Showing posts with label Design Wall Today. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Design Wall Today. Show all posts


Discharged Fabric

more UNFINISHED Business ~ Design Wall Today
 Not from the military, although it kind of looks like Drab Green/Grays ...  It's Discharged.
Meaning - it's been, quite simply, BLEACHED
...  follow this link for a tutorial, on HOW to ALTER Fabric.
I like to get Blacks from different fabric lines, and see what the base color is.  The above photo started out Blacks and Greens
{there is a bit of blue ;0) at the bottom *obvious* }
I think i will piece it - chop it up some more - and applique with wool!
I think the Wool & Embroidery will really pop on here.

iT's UgLy Now ... BUT Just You WaiT!


WIP Wednesday: Habitat Countdown!

Just wondering ... Will i get done?
... Will i get the back pieced? 
... will i get it layered?
Will it get Quilted in one week?
... will there be binding on it by the KCMQG November meeting?
The weather is cold and chilli - and i MISS my studio,
but i come home from work exhausted,
... i go in to change out of my work clothes
my bed is so warm and inviting. My kitty needs to cuddle.
I need rest, so i will go to bed early and DREAM about finishing it.
... i have ideas for making the back fun
... but for now i will finish the top (nearly done!)
... just the finishing the final vertical seams! ...
Habitat Design Wall - Sneak Peek!
... see how well the fabrics play with the Linen? ...
Even though my daughter came home from a visit from Kstate,
and exclaimed:
"omg mommy, that is the ugliest thing i have ever seen on your design wall!"
~ it's kind of grown on me
... KINDA!

I'm getting excited to see what the other's have come up with,
it's so fun to see the diversity we can come up with the same fabrics!
~ i'm looking fw to show-n-tell ... 
See ya' next week! 


... " a chair of your own" ... ?

~ oops, i've done it again ... spent time blog hopping and gaining terrific inspiration
... and it's OK!
 I grant myself permission for some 'me' time - It's a beautiful day for sure.  I have gained inspiration to be more with less: mini lessons and enjoy my space ... (i really am not sure i got to those links, other than, i have a few fav's and each day i log on, with a cup of coffee and start hopping for 15 min or so~ i love where my blog-friends lead me! .... If you have a favorite link that inspires you ~ please share below~! LEAVE A COMMENT... and see what happens!)
"Every woman must have money and a room of her own ... " Virginia Woolf

So, whilst enjoying my 'space' recently and working on the KONA Challenge ... this has been my Work In Progress (WIP) ... i'm taking a moment away from it to start on the Strarlight Mystery quilt, (i will show you my fabric choices when i get them uploaded ... I am i bit behind there!) One step forward, two steps back! ...  Here is the Process of what i have so far ~>

~ so FIRST i thought i would group them by color 
and do a 'split 4-patch' variation ... 

~ then i moved them around and thought it a bit 
... i dunno ...boring? ...
~ now it's kind of taken on a mind of it's own and turned into a traincrash! ... I think i may want to regain some control... ? Playing a bit with the improv style ...So, folks, this is what happens when you are tired of patterns, play with color and too many ideas collide!
~ what do you think?


Gettin' Busy ... quick peek

Just a peek, I'm not telling anything more, but I am forcing myself to work a little more in the 'Improv style, and it is harder than i thought to be more 'free form' ... i'm finding myself stopping to think and trying to just play! ... I've done it before, but life was different then.  Simple. 
due date: this Thurs ... ack!

KCMQG Kona Solids Challenge
{~ Thx to Nikki ~ for taking great picts! ~}


Oh, by the way ... 'my husband lets me have as much junk as i can hide'

~ those ear-rings you just got yourself,
& the other junk....
... Happy Valentines Day! ~ 
We don't traditionally celebrate VD, or other commercialized events ...  We agree that you should be able to tell each other how you feel ANY DAY - the kids are embarrassed when we do just that,  and are under the impression that sometimes we *gasp* fight,
when we simply express our feelings~ 
~ We discuss, sometimes loudly.  Don't tell 'what's his face' - but i really do love him! I appreciate that we can share our points of view, and agree to disagree, having our own opinions is HEALTHY!

 .... Yesterday, after spending some quality time with girlfriends, {&they said he could hang with us, just a bit, cuz they actually like him also} ... He was kind enough to accompany me to places i like ... i told him we'd go were he wanted too ~ but, he couldn't think of anywhere. We got out and enjoyed the somewhat still gloomy, yet warmer weather... We obtained some Greek seasoning ETC; some stuff from at Beadazzler Beads for a wall hanging i STARTED eons ago ~ the purple/green majesty ... and we wandered to Harper's Fabric just before they locked up ... then got some TART, but yummy pastries ... 

~ THEN,  we headed home, and i was ever so slightly ;o) motivated ..  to dig out the old project: DISCHARGE FABRIC DYE ~ Started ... way back in Arizona ... Circa 2001.  ~ the darker 'squares' are dark 'green' ~ what the lighter green were originally ... then the others are a variation, believe it or not, of purple and black ... i thought it was quite ugly and stashed it away - but, the thing is kind of growing on me.  Ideas i toyed with post taking fabric dye and design classes from Adriene Buffington.  I was reminded of the project when i was thinking of what to do with the luscious Kona cotton challenge! (relax, i'm NOT going to bleach them!)
~ So many ideas, so little time! 
~ why is it on Sunday eve i finally get my creative mojo
just when the work week awaits me?
~ Happy Week ...


what's on my design wall Today ... uhm, yesterday!

well, tonight i took these blocks to the KCMQG meeting ... the top 8 are for 4 different quilts for the NICU unit at St. Lukes.  ~ the bottom 4, left are for Andrea for our Scrappy Bee, the Virtual Swap I'm having fun with! ...


for Mason, continued ...

So, my Starlight small group met the other day to 'collect' or squares ...
and Shirley has kindly offered to put it together - and has added borders, i can't wait to see it finished ...
The backing was donated by Ginny,
& will be a black on white Tennis Shoe outline fabric! ... 
These are my 4 squares - green/black 9 patches; soccer 9-patch; Lego's; & games/Transformers

 I was informed he liked "checkers" ... the pieces are buttons! .. so much fun!
This was on Shirley's design wall, while we auditioned boarder fabrics...


For Mason

Our Starlight *small group* is making quilt for Mason
Besides Green ... Here are a few of his favorite things - 
    - rocks/arrowheads and a tiger
    -  bikes and KU
    -  soccer and books
    - Lego's and games, preferably checkers or chess
    - cats, preferably black and white
    - & fishing


Design Wall Today: Ugly WIP - the fabric, the plan?

so, this is what i'm working with ~ the request was for 'browns & greens' ... so, i found this fabric and some compliments ... but, it seems the more i play with it, the PINK was standing out! uck. i NO LIKE pink ...
so, I had my son pick off anything that was reading PINK ...
and i like THIS much better~!
i'm still debating,
whether or not to use the light blue, with the PINK flowers ... in THIS quilt...
... playing with Wonky Blocks! ~ my try at Improv Quilting~


What's on My Design Wall TODAY: Ugly WIP

This is What i'm working on currently - I'm really not sure if it's quite this ugly in person - or colors that are getting me to work out of my comfort zone.  I've lately been inspired to do some more contempory quilts.  
Sadly, i confess, I prefer taking pictures with my phone, because it is so much easier to upload - or just send them to my email and post.  So, i guess my next investment will be a phone with a better camera!