The latest issue of Quilt Trends (Fall 2013) just hit store shelves yesterday and if you open it up to page 30 you'll see my quilt, Sunday's Child:
I won't lie, it's the coolest thing ever to see a quilt you've designed, pieced and quilted in a two page spread like this in a magazine. When I first saw it I wanted to scream out in joy, but I couldn't. Here's why...
The Hubby has been working some strange hours and had to get up for work really early a few days last week which meant he was in bed before I got home from work. Well, the one day he went to bed and didn't mention anything special about the mail that day. I got home and had dinner and fed the dogs and got busy doing other things that needed to be done.
A few hours later... I was in the kitchen and finally noticed the pile of mail on the counter. Way at the bottom of said pile was advance copies of the magazine just sitting there all casual like there wasn't anything special going on...
I wanted to scream and jump and dance and celebrate, but I couldn't wake up the Hubby, so I texted my Mom instead :)
I would have posted yesterday but I wanted to see for myself that it was really true.
Me, "To see if the magazine is out yet"
Him, "But don't you have it already ?!"
Me, (casual roll of the eyes) :)
Men just don't get it sometimes. But then you drag them to the store anyway and they sense your growing excitement and decide to turn into an uber dork to embarrass you in public, but that just lets you snap a picture to live online FOREVER!!! :)
May I present my own personal Vana. So anywho, the magazine is out and it is full of all sorts of wonderful projects. There is also information available to order a kit to make your own version of Sunday's Child. I'll post more about the quilt itself tomorrow, but for now head to the nearest store and get a copy!!!