Showing posts with label SNOW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SNOW. Show all posts


Snow Days ...

... you know your grown up when you still have to go to work in it ... 

 So, Feb 2 ~
"Olathe received a record 15 inches of snowfall. Due to the nature of the snow event (involving heavy snowfall and drifting snow), this will be a lengthy clean-up effort. However, City crews will continue around the clock operations until streets are plowed...."

& frostbite warnings
... They say more of the nasty weather is on the way. 
so, HAPPY GROUND  HOG DAY anyway ...

      I did get a little time to 'play' and NOT in the snow.... I got the fabric postcards into the mail - finally. 
~ The January Starlight Quilt Guild Meeting - i missed, due to having one of those days where you know your missing something, but you cant remember WHAT? (my sister says they make a pill for that) ... I've really enjoyed the 'small group' meetings too!
... I made a yummy dinner for my family, which is rare - (making dinner) .Meatloaf & smashed taters' ... my son asked, "don't you have somewhere to go?" ... I thought it was because i was reminding him to do his chores and homework! ... 
I heard it was a great meeting ~ 
~ i also, missed the KCMQG meeting, due to work =0(
     ~  I feel so very blessed to have  two such great guilds filled with such creativity and inspiration.  I just wish my joints would cooperate - this nasty, awful weather has me hurting - but, EVEN-THOUGH it's too cold for my husband to go out and do woodworking - HE is down in the basement riffling through my DENIM stash - cutting up jeans i've been saving for years to make raggedy quilts - since everything i make i seem to give away - and i have never made finished a quilt for my husband.  poor fellow. HE even bought his own flannel. He even offered to make ME one ... lol.
- in -

Split 9-patch ... playing
  ? ONE block for Jessica ? (sssh!) ... 
  `scrappy leaders & enders' 
& Fabric postcards 
... which made it into the mail!
Let it snow, let it snow, let it sow ... SOMEWHERE ELSE!  
(more later, will share our 'Nan's girls day' )