My Wedding

Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Finally im blogging again

I cannot believe its been a year since i last blogged..

What happened was, alhamdulilah i got  pregnant..

But sadly my morning sickness this time
was worst then my first pregnancy.. I was admitted in the hospital twice for dehydration.. Ya Allah, just thinking about it pun i dah phobia...

Finally after 5 months, then i started enjoying my pregnancy..

Suddenly my husband had to be transferred for work to a country far far away..

When he left, i was very sad, coz it all happened so fast. And he left me heavily pregnant....alhamdulillah for family support.. I cant thank my family,my inlaws  and my close friends enough for helping me and ariz

Another trial period for me was my husband could only come back when i was 39 weeks...and i was so scared i would go in labour before he could   come back..

Allah SWT knows best...

I doa everyday and Allah SWT answered my prayers.... Alhamdulillah i gave "birth" safely to a beautiful baby girl.. And im soooo glad adam was around at the time.

Pantang period was super super challenging.. Hubby had to leave 2 days after i was discharged.. And i had another cser.. 😢😢😢😢.. Dont worry i will have a special post about it.. Coz im tired of people thinking i had a csect to make my life easy.. Really?? Urgh!!  

Baby girl at day 1...

Our first family photo.. 

Hahahah.. For fun i did not put a close up.. Still very fat from the pregnancy.. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baby boy at 18 months

Alhamdulillah its been 1 and half years... This beautiful journey as a mummy...its the most difficult thing i've ever done in my life, but also the most satisfying...

They give me a new purpose in life... May Allah SWT grant all of all of us happiness...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Im just a mother....

If I teach a child to read at school, I'm called a Teacher.
If I teach my child to read Qur'aan and his sunnah Du'aas at home, then I'm just a mother.

If I plan lessons for a class, I'm called a Curriculum Coordinator.
If educate my child home, then I'm just a mother.

If I sit and talk to children an hour each, a week, addressing their needs, I'm a Speech Therapist.
If I engage and help my child with sabr every minute of every day, instill proper aadaab n akhlaaq, then I'm just a mother.

If I look after a patient in the hospital, I'm called a Nurse.
If I nurse my child when they're ill, awake all night: none able to replace my reassuring presence, then I'm just a mother.

If I manage my boss's office, I'm called a Secretary
If I organise my children's lives and my home, a place for everything and everything in its place, then I'm just a mother.

If I prepare a meal in a restaurant, I'm called a Chef.
If I cook nutritious meals daily, made with love, remembered forever, then I'm just a mother.

If I work late worrying about a deal for clients, how to make them as much money as I can, I'm a Career Woman.
If I stay up worrying and planning my children's deeni future, the deeni future of our world, then I'm just a mother.

If I went out with colleagues and peers for dinner, comparing notes on the industry, I'd be Networking.
If I went out picnicking with a local mother & her toddlers, comparing notes on parenting, I'd just be a mother.

If I sing on a stage, I'm an Artist.If I sing a nazm or azkaar every night, the only voice that they want, the only voice that will do, then I'm just a mother.

But we often tend to forget and reliase that being a mother and bringing up our children with the correct tarbiyat is the hardest profession of all.

May Allah make it easy for all the mums-to-be n all those who are already mummys, and grant/make our children Da'ees/Duaat. Aameen

“If a beautiful woman is a jewel...a pious woman is a TREASURE.”

source from: 

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Firstly I would like to apologize the long silence..

For the record, when I buat reviews, it is NOT to show anything but it's purely to share, n the only reason I can try many things is because I have very kind sisters n sisters in law that are willing to share..May Allah SWT bless them n everyone for their kindness...

Alhamdulillah baby boy is 11 months now...he has progressed so he can bye to us, calls me mama or Mimi...calls his father Ada or dada...he looooveess animals like birds n cats...n the most important of all alhamdulillah he started the room now he will just jalan from one end to another end...first it started with 1 it's more than 15 steps...but I notice, he is more berani in our room than anywhere else...comfort zone I guess...

As for me, I've learnt to be honest I just started cooking 2 years kiranya before wedding, I had no idea how to cook..but my kind mother n sisters alhamdulillah they have been helping I can officially say, saya boleh masak alhamdulillah.To those that can't cook, don't worry..a lot of people use to kutuk me, but I knew deep inside when the right time came, I would eventually learn...for some, cooking doesn't come naturally, so people don't judge them..give the time n support. When I was sad, my mom use to comfort me n say she too learnt how to cook after she got married, n now almost 35 years later she is still cooking delicious food for us...May Allah SWT bless her, and all the mums and ladies out there for preparing food day by day in sickness n good health, for their family...amen..

n I also want to share some very simple recepi that I found..soon soon inshaAllah..

Monday, January 9, 2012

Project paraniod mummy baby proofing my bedroom

Yes u read it right. Im really paranoid with safety issues,which my mum has reminded me time & time again... I have to be yakin with the power of doa...astaghfirullah.....May Allah SWT bless me by strengthening my iman and all us muslim brothers n sisters

So anyway today alhamdulillah i have fix those alphabet mats all over my room floor. Padding just incase baby boy slip n fall.

I need to buy just a little bit more to filll in the whole room floor.

Yay now baby boy has more freedom to play.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

9 Months

Alhamdulillah baby boy is 9 months now. MashaAllah super active.

We just finished taking out our bed frame, now mattress is on the floor, coz baby boy loves to play at the edges of the bed. He fell of the bed once. n alhamdulillah many times nak jatuh but manage to catch him.

We also hv to stop putting him in the walker coz he knows how to climb out the walker...aduh....boys!

Baby boy looves to play.hehehehe. He is just growing up so fast...alhamdulillah

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

durian crazy

i was just talking to nadnaddy about durian, so here i am writting a post on durian..

let me say i use to be one of those that absolutely hates durian..i cant even stand the i use to wonder why people go crazy over durian...the moment i see people eat durian at my house, i will just walk away..or stay in my room..mmg i wont stick around to smell the durian aroma...

until one day(about 6 weeks ago) it was Jcard day at the newly renovated jusco at one utama...i went to jusco coz i wanted to buy organic baby food for my baby boy, lepas tu they said only for j card like UUUURGHHHH, fine there n then i applied for the card, coz my baby was hungry, n i have to feed him...cold storage mahal sgt pulak, n its a new wing...jauuuuhhh....

while we were there, i saw hubby looking at the durian...i said ' no way"..coz he just had so many at kuantan...coz we just came back from a weekend at kuantan...he was like ala 1 packet like ' fine make sure they pack it properly so the car tak bau'... n it was his rezeki, suddenly they did promo at the durian 1 durian raja kunyit, free 1 its RM 50 for 2 packets..( yes believe it people, that durian is rm 50 for like 6 ulas je)

n then we went home.....n was i complaining,,,i was like ur durian is mahal like patchi/godiva chocolates...coz im a i LLLLOOOOOOVVVEEEE dark chocolates...

n he said., why not u give it a try?...i said, of course not...n then he took a bite...and i saw hubby's face,..i asked 'sedap sgt ke???' he was like omg..yes its really that good...the ulas is so big, but the biji is small n leper..its all just full of isi..i was like ok lah..i will try some..n then i ate it...and after the first bite i was like
 " OMGoodness, this is soooo sedap"..subhanallah the greatnees of Allah SWT wonder its the king of fruits...

n guess what, ive been eating durian ever since..almost every few days me and hubby will buy i can say hubby's biggest mistake is to let me try the most expensive/good durian ...coz now i keep craving for that durian...

my baby boy pun loooves durian..hehehe....9 months pun dah pandai makan..but he will hisap sikit2 only...

Friday, November 18, 2011

introducing solids...

i want to share my experience on starting my baby with solids...

it all started when he was 4 months old..he started drinking milk more n more frequent...sometimes every hour he wants to drink milk ( my son is breastfed, alhamdulillah) so everyone said ohh maybe baby dah start lapar, so can introduce slowly makanan...but of course i was very scared to start so early, i just fed my baby with more milk...every hour pun every hour..sanggup...

and then he was 5 months...alhamdulillah my baby size is slightly big...his weight was about 7.5 kgs...but remember this post, where he fell sick...yes it all started from there...he started loosing weight....sbb tak minum byk...after that when he felt better, he started gaining back his weight...alhmdulillah...

but he i can see a change in him...he is very uneasy... moody...and malam, he wakes up sampai 10 times minum susu je...people told me many times, maybe he is hungry, u can start feeding him, coz he was showing all the signs...he was moody, suka tgk org makan....he is always moving his mouth everytime he sees food..everyone said maybe i should feed my baby early..

n then the next week, he was still uneasy...he shouts n cry n pretty much the whole night dia nak feed je...n to make things worst, he pee and his poo poo...makin kurang...after half day of weating diapers, sometimes still kering je diaper dia...but i told myself, takpa 1 more week je..coz takut my baby is not ready

so the next week alhamdulillah  1 started feeding him...i baught rice cereal, then put a bit of milk..n then i fed him...tapi very cair..and i did that for 2 weeks..coz many websites i read yang instruct how to start feeding ur baby solids.

finally 2 weeks ago, my baby was shouting n shouting when everyone was eating...n my mum said bagi jelah ur baby bubur..just masak for him bubur, blend n give him..stop giving him all this rice cereal yg instant..n that is what i did..i masak bubur nasi n rebus with carrot, n i fed him...n for the first time he makan, kenyang n he was mum said, see ur baby is so happy alhamdulillah...

n for a few days, i fed my baby 3 times a day rice with veggies...n mashaAllah he has been such a pleasant baby since then..tak bising...he will play, n malam he will just drink sikit n sleep..around 3 kali je he will wake up for milk...

so yes... my mum was right..i should have just fed him earlier...even my sisters pun sedar, n said ur baby now dah more calm...

i know i should have started feeding him earlier..but i was stubborn, i thought what i read online is better than what my mum, mother inlaw, aunties experienced with anak2 diorg.....

now ive learnt sometimes, org org tua do know better..than me yg sibuk find information online je..hehehe...lesson learnt..maybe breastfed babies, can eat slightly earlier, coz our milk cepat process so they get hungry faster..but it all depends on each baby's individual development..remember every baby is different...ada babies yang tak ready to eat earlier then 6 months...

but it wasnt too late...alhamdulillah..its all a learning process for me...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

baby update

alhamdulillah baby boy now is 6 months old...

i have to say, i love being a mummy...i love playing wth my baby...he is so responsive...mashaAllah...

so far alhamdulillah he can sit and play...and he loves the playpan...seriously i dont think i can survive without the playpan...n the latest thing he can do this week, is berdiri inside the playpan while holding the sides.....hehehe...i think soon playpan pun dia dah taknak...but cousins dia kadang2 semua duduk dalam playpan, n he pun will happily sit with them..hehe...i dont knw why diorg suka main sempit2 dalam tu...

now he dah start makan.i waited sampai 6 months baru start, even though he is an above everage size baby..mmg towards the end tu, susah nak tido malam, i think because he was lapar... dah pandai sit on highchair and bumbo kalau nak dia slowly makin pekat..hopefully in 2 weeks i will slowly start introducing food like carrots and stuff...

Alhamdulillah last month he went for his first overseas trip..but dekat je, to singapore...masa pergi, because we naik firefly, n kan nak jalan to the plane, u can actually hear the loud engine boy was a bit scared, n he cried.n it was a bit susah for me to calm him down during the take off..but alhamdulillah after 15 mins, he slept...but i had to apologise coz baby boy cried quite loud awal2 tu...

masa balik, we took MAS, and alhamdulillah they upgraded loud engine sound, so baby boy just minum susu, n terus tido...n seat besar, it was much easier to feed him, n pegang him...

baby boy loves playing with his feet...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

viral fever...

baby boy had very bad demam hari tu, i saw a few doctors, because time raya mmg susah nak cari pead...finally after 4 days demam, we decided to bring him to the hospital, n he got admitted due to dehydration...he tak nak minum at all....

on the 2nd day at the hospital, finally doctor diagnose him with roseola virus...hmmm i wonder who jangkitkan to him...personal advice: please try not to kiss kiss any babies kalau tak sihat..kesian baby jangkit nanti...

alhamdulillah 3 days later he got aloooot better...he started bfeeding again..alhamdulillah...

because dia tak breastfeed for 3 days, my susu production terus drop, like by the 3rd day, mmg i sedar i disnt have any milk, pump pun 1oz je keluar.....ya Allah , i panic for a while...coz everytime my baby boy minum, he will cry n marah coz tak cukup to tambakhan susu i did the one thing  i knew would help me....drink alot  and eat alot 3 days later, alhamdulillah my milk production is back to mothers out there..dont give up breastfeeding...even when tak cukup, just eat more, n drink more, inshaAllah susu akan cukup...and make sure baby latch on...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

bouncer review

today im going to do a review on bouncers..

alhamdulillah rezeki my baby, cousins dia semua bagi pinjam berjenis-jenis he alhamdulillah dapat merasa segala jenis bouncer...

1) Inglesina bouncer

ok this bouncer is very cantik kan..i pinjam from my friend..bouncer ni, is good when your baby is newborn esp..sebab it can go flat, but the babies head lifted sikit, u put baby on top... baby will be comfortable...n dia ada tali at both sides to carry the bouncer around..but of course i tak larat to carry, but habib can.. hehee...the con of this bouncer is, it doesn't bounce much...esp my house yg takda carpet or tikar, its a bit licin, if bounce dia ada bunyi sikit because the bouncer langgar with the lantai...but kalau tak bounce then no problem.. u can adjust that  thing naik turun, follow the mood of the baby...if baby sleepy, can baring flat, if baby nak see around, can naikkan like the picture above...

2) mothercare bouncer

this bouncer price is very reasonable..hundred plus...basic bouncer, but reliable...dia ada getah at the bottom so tak licin...but the problem with this bouncer is, tak boleh adjust...settings macam tu je, kalau nak baby lie flat, kena naikkan the bawah part, n selalunya either i put pillows or naikkan to our coffee table..n then it will be flat..then baru baby will be comfortable...but bila baby dah besar sikit, then ok.

2) fisher price rocker

this baouncer, is more a rocker actually...dia boleh guna sampai baby besar...the kepala part can adjust. and ada that hanging thing yang can hang toys, so yes baby senang distracted to play2...the good part about this bouncer is its tinggi, not flat on the floor like other bouncers...n his cousins yang 2-4 years old pun senang play with him...esp they like to rock him sekali...the problem with this bouncer is also like inglesina bouncer, dia licin kalau bounce kuat sikit, the whole bouncer will move...i sometimes feel like its not safe.  Bouncer ni more for bigger babies, like after 3 months sbb the head part tinggi sikit, but u can put it flat for newborn, but kalau flat, dia dah tak boleh bounce dah, so this bouncer bila my baby jr dah 3 bulan baru i started using it...itu pun still badan dia after a while akan senget sbb he still cannot support his body...
this bouncer also has vibrating option..tapi even if i on it, takda effect langsung on my baby, he will still complain nak keluar...

4) baby bjorn bouncer...

this bouncer is by faaaaaaarrrrrr my favorite..its just the best...the bouncer is so solid i dont feel like it can terbalik, or licin or anything...the seat is so comfy, my baby kalau duduk sini dia diam je..kalau bounce him mmg 90% of the time dia akan tido...omg masa i first time used it, i just cannot believe how much my baby loves it..cara dia bounce pun lain the 4 year old nephew mmg suka bounce my baby in here...n yes, my baby will mashaAllah eventually fall asleep..imagine a 4 year old boy putting a baby to sleep...but this bouncer only has 1 biiiig flaw..its so mahal...Rm699...mmg if my sister in law tak bagi pinjam, i would never consider buying it..but after using it, mmg i think its worth every cent...belt dia pun, so lembut, tak kacau baby.
also this bouncer boleh flat terus, so its soo easy to bring to  travel, senang to carry n tak other bouncer we can bring to travel sbb semua bulky. even masa he was admitted kat hospital, we bring this..senang nak put baby to sleep
.my baby will happily sit in here...this is my lifesaver..i jaga my baby alone most of the time when habib is at work, so this has helped me sooooo much...can visit mothercare at the curve to try it out. they hv a display model...

5) Graco swing

this graco swing..mmg my baby manual..u wind it, n then it will swing on its own..lepas about 20 mins u just wind it all over jr, bila duduk sini, mmg akan terlelap because dia swing mana tak suka kan??? the con is, sometimes bila he dah bangun, he will nak pusing to keluar, its a bit dangerous when he does must monitor baby all the time bila atas ni...n bulky sikit this thing..u need a big place...

again alhamdulillah i would like to thank everyone that has been kind enough to borrow us all this bouncers/swing, sampai we didnt have to buy any of these..May Allah swt bless all your kindness...ameen..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

diapers and cloth diapers....

alhamdulillah baby boy dah weight is increasing well..but mama dia..hmmm berat tak turun2 pun...sedih nya..tsk tsk.i think kena start exercise..i need to loose at least 9kgs lagi utk balik to old weight.

today i would like to share about diapers....

awal2 lagi, anticipating my baby will have sensitive skin like me, i terus start guna mamy poko..because soooo many mums review cakap mamy poko is the best, esp for sensitive skin...

since day 1, baby Jr pun gunalah mamy poko...but my baby poo poo soooo much..astaghfirullah, kadang2 kena tukar diaper 20 times satu hari...tapi sadly my baby kena diaper rash sgt i have mentioned before in this here...

lepad tu i tried everything...besides mamy poko..i tried huggies, goon(beli from giant), pet pet..segalanya..all pun still diaper rash...

finally i gave up i went back old school..

kain lampin...


the modern cloth diaper susah nak guna sebab baby sooo small masa tu...

baby boy in kain lampin/nappy
but its senang, when he dah poo poo, i just rendam overnight, by morning rub rub sikit, the nappy dah bersih...

sorrylah, gambar ni masa the fisr week, tak pro lagi nak ikat...thats why lampin longgar...

of course mmg leceh sikit, but pakai diapers pun kena tukar 10-20 kali sehari, so baik guna lampin je ..

now baby jr guna half half..mamy poko n huggies ultra...kadang2 still ada je rashes naik..but alhamdulillah still under control...

after this  i want to start surveying cloth diapers..maybe i want to start with lunatots kot..see how...any suggestions???

saddest commercial....

just wanted to share...ohh i was sooo sedih to watch it...

Sunday, July 3, 2011


alhamdulillah baby Jr is almost 3 months now...

the journey all in all is mashaAllah still so beautiful..its amazing your life changes for this small tiny little baby...

today i want to share about my milk...

alhamdulillah i manage to breastfeed him to the last 3 months.

and also alhamdulillah i manage to find something yg trigger my milk so is the story..

during my pantang time, alhamdulillah susu semua just baby drinks alot, some people manage to pump n store milk, for myself..mmg susah..everytime i try pump, i get only like 1 or 2oz je..tu pun after that my baby akan bangun n get so angry coz milk macam dah habis...i pumped a few times je..after that i told myself, tak payalah.since milk not yet enough...

after pantang, of course the first place we visited was rumah my metua...n suddenlywhen i was there my milk jadi byk..finally i started pumping...n then balik my house..milk ok, balik just enough...not engorged anymore

n then the next week visited my metua again...n again my milk byk sampai engorged, even after baby dah minum..and again when i balik my house dia ok balik...back to supply n demand...

the 3rd time i pergi, again it happened, this time we stayed for almost a week, n my engorged was so bad, sampai tak tido malam, just sibuk pump n pump...i felt alhamdulilah rezeki, tapi susah jugak, coz i was engorged like crazy..and i heard scary stories kena operate due to mastitis, infection of the breast....takut sgt

n i told myself, sure ada something kat rumah my in laws was a trigger.. so i did a lot of trial n error, to find what is it that i didnt have at my house that i took at my inlaws...nasilah, airlah, roti, bawang ..segalanya i checked..

finally guess what, we alhamdulillah manage to find out what it was...

air sarsi...(sarsaparilla)

so now i know i dont drink that much sarsi...but when i want to stock up milk, i will drink sarsi, n store all my milk..alhamdulillah now i have supply at my house, n rumah inlaws as well just incase..

well to tell the truth, when i was pregnant my morning sickness was so bad that mmg air tak masuk langsung, if i drink plain water i will muntah...and for a few months i could only drink sarsi...

oh alhamdulillah i found the thing that triggers my mum says mmg lain org lain trigger dia..for my mum it was papaya..for my 1st sis it was garlic, for my 2nd sis it was ubat Habbatus Sauda...tapi mmg lain for all of us...

Habbatus Sauda that my sis took

anyone else would like to share what is it that triggered your milk??

Thursday, June 30, 2011

holding my baby...


today i would like to share my phobia..hehehe...

do u guys experience the same thing where random people u tak kenal come up to you n nak pegang your baby??
i have discuss this with some of my friends, some like some dont..I dont like it at all...if its family or friends or people i know... no problem..but when its random people yg i tak goodness it bothers me alot. u never know what they have that can jangkit to my baby, nauzubillah...

dah kena a few times, once masa kat hospital, this lady just came n nak angkat...ada once we all nak makan this nenek datang sempat cium2 lagi..arrrgh...n many sister pernah kena kat wedding we all pergi, senang je aunty tu, yg we all tak pernah jumpa or kenal, ambil  my nephew bawak jalan2..we all terus ambil balik the baby (dahlah kidnapping now dah byk)...baru 2 weeks ago i went to a wedding, ada this girl came to my friend, tanya can i angkat ur baby, geram nak gigit??dia tanya.. nak ckp no kesian..but terus dia bwk baby tu jln2..panic mak dia nak find her baby...

i know some tu niat baik, just nak tgk baby n geram..but cakap2 bolehlah, i pun geram when i see a baby mashaAllah....but dontlah take the baby away from the mother....n kalau deman jgnlah cium baby..kissing spreads so much germs, dahlah babies immune system is still very weak at newborn stage...kesian baby tu jangkit nanti.

my first moment with my baby Jr...fresh from the oven  p/s: yes i was sleeping, i was on GA during my c-sect..long story day inshaAllah i will tell the story....

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


a few weeks ago, baby boy was not first his cousins batuk2, n then me and my sisters pulak jangkit from the kids, n that was when my baby boy also jangkit...its the first time he fell was a saturday... and most clinics tutup because it was birthday agung i think..a public we went around everywhere to find a peadeatrition. finally i rememebered my friend told me at DEMC ada...even on public holidays...

finally, Doc said to admit him, because he got a lot of phlem, but too young to caugh it we did..

and i have to say from the first moment I was very impressed with the service.

we couldn't get a  room kat pead floor coz it was full, but they put us in a room different floor but sebelah the nicu. pead doc came after 2 hours, checked on baby boy..lama jugak..he played with my son all,  i was so lega, dapat a doctor like that..

after that i was engorged, asked the nurse for help, because i didn't bring anything to pump..i dah force baby boy to drink but he didn't want to, he just kept on sleeping..n then nurse came with electric ameada pump, and glass bottles to pump..they gave me 10 bottles..1 bottle 2 oz...and said after pump, can call the nurse, she will keep it in the nicu fridge. sempat bagi the sticker n pen to label lagi. (which btw masa discharged, they said just bring the bottles home)

besides that, they have this thing called hahaTV, where u can purchase for RM10, and ada like 50 movies u can choose from..sadly 25 of those movies is chinese movies..but ada about 25 lagi malay and english the whole day me n hubby tak habis2 tgk movies..but rm 10 boleh tahan 24 hours sahaja..after that u have to pay another rm 10 to get another 24 hours.

food not bad the menu...very specific..senang to understand..n then on top of that, they have room since we all stilll lapar, apa lagi room service jela..price room service also tak mahal. all below RM 30.

doc came they next day..again he check and played with baby boy lama...n then i asked the nurse how to mandi him?? coz i didn't bring bath tab or anything..baju je hubby sempat ambil..n then nurse cakap..its ok, we will mandikan they bathed him...all the nurses asyik main2 n check on him...

nurses service was good, but kalau nak compare to kpj, they are a bit young, so experience kurang sikit...but because the place is new, still quite empty, baby boy got alot of extra kpj hospitals, they are so full n busy..i terkejut demc all of them were so generous

 i had a good terms of service, i was very pleased and happy..

but bilik dia abit small, i wasnt too happy about the size, sbb in the room ada stroller, ada my breastpump(yes the hospital pump sgt besa, ada dia punya own tray tolak2), ada the table makan..dah penuh dah...toilet is very very clean though...price RM 180 for single bedded room.

overall i have to say if i were to be admitted for something not complicated or common sickness i really would recommend DEMC...

Friday, June 10, 2011



i realise its getting harder & harder to update now with the baby..hehehe..

well hari tu baby jr went for his 2 months check up..and mashaAllah he is now 5.5kg..alhamdulillah..he is growing mashaAllah so well...we all pun terkejut...but alhamdulillah...

now he is just like any other boy..hehehe...look at his sleeping style...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

weight management

salam everyone..

I'm getting slower at updating..actually i go to my blog alot, to read everybodies update, tapi with my hp, so i cannot update/cannot comment sbb my simple nokia phone cannot suport kot, well whatever it is, everytime i nak log in blog, tak dpt, terus dia off the app...lap top takda, so everytime i update i have to borrow someones pc...

ok on weight management...guess what, total weight i put on during my pregnancy was byk...alhamdulillah the first 12 kgs hilang the first 2 weeks after lahir baby..but since then it has been hard to loose weight....

total now alhamdulillah i've lost 14kgs..another 5kgs to go...macam mana nak loose the weight?? i eat sooo byk nowadays..seriously since i started breastfeeding alhamdulillah, ive been eating like crazy byk non stop, so my weight pun not going down..i'm really worried.. i cant fit my clothes...

any tips from mum?? how to not feel so hungry all the time...i feel hungry all the time...

as for my little Jr..alhamdulillah he is 4.5kgs at his 1 month check up...nowdays he doesnt yak so much...kalau dulu sampai 20 times a day pun ada, now he yak less than 10 times a day...diapers we use a lot less, nasib baik because i was feeling guilty buang so  byk non biodegradable rubish (diapers, breastpads)....

Jr also now can smile at us finally, he was smiling alot, tapi only during his he can smile when we talk to him... his face is changing so much....he looks soo different now, also bulat sikit...diapers pun dah guna size S, i'm sure he is going to ugrade to size M soon, sbb i feel slowly S dah start ketat..

soon i think i have to stop mittens and booties, and just pakai socks for him, because semua dah ketat..and mittens n booties only comes in 1 size right??

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Diaper rash

Yay alhamdulillah my junior aka Jr dah 1 month old...

this is my baby wih his cousin..beza dia 1+ months (hana look they are using ur muslin gift, i love the lembutness of the kain)
 alright today i want to discuss about diaper rash...My jr, he yak like between 10-20 times a day..mmg byk. He yak soo much sampai he had quite bad diaper rash. at first i was putting extra virgin coconut oil, but it didnt work, n then put honey, well it didnt get worst but it didnt get better as well...finally i used seba med diaper rash cream, and alhamdulillah the rash was getting better and better...
but me being me, i love to put natural things on my baby..not that i dont believe in modern medicine, i just use modern medicine as my last option..hehehe...and mashaAllah i was soo happy the seba med cream worked.

last entry i asked about natural things to put on the butt for diaper rash right?? and many of u all suggested corn flour and tepung ubi....first i tried tepung ubi, since more people suggested that, and guess what??? after 2-3 days, mashaAllah it worked soooo welll...(i put the tepung everytime after my baby yak) n now he is diaper rash free...alhamdulillah...

tepung ubi really works..!!!

as for corn flour, i put at his bodyparts yg ada folds like his armpit n his neck, to prevent him from getting heat rash..i'm so happy coz tepung ubi, and corn flour is very murah and so easy to get, and it has the least chemical item i can think off...thank you everyone that suggested both this flour...

Monday, April 25, 2011

being a breastfeeding mother

firstly alhamdulillah and thank you sooo much for all the doa and well wishes..

alhamdullilah..its been 3 weeks now...i've been wanting to update earlier, finally only today sempat...

well its been an amazing 3 weeks so i understand how all mothers feel when they say, bila baby sleep u actually miss them..

when baby is asleep i open my phone and look at his pictures from day far we've taken his picture everyday, subhanallah, in 3 weeks he has changed so much..

breastfeeding, alhamdulillah its been going well...let me tell you to all mum-to-be's, breastfeeding awal-awal tu sakit, but after like a week, then everything dah numb, it gets much easier...nobody told me that it's sakit...and it requires alot of determination...the day baby was born, he was asking for milk every half hour..dahlah i just came out from the operation theater,n sooo baby didn't give me a chance and asked for milk so frequent. and when he suck it was soo sakit...

and when the nipples crack and your baby suck it, its also sakit

day 2 he did the same thing, asked for milk every half hour...and this time my drugs is a lot less, so when my uterus was contracting while he was breastfeeding, ohh it was sakit as up almost became an option because it was just so overwhelming, n some people kept on saying oh u tak cukup susu kot..

but my family, my hubby, and the nurses all supported and gave me motivations to keep on going...esp from my mum, who reminded me that breast milk is rezeki from Allah swt, i must YAKIN that its enough for my baby, the more the baby suckle the more milk will be produce...and true enough a few days later, all started to settle down..and now alhamdulillah i'm starting to pump the extra milk..stock up alhamdulillah, of course tak byk lagi..just slowly pumping...

so my advice to everyone, DONT give up..because MashaAllah when ur susu is banyk and ur baby is well fed, its just the best feeling..

Ramai say breastfeeding babies, no need to burp...but my baby if tak burb he will be so tak senang, he will cry n cry..n sometimes muntah...but when he is well fed, n then he burps, alhamdulillah he will sleep nicely..

u know the funny part, i think breastfeeding is more overwhelming that my c-section n healing the pain n my wound..but now i'm glad i didnt give up...alhamdulillah...

InshaAllah the next entry i will write about my labour...

p/s: does anybody has any natural remedy for diaper rash??..i have been putting cream, and now better alhamdulillah, tapi i want to put something natural pulak, because i dont want to put so much chemical on my baby's skin.