Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair. Show all posts







How long has it been now since we first set eyes on Dree here and her cotton-candy ombré mane? I left New York for the West Coast last summer determined to return with pink tips. Bought the Manic Panic and everything. But somewhere along the way I lazied out and slunk back east still not having lived my thirteen-year-old dream. A year later and first Kate Foley, now Lauren Conrad (ha!) are in on it again and I've got rainbows on the brain...

It's no coincidence that I've also had this ombré dyed sweater by Tara Lynn on my mind since she launched her beautiful new shop, Goodnight, Day. It's so chunky and tactile that I'm literally aching to touch it. Come to think of it--the last time I went home this past winter, I also vowed to learn how to knit beyond the confines of the ubiquitous, endless scarf. Ha!

In six days and counting I'll be home once more, and this time the tips are HAPPENING. If I end up feeling more like a six year old who got crazy with the Kool Aid than a rebel without a cause, I'll just lop 'em off and start fresh. I might have to wait until winter to figure out the whole knitting thing, but in the meantime, Tara-Lynn is providing me with wishlist-worthy inspiration.

(Photos of Dree Hemingway by Craig Arend for Altamira)


two colorful, otherwise unrelated things

I'm in FADER

In case you were wondering to whom that glorious head of hair (and those spandex-spackled thighs) belong on page 38 of the newest issue of's me!! Man, I wish you guys could see the rest of the pictures we took that day, let's just say that folding chair and I got familiar. Photo by John Francis Peters.


I made a watermelon cake. Everyone thought it was a Christmas cake at first, but no, watermelon. It really freaked out my eyeballs. You can learn how to make your own over on Sweeetheart Fever, thanks to Cassie, my partner in baking crime. Photo by Ben Scheim.


il me plait



Truth be told, I don't like how I look in braids. Well really, I just don't like wearing my hair back at all. But I think braids themselves are so gorgeous, and I'm always envious of girls who look great in them, the big, messy, perfectly casual kind, like Caroline up there.


braided bangs

The closest I ever get is braiding my bangs every once in a while, but mostly just when I'm at home and they're bugging me. I look a little bit like a cockapoo when I finally take them down though.

(photos from altamiranyc, Model Mayhem, kristina424, and Turned Out, click for original sources)


light as air


I love absolutely everything about this photo from Turned Out--the colors, the complexion, and the HAIR, oh man. Like a perfect dollop of meringue, a pretty, puffy little hair cloud.


down to there




ponytail magazine


This afternoon I stopped at a friend's house. She was baking a plum cake that had bubbled over in the oven, filling up the apartment with smoke. Now, at home, my hair smells like a combination of campfire and burnt sugar. I love it when my hair holds on to scents like that, when I'm building a fire or burning incense, the way it carries the smell of whatever room I was in last, my boyfriend's pillow, my perfume, my shampoo.

I am painfully, fiercly attached to my long hair, to the point where I find myself secretly resenting people who even suggest that they chop off their gorgeous manes (even though I'll admit that sometimes they do look better...or at least just as pretty as before.) I wore a much shorter style during my first couple years at college, but these days it's been a mighty long time since I cut anything besides my bangs and a few layers here and there.

Oh that's what it is--my hair smells like roasting marshmallows! Man, what could be better than that?

(please click photos for sources!)


There ain't no words...

...for the beauty, the splendor, the wonder of my...

I've gotten a few questions about my hair lately, and I thought I'd make a little post to address the inquiries properly! I wish I had some juicy secrets to share with you, but sadly, the only special treatment I lend my locks is that I never, ever blow dry it. It can be a sort of a bitch having to plan showers to allow ample time for air drying, but it really is worth it. Heat is a hair killer!

Also, I do color my hair (and it's getting to be dyin' time again as you can see from the above photo!) My hair is naturally the sort of mousy blondish brown that looks good on pretty much no one, so I give it a kick in the pants with Herbal Essences Bold 'n Brilliant Color in #54 Amber Shimmer. However, it fades pretty fast, so the color that you generally see on my head is not what comes directly out of the box, but a slightly washed out, sun-bleached version.

Other than that, my bath products are kind of a crap shoot. I'm most likely to go for whatever shampoo is on sale and splurge on a slightly nicer conditioner. Right now I'm using this Pantene Nature Fusion stuff which I've been quite pleased with. I don't really use any product, though I used to be obsessed with that John Frieda Ocean Waves spray, until they discontinued it (hence the WTF pricetag!) And I do indeed cut my own hair and bangs, but all that jazz will have to wait for a proper video tutorial...

And just for fun:

A photo from several years ago when I had a really crap rendition of the Jane Fonda shag. It got soooooo much more mullet-y than this before I was finished...