Ok hari tu, i janji to do a post on how i saved money for my wedding, so i can have spare for my reception...
i shall go straight to the point.
1) wedding at dewan komuniti
sewa dewan komuniti is always less then RM 2k, meaning if you rent 1 hari everyone boleh selesa dalam dewan. kalau buat dekat rumah, mmg best (our house depan main road, mmg confirm tak boleh tutup jalan), tapi cost untuk canopy can be mahal. for RM 2000 boleh dapat 4 khemah je maximum. That is why, i say if buat wedding at dewan komuniti can be very money saving, and the best part, dapat aircond sekali.
2) tables and chairs
to maximise tables and chairs, i used square tables instead of round. and sewa meja square lagi murah dari meja bulat. For myself, i mmg prefer square table, i have never liked meja bulat, sbb limit dia either 8 or 10 orang..sbb my family besar, kalau the whole family pergi wedding/makan2, family kitorang sure kena seperate meja, and i hate that. If square table, all of us can sit together.
Besides that, i didn't use any chair ribbon, because my decorator mentioned that chair ribbon, is unnecessary, sbb tak perlu sangat pun for deco. so i actually save a few hundered sbb tak guna chair ribbons. my decorator mentioned, keep the chairs all white nanti nampak kemas and bersih...sebab he said kalau guna plastic chairs, nanti ribbon senang jatuh, senget, keromot, and nanti the whole place nampak tak kemas
3) decor
now of course, masa awal2, tak terfikir langsung nak buat gazebo tgh2 hall.. i wanted to do the deco on the stage, sbb tinggi nanti ramai orang nampak. But my mum suggested buat tgh2 dewan, buat platform so boleh duduk to nikah. My decorator suka the idea sbb, dapat save money, tak payah buat laluan and everything, lepas tu, kalau buat deco tgh dewan everyone akan concetrate kat tgh dewan sahaja, plus he said ramai orang selalu segan nak naik pelamin utk ambil gambar sebab kat atas pentas, end up gambar orang selalu ambil kat laluan/or gerbang masuk je. so he said, kalau buat tgh2 dewan orang tak malu sangat nak pergi pelamin ambil gambar.
lepas tu, i remembered ayat2 cinta and loved the idea nikah tgh dewan. after that we came up with the idea, of building a gazebo tgh tgh dewan. dcorator cakap, stage tak payah guna, then dewan tak nampak kosong, sbb its a nikah, guest tak ramai macam kenduri walimah..
and i tanya pulak pasal centrepiece, he said tak payah pun takpa but if nak, just buat kecil2 pun ok....sbb org tak pandang sangat meja, poeple will just concentrate on the gazebo.
4) food
i think this is paling penting. of course ramai suka buat wedding yg hidang guna dome. But kalau buat buffet, boleh save half the harga, Kalau buffet, boleh dapat biasa from RM 15/person. so kalau invite 300 orang, baru RM 4500 ribu.. the best part kalau buat at dewan komuniti, you boleh panggil mana2 caterer, dia takda caterer yg u mesti guna..alhamdulillah...
5) centrepiece
ok, for centrepiece, i put chocolate dates, with small flower posy and wedding favour. Jadi with all this, meja square panjang2 tu dah tak nampak kosong alhamdulillah. chocolate dates, i just put on doily paper atas cardboard keras, yg u boleh beli mana2 supermarket and tak mahal. centrepiece, i mintak Merisik gallery tolong buatkan, ohh i suka sgt the flower combo, matching with my pink deco and eustoma hand bouquet.
final results for table deco
6) hantaran
saving money on hantaran, gave us a lot more money to be spent elsewhere like our honeymoon...
7) photographer
"spend within your means" this is something yg both my parents remind us all the time...for photographer the biggest way to save is to take a package only with soft copy, tak masuk album, because album is always a huge portion of the payment. and then after the wedding you can custom your own album according to your taste, there are some easy software available nowadays like
photobook.or you can print out pictures in different sizes, and keep them in the wedding album.
but like i mentioned, this is only suitable for those who are looking to save money...For those with unlimited budget, i think all this rules does not apply...hheehhe
Thats all for now, if ada any questions, do email me, i will be more than happy to help, inshaAllah.