Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Someone Has Got Their Facts Mixed Up

Hello to all my friends. I don't know who came up with the definition but my blog has been suffering from NBS, "Neglected Blog Syndrome".

Now as those of you who live in PA, NJ, NY, and parts of MA know, we got upwards of 14" of the white stuff dumped on us back on March 2nd. Now you be the judge of who should be giving back their bonus especially if they received any federally funded treats from President Obama.

This was the view out my front door. I guess we can't go for a walk this way.

This was the view out my back door. We can't go out that way. We will have to try the garage door. Pssss... Dad made the mistake of opening the sliding door and he wound up with a pile of snow in the livingroom. He had to use a shovel and broom to get the snow back outside so he could close the door. WAAAAAA it was hilarious.

I was finally able to get outside through the garage. We would've needed a sled to come down the front steps.

The wind was sure blowing. I made the mistake of jumping into a snow drift. I looked like seal flopping around on a beach, not good.

I had one heck of time trying to locate any good pee-mail, but it was fun frolicking in the snow.

Luna Licks to you all.

The Luna-tic