Showing posts with label Cake Topper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cake Topper. Show all posts


The Recap...

Is anyone else completely baffled that tonight is the end of 2011? This year was wonderful and more than I ever could have imagined, but even though I'm sad to see it go, I'm excited for 2012 to come.

So, this year was full of wonerful things, here's a list of highlights:

I started off the year posting on the Moda Bake Shop with a recipe for scarves, and added a few more tutorials later on.
I went to some new places:
 I went to Shipshewana a time or two
 I went to the NQA Show for the first time
 Ben and I went to the Western Caribbean with some friends!
And Mom and I made the trek to Holmes County, Ohio for a couple days

I was featured in a couple magazines:
 June 2011 Issue - turn it over to find:
 My quilt!!!!!
And the back cover of Perfect for Precuts had the Moda Bake Shop ad that included my quilt!

I made some new quilt patterns:
 Charmed Living Casaba
 Charmed Living Tote
 Cake Topper
 Alphabet Stitchery: Farm Animals
 Alphabet Stitchery: Bugs Bugs Bugs
Alphabet Stitchery: Noah's Ark

I was entertained by some critters in my tree:

Even these three little ones
Currently nobody is residing in the tree, but winter hasn't truly hit yet...

I did some quilting:

 And I started a new feature to the blog:
Back to Basics!!!

So, whew, I'm exhausted. Looking back I can't believe I got all that accomplished!

I'm looking forward to some exciting things in 2012 including more topics in the Back to Basics tutorials, a new Moda Bake Shop recipe (coming very soon!), more travels, new patterns, and who knows what else!

But I could not have done it without all of you. The encouragement and support I get from all of those that comment, e-mail, follow my blog, or I meet when I'm out and about make this so much more rewarding than I ever thought possible! THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!

So here's a farewell to 2011 and hello to 2012! See you in the new year!


Here it is...

Sooooo, Cake Topper is officially on the market!
 Well, it has been but I've been a bit behind on the official announcement, so here it is!!!
 I still love these pictures. I couldn't have asked for better weather.
 love Love LOVE
 Oh, and just like it's predecessor, this quilt also has an option for a pieced back...
Is it sad I'm already thinking up about 10 other ways to make this quilt? Right now the one at the top of the list is a flannel... I've been freezing since the temperatures started to drop here. Flannel sounds so good right about now...

Either that or more garlic Parmesan broccoli... Who said diet food can't be yummy? This girl is proving them wrong, big time...

I'll be back soon with more photos and updates. A new idea I'm going to try out as well as updates on the newest patterns! They are so stinkin' cute! I can't wait to get them all done to show you!!! Later!

So what fabrics would you make Cake Topper out of?


Sorta MIA

I really apologize for the teaser and then just disappearing... I'm not like that all the time I swear!

I was in a rush doing about one hundred things all at the same time and trying to get it all done before this:
 My Hubbin and I with a bunch of our friends went on a cruise to the Western Caribbean and I was working til the 12th hour trying to get about 2 months worth of projects done in 2 hours (which I know can't be done, but somehow think I can still manage it anyway... I'll never learn on that one!)
 And as much as I enjoy chatting on here with all of you and love my quilts and this fun little business of mine - spending time with my Hubbin in the Caribbean 24/7 for a week when the last few months we've been lucky to see each other for more than a few hours a week (so NOT kidding)... This completely trumped everything else for a week. All the deadlines, the new patterns, the everything. All so I could spend time with my Hubbin!
This was our first stop on the cruise and we found this awesome all inclusive resort that you can get a day pass with ocean access, pool access and as much food and drinks you could enjoy... So yes this is a picture of Ben with a drink at about 10 in the morning... What can I say it was vacation?

So, now we're home. I'm freezing my tooshie off! And I'm continuing to work on the newest pattern line! I don't have pictures today, I promise if you come back tomorrow there will be a sneak peek... But for the meantime here's a hint - it involves pearle cotton. Lots and lots of luscious pearle cotton. Any guesses???

Also, the Cake Topper patterns are ready to go and I will have more to share on that pattern this weekend. I'm going to go add on another layer and throw a blanket in the dryer for a bit to warm up... I'm soooo not ready for winter and I really live in the wrong place... But that's why I quilt!!!

Be back tomorrow with a glimpse of the new patterns!!! I can't wait to show you more!


Amongst the trees...

So if you saw the last post you saw a smidgen about my trek to the park... It was so lovely and unexpected.

I remember this park being pretty, but not this pretty.
 It was the perfect spot (besides a bit too much sun for pictures, but we haven't seen sun around here in a month it seems, so I wasn't going to complain), the leaves were just changing, the air was warm, and the views...
 I knew when I made this quilt I would want to take some pictures outside when the leaves changed... Well, Mother Nature decided to hit Ohio with rain, rain, fog and more rain for weeks, so this was the first chance I had to get some outdoor pictures! I walked across the bridge here searching for a nice bench in the woods for a picture...
 Didn't find any that weren't surrounded by tons of mud, but I did spot this Blue Heron and managed to get a couple pictures while it fished and ate it's dinner. That was pretty neat if I do say so myself.
 This is the main view of the park once you get to the parking area. love Love LOVE! And do you see them? I almost missed them myself. (Look in the bottom right corner or below)
There was a gaggle of geese perched on an old stump in the pond all lined up. This picture isn't that great, but it was really cute. They just sat there and didn't make a peep the entire time.

I still have yet yo get to the beach this year just to sit and breathe... This work thing keeps getting in the way of my fun! And especially days like today when I got out of work about 2 hours later than I expected... Owell, nothing I can do about it now but chat with you all and work on the next pattern line (yes I said line) and watch Mr. Patrick Jane on the Mentalist tonight. It's kinda my Wednesday night thing...

I'll take some pictures of the next project(s) and post them later. I am just loving the way they're turning out and I can't wait to show you, but I have to get a bit more done first.

So, not much quilty stuff today, but don't you just love going to a park and forgetting all about everything else for a while? Even if it's only a few minutes? I'd love to hear about your favorite relax and unwind spot...Mine is soon to be my chair....But, until next time!


Fall Is Officially in Ohio!

Want to see how I know?
 The leaves are starting to turn - in spots atleast... Up by my house closer to the lake, we usually are one of the last to see the changing colors, but it'll be here soon...
But, today I rediscovered a park I had completely forgotten about... It was perfect for pictures, the leaves were just starting to turn... and there was this scene above. I admit it was pretty in person, but I am sssoooooo pleased at how this picture turned out... I might even print it and frame this one.

I'll be back tomorrow for more on the park today amongst other things. Later!


Success!!! And a New Pattern!!!

So, it took me a bit longer than expected, but I did get all 4 quilts done!

Tuesday I got the first 3 quilts done in no time it seemed. Part of it was Mom loaded the first quilt for me so all I had to do was go in and start up the machine and quilt!
 This was made out of Lovely by the wonderful Sandy Gervais, very Happy Giddy Bliss (Hi Gayle!)
 I quilted loops and flowers all over this one...
 Then, these next 2 quilts are doubles, both out of adorable bug fabric but I quilted them differently. This first one I squiggle stippled.
 The next one I quilted loops on.
 Here's how they looked on the machine side by side. Then I had to take a small break and go play with the pups. (Or as they see it interrupt their naps).
 After a short time out I was back at it determined to finish all 4 of these quilts.... The last one started off like this.
 And I had to stop and admire the afternoon sun highlighting the quilting...
 And like that I had to stop. That's as far as I got before my chest and back said otherwise... (Still having some small pains when I do too much - or try and quilt 4 quilts in the same afternoon :] I'll never learn) So, no biggie, I figured I would be back Wednesday after work...

Well, Wednesday as I went to leave work and finish this up, a storm was rolling in and just as I was about to leave it hit - really bad. I don't know about you but I don't like to do anything with expensive electronics in a storm... no computer, no sewing machine, nada. I know insurance will replace them, but I would rather avoid that situation if at all possible...
 So, today I was able to go out and finish it and I LOVE how the quilting turned out. Now, this is the back, same principle as the Charmed Living Topper, just using Layer Cakes - so without further ado I'm pleased to introduce you to Cake Topper!
 Here's the front completely finished quilted... oh, yeah, that binding part... I made this one using Kansas Troubles Cattails and Clover that is due out in stores very soon! I hear some shops already have the precuts, which means yardage isn't far behind! I used a Bella Solid for both the border and backing, it will be the binding too. Unfortunately I don't remember the name of the color, but it's a gorgeous chocolate brown, I think it worked out well...

So Cake Topper is the latest in the Ruby Blue Pattern line, what do you think?

Oh, and just for those inquiring minds - Finishes at 59" square (perfect for these colder fall nights!) I will hopefully do a photo shoot this weekend if the weather holds out and have patterns out shortly after that! I'll keep you posted.

So, I think that was - I take that back - I know that was the most quilting I've done on the long arm in that short amount of time and I'm feeling it now, but it was sooo much fun! I love seeing the quilting design and the thread work with the fabrics and the quilt itself. I've been working really hard at the quilting element and I've been trying new designs and that's always fun.

Right now I think the quilting has been the most enjoyable part of quilting (but that's also usually because I'm alone with the music cranked up, able to listen to what I want and dance if I want to because no one else is around and I basically have a party by myself...) Yeah, I'm kinda a dork that way :]

So, that's what I've been up to this week, I'm working on making my first batch of Apple Pear Butter right now - the house smells SO GOOD! I already ate dinner and I think I might have to have dessert... That and the dogs are staring and drooling... It must smell good to them too!

So what have you been up to? Let me know what you think of the newest addition. I'd LOVE to hear what you think! Until next time!
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