This family, undoubtedly poorer than just about everyone else on that stretch of highway, working on a seasonal basis where time is money, took a couple of hours out of their day to help a strange guy on the side of the road while people in tow trucks were just passing him by.

    But we weren’t done yet. I thanked them again and walked back to my car and opened the foil on the tamale (I was starving by this point), and what did I find inside? My $20 bill! I whirled around and ran to the van and the guy rolled down his window. He saw the $20 in my hand and just started shaking his head no. All I could think to say was, “Por favor, por favor, por favor,” with my hands out. The guy just smiled and, with what looked like great concentration, said in English: “Today you, tomorrow me.”
  • Waiting For Next Year has a great piece on the NFL labor dispute, saying "Don't Pick Sides" in the Plain Dealer, then continuing on the blog.
  • The Times has a fun piece on Cleveland envy among Knicks fans. That's what happens when 25% of the lowly Cavs' wins are against the same team.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Audio of Hespedim for R' Nachum Zev Dessler zt"l

Thanks to SB and EK for the links, and to EK for the pictures from the shloshim.

The hespedim from the levaya of Rabbi N.W. Dessler in Cleveland are available to listen to online (high quality) at ZionTrain; or you can download or listen to any individual hesped from all of the various levayas (Cleveland, Newark airport, and in Eretz Yisroel) from LocalJewishNews.
R' Matisyahu Solomon, shlita at Shloshim for R' N.W. Dessler zt"l

R' Nosson Tzvi Baron shlita at Shloshim for R' N.W. Dessler zt"l

R' Eliyahu Brodny shlita at Shloshim for R' N.W. Dessler zt"l

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Via Josh Lintz, ShulLists a great site which condenses the posts from many of the various tri-state area shul listings (TeaneckShuls, FiveTownShuls, KGHShuls, etc.) and puts them all in one, organized place. This is really useful for people who know what they're looking for and is a lot easier to skim through, and can be sorted by area as well as type. All in all, very nice and very useful.

From their About Us page:
Shullists was created in 2011 with the aim of providing a consolidated and simplified inbox of shul and community message boards in order to facilitate the wider spread of information in the Jewish community. Some of our services include:
-Numerous flexible search capabilities
-Posts can be consolidated by subject matter across multiple geographic locations
-Live Twitter feed with hash tags to follow sources of interest in real time.
-A facebook profile you can choose to "friend"
-Privacy settings that prevent personal data from being scraped by web marketers or search engines
We have attempted to maximize ease of use for the benefit of our users. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our services, we would love to hear from you. If you have a bulletin board you would like us to add to this service, we would also be interested to hear about it. Please feel free to contact us.
The Shullists Administrators

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

EZ Reads 2/22/11: Could You Survive on $1,000?

This challenge (by a charity site) is really something: PlaySpent. What would you do if all you had was $1,000? Try the challenge. Sadly, the various difficulties that arise are all too familiar and true: From bank fees to insurance to any wrench thrown in your plans and its spillover effect on everything else. It's scary to think about, and it's scarier to realize that there's really no good answer. But it ultimately helps you prepare for the future by understanding what you need to focus on now.

Some other worthwhile links to start your day with...
  • The community-wide hesped for R' N.W. Dessler in Cleveland will take place Thursday evening at 7:45pm at the Yavne campus on Green Road. Audio of all the hespedim from his levaya and burial are available online here; numerous articles which are all worth reading if only for the various stories from his life which are so telling have been compiled by the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland on their website here.
  • Via JonB, the effectiveness of GroupOn. I'd say it's about what I'd have expected, which is to say pretty good for most and not so much for a significant group of others. 
  • R' Natan Slifkin with an obviously ironic post, discussing WikiLeaks' contrast to many even democratic people and the Rambam's views that there are subjects which are not meant for the general public. One close relative said exactly that to me upon hearing another relative give a Science & Torah shiur during the Shabbos of my aufruf, noting that "everything he said is true, but it doesn't mean it should be said [because they can't understand it]."
  • On the Main Line with an interesting historical view on the line about how the Jewish people were healthy until Rabbis became doctors.
  • Elder of Ziyon shows just how crazy this world is, with people honestly believing - at least according to their tweets - that Israeli F-16s are dropping bombs on Libyans, or that Israel trained African Jews to shoot people. Nice.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

EZ Reads 2/9/11

I'm in the process of writing a few posts (some in my head), but meanwhile, here are some good and/or important pieces out there:
  • R' Yanky Horowitz and R' Avraham Mifsud are giving a teleconference tomorrow evening at 9:30pm EST on Safe and Secure: Keeping Your Children Protected From Pedophiles. You can e-mail questions in advance by 6:00pm tomorrow as well. The information is on R' Horowitz's site, here.
  • Jameel tells us of an Israeli organization dedicated to helping Israel's homeless which is currently running fourth in the Dell Social Innovation competition ($50,000 award). They could use your vote to stay in the running (top ten move on, top one receives $1,000 automatically).
  • Irina has joined the Samaritans of NYC, which has a major event coming up. They are the city's only 24-hour suicide prevention hotline for 25+ years, and fielded 69,000+ calls last year.
  • R' Avi Shafran has an excellent piece on Cross-Currents about... well, Jews. Favorite quote:
    And the late Tony Judt’s: “I participate in no Jewish community life, nor do I practice Jewish rituals… I am not a ‘lapsed’ Jew, having never conformed to requirements in the first place. I don’t ‘love Israel’… But whenever anyone asks me whether or not I am Jewish, I unhesitatingly respond in the affirmative and would be ashamed to do otherwise.”

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Please Pray for Halfway to 72

Please have in mind Yehudah Baruch ben Rivkah Mindel tonight and tomorrow morning; he's an all right guy (I guess) whose 36th (HA!) birthday is tomorrow, in honor of which he is having surgery at 8:30am on his second ear to restore hopefully 80% of his hearing in that ear. He previously had successful surgery on the first ear.

His dear wife SIL noted that the doctor's office did note that they cannot repair selective hearing - ah well for her.

Also worth noting is that I was born exactly 8-1/2 years after my brother, so I'll be halfway to 55 tomorrow. Nice.

Monday, January 24, 2011

R' N. W. Dessler, zt"l Kevura and Shiva Info, Obituary

Via my parents:

R' N.W. Dessler (Plain Dealer via Dessler family)
The body will be at Newark Airport Cargo Area D at about 5:15pm today (Monday), but you should confirm with Newark Airport; the levaya in Cleveland was this morning at Yavne's building. The kevurah will be Tuesday at (can't remember if it's 6:15 or 6:30) at Shamgar.  They didn't say anything about shiva in Israel, but in Cleveland it's at Reuven and Naomi Dessler's house on Shannon Road.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer published an obituary of Rabbi Dessler.

Thursday, September 16, 2010