My Wedding

Showing posts with label wedding decorations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding decorations. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2010

My lovely tandang pelamin...

salam everyone...

from now on my update and my email replies are going to be slow, sebab i really don't know why, my computer tak boleh excess gmail and blogpsot at all...yang pelik ebsite yg lain all dgn blogspot je yang tak boleh.heish, i really don't understand...

Today i want to give teaser on my very beautiful pelamin masa tandang..sgt cantik kan the ferry lights...kak wanie made this very very simple pelamin jadi sgt sgt sgt cantik...kitorg pun tak percaya bila pelamin dah siap and lampu dah pasang...

oh kak wanie thank you so much for everything...

oh so you girls out there, if you all are still looking for a wedding decorator, please please consider kerja kahwin...

p/s: more updates will come inshaAllah, once daniel zain passes the official wedding photos, InshaAllah...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wedding cheats

Ok hari tu, i janji to do a post on how i saved money for my wedding, so i can have spare for my reception...

i shall go straight to the point.

1) wedding at dewan komuniti

sewa dewan komuniti is always less then RM 2k, meaning if you rent 1 hari everyone boleh selesa dalam dewan. kalau buat dekat rumah, mmg best (our house depan main road, mmg confirm tak boleh tutup jalan), tapi cost untuk canopy can be mahal. for RM 2000 boleh dapat 4 khemah je maximum. That is why, i say if buat wedding at dewan komuniti can be very money saving, and the best part, dapat aircond sekali.

2) tables and chairs

to maximise tables and chairs, i used square tables instead of round. and sewa meja square lagi murah dari meja bulat. For myself, i mmg prefer square table, i have never liked meja bulat, sbb limit dia either 8 or 10 orang..sbb my family besar, kalau the whole family pergi wedding/makan2, family kitorang sure kena seperate meja, and i hate that. If square table, all of us can sit together.

Besides that, i didn't use any chair ribbon, because my decorator mentioned that chair ribbon, is unnecessary,  sbb tak perlu sangat pun for deco. so i actually save a few hundered sbb tak guna chair ribbons. my decorator mentioned, keep the chairs all white nanti nampak kemas and bersih...sebab he said kalau guna plastic chairs, nanti ribbon senang jatuh, senget, keromot, and nanti the whole place nampak tak kemas

3) decor

now of course, masa awal2, tak terfikir langsung nak buat gazebo tgh2 hall.. i wanted to do the deco on the stage, sbb tinggi nanti ramai orang nampak. But my mum suggested buat tgh2 dewan, buat platform so boleh duduk to nikah. My decorator suka the idea sbb, dapat save money, tak payah buat laluan and everything, lepas tu, kalau buat deco tgh dewan  everyone akan concetrate kat tgh dewan sahaja, plus he said ramai orang selalu segan nak naik pelamin utk ambil gambar sebab kat atas pentas, end up gambar orang selalu ambil kat laluan/or gerbang masuk je. so he said, kalau buat tgh2 dewan orang tak malu sangat nak pergi pelamin ambil gambar.

lepas tu, i remembered ayat2 cinta and loved the idea nikah tgh dewan. after that we came up with the idea, of building a gazebo tgh tgh dewan. dcorator cakap, stage tak payah guna, then dewan tak nampak kosong, sbb its a nikah, guest tak ramai macam kenduri walimah..

and i tanya pulak pasal centrepiece, he said tak payah pun takpa but if nak, just buat kecil2 pun ok....sbb org tak pandang sangat meja, poeple will just concentrate on the gazebo.
4) food

i think this is paling penting. of course ramai suka buat wedding yg hidang guna dome. But kalau buat buffet, boleh save half the harga, Kalau buffet, boleh dapat biasa from RM 15/person. so kalau invite 300 orang, baru RM 4500 ribu.. the best part kalau buat at dewan komuniti, you boleh panggil mana2 caterer, dia takda caterer yg u mesti guna..alhamdulillah...

5) centrepiece

ok, for centrepiece, i put chocolate dates, with small flower posy and wedding favour. Jadi with all this, meja square panjang2 tu dah tak nampak kosong alhamdulillah. chocolate dates, i just put on doily paper atas cardboard keras, yg u boleh beli mana2 supermarket and tak mahal. centrepiece, i mintak Merisik gallery tolong buatkan, ohh i suka sgt the flower combo, matching with my pink deco and eustoma hand bouquet.

final results for table deco

6) hantaran

saving money on hantaran, gave us a lot more money to be spent elsewhere like our honeymoon...

7) photographer

"spend within your means" this is something yg both my parents remind us all the time...for photographer the biggest way to save is to take a package only with soft copy, tak masuk album, because album is always a huge portion of the payment. and then after the wedding you can custom your own album according to your taste, there are some easy software available nowadays like photobook.or you can print out pictures in different sizes, and keep them in the wedding album.

but like i mentioned, this is only suitable for those who are looking to save money...For those with unlimited budget, i think all this rules does not apply...hheehhe

Thats all for now, if ada any questions, do email me, i will be more than happy to help, inshaAllah.



Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nikah concept

I have received a few emails asking about the nikah concept..hehehe so here goes.

and yes girls, i did nikah in a hall....

actually the whole idea came from my sister and mum...during my sisters wedding, instead of nikah separately, she decided to do a nikah at the hall itself, so we had the nikah on the stage, and all the guests we seated comfortably on the chairs at their assigned tables..(please bear in mind, we do not have a house big enough to accommodate a nikah function nor can we blocked the road in front of our house because its a main road, and I didn't nikah in the mosque because i'm scared that I myself won't be able to enter the mosque if I'm menstruating, so with all respect to the Mosque)

her wedding was
11am: nikah
12-4pm: walimah
1pm: ketibaan pengantin
all at the same hall. ketibaan pengantin seems awal and ramai takut hall kosong, the best part is, the hall was already full because of the guests that came for the nikah..

and mashaAllah that concept worked out really well, sbb everyone was comfortable, and could see the nikah very clearly instead of having live feed(which can be rather expensive).and it was so easy for our family to organise it...and the money we saved..mashaAllah.....

so for my nikah, we wanted to continue doing nikah in a hall...which we find the most convenient.

after watching ayat2 cinta, i was like yes, this time i want to do the nikah smack in the middle of the hall..i asked quotation from like 5 different decorators, and some of them tak faham my i had a lot of trouble finding a suitable one...

finally, we were like why not we just try nas,..

mashaAllah, when i met nas and explained my whole nikah comcept he straight away gave this whole gazebo idea tgh2 hall..i was so happy.finally somebody understood what i make things better he said he just met another couple who is also doing a nikah at the hall, which turned out it was someone i knew and she had an amazing all white nikah at the hall as well...
and the best part, because the hall has high ceiling, so the gazebo concept fits just nice..mashaAllah...

so finally that part was settled...

timing for the wedding is,
11am: akad nikah
12-2pm: makan

2nd time nikah in the hall, worked well as for my adik, when she told my mum she wanted to get married, all of us was like..ok lets find a HALL for your nikah..hehehe...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

good news?? i hope so...

Havent visited my blog for a long time...hehe..i was away with my family to our fav holiday destination...


Yes, bali....for me.... i love it sooooo much....u know we were just as skeptical as everyone about the of my family member taknak jejak pun kat sana because she said got tooo many figures...

but when we went there, our first whole family fell in love with the has something for everybody, mind u at times i think they are more Muslim friendly then Malaysia itself.....

actually in this 1 year we have been there twice..never posted pics from our first trip coz i didn't have a blog at that parents who has travelled all over the world, now has a soft spot for Bali..and our trip last week now made us love the place even more...

i will upload pictures of my current trip soon k...

OK as for wedding updates...hehehe..i think i am finally settled on a parents pun approve, so waiting to meet them next week to settle the deposit..hope all goes well from now on, i dont want anymore bad news,, habib and my pengapit went to see him...we easily connected..cakap2 so long sampai late...My pelamin idea was inspired by the picture below...hehe...its from the movie ayat2 cinta...ohh i loveeed that movie...

of course this is Indonesian style,..hehehe..i have malaysianise the concept..well actually all idea was from the decorator, whereby he extracted it from my nikah concept...sadly, no petals falling for me..hehehe....

Monday, October 26, 2009

p/s: i do not like people like you...

I never wanted to do this entry and i hvnt, since spoke to her last...and habib pun said its ok just let it go...but its been long enough..and its still bothering yes..i need to vent it goes...

a few months ago...i was looking for a decorator for my wedding hall...i came across her blog...and i was pretty impressed by her work...... and the thing that made me feel like she is the one because she wrote at her blog, "For my future clients out there, if you think that you are very busy with your work and have no time to plan your wedding and you need someone very reliable, whom you can trust and also can make your dream wedding come true, ...I would say, I am the person you are looking for"

So that was it i feel for it...i showed my family all her work and told my mum i think she is the one...I'm going to see her mum being careful as she is her first and keep your options open...but i said its going to be fine someone recommended her and she seems very baik in her e-mails..

being a perfectionist as I am..i have this like wedding folder where i arrange everything...because i like to be coordinated...hey i was doing events for 3 years,so i should know all this by now..

Anyway so before hand i e-mailed everything to vision and everything we made an appointment.. her house is around 45 mins from my we went to see her at her house..which i found was weird because its very not professional to have a business meet up at a personal house...

1) i had to wait 15 mins outside her gate before she opened it for us..
2) during the meeting we achieved nothing because she was busy looking for stuff to show me, and I was irritated coz i've already shown her what i want and she should have prepared everything before i came...but I still loved her work and nobody is prefect so i figured takpela...just let it go
3) last2 finally she said..ok for what u want I charge RM 7000...and i was like ok..that is within my she said she will prepare the quotation and will get back to me...I said I'm very interested so yes do get back to me as soon as possible...

a few weeks went by...and i heard nothing from her..i msg her she said she is busy and will get back to me asap..i pun waited some more...

months went by..finally I heard from her...(during the wait I dah so angry because I DO Not work like that) I expect professionalism when we are a paying customer..
she sms me at 5 freaking am and ask.."oh u still interested ke with the quotation?" I was furious when i got the sms...dahlah i waited lama gila and u can ask me whether i'm interested or not...but ok i just said its my dugaan so I replied and said yes I am....

so I thought dah sms pukul 5pagi maybe u will hantar e-mail asap..but no..she only e-mailed me a few days later....and the worst part was..from RM 7k the price we agreed on....she naikkan her price to RM 15k..and total quote RM 24K.....After i told her specifically my budget the first time I met her at her house..

I'm so pissed...i hvnt replied the e-mail till now because i know if I do, then I will say bad things to Puan S N

so everyone careful with people like this out there..who thinks just because  dah well known abit can up the price more than double even though she has given her word to me on the price...

p/s: i said i'm an extrovert....and I said I'm here to share...I just do not want anybody out there to go through what i went through...I want all consumers to know your rights and not allow all this poeple to pijak our kepala...dah lah as it is weddings are getting more expensive nowadays..we just have to be very carefull......

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wedding according to the Quran and Hadeeth Rasulullah SAW‏


Here are some raugh guidelines on how our prophet SAW guided us on weddings in Islam..Allahu Akhbar...

1) Choose the right partner: 'men can choose women because of their wealth, position, beauty and agama,if utamakan the agama, thus u will profit from it' hadith bukhari and Muslim. 'as for the women, if comes a guy with good iman and akhlak, then marry him' hadith tarmidzi, hadis hasan(baik) menurut al-Albaniy.

2) Akad nikah at a suitable place. Paling afdal is in Masjid (but take note that women in mentruation(inclusive of bride and guests) are not allowed in the praying area, corridor/hall is allowed though). 'pukullah kompang' Hadis (hassan a.k.a good) ahmad and Tarmidzi

3) No such thing as hantaran is yes if u dont hv anough money ITS OK not to have hantaran. If ada rezeki by all means (but don't forget to be humble because we if niat to riya', riya' hukum is syirik. The only thing that is WAJIB in nikah is the MAHAR(mas kahwin) firman Allah SWT in surrah al nisaa ayat no 4.(refer to alquran). the amount of the mas kahwin is determined by both the future bride and grooms family. The less burden the guy gets from collecting the mahar, the more Allah s.w.t will berkat the marriage, (refer to hadith sahih Iman Ahmad) also (hadith muslim, al-hakim, & ibnu Majah :- 'sebaik-baik mas kahwin ialah mas kahwin yang paling mudah dan ringan'

4) Give out Favours during nikah, Rasullulah SAW galakkan us to give out manisan ex:dates(kurma) during the nikah

5) Isytiharkan ur nikah kepada as many poeple as you can, so we dont create any fitnah.

6) As for the walimah, in Islam it says that 'adakanlah majlis walimah walaupun dengan seekor kambing' hadith muslim, clearly here shows that even those who don't have that much money still can afford to get married. & yes, for those with more rezeki, having wedding in hotels, halls, is still allowed in Islam, as long as your niat is not to menunjuk-nunjuk, Para tetamu has both the rich and the poor.'Rasulullah SAW says:- the worst of walimah is those who only invited the rich, and forgetting the poor' hadith bukhari and Muslim.
And hindarkan segala adat yang against Islam esp those came from other religion and culture example. 'Rasulullah SAW says 'anyone yang menyerupai adat suatu kaum, maka that person will termasuk dalam that kaum', hadith Ahmad and Abu Daud.( now this can be a big sin if the adat we are following is amongst the non believer)

7) It's Sunnah for the guests to congratulate the newlywed

8) Malam pertama, solat jemaah together (solat wajib and solat sunat) for Allah SWT will berkat a marriage when it starts the right way.

This are the only 8 things needed for a muslim there is no such thing as kahwin nowadays is expensive, It will only be mahal if u want it to be mahal (life is all about choices). Allah s.w.t has made things so simple for everyone. It is up to us whether we want to follow the simple way. Marriage is sangat digalakkan in Islam, so I don't think we should go around telling people how expensive wedding is nowadays and how hard it is to do it.Why not instead, show people how in Islam we don't need to do things the hard way.

I went to 2 weddings 2007, the brides came from very rich families (who had their own private jet,helicopter, private yatch and many2 cars)... 1 wedding they spent RM5k total, the other one was below RM20k, after realizing there is so much more in life than just a huge grand wedding. One of them decided to give the rest of the money to the pakistan earthquake victims instead. InsyaAllah the good deed they did was accepted and rewarded by Allah s.w.t.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Dream wedding setup

I heart this wedding setup, I love square tables instead of round and i love those chiavari chairs...But unfortunately this set up is so expensive. I calculated, if i do this set up, the cost at the hall for 400pax would be more expensive then if i do a sit down hotel wedding for 400pax (a 4 star hotel)...

When we were weighing our options, habib muka pelik sangat, he asked "kenapa budget for the community hall lagi tinggi then hotel?" hehehe..all i could do was smile.

My mum reminded me ...don't waste it for the is just one day, is marriage and children that u should concentrate on...

Some days I'm strong enough to hold back and just plan a simple wedding...some days i just long for my dream wedding...

But we did finalise on the theme...

For my reception is pink-ish

For nikah, i want something more theme...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wholesale fresh flowers...

Many have asked about the flowers that i bought from Ara damansara here it is...The owner Daisy Law was very friendly...i went here instead of petaling street sebab parking dekat sini easier and i live near by, and beza harga dia sikit je...still very murah if you want to compare it with a normal florist...

House of Petals & Decor
C-G-11A, Ground Floor, Block C,
No.8, Jalan PJU 1A/20B,
Dataran Ara Damansara,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Contact num: +603-7845 3183
Fax num: +603 7845 6602
Mobile num: +6017 601 2829


Disclaimer: picture is for decorative purpose only, not from house of petals, but they can provide calla lilies..