today im going to do a review on bouncers..
alhamdulillah rezeki my baby, cousins dia semua bagi pinjam berjenis-jenis he alhamdulillah dapat merasa segala jenis bouncer...
1) Inglesina bouncer
ok this bouncer is very cantik kan..i pinjam from my friend..bouncer ni, is good when your baby is newborn esp..sebab it can go flat, but the babies head lifted sikit, u put baby on top... baby will be comfortable...n dia ada tali at both sides to carry the bouncer around..but of course i tak larat to carry, but habib can.. hehee...the con of this bouncer is, it doesn't bounce much...esp my house yg takda carpet or tikar, its a bit licin, if bounce dia ada bunyi sikit because the bouncer langgar with the lantai...but kalau tak bounce then no problem.. u can adjust that thing naik turun, follow the mood of the baby...if baby sleepy, can baring flat, if baby nak see around, can naikkan like the picture above...
2) mothercare bouncer
this bouncer price is very reasonable..hundred plus...basic bouncer, but reliable...dia ada getah at the bottom so tak licin...but the problem with this bouncer is, tak boleh adjust...settings macam tu je, kalau nak baby lie flat, kena naikkan the bawah part, n selalunya either i put pillows or naikkan to our coffee table..n then it will be flat..then baru baby will be comfortable...but bila baby dah besar sikit, then ok.
2) fisher price rocker
this baouncer, is more a rocker actually...dia boleh guna sampai baby besar...the kepala part can adjust. and ada that hanging thing yang can hang toys, so yes baby senang distracted to play2...the good part about this bouncer is its tinggi, not flat on the floor like other bouncers...n his cousins yang 2-4 years old pun senang play with him...esp they like to rock him sekali...the problem with this bouncer is also like inglesina bouncer, dia licin kalau bounce kuat sikit, the whole bouncer will move...i sometimes feel like its not safe. Bouncer ni more for bigger babies, like after 3 months sbb the head part tinggi sikit, but u can put it flat for newborn, but kalau flat, dia dah tak boleh bounce dah, so this bouncer bila my baby jr dah 3 bulan baru i started using it...itu pun still badan dia after a while akan senget sbb he still cannot support his body...
this bouncer also has vibrating option..tapi even if i on it, takda effect langsung on my baby, he will still complain nak keluar...
4) baby bjorn bouncer...
this bouncer is by faaaaaaarrrrrr my favorite..its just the best...the bouncer is so solid i dont feel like it can terbalik, or licin or anything...the seat is so comfy, my baby kalau duduk sini dia diam je..kalau bounce him mmg 90% of the time dia akan tido...omg masa i first time used it, i just cannot believe how much my baby loves it..cara dia bounce pun lain the 4 year old nephew mmg suka bounce my baby in here...n yes, my baby will mashaAllah eventually fall asleep..imagine a 4 year old boy putting a baby to sleep...but this bouncer only has 1 biiiig flaw..its so mahal...Rm699...mmg if my sister in law tak bagi pinjam, i would never consider buying it..but after using it, mmg i think its worth every cent...belt dia pun, so lembut, tak kacau baby.
also this bouncer boleh flat terus, so its soo easy to bring to travel, senang to carry n tak other bouncer we can bring to travel sbb semua bulky. even masa he was admitted kat hospital, we bring this..senang nak put baby to sleep
.my baby will happily sit in here...this is my lifesaver..i jaga my baby alone most of the time when habib is at work, so this has helped me sooooo much...can visit mothercare at the curve to try it out. they hv a display model...
5) Graco swing
this graco swing..mmg my baby manual..u wind it, n then it will swing on its own..lepas about 20 mins u just wind it all over jr, bila duduk sini, mmg akan terlelap because dia swing mana tak suka kan??? the con is, sometimes bila he dah bangun, he will nak pusing to keluar, its a bit dangerous when he does must monitor baby all the time bila atas ni...n bulky sikit this thing..u need a big place...
again alhamdulillah i would like to thank everyone that has been kind enough to borrow us all this bouncers/swing, sampai we didnt have to buy any of these..May Allah swt bless all your kindness...ameen..