Showing posts with label Madrona Road. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madrona Road. Show all posts


I wonder if...

This furry friend finds us entertaining? He keeps me company when I sew... he watched me as I started rearranging the basement, mostly supervising. It makes me wonder ... does he get nervous when I start to clean & reorganize... asking himself, "are we moving again?"

He loved watching this quilt come together... from attacking the design wall, to sleeping on it while it waa being quilted ...

He's completely stolen my gramma chair...

He will literally kamakzi dive bomb me, leep over me & sneak attack from behind MY chair when I attempt to sit in it....

He's the last man standing.
I wonder if he appreciates being an only furbaby....

Truth is he has been claimed by son whi admittedly says theirs is more of a Stockholm Syndrome relationship!

We love him!...

lent 6/40