Finally, there's some action in the garden! Spring operations have started. The sun has shone today, and I have begun to rake old leaves from the lawns and the flower beds.
Utomhus blommar hybridkejsarolvonet, snödroppar och de första krokusarna:
Out-of-doors the Viburnum bodnatense, snowdrops and the first crocus are blooming:
Årets första penséer lyser välkomnande i en kruka vid entrén. Kan nog aldrig se mig mätt på penséernas söta små ansikten.
The first Pansies of the year, are greeting us in a pot beside our entrance. I can't seem to get enough of those pretty little faces.
I uterummet fortsätter passionsblommorna att blomma tillsammans med primula Ballerina och min gula Kanna. En ceriseröd hibiskus har också börjat blomma:
The passion flowers continute to bloom in our sunroom, together with primrose Ballerina and my yellow Canna lily. A cerise Hibiscus has also started to bloom:
Några pelargoner har också börjat sätta knopp. Ett av mina nyförvärv - primärhybriden Eric Hall - har fantastiskt vackra blommor i rött och ljust rosavitt:
Some Pelargoniums have also started to bud. One of the newcomers - the primary hybrid Eric Hall - has amazingly beautiful flowers in red and whitish pink:
Tack Carol, May Dreams Gardens, som arrangerar Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day den 15:de varje månad!
Thank you Carol, of May Dreams Gardens, for hosting Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day on the 15th each month!
The passion flowers continute to bloom in our sunroom, together with primrose Ballerina and my yellow Canna lily. A cerise Hibiscus has also started to bloom:
Några pelargoner har också börjat sätta knopp. Ett av mina nyförvärv - primärhybriden Eric Hall - har fantastiskt vackra blommor i rött och ljust rosavitt:
Some Pelargoniums have also started to bud. One of the newcomers - the primary hybrid Eric Hall - has amazingly beautiful flowers in red and whitish pink:
Tack Carol, May Dreams Gardens, som arrangerar Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day den 15:de varje månad!
Thank you Carol, of May Dreams Gardens, for hosting Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day on the 15th each month!