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Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Making a Change....

I was a little sad by the Islamic kindie, so i went to the other preschool near by, and i fell in love, i wanted to change my son to that school...


Being a muslim i have to do my solat istikharah first...

And so i did....

After my first solat, when i sent Ariz to the islamic preschool on that day, the teacher came to me and said oh alhamdulillah my son has shown improvement in class, he is playing with other kids now....

I thought, alhamdulillah...

I wasnt sure, so i thought i have to make istikharah again....

The next day, i made more effort to find out more info about educating my muslim baby...i even contacted a sheikh to find out his opinion about it...

And finally with Allah SWT will, i came to my senses. I begin to understand that i have to put my son to an islamic school, or a school with islamic environment...its WAJIB...and if its not enough, then i give him extra classes...

I thought of doing it the other way round, send him to normal preschool and give islamic education at home, but i know it means i have terbalikkan what is more important in Islam....

But what am i going to do, to make sure the quality of the school improves? For a start I'm going to volunteer myself there, till they hv hired enough staff for the school to run smoothly, inshaAllah..hehe then i can find out what goes on inside the school....

May Allah SWT guide all of us to the right path....

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Heartbroken mummy with islamic kindies in klang valley...

Salam all,

We muslims, wajib give our kids Islamic education in an Islamic environment...

So despite having ALOT of good kindie near my area, i still choose and islamic montesorri for my mashaAllah precious child...

But sadly, i do not understand why, our Malay Malaysian standards are low.....not high at all.....

how can you run your place like that? Dont u see other kindies around? Dont you want to be at the same level, or even better?

And i have heard so many other comments from other mummies that send their mashaAllah precious children to other Islamic montessories....they are all of the similar low standards as well..

Serving us with low educated teachers and low quality food!

Dont you MUSLIMS want to try and be the best? And stop thinking about just profit?

Btw MILO by zionist nestle, is processed food, i cannot accept an Islamic place to serve food the whole world is making an effort to boycott...memalukan..A non muslim school pun can make an effort to boycott zionist food.

Ya Allah, please give all mummies out there strength and Iman, so we dont give up, at giving our children and family the best...and bring them closest to You and Islam....ameen

P/s: if any of you all can recommend GOOD islamic school, please inform me...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Im just a mother....

If I teach a child to read at school, I'm called a Teacher.
If I teach my child to read Qur'aan and his sunnah Du'aas at home, then I'm just a mother.

If I plan lessons for a class, I'm called a Curriculum Coordinator.
If educate my child home, then I'm just a mother.

If I sit and talk to children an hour each, a week, addressing their needs, I'm a Speech Therapist.
If I engage and help my child with sabr every minute of every day, instill proper aadaab n akhlaaq, then I'm just a mother.

If I look after a patient in the hospital, I'm called a Nurse.
If I nurse my child when they're ill, awake all night: none able to replace my reassuring presence, then I'm just a mother.

If I manage my boss's office, I'm called a Secretary
If I organise my children's lives and my home, a place for everything and everything in its place, then I'm just a mother.

If I prepare a meal in a restaurant, I'm called a Chef.
If I cook nutritious meals daily, made with love, remembered forever, then I'm just a mother.

If I work late worrying about a deal for clients, how to make them as much money as I can, I'm a Career Woman.
If I stay up worrying and planning my children's deeni future, the deeni future of our world, then I'm just a mother.

If I went out with colleagues and peers for dinner, comparing notes on the industry, I'd be Networking.
If I went out picnicking with a local mother & her toddlers, comparing notes on parenting, I'd just be a mother.

If I sing on a stage, I'm an Artist.If I sing a nazm or azkaar every night, the only voice that they want, the only voice that will do, then I'm just a mother.

But we often tend to forget and reliase that being a mother and bringing up our children with the correct tarbiyat is the hardest profession of all.

May Allah make it easy for all the mums-to-be n all those who are already mummys, and grant/make our children Da'ees/Duaat. Aameen

“If a beautiful woman is a jewel...a pious woman is a TREASURE.”

source from: 

Friday, July 27, 2012

how i found my life (part 2)

after my very scary dream..i was thinking about it for days..but i didnt know what to do...i didnt know where to start...i was just confuse...

n then one day we went for this talk...a very basic talk on rukun islam...n the uztaz  was talkinng about the famouse hadith that everyone always quotes..." All muslims goes to Jannah/heaven/paradise..."

yes, that hadith is absolutely true, its a hadith sahih bukhari..BUT, yes there is a BUT, but there is a continuation to the hadith, that nobody really bothers to find out...

HADITH BUKHARI book no 92, hadith no 384 (9/7280)

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "All my followers will enter Paradise except those who refuse." They said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who will refuse?" He said, "Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses (to enter it)."

see the highlighted part " those who refuse"...i was shivering...n then someone asked the uztaz, if someone doesnt pray 5 times a day, are they part of the muslims that disobeys or who refuse?

and terus the uztaz says, a muslim who does not solat 5 times a day, 

1) is a muslim who does not believe in Allah SWT who has commanded us to do so in the Quran n through our messenger Muhammad SAW..
2) a muslim who does not believe in the Quran, which is part of RUkun IMAN
3) a muslim who does not believe in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and all the hadith...

 he asked the audience balik, do u think that person is believer or someone who disobeys Allah SWT??? 

after the talk i kept on asking myself, if i dont pray 5 times a day, n i die, does that mean i might die as a disbeliever??  i kept on telling myself, but Allah SWT is maha pengampun, so maybe i can be forgiven...but Allah SWT also does not lie, and he has promised in the Quran, disbeliever will be punished..he has promised in the hadith that those who disobeys will not even masuk syurga...

what have i done to deserve to enter Jannah?? 

but i thought to myself, well takpe, before i die, i will straight away mengucap...then Allah SWT might forgive me for all my sins...

guess what?? a few weeks later, i was in the car, with my friends, driving at 120km/h at north south was in rawang i was night time...we were all happily talking, suddenly there was a black bull or black lembu, we coudlnt see coz gelap, just crossed the road, n suddenly duduk on the fast lane...masa tu the highway was on construction, nak besarkan to 3 lanes.... my friend that was driving, got shocked, we had to avoid the giant bull so he swerved to the left...the side of the car langgar the bulls ekor...n our car pusing2 loose  control.....n all i heard around me at that point was "OMG",  SHIT..and so on...

alhamdulillah Allah SWT protected us, we didnt hit anything, the car in front of us langgar the curb abit but he is fine as well....

after that incident i kept on thinking if i die, will i sempat or not say the syahadah...coz during the accident, mmg tak sempat nak say anythning....

a few weeks later i heard a talk by sheikh Feiz about death... one thing he said that i could not forget " how can u die in Lailhaillallah whe you dont leave in Lailahaillallah...." " only a believer can say the syahadah before they die, because the syaitan is not strong enough to stop it, their iman is strong..."

is my iman strong???

to be continued

May Allah forgives all our sins, and make us among those yang beriman....
May Allah SWT guide all non practising muslims, and strengthen their iman...

PART 1 -

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How I found my life.....

This is going to be a longgggg story... When i started my blog i promised to share how i changed my life. N finally after almost 3 years, only now im blogging about it...

It's a long story....terpaksa Bahagi to a few parts....

It was early feb... Within 1 week I heard that 2 people I knew had passed my heart, suddenly I was thinking about my own death...

A few days passed, I was just preparing to sleep after a long day ... Suddenly I heard my sister knocking on my door.. I opened she asked "did u get the sms??" I told her not yet, my phone is on silent... She said we hv to go hospital now, our close friend is in critical condition...


He passed's heartbreaking because it was just 4 months ago he had lost his dear father... N now it's him.... May Allah SWT grant him, his father n all of us Muslims Jannah...

Another death?? I asked my self, n this was someone that had filled my memories of growing up....this time it really it hit me, what would happen if I died today?? Will Allah place me in jannah?? For days I had many sleepless night thinking about death....

I was having a life crisis... I was confused with what I wanted in life...I didn't understand what my purpose of life was...I wasn't the best of Muslims... I wasn't a pleasant person with my family.. I only wanted to do what made me happy n I did not care even if it was hurting the people around me and the people that loved me...I was selfish!

But days went by n I kept asking myself what am I doing with my life?? If i died today, would anybody make doa for Allah swt to forgive me?? N I realised, yes my parents n family members would n my righteous friends would...but aren't this the people that I am hurting??

N the "so called" friends that I'm spending most of my time with, I doubt they would make any dua for me, they don't even make dua themselves...

And then I met up with one of my closest friend, i was so nervous, I didn't know what to say to her, coz she had just lost her brother n her father...but when we met, mashaAllah she just had this beautiful smile... We were talking n talking... She was just telling me how Islam has made her strong to face the lost of her brother n father...and I asked " don't u miss our past n all the fun we had??" n she explained that Islam has given her an inner peace that sense of calmness...n I could tell it was sincere because I saw that in her...

A few days went by.. N I bumped into another friend, she too had just found her inner peace from I told myself, I never thought I would see her in tudung....

But I'm a Muslim, then why am I feeling sooooo lost??? I wanted the calmness they had, but i was to scared to loose my life... I was not willing to loose my friends, my job, my what I thought was amazing life....

I wanted to change, but I just couldn't not start.... Something was stoping me... Till 1 night....

I had the scariest dream..... I dream that I had died, I was burried, n my grave was soooooooooo small filled with really scary creatures..... All this creatures were eating me...I was crying for help, but I was ALONE...n finally after what I felt like a long period of time I heard a voice telling me, if u don't change now, this is ur barzakh....

N suddenly I woke up... I was reallly scared, I was shivering n I was crying non stop... I was soo scared I didn't know what to do... I ran to my parents room... I cried n told my mum I had a bad dream... My mom hugged me n baca dua for me. She said see if u don't baca doa before u sleep the syaitan will Kacau u...

But deep inside I knew...that was not syaitan disturbing me, that was a HARD reminder for me that if I keep living my life that way, I would end up like that.......

To be continued

Sunday, December 25, 2011

10 ways to avoid marrying the wrong person (also a good reminder for the married ones)

There is a right way and a wrong way to get to know someone for marriage. The wrong way is to get caught up in the excitement and nuance of a budding relationship and in the process completely forget to ask the critical questions that help determine compatibility. One of the biggest mistakes that many young Muslims make is rushing into marriage without properly and thoroughly getting to know someone. A common myth is that the duration of a courtship is an accurate enough measure of how compatible two people are. The logic follows that the longer you speak with someone, the better you will know them. The problem with that premise is that no consideration is given to how that time is spent. Increasingly, young Muslim couples are engaging in “halal dating,” which is basically socializing with each other in the company of friends and/or family. This includes going out to dinner, watching a movie, playing some sport or other leisure activity, etc. Depending on the family or culture, conversations are either minimal & chaperoned or worse, unrestricted and unsupervised. When you consider these limitations it makes one wonder when exactly, if ever at all, would the critical conversations take place? Unfortunately, for many, the answer is never and they live to suffer the consequences. If you or someone you know is in the “getting to know someone” phase, the following guide offers advice on exactly what to look for and avoid:

1) Do Not Marry Potential: Oftentimes men consider marrying a woman hoping she never changes while a woman considers marrying a man she hopes she can change. This is the wrong approach on both accounts. Don’t assume that you can change a person after you’re married to them or that they will reach their potential. There is no guarantee, after all, that those changes will be for the better. In fact, it’s often for the worse. If you can’t accept someone or imagine living with them as they are then don’t marry them. These differences can include a number of things such as ideological or practical differences in religion, habits, hygiene, communication skills, etc.

2) Choose Character over Chemistry: While chemistry and attraction are no doubt important, character precedes them both. A famous quote follows, “Chemistry ignites the fire, but character keeps it burning.” The idea of falling “in love” should never be the sole reason for marrying someone; it is very easy to confuse infatuation and lust for love. The most important character traits to look for include humility, kindness, responsibility, & happiness. Here’s a breakdown of each trait:

Humility: The humble person never makes demands of people but rather always does right by them. They put their values and principles above convenience and comfort. They are slow to anger, are modest, and avoid materialism.
Kindness: The kind person is the quintessential giver. They seek to please and minimize the pain of others. To know if a person is a giver, observe how they treat their family, siblings, and parents. Do they have gratitude towards their parents for all that they’ve done for them? If not, then know that they will never appreciate what you do for them. How do they treat people they don’t have to be kind towards (i.e. waiters, sales associates, employees, etc)? How do they spend their money? How do they deal with anger; their own anger and their reaction to someone else’s anger?
Responsibility: A responsible person has stability in their finances, relationships, job, and character. You can you rely on this person and trust what they say.
Happiness: A happy person is content with their portion in life. They feel good about themselves and good about their life. They focus on what they have rather than on what they don’t have. They very rarely complain.
3) Do Not Neglect The Emotional Needs of Your Partner: Both men and women have emotional needs and in order for a partnership to be successful those needs must be mutually met. The fundamental emotional need of a woman is to be loved. The fundamental emotional need of a man is to be respected and appreciated. To make a woman feel loved give her the three AAAs: Attention, Affection, & Appreciation. To make a man feel loved give him the three RRRs: Respect, Reassurance, & Relief. It is the obligation of each partner to make sure the other is happy and this extends to intimacy as well. As long as each partner is fulfilled by the emotional needs of the other, the intimate relationship will thrive. When a man takes seriously the emotional needs of his wife she will feel more encouraged to fulfill his sexual desires. Likewise, when a woman takes seriously the emotional needs of her husband he will feel more encouraged to give her the affection, love and appreciation she wants from him. Working together in this way encourages both giving and receiving.

4) Avoid Opposing Life Plans: In marriage you can either grow together or grow apart. Sharing a common purpose in life will increase the chance that you will grow together.

You must know what the person is into. In other words, what are they ultimately passionate about? Then ask yourself, “Do I respect this passion?” “Do I respect what they are into?”
The more specifically you define yourself, i.e., your values, your beliefs, your lifestyle, the better chance you have of finding your life partner, your soul mate, the one you are most compatible with.
Remember, before you decide who to take along on a trip, you should first figure out your destination.
5) Avoid Pre-Marital Sexual/Physical Activity:

Recognize that there is incredible wisdom in why God has ordered us to refrain from intimacy before marriage; they are to prevent great harms as well as to keep sacred what is the most blessed part of a relationship between a man and a woman.
Aside from the obvious spiritual consequences, when a relationship gets physical before its time, important issues like character, life philosophy, and compatibility go to the wayside. Consequently, everything is romanticized and it becomes difficult to even remember the important issues let alone talk about them.
Intellectual commitment must be established before emotional or sexual commitment.
6) Avoid Lack of Emotional Connection: There are four questions that you must answer YES to:

Do I respect and admire this person? What specifically do I respect and admire about this person?
Do I trust this person? Can I rely on them? Do I trust their judgment? Do I trust their word? Can I believe what they say?
Do I feel Safe? Do I feel emotionally safe with this person? Can I be vulnerable? Can I be myself? Can I be open? Can I express myself?
Do I feel calm and at peace with this person?
If the answer is “I don’t know, I’m not sure, etc.” keep evaluating until you know for sure and truly understand how you feel. If you don’t feel safe now, you won’t feel safe when you are married. If you don’t trust now, this won’t change when you are married!

7) Pay Attention to Your Own Emotional Anxiety: Choosing someone you don’t feel safe with emotionally is not a good recipe for a long-lasting and loving marriage. Feeling emotionally safe is the foundation of a strong and healthy marriage. When you don’t feel safe, you can’t express your feelings and opinions. Learn how to identify whether you are in an abusive relationship. If you feel you always have to monitor what you say, if you are with someone and you feel you can’t really express yourself and are always walking on eggshells, then it’s very likely you are in an abusive relationship. Look for the following things:

Controlling behavior: This includes controlling the way you act, the way you think, the way you dress, the way you wear your hair/hijab and the way you spend your time. Know the difference between suggestions and demands. Demands are an expression of control and if the demands are implied, than you must do it or there will be consequences. All of these are clear indications of abusive personalities.
Anger issues: This is someone who raises their voice on a regular basis, who is angry, gets angry at you, uses anger against you, uses put downs, and curses at you, etc. You don’t have to put up with this type of treatment. Many people who tolerate this behavior usually come from abusive backgrounds. If this is the case with you or someone you know, get help right away. Deal with those issues before getting married or before even thinking about getting married.
Beware of Lack of Openness In Your Partner: Many couples make the mistake of not putting everything on the table for discussion from the onset. Ask yourself, “What do I need to know to be absolutely certain I want to marry this person?” “What bothers me about this person or the relationship?” It’s very important to identify what’s bothering you, things that concern you, and things you are afraid to bring up for discussion. Then you must have an honest discussion about them. This is a great way to test the strength of your relationship. Bringing up issues when there’s conflict is a great opportunity to really evaluate how well you communicate, negotiate, and work together as a team. When people get into power struggles and blame each other, it’s an indication they don’t work well as a team. Also important is being vulnerable around each other. Ask deep questions of each other and see how your partner responds. How do they handle it? Are they defensive? Do they attack? Do they withdraw? Do they get annoyed? Do they blame you? Do they ignore it? Do they hide or rationalize it? Don’t just listen to what they say but watch for how they say it!

9) Beware of Avoiding Personal Responsibility: It’s very important to remember no one else is responsible for your happiness. Many people make the mistake of thinking someone else will fulfill them and make their life better and that’s their reason for getting married. People fail to realize that if they are unhappy as a single person, they will continue to be miserable when they are married. If you are currently not happy with yourself, don’t like yourself, don’t like the direction your life is going now, it’s important to take responsibility for that now and work on improving those areas of your life before considering marriage. Don’t bring these issues into your marriage and hope your partner will fix them.

10) Watch Out For Lack of Emotional Health and Availability In Your Potential Partner: Many people choose partners that are not emotionally healthy or available. One huge problem is when a partner is unable to balance the emotional ties to family members, the marriage ends up having 3 (or more) people in it rather than two. An example of this would be if a man is overly dependent on his mother and brings that relationship into the marriage; this is no doubt a recipe for disaster. Also important to consider are the following:

Avoid people who are emotionally empty inside. These include people who don’t like themselves because they lack the ability to be emotionally available. They are always preoccupied with their deficiencies, insecurities, and negative thoughts. They are in a perpetual fight with depression, never feel good, are isolated, are critical and judgmental; tend to not have any close friends, and often distrust people or are afraid of them. Another clear indication about them is they always feel their needs are not getting met; they have a sense of entitlement and feel angry when they feel people should take care of them and they don’t. They feel burdened by other people’s needs and feel resentment towards them. These people can not be emotionally available to build healthy relationships.
Addictions can also limit the level of availability of the partner to build a strong emotional relationship. Never marry an addict. Addictions are not limited to drugs and alcohol. They can be about addictions and dependency on work, internet, hobbies, sports, shopping, money, power, status, materialism, etc. When someone has an addiction, they will not and can not be emotionally available to develop an intimate relationship with you!
Additional Points to Consider:

The fact is no one looks 25 forever. Ultimately, we love the person we marry for more than their appearance. When we get to know someone we love and admire, we’ll love them for their inner beauty and overall essence.
Once we find someone, we consciously or subconsciously want so badly for it all to work that we decide not to question or see what is clearly in front of our eyes: they were rude to the waiter, speaks ill of others, is rude to you, etc. We don’t stop to ask, “What does all of this mean about their character?”
Never separate someone from their family, background, education, belief system, etc. Asking clear questions can clarify this. Ask questions like, “What does it mean to have a simple lifestyle?” “What are your expectations of marriage?” “How would you help around the house?” Compare your definition with theirs.
Be flexible. Be open-minded!
Giving in a happy marriage should not be confused with martyrdom. It should be about taking pleasure and seeing the other person as happy because of your connection with them.
Morality and spirituality are the qualities that truly define someone in addition to beauty, money, and health. The morally upright and spiritual person will stand by your side during adversity and hardship. If someone isn’t God-conscience and doesn’t take themselves into account with God then why should you expect them to fulfill their rights owed to you? The ideal partner is someone who considers giving a gain and not causing a loss. Having a mutual and shared spiritual relationship will foster a successful marriage. Furthermore, a successful marriage is one that keeps the laws of family purity which require a certain degree of self-control and self-discipline, as well as the belief that the physical side of the relationship includes the spiritual and emotional side as well. Finding commonality and balance between the spiritual and emotional aspects of a relationship is a strong key to a healthy and thriving marriage.

The above article was [in part] inspired by and adapted from a presentation by Rabbi Dov Heller, M.A.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

amazing reminders for all of us....

Baby boy update at 7 + months.... many failed attempts to stand...but still working hard...inshaAllah soon....

Amazing reminders

Do not try to change your spouse! People always say things like; "How can you let your spouse do that?" Let him/her??? That's NOT how it is supposed to work in marriage. He/She is your spouse, not your child!

The key to succeeding in marriage is not finding the right person; it is learning to love the person you found

In relationships, we are working day and night to provide and receive:
• advice,
• support,
• good company,
• conversation,
• a sense of belonging
• security,
• shelter,
• food,
• love,
• care,
• attention.

Sadly, either these are not enough or we fail after each trial. This is because when it comes to the relationship we have with Allah(swt) many of us happily receive but never give in return. 
Therefore, we have to cultivate our relationship with Allah(swt) on a daily basis if we do not want to fail in life. *♥*

••• How to cope when you have learnt your spouse is unfaithful to you: •••

Have hope that your marriage can survive your spouse cheating on you. Here's what you can do to get beyond the hurt, forgive your unfaithful spouse, and save your marriage.

Here's How:

◘ Don't make any major decisions about ending your marriage now just because your spouse has been unfaithful. This is the time to do some reflection on your marriage to see what other issues other than this infidelity need to be recognized and dealt with.

◘ Feelings are neither right or wrong. Accept that your feelings of rage, uncertainty, shock, agitation, fear, pain, depression and confusion about having an unfaithful spouse are normal.

◘ Take care of yourself.

◘ Balance is the key to getting through this experience of coping with infidelity. Force yourself to eat healthy foods, to stay on a schedule, to sleep regular hours, etc.

◘ Spend some time with people who make you smile. Life goes on in spite of heartache and unfaithful spouses.

◘ Tears are healthy too.

◘ Pray to Allah to grant you endless patience to deal with difficult situations.

◘ Ask all the questions you want. Talk with your spouse about the infidelity. However, you may have to accept that your spouse may not know why the infidelity took place.

◘ Seek counseling (of knowledgeable people). Don't try to get through coping with unfaithfulness alone.

One of the most successful husbands

♥ He knows how to strike a balance between pleasing his wife and treating his mother with due kindness and respect.

The sincere Muslim husband draws upon his intelligence, compassion and strength of character in his dealings with both his wife and his mother, in such a way that he does not offend either of them. So he cannot be disobedient towards his mother or oppressive towards his wife. Rather, he recognizes his mother’s rights and treats her in the best possible way, while also recognizing his wife’s rights. He does not detract from his wife’s rights in the course of fulfilling his duty towards his mother and taking care of her. The truly sincere Muslim is able to do this, as long as he is truly conscious of Allah (S.W.T.) (i.e., has taqwA.) and follows the guidance and teachings of Islam, which treat both mother and wife with fairness and give each her due status. 

♥ He understands his wife and respects her feelings. The true Muslim always understands his wife and respects her feelings. 

♥ He does not criticize her family or any of her relations in front of her, out of respect for her feelings. In return, she respects his feelings and does not do or say anything that may adversely affect any member of his family.

♥ He does not disclose any secret that she has entrusted to him, or spread any story that she has told him in confidence, for carelessness in such matters all too often explodes into conflict between the spouses and extinguishes the love between them. The sincere Muslim husband is protected from all of that, so long as he continues to follow the guidance of Islam. 

♥ He helps her to make up for her failings and weaknesses. 

The sincere Muslim husband tries to make up for what his wife lacks, if he feels that she is lacking in knowledge or manners. He does this in the gentlest, kindest and most positive manner. If he encounters defiance or wilful deviance on her part, he brings her back to the straight and narrow in a gentle, humane and intelligent manner, avoiding harsh criticism or rebuking her in front of people, no matter what the reason. The most hurtful thing for a woman is that someone should hear her being reprimanded or witness her being scolded. The true Muslim is the most sensitive and respectful towards the feelings of others. 

♥ He fully understands his role as a protector and maintainer (qawwam) of his wife.

With such good attitudes and gentle treatment, the Muslim husband wins the heart of his wife, so she does not disobey him in anything. Therefore the Muslim man has been given the position of qawwam over women, because of the characteristics which Islam instills in him, the qualifications it has given him and the conditions and limits it has imposed on him:

"Men are the protectors and maintainers [qawwamun] of women, because of Allah has given the one more [strength] than the other, and because they support them from their means...]" 

(Qur’an 4:34)

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Praise be to Allah SWT
salam everyone..... 
Jazzakallah Khair(thank you very much) for your time. Its been a long time, so i've decided to share something i've learnt in my aqidah class. Amazing MasyaAllah, free classes in english so please if anybody is interested kindly join.

 Before class i didnt even know the difference between akidah and tauhid, and now i know....

->which is for the first 13 years of Islam, Rasulullah SAW only concentrated his da'wah on tauhid alone before teaching them to do Ibadah, which shows how important it is for us to understand the whole concept of Aqidah. May Allah SWT open our hearts to gaining all knowledge...Ameen....
,before i share i need to clarify that i have a lot more to learn on this topic, so should you find any error in my writings/find a stronger dalil do correct me, i would really appreciate that.
Since small we have learnt that one of the things Allah SWT dont forgive us in the act of shirk (THE biggest sin), indeed it is not just a big sin, Allah SWT will not count ANY good deeds that is done in their lifetime and they shall remain in Hell forver even if he is someone "yg beramal soleh".
Allah SWT mention in Surah al-nisa 4:48 --> Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin. 
Surah al-An'am 6:88 --> This is the Guidance of Allah with which He guides whomsoever He wills of His slaves. But if they had joined in worship others with Allah, all that they used to do would have been of no benefit to them.
Please also refer Surah al-zumar39:65, Surah al-Hajj22:31, Surah al-Ma'idah5:72, Surah Luqman 31:13, Surah al-Shu'ara'26:97-98
p/s:For convenience please go to
Big Shirk is devided to 8 parts and And the no 4 is shirk taat/patuh. In this topic, i've learnt that whoever that obeys the scholars, the rulers, parents, friends or just anybody, BUT forbiding what Allah SWT has made halal and permitting what Allah SWT has made haram has certainly taken them as Lords (commit shirk). We will be no different from the yahudis and nasranis. 

Why Allah SWT punish us so harshly is this issue? its because Islam is not just a religion, Islam is a way of life...Its the perfect way of life and ALL example ware shown by Rasullulah SAW and his sahabah during their lifetime, and us changing it and making it our own meaning we are saying that we are greater than Islam and we are greater that Allah SWT and our version of Islam is better. in this world, Allah SAW left one thing that is perfect for us which is the Quran, so there should be nothing in there that we should add and nothing in there that we should subtract.

Please tell this to the everyone we love,so we make them amongst those with Iman, and May we be away from practising any shirk that we know, or we don't know....

Allah SWT knows best...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

what we can do in a minute....

1- In one minute, you can recite chapter Al-Faatihah (the opening chapter of the Quran) silently. Some scholars, may Allaah have mercy upon them, stated that a person gets more than 1400 good deeds for reciting it once. If one recites it 7 times, one gets 9800 good deeds in one minute.
2-  In one minute, you can say ''Astaghfiru Allaah'' (I seek forgiveness of Allaah) more than 100 times. The virtue of seeking forgiveness is well-known, it is a reason of obtaining forgiveness, entering Paradise, having good provisions, increasing one's strength, repelling harm, having affairs facilitated, the descent of rain, and increasing in wealth and children.
3- In one minute, you can read a part of the Quran.
4- In one minute, you can memorize a small verse of the Quran.
5- In one minute, you can say ''Laa ilaaha illa Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa 'ala kulli chay'in qadeer'' (None has the right to be worshipped except Allaah Alone, He has neither partners nor associates, to Him belongs sovereignty and praise and He is over all things wholly capable) 20 times; its reward is setting 8 slaves free for the sake of Allaah from the children of Ismaa'eel (Ishmael), may Allaah exalt his mention.
6- In one minute, you can say ''Subhaana Allaah wa bihamdihi'' (How perfect Allaah is and all praise be to Him) 100 times, and whoever says this, his sins will be forgiven even if they were like the foams of the sea.
7- In one minute, you can say ''Subhaana Allaah wa bihamdihi, Subhaana Allaah Al-Adheem'' (How perfect Allaah is and all praise be to Him, how perfect Allaah is, The Supreme) 50 times, and these are two expressions which are easy to say, but they are very heavy on the scale of good deeds, and they are beloved to Allaah. [ [Bukhari: Hadith No:673, V:8] and [Bukhari, B:9, V:93, Hadith 652]].
Prophet Muhammad (sallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said, "There are) two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and very light (easy) for the tongue (to say), but very heavy in weight in the balance. They are: Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim (Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise)'.
8- The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: ''If I were to say: ''Subhaana Allaah, wal hamdu lillaah, wa laa ilaaha illa Allaah, wallaahu Akbar'' (How perfect Allaah is, all praise be to Allaah, None has the right to be worshipped except Allaah, and Allaah is the greatest.) it is better for me than the whole world.'' [Muslim]. In one minute, you can say all the above words 18 times, and these words are the most beloved words to Allaah, and the best of all speeches, and their weight on the scale of good deeds is very heavy, as reported in authentic narrations.
9- In one minute, you can say ''la hawla wa laa quwwata illa billaah'' (there is neither might nor power except by Allaah) more than 40 times. This is a treasure among the treasures of Paradise, as reported by Al-Bukhaari and Muslim, may Allaah have mercy upon them. It is also one of the major reasons of bearing difficulties and hardship.
10- In one minute, you can say ''Laa ilaaha illa Allaah'' (None has the right to be worshipped but Allaah) approximately 50 times, and it is the greatest word, as it is the word of Tawheed (Oneness of Allaah), a good word, and a firm statement, and whoever says this expression as his last words before breathing his last, he will enter Paradise; the above expression also has other virtues.

11- In one minute, you can say: ''Subhaanah Allaah wa bihamdihi, 'adada khalqihi, wa ridha nafsihi, wa zinata 'arshihi, wa midaada kalimaatihi'' (How perfect Allaah is and all praise be to Allaah, by the number of His Creation and His Pleasure, and by the weight of His Throne, and the ink of His Words) more than 15 times. This statement equals multiplied rewards of ordinary legislated mention of Allaah, as confirmed by the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam.
13- In one minute, you can give a short summarized speech which could be very beneficial for the listeners.
14- In one minute, you can exalt the mention of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, by saying ''Sala Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam'' (may Allaah exalt his mention) 50 times, for which Allaah will exalt your mention 500 times, because one exaltation is multiplied tenfold.
15- In one minute, you can think about the creation of the heavens and the earth, as a result you will be considered among the people of understanding whom Allaah mentioned in the Quran.
16- In one minute, you can think about being grateful to Allaah, loving Him, fearing Him, hoping for Him (His Mercy) and longing to meet Him; by doing so, you would have achieved great acts of worship while you may be lying down on your bed or walking in the street.
17- In one minute, you can read more than two pages from a beneficial book which is easy to understand.
18- In one minute, you can keep ties with your kinship by phoning them.
19- In one minute, you can supplicate with general supplications.
20- In one minute, you can greet (by saying Salaam to) a number of people and shake hands with them.
21- In one minute, you can forbid evil.
22- In one minute, you can enjoin good.
23- In one minute, you can advise a brother.
24- In one minute, you can intercede in doing good for a person.
25- In one minute, you can comfort a distressed person.
26- In one minute, you can take off an obstacle from the road.
27- By benefiting from one minute, you will preserve and benefit from other times.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Islamic birth Rites...

Alhamdulillah i have reached 30 weeks...inshaAllah 10 more weeks to go....

Now besides sibuk kemas2 bilik, now me and habib are looking into islamic birth rights takut tertinggal anything.

ok the first thing we should do is

1) Azan (Adhan)

Reciting the Azan to our baby's right ear.The words of Azan can halau the syaitan as mentioned below

Narrated Abu Huraira: Rasulullah SAW said, "When the adhan is pronounced Satan takes to his heels and passes wind with noise during his flight in order not to hear the adhan... [hadith Bukhari book 11 hadith 582]

This amalan mmg we all buat dari dulu lagi kan, actually untuk give indication that inshaAllah all parents will bring up the anak mengikut the guidance of Islam, correct? but sadly ramai sangat yang buat amalan ni for the baby, but solat sendiri tak terjaga. solat anak bila baligh pun tak jaga. InshaAllah May all of us, strengthen our Tauhid to become parents yang beriman, and didik anak2 yang soleh. Ameen.

2) Tahnik

Tahnik is a process of chewing something sweet ( selalunya tamar/dates) and gently rubbing it agianst the baby's upper jaw or palate so that the baby can suck it. The baby's first taste should be something sweet, so parents may chew a piece of date and rub the juice along the baby's gums. It was a practice carried out by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and is believed to help tiny digestive systems to kick in.

Narrated Anas bin Malik took 'Abdullah bin Abu Talha to Rasulullah SAW to perform tahnik for him. (tahnik was a custom among the Muslims that whenever a child was born they used to take it to the Prophet who would chew a piece of date and put a part of its juice in the child's mouth). I saw the Prophet and he had an instrument for branding in his hands and was branding the camels of Zakat. [Hadith Bukhari Book 24, Hadith 578]

Narrated 'Aisha: A boy was brought to the Prophet to do tahnik for him, but the boy urinated on him, whereupon the Prophet had water poured on the place of urine.  [Hadith Bukhari Book 66, Hadith 377]

3) Aqiqah 

Our misconception is that the aqiqah is a party organise by family of the newborn after the meat is cook. but in actual fact Aqiqah is the sacrifice that is made when the child is born. Sacrifice yang dimaksudkan is sembelih of the animal (2 sheep for baby boy, 1 sheep for baby girl, but Rasulullah SAW sacrifice 1 sheep each during the aqiqah of Hassan and Hussien his grandsons) also shave the babies head and naming the child (please refer to hadith below) . 

Narrated Samurah ibn Jundub: Rasulullah SAW) said: A boy is in pledge for his aqiqah, Sacrifice is made for him on the seventh day, his head is shaved and he is given name.  ( Sunan Abu dawud Book 15, Hadith 2832)

The Aqiqah is a right (upon you). Sacrifice two compatible sheep for a boy and one for a girl. [Hadith Ahmad]

The actual sacrifice should best be taken place on the baby 7th day. If the aqiqah does not take place on the 7th day, it may still be sacrificed on the 14th or 21st day. Often during Aqiqah, families have a get together when the meat is eaten. The meat should be contributed to friends, family and golongan miskin.

Buraydah RAA reported that Rasulullah SAW said: The aqiqah should be slaughtered on the 7th day. 14th day or 21st day [Hadith Tabarani]

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was asked about the aqiqah. He replied: Allah does not like the breaking of ties (uquq), as though he disliked the name. And he said: If anyone has a child born to him and wishes to offer a sacrifice on its behalf, he may offer two resembling sheep for a boy and one for a girl. [Sunan Abu Dawud Book 15, Hadith 2836]

4) Naming the newborn

A few Hadith has indicate that naming the child should be done on the 7th day, but don't worry ada juga hadith indicated that Rasulullah SAW named some newborns before the 7th day (example hadith below).

Narrated Abu Musa: I got a son and I took him to the Prophet SAW who named him ibrahim, and put in his mouth the juice of a date fruit (which be himself had chewed?, and invoked for Allah's blessing upon him, and then gave him back to me. He was the eldest son of Abii Musa.  (Hadith Bukhari Book 73, Hadith 218)

i did a seperate entry on naming the child please visit here

5) Shaving the head

After shaving the newborn's head clean on the 7th day as well, Sedeqah is to be given which is equal to the value to the weight of the hair in silver.

Rasulullah SAW commanded his daughter Fatimah RAA to do it for the children " O Fatimah, shave his head and give charity equal to his hairs weight is silver [ Hadith Ahmad]

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) saw a boy with part of his head shaved and part left unshaven. He forbade them to do that, saying: shave it all or leave it all.  (Sunan Abu Dawud Book #33, Hadith#4183)

Ibn Umar reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) forbade Qaza. I said to Nafi: What is Qaza'? He said: This means having a part of a boy's head shaved and leaving a part unshaven.  (Hadith Muslim Book 024, Hadith 5289)

6) Khitan - Circumcision

Removal of the foreskin (for boys before he reaches puberty and sunat for girls)

It is preferable to be done while the child is newborn as Rasulullah SAW performed circumcision for his grandsons Hasan and Hussien on the 7th day [Bayhaqi]. However it can be done anytime before the child reaches puberty

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Five practices are characteristics of the Fitra: circumcision, shaving the pubic region, clipping the nails and cutting the moustaches short."  [Hadith Bukhari Book 72, Hadith 777, Hadith Muslim]

Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.  [Sunan Abu dawud Book 41, Hadith 5251]