Showing posts with label Great Depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Depression. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2012

zFacts: The Market Says Stimulus Is the Answer

The outcome of conservative austerity economics

"We are now headed into the worst slump since 1938, and you better hope Obama can fix it because that was not a pretty time. Unfortunately, as in the Great Depression, the extreme conservatives would rather trash the country than have our government succeed. They are much worse than Bush.

The main thing to remember is that, with consumer spending going down, business is going to lay people off—not hire them. You can't blame business for this. It's just a vicious cycle that the economy gets into. And you can't blame consumers for not spending in bad times.

The only way out of this, if we don't want to wait 10 years, is for the government to spend, pay unemployment insurance, or give tax breaks to people who will spend (not the rich). 

Of course there's also the problem of the banks. Obama should stop saving the bankers, and just take over the bad banks. Once they're working they can be sold back to the private sector."

see The Market Says Stimulus Is the Answer:

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wayne Madsen Reports: America takes to the streets against corporatists and their puppet governors

publication date: Feb 18, 2011


Last November 24, WMR reported that when the massive anti-corporate protests that swept Iceland, Ireland, Greece, the United Kingdom, France, and other countries.

Keep in mind our report was well in advance of the "Arab Wave" revolt -- would come to the United States, it would be due to a state-by-state economic collapse. 

Based on the worker and student revolts that began in Madison, Wisconsin and are now spreading to Columbus, Ohio; Lansing, Michigan; Tallahassee, Florida, and soon, other states, it now appears that the prognostication of a former top White House economic adviser is coming to pass. 

WMR reported: "A top economic adviser to the Democratic Party, speaking on deep background, told WMR that the domino-like collapse of the economies of Iceland, Greece, Ireland, and, now, possibly Spain, is coming also to the United States. 

One of the triggering mechanisms will be at the end of this month when two million idled workers, now collecting unemployment, will be dropped from the rolls. 

At the end of December, another two million workers will join the ranks of those who have exhausted their unemployment benefits and a total of 4 million Americans will be without unemployment checks and face destitution.

Four million Americans will put financial pressure on municipalities and state governments already facing bankruptcy. 

Unlike Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, and, to some extent, Spain, which have strong central government control, the United States is a federal republic. 

As such, the collapse of the economy will be state-by-state and begin at the municipality level, according to our source who has contacts within the Obama White House and the Democratic leadership of the Congress."

In Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and Florida, Republican governors elected with Koch Industries and other corporate funding through the Republican Party contrivance known as the "Tea Party," began slashing state budgets at the expense of state employees and students while handing huge tax breaks to corporate fat cats and the super-wealthy.

The corporate media is doing its best to downplay the impact of the first wave of state-by-state revolts across the country. 

It now should come as no surprise why Senator Joe Lieberman, who represents the uber-rich elites of Connecticut towns like Greenwich, Darien, and New Canaan, and his West Virginia colleague, Senator Jay Rockefeller of the American robber-baron clan, backed the idea of an Internet "kill switch."

Just as occurred with the Mubarak regime in Egypt, the oligarchs will cut off Internet and cell phone-based social media communications if they feel that their entrenched interests are threatened by a massive revolt by the American people.

Currently, on the CIA-influenced Google search engine, articles, such as those on labor union websites, linking the events in Madison, Columbus, Lansing, Trenton, and planned protests in other state capitals, are not easy to find. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

The EU 'whack-a-mole' game

First it was Greece, then Ireland. Spain and Portugal may be next.

One economist predicts the US will follow after Spain and Portugal.

This could be the beginning of slowly developing world depression.Depressions are bad not only for economic reasons. Both fascism, communism and World War 2 were outcomes of the Great Depression in the 1930s.

This could also explain the polarization of politics in Washington and the rise of demagogues like Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck. 

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bill Maher on Larry King live

Maher will be back on Larry King Live tonight.

Maher recently told Larrry King why he was 0-26 at the Emmys: Maher: A panel of, like, 10 people watches one tape. If half of those people are religious, that probably eliminates me right there. A lot of people wouldn't vote for such an outspoken atheist, someone who made "Religulous."

Bill Maher also got his politically incorrect star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Maher thanked "George Bush, Sarah Palin and the pope" for the award.


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editor: Middle Class Warrior

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

NYT: How to End the Great Recession

By ROBERT B. REICH Published: September 2, 2010

THIS promises to be the worst Labor Day in the memory of most Americans. Organized labor is down to about 7 percent of the private work force. Members of non-organized labor — most of the rest of us — are unemployed, underemployed or underwater. The Labor Department reported on Friday that just 67,000 new private-sector jobs were created in August, while at least 125,000 are needed to keep up with the growth of the potential work force.

The national economy isn’t escaping the gravitational pull of the Great Recession. None of the standard booster rockets are working: near-zero short-term interest rates from the Fed, almost record-low borrowing costs in the bond market, a giant stimulus package and tax credits for small businesses that hire the long-term unemployed have all failed to do enough.

That’s because the real problem has to do with the structure of the economy, not the business cycle. . .But consumers no longer have the purchasing power to buy the goods and services they produce as workers; for some time now, their means haven’t kept up with what the growing economy could and should have been able to provide them.

This crisis began decades ago when a new wave of technology — things like satellite communications, container ships, computers and eventually the Internet — made it cheaper for American employers to use low-wage labor abroad or labor-replacing software here at home than to continue paying the typical worker a middle-class wage. Even though the American economy kept growing, hourly wages flattened. The median male worker earns less today, adjusted for inflation, than he did 30 years ago.
But for years American families kept spending as if their incomes were keeping pace with overall economic growth. And their spending fueled continued growth. How did families manage this trick? First, women streamed into the paid work force. By the late 1990s, more than 60 percent of mothers with young children worked outside the home (in 1966, only 24 percent did).

Second, everyone put in more hours. What families didn’t receive in wage increases they made up for in work increases. By the mid-2000s, the typical male worker was putting in roughly 100 hours more each year than two decades before, and the typical female worker about 200 hours more.

When American families couldn’t squeeze any more income out of these two coping mechanisms, they embarked on a third: going ever deeper into debt. This seemed painless — as long as home prices were soaring. From 2002 to 2007, American households extracted $2.3 trillion from their homes.

Eventually, of course, the debt bubble burst . . . Even if nearly everyone was employed, the vast middle class still wouldn’t have enough money to buy what the economy is capable of producing.

Where have all the economic gains gone? Mostly to the top. The economists Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty examined tax returns from 1913 to 2008. They discovered an interesting pattern. In the late 1970s, the richest 1 percent of American families took in about 9 percent of the nation’s total income; by 2007, the top 1 percent took in 23.5 percent of total income.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If you think things are bad now . . .

Wiil the GOP make a comeback in 2010? If it does, the US economy will be in worse dire straits than ever. The GOP one trick pony, Tax Cuts, won't work, because the US has a historic imbalance of wealth of income that is even worse than before the Great Depression.

Many businessmen have finally  realized that top tier tax cuts aren't useful when a business has few customers. It's the middle class that drives the economy, not the affluent. Many conservatives think that giving the affluent more  will fix the economy.

The problem is there is no more to give the wealthy. The middle class is on it knees.

Giving the middle class more will fix the economy and that was what FDR did during the Great Depression with a 90 per cent tax rate on the affluent. The Great Depression started in 1929 and some historian say is t did not end until after World War 2. Other historians say it ended in 1942 or when World War 2 started.

A redistribution of wealth from the upper class to lower classes, and government spending due largely to the build up for World War two were the main reasons for the ending the great depression. 

When the war ended, the nation was rebuilt with a thriving middle calls. 

The US Gini coefficient is  46.69 which is higher than it was before the Great Depression. Anything above .40 is considered dangerous and social instability may result. 

The Bush tax cuts not only need to be allowed to expire, federal income tax on top income earners should be raised.  


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Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Gavel: An Ant’s View of the Financial Crisis

June 30th, 2010 by Karina

The House is currently debating the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protect Act. These acts would put consumers first and ending the era of taxpayer-funded bailouts and too-big-to-fail institutions.
In an interview published yesterday, House Republican Leader John Boehner criticized the reform bill calling it “an overreaction to the financial crisis” and likened the worst fiscal crisis Americans have faced since the Great Depression to “an ant”:

Boehner criticized the financial regulatory overhaul compromise reached last week between House and Senate negotiators as an overreaction to the financial crisis that triggered the recession.

The bill would tighten restrictions on lending, create a consumer protection agency with broad oversight power and give the government an orderly way to dissolve the largest financial institutions if they run out of money.

This is killing an ant with a nuclear weapon,” Boehner said. What’s most needed is more transparency and better enforcement by regulators, he said. The worst financial crisis since the Great Depression had its roots in a decade of failure to properly regulate our financial system, acknowledge and address obvious and growing problems and to invest in growing our economy.

Irresponsible lending and complex derivatives transactions led to a mortgage meltdown that sent the nation into recession in December 2007. The financial collapse happened in the fall of 2008 with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the implosion of AIG and the subprime mortgage crisis. Here is an ant’s view of just some of the financial crisis’ impact on Americans:
American workers have paid a huge price—we lost 8 million jobs.
17.5 Trillion
American families have paid a huge price—$17.5 trillion in American household wealth was wiped out during the last 18 months of the Bush Administration.
High-cost Payday Loans are preying on nearly 12 million Americans—they pay a chunk of interest each pay day, costing them nearly $5 billion per year along with other predatory lending.
These loans can ultimately carry annual interest rates of 400% or more, with the typical borrower paying about $500 in interest for a $300 loan, and still owing the principal.
2.8 million homes were in foreclosure in 2009 alone. Subprime and predatory home loans, in which mortgage brokers lured families with low, teaser interest rates that later skyrocketed to unaffordable levels, hidden fees and charges, and incomprehensible terms and conditions that brought on the housing crisis and undermined the financial system.
More than 60% of subprime loans went to people who could have qualified for lower cost loans.
Total retirement assets, Americans’ second-largest household asset behind their homes, dropped by 22%, from $10.3 trillion in 2006 to $8 trillion in mid-2008.
Financier Bernie Madoff was allowed to defraud investors out of as much as $65 billion in the largest Ponzi scheme in history.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) missed red flags that could have put a stop to his asset management business. As we rebuild our economy, we must put in place common-sense rules to ensure big banks and Wall Street can’t jeopardize our recovery and hurt hard-working families and small businesses once again.

Wall Street may be bouncing back, but we know from experience that left to their own devices they’re not going to police themselves.
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Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Peter Schiff was right" and Art Laffer was wrong

Arthur Laffer was an economist during the Reagan era. Dr. Laffer’s economic influence in triggered a world-wide tax-cutting movement in the 1980s have earned him the distinction in many publications as "The Father of Supply-Side Economics." Laffer denied that the US economy was listing in 2006 and made a bet with Peter Schiff that the Schiff was was wrong about the financial storm that was brewing. Laffer has yet to pay off the bet.

Peter Schiff is one of the few people to accurately predict the financial crisis of 2007–2010, detailing in great depth its many specific facets such as the housing bubble and resulting subprime mortgage crisis, the automotive industry crisis and the banking and financial market collapse.

Much of his notoriety for the accurate predictions came from a video entitled "Peter Schiff was right" that was uploaded to the popular video sharing site YouTube in late 2008 and again in 2009, and subsequently went viral and garnered hundreds of thousands of views over the next few months.

The video consists of a compilation of clips of his many appearances on various financial news programs from networks including CNBC, Fox News, MSNBC and Bloomberg, most of which took place from 2005-2007.

In the segments Schiff explains specifically the fundamental problems he saw with the United States economy and the results they would ultimately lead to. In many cases the conversations led to debates in which other talking heads openly laughed at Schiff's assessments, stating they had no idea what he was talking about.

Schiff's constant warnings of a coming economic collapse earned him the moniker "Dr. Doom."

Schiif has compared former President George W. Bush to Herbert Hoover and President Barack Obama to FDR. Hoover was president when the Great Depression started. FDR has been credit for ending the Great Depression and leading the US during World War 2 to victory.

source: Wikipedia

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Who is responsble for the Great Recession

The greed of the American business community if the driving force behind the Great Recession. Businessmen liked the ability to generate huge profits by moving paper rather than by doing hard work. America needs to get back to the old fashioned way of making a buck!

In addition, Republicans started to believe their own campagn rhetoric about deregulation. America should have known better after the Great Depression.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Austan Goolsbee: perhaps the coolest economist in the world

Austan Goolsbee weighs in on America's improving economy and President Obama's goal of keeping health insurance companies honest.

Rightardia hopes we see more of this economist in the media.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Austan Goolsbee

Daily Show
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This Time, We Can't Leave the Middle Class Behind


Rightardia comment: This situation didn't happen by magic. The Republicans have been on a deregulation kick for the past 30 years that enriched the affluent at the expense of the public infrastructure. Many CEOs in large corporations now make in one day what the average employee makes in a year. The health care battle that is going on is an attempt to reverse this trend.

If you look at the top one per cent chart, you can see the inequality in income started in the 1980s when Ronald Reagan became president. Reagan used the Trojan horse, supply side economics, to rewrite the income tax code so it favored the rich. In the US the GINI coefficient is now above 0.40 that is the threshold that indicates income inequality. Reagan's tax cuts actually fractured the middle class. One third became affluent and the other two third either treded water or declined.

Income tax and the estate tax are the two progressive taxes in the US.  These are the taxes the GOP always tries to cut. You never hear Republicans saying much about sales tax, municipal tax, tariffs, or excise tax because they are regressive. The so called fair taxes or flat taxes that the GOP also talks about are simply synonyms for regressive taxes.
Bush followed in the footsteps of Reagan and also fiddled with the tax codes cutting both the income tax tables for top earning Americans and also cutting the capital gains tax. Bush even suspended the other progressive tax: the Estate tax. Bush also bragged during one of his inauguration balls that his base was the 'have mores.'

There are three words that explain the decline of the middle class in the US. They are "the Republican Party.'
Posted by Jared Bernstein

Even before we got to the White House, the President, the Vice President, and the economic team were crafting policies designed to offset the deepest recession since the Great Depression. Back in mid-December of last year, I remember a meeting in Chicago, with the snow swirling outside, as we began to plan the Recovery Act, the financial stabilization plan, and housing relief, all in the context of a budget that would bring down the trillion-plus dollar deficit we were about to inherit as quickly as possible.

I also remember the Vice President talking about the difficulties facing the middle class, struggles that predated the recession. With the campaign fresh in their minds, he and the President recalled that even in supposedly good times, when the economy was expanding and unemployment was low, the families they met on the trail were having far too much trouble making ends meet.
Saving for college, paying for health care, keeping up with the mortgage payments … just making their basic budgets balance out at the end of the month seemed awfully hard in an economy that was supposedly solid.

Of course, that solid economy was fading fast; the recession was a year old, unemployment was rising, and helping people get back to work had become our top priority. But the longer-term, structural challenges that have been facing the middle class since long before the recession began were never far from the President’s mind, which is why, shortly thereafter, he asked the VP to chair the Middle Class Task Force.

Today, in August of 2009, we’re faced with yet another set of realities. After falling at a rate of about 6% from the last quarter of 2008 through the first quarter of this year, a rate of decline we hadn’t seen in half a century, the economy contracted at a 1% rate in the second quarter of 2009.
Yes, our economy is still ailing, but six months ago, economists worried the recession would descend into depression; now they’re asking when recession will become recovery.

Here in the White House, however, recovery means something very specific, and it’s different than what economists generally mean when they talk about it. According to the panel that decides when recessions officially begin and end, you don’t need job growth or falling unemployment to declare that a recovery is underway. In fact, in the last two recoveries, it took 15 and 19 months, respectively, before the unemployment rate peaked.
That definition doesn’t work for us. No jobs, no recovery.

But—and this is the real subject of this post—job growth isn’t enough either. Remember, unemployment fell to below 5% at the end of the last expansion, but middle-income families ended up worse off, in real dollar terms, than they were before that expansion began. The productivity of our economy increased by 19% from 2000 to 2007, but the real median income of working-age households fell $2,000. The share of Americans living in poverty was actually higher in 2007 than it was in 2000.

How could this happen? In fact, the arithmetic is disarmingly simple. If the economy’s growing, but middle-class and low-income families are falling behind, then the growth must be accruing to the top of the scale. And that’s exactly what happened.

Some of the best data on income inequality are collected by two economists: Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty. Their data go back almost to the beginning of the last century, allowing us to make some pretty amazing observations, like the one shown in the figure below.
Income concentration, measured as the share of income going to the top 1% of households, was higher in 2007 (23.5%) than in any year on record going back to 1913, with one ominous exception: 1928, the height of the speculative, bubbly "roaring 20s" and the year before the stock market crashed and the Great Depression began.

For middle-class families to be part of the next recovery, this trend must reverse.

Yes, we want to see a GDP recovery take hold as soon as possible, and once we start seeing robust, consistent job growth we’ll know we’re solidly on track. But even then, we won’t be done: not until the prosperity we’re generating reaches everyone who’s contributing to it, not until all the bakers get their fair slice of the pie—not just the owners of the bakery or the investors in the bakery, but the men and women who are actually doing the work.

Here’s what the President said about this way back in February 2007, when he announced his candidacy:

"… let's be the generation that ensures our nation's workers are sharing in our prosperity. Let's protect the hard-earned benefits their companies have promised. Let's make it possible for hardworking Americans to save for retirement. And let's allow our unions and their organizers to lift up this country's middle class again.

"Let's be the generation that ends poverty in America. Every single person willing to work should be able to get job training that leads to a job, and earn a living wage that can pay the bills, and afford child care so their kids have a safe place to go when they work. Let's do this."
Though he may not have realized at the time, the President-to-be was really describing the work of the Middle Class Task Force. Vice President Biden, the Task Force staff, and our members at all the cabinet agencies will do everything we can to make sure that the next recovery stacks up very differently than the bars in the graph above. The middle class won’t get left behind again.

Jared Bernstein is Chief Economist to Vice President Biden, and Executive Director of the Middle Class Task Force

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rightardia Editorial on taxes: the Right is conning you

The New York Post is suggesting the Democratic health care prescription will be a poison pill in New York.

A terrifying 57 percent tax looms for biz, top earners,” by Charles Hurt, et. al: “The top [income tax] rate in New York City … would be 58.68 percent, the Washington-based Tax Foundation said in a report yesterday.

During and immediately World War 2, the tax table for top earners was 90 per cent. The government financed the war and the handled the Great Depression with the income tax. Since then the top taxes have been chiseled away for the wealthiest Americans. In fact tax tables dropped for top income earners to about 33 per cent during the Bush administration.

But wait, there's more! Bush cut capital gains take to 15 per cent that was round 28 per cent when Clinton was president. Most billionaires and millionaires make their money with capital gains, not through their salary.

The rich were big beneficiaries of the deficit politics of the GOP during the Reagan and George W. Bush administrations. In fact, the Reagan tax cuts fractured the Middle Class. About one third became affluent and the other two-third either tred water or declined. Many of the problems we have today started with the tax table experiments of Reagan Republicans.

If we want a society that allows people to make unlimited incomes such as the big corporate CEOs who make 300 times the income of the average corporate worker, these same people should be prepared to pay some big taxes.

The GOP would like you to believe that most taxes in the US are progressive.
A progressive tax with a rate that increases proportionately with taxable income. A Republican. Theodore Roosevelt, brought the progressive tax system to the US.

A flat tax is in fact the prefered GOP tax approach because such taxes are regressive. Most US taxes are regressive: sales tax, real estate tax, licenses, tariffs, Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes are all regressive. Two well known taxes that are progressive are Income Tax and the Estate Tax. of course, Bush suspended the Estate Tax while he was in office and cut the income tax rates for top American earners. It is clear that any tax in the US that is progressive is a right wing target. The tax cuts had a negative effect (see figure 1).

The US Congress is smart to raise taxes on the most affluent Americans to pay for health care. Affluent Americans were the biggest beneficiaries of GOP Supply Side economics. The wheel needs to turn and middle class needs to be built back up. Bridges, roads and levees need to be repaired. Obama needs to do exactly what FDR did by spreading the wealth around.

We know from the Bush years that supply side economics is a conservative pipe dream that doesn't create jobs or improve the economy. All 'tickle down did was created a large deficit and national debt and retard job creation (see figure 2).


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Monday, July 13, 2009

Free Enterprise in Action: Nine Stupidest Products of All Time

The Huffington Post outdid itself this time. See one of the videos below. But wait, there's more. There are 8 more of these stupid products. Billy Mays wouldn't even sell this stuff.

See the other eight videos at

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