Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Monday, January 7, 2013

Snow Days

 It's been snowing like crazy around here. Richard got on the roof to alleviate some of that snow's weight. It took him a couple of hours!

There was also time to play in it a bit too. We went for a snowshoe in the back and most times the snow was up to your knees.

Richard found this cute little nest that had been blown out of a tree. I placed it back in a tree, perhaps to be fixed up a bit and used next year? Who knows...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow Rolls

Over the weekend it was just about 0C, the snow was damp and the wind was howling.

 Perfect conditions for what are known as snow rolls.

They popped up all over the countryside. You couldn't help but notice them everywhere.

Also known as snowrollers, snow bales and snow doughnuts, this phenomenon requires a precise balance of air temperature, ice, snow, moisture and wind. They are essentially a wintry version of tumbleweed.

Kind of like Mother Nature was playing in the snow...

...or something like that.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter Walk

The cold weather can really get to you but living in the country it's the best time to walk the back 40! Here's the old butternut tree. Many of them are dying of butternut cancer. I had a tree expert here last year and she said this one is dying of old age, likely 75-100 years old. It's actually one tree, with a huge base at the bottom with two trunks coming out of it.

I love looking around spruce and cedar bushes to find where the deer have been sleeping. To the left of the spruce tree trunk you can see where the deer has slept. The snow under him is all melted.

 Where oh where is Richard?

 Richard got to test out his new snowshoes!

This topiary tree was on my list to cut down. Richard said we should let it grow and he was right! It's practically doubled in size in the last few years.

I just love how the hollyhocks wear their snow in a white coat.

I sort of thought the snow on the branches looked like fish skeletons. Am I nuts?

What I call the Boo Radley tree. Wonder what critter lives in that hole?

The deer seem to be the only ones who are walking by the old picnic table in the woods. Almost time for our annual winter picnic though...

The Mighty Mogelon is snow covered at this time of year, making its crossing very easy!

Friday, December 23, 2011

What a Difference a Day Makes

The high bush cranberries were covered with ice one day...

...and then a lovely layer of fresh snow the next day.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

First Snow!

Even though it's not officially winter yet, everyone has been waiting for the snow and yesterday our first small dump occurred.

The birds were extra hungry and gobbled down all the seeds I put in the feeders.

And I got to take my new BOGS for a stroll. Yippee!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Snow Sculpture

Now that spring is here and almost every bit of snow is a memory, think back to last month when it snowed like crazy but it was just barely above the freezing mark.

I love how this overhang of snow is just toying with the idea of falling. I was hard pressed not to knock it down myself. But I had to shoot the picture first, right?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Helloooo Out There...

This picture makes it look like we live in the boonies or something. Hey, wait a minute. We do! Wet snow loves to stick to satellite dishes and when TV signals are interrupted, something must be done. I used my mother's bamboo pole with a rag tied onto the end of it -- she used to dust the ceiling with it -- and sent Richard up a ladder. It worked!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

In Praise of Snow

Okay, I get it. We're supposed to hate winter, shun snow and go south where it's always warm. And, yes, I admit, I am looking forward to spring.

That being said, I kind of like winter. Shhh. Don't tell anyone. It's the time of year when we can go out to the back of the property and not get bitten by bugs.

The light in the morning on the snowy branches is picturesque.

By noon, the little birds have knocked it all down to the ground.

The blue jays make all kinds of weird, musical sounds from up above.

Everything is covered with a lovely blanket of snow. This birdhouse will need a spring cleaning to welcome its new guests.

The morning sunrise. Lovely.
For more great shots of winter, click here to go to Richard's blog.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Snow in October?!*%!

I tried to post earlier today but there was too much snow on my satellite dish. I finally gave in a few moments ago and climbed up to the roof and removed it.

My clothesline looks pretty weird with snow stuck to it.

These oak leaves weren't quite ready to come down yet.

The tamarack trees and their golden needles are all bent with the weight of the snow.

Lucky the birds have all flown south. Wish I was with them!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Snow at the Window

Usually there is lots of snow out my bedroom window, but this is ridiculous. And it's not even in a basement!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More Big Snow Shots

The snow around here is nutso! Here's a photo of Richard clearing snow from the roof. He actually snowshoed right onto the roof.

The side roads didn't get cleared all day so folks who lived on them had to shovel them on their own. Here's a pic of my neighbour trying to shovel his way up the road to get to his driveway.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Snow Daze

This has been quite a winter. When all was said and done, the storm that hit the Ottawa area on Saturday/Sunday dumped 56 cm (22") of snow on us. Richard and I spent all of Sunday managing snow. I am taking care of a neighbour's cats and unfortuately their road was not ploughed all day. By 6:30 pm on Sunday evening, another friend who lives on the same road let me know the ploughs had finally been through. We drove over and the road was okay but their lane wasn't cleared of snow. So Richard and I strapped on the snowshoes and walked up their long lane. The cats were just fine.

The view out my front door

This is me making a snow angel on the tin roof of the log cabin. There is about 8 feet of snow that swirled up behind it.

Just to give a sense of scale, this shot was taken about a month ago. Already there was a lot of snow around the log cabin.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Let It Snow

So far this year we've had 8 1/2 feet of snow. And March is usually our big snow month!
Yesterday Richard and I spent the better part of the day in the woods dragging in more cord wood for next year. It was a lovely, sunny day and we thought it a good time to try and take some snow off the roof. No ladder required.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Warm Day in the Snow

Sunday was the beginning of a balmy trend and Richard and I decided to strap on the snowshoes and go for a walk in the woods and trim some trees. It was gorgeous but underfoot was kind of like walking in wet sugar.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Snow Fence

It really looks like winter out there. And winter only really starts on December 21st...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Now That's What I Call Snow!

I ventured out yesterday afternoon to get a good look at the snow. (That's the front of my house and the snowed-in walkway to the front door.)

And then last night I decided I'd better start shoveling. This is what I saw when I opened the front door!


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