Showing posts with label iaea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iaea. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Iran moved nuclear material to bunker

Of course, it is what the Iranians do; hide stuff, lie, build nukes, lie...

No one should be surprised by this report, the signs have been their for a long time.
Diplomacy will not stop Iran, Sanctions have obviously done nothing; so what next?


Iran has started moving nuclear material to an underground facility for the pursuit of sensitive atomic activities, a U.N. nuclear agency report showed, a development likely to add to Western suspicions Tehran is trying to build a weapon.

The International Atomic Energy Agency document also said Iran had continued to stockpile low-enriched uranium (LEU) and one prominent U.S. think-tank said it had enough of the material for four nuclear weapons if it refines it further.

The information that Iran last month moved a "large cylinder" with LEU to the Fordow subterranean site was included in the U.N. body's most comprehensive report yet pointing to military aspects of Tehran's nuclear program.

The main finding in the IAEA report, which was leaked on Tuesday, was that Iran appeared to have worked on designing a nuclear warhead and that secret weapons-relevant research may continue.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Awaiting Nukes Report

mounting evidence that Iran may be building an atomic bomb.

And Iran will deny the report then commence to ripping on the U.S. for all its problems.

And the people will buy it!

As the International Atomic Energy Agency prepares to release its latest report on Iran's nuclear program, an Obama administration official said Thursday that the Islamic regime has a credibility problem.

"Iran, over many years, has been unable to demonstrate the peaceful intent of its nuclear program," Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes told reporters in Cannes, France, where President Obama was attending the G20 summit.

"They're the only treaty member of the (Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty) that cannot convince the International Atomic Energy Agency that their program is peaceful," Rhodes said.

The U.N. nuclear watchdog is expected to roll out an update next week to bullet point the purpose and size of Iran's nuclear fuel program. The country insists that it is only interested in energy, but the assessment is expected to detail mounting evidence that Iran may be building an atomic bomb.

Rhodes noted that Iran is already ignoring the requirements of the IAEA report, and the NPT.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Iran nuclear plant linked to grid

The IAEA says...
"increasingly concerned about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed nuclear related activities involving military related organisations."

These included "activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile"

I say congratulations Iran, may you suffer a terrible nuclear meltdown in your antique reactor.

The Daily Star
Iran's first nuclear power plant has been hooked up to the national grid supplying 60 megawatts of its 1,000 megawatt capacity, the country's Atomic Energy Organisation announced on Sunday.

"Last night at 11:29 pm (1859 GMT), the Bushehr power plant was connected with 60 megawatts to the national grid," the organisation's spokesman Hamid Khadem Qaemi, told Al-Alam television.

The connection of the Russian-built plant in southern Iran to the national grid was originally scheduled for the end of 2010.

The Bushehr plant was started up in November 2010 but repeated technical problems delayed its operations, leading to the removal of its fuel rods last March.

"The capacity will gradually increase and it (is going through its) testing phase and on Shahrviar 21 (September 12) in a ceremony the power plant will reach its 40-percent capacity," Khadem Qaemi said.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Second Suspected Syria Nuclear Site Is Found

Like the IAEA will ever say anything bad about a Muslim Country.
Regardless of what is found it will not be what the U.S. says it is.

WASHINGTON—A second suspected nuclear installation has been identified in Syria, according to commercial satellite photos, providing new evidence that Damascus may have been pursuing atomic weapons before a 2007 Israeli military strike.

The publishing Wednesday of the photos by Washington's Institute for Science and International Security could increase pressure on the United Nations to demand expansive new inspections of suspect Syrian facilities during a March board meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

IAEA inspectors visited eastern Syria in 2008 and reported that they recovered traces of processed uranium from a site called Dair Alzour, which the Bush administration alleged housed a nearly operational nuclear reactor. Israeli jets destroyed the facility nearly eight months before the IAEA's visit.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government has rebuffed repeated IAEA requests to conduct additional inspections of the site as well as three other facilities the U.N. agency believes could be related to a covert Syrian nuclear program. Damascus's rejection of IAEA inspections could result in Syria being declared noncompliant with its U.N. commitments and referred to the Security Council for formal censuring.


Friday, December 3, 2010

U.S. Sees Greater N. Korea Nuclear Threat

Yes it is Obvious that North Korea has Big Nuclear ambitions.
Yes it is Obvious that as closed off as North Korea is no one may ever know what they are doing everywhere inside their country.

A new strategy ? Sure that is what is needed, but as the nitwits of the world plan on having some more face time with each other about that, The Norks are still building their secret facilities.

Take your time guys, when you finally get done talking about it, we will be facing a fully Nuclear capable North Korea.

VIENNA—The Obama administration
told the United Nations nuclear watchdog that North Korea likely has built more than one uranium-enrichment facility, significantly raising the proliferation threat posed by the secretive communist state.

U.S. and European officials are pressing the International Atomic Energy Agency to better scrutinize Pyongyang's potential role in sharing its nuclear technologies with third countries. But the U.N. agency's ability to monitor Pyongyang is limited: North Korea kicked out the IAEA's inspectors in 2009.

These additional facilities would allow North Korea to significantly increase its numbers of atomic weapons, as well as their yield.

"It is likely that North Korea had been pursuing an enrichment capability long before the April 2009 date it now claims,".

"If so, there is a clear likelihood that DPRK has built other uranium enrichment-related facilities in its territory."


Sunday, November 21, 2010

N. Korea Secretly Built New Nuclear Facility

Hecker described the control room as "astonishingly modern," writing that, unlike other North Korean facilities, it "would fit into any modern American processing facility."

So who dropped the Ball on this one ?

SEOUL, South Korea -- In secret and with remarkable speed, North Korea has built a new, highly sophisticated facility to enrich uranium, according to an American nuclear scientist, raising fears that the North is ramping up its atomic program despite international pressure.

The scientist, Siegfried Hecker, said in a report posted Saturday that he was taken during a recent trip to the North's main Yongbyon atomic complex to a small industrial-scale uranium enrichment facility. It had 2,000 recently completed centrifuges, he said, and the North told him it was producing low-enriched uranium meant for a new reactor. He described his first glimpse of the new centrifuges as "stunning."


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stuxnet may be part of Iran atom woes

Ha Ha ! Iran Having some problems with their Centrifuges ?
Aww , how funny though!

(Reuters) - Iran has been experiencing years of problems with equipment used in its uranium enrichment program and the Stuxnet computer virus may be one of the factors, a former top U.N. nuclear inspections official said.

Olli Heinonen, who stepped down in August as head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog's inspections worldwide, said there may be many reasons for technical glitches that have cut the number of working centrifuges at Iran's Natanz enrichment plant.

"One of the reasons is the basic design of this centrifuge ... this is not that solid," Heinonen, a former deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and now a senior fellow at Harvard University, told Reuters on Friday.

Asked about the Stuxnet virus, he said: "Sure, this could be one of the reasons ... There is no evidence that it was, but there has been quite a lot of malfunctioning centrifuges."

Security experts have said the release of Stuxnet could have been a state-backed attack on Iran's nuclear program, which Tehran says is designed to produce electricity but which Western leaders suspect is a disguised effort to develop nuclear bombs.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Nuclear information safe with us, IAEA tells Iran

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted earlier this week as saying the IAEA would pass on information about Iran's nuclear program to the United States if Tehran agreed to widen the agency's inspection powers in the country.

Mahmoud, you do not have to worry about that.
We already know you want nukes, It is nothing new.
The IAEA will do what ever it can to hide any Information it finds at your nuke sites
to keep it away from the world.
Also We already Know about Nuclear Technology, we have been using it for Decades.
So when you say that you worry about the IAEA passing on information, it could only mean that you are Hiding something.

(Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Friday it protects the confidentiality of information gathered during inspections, indirectly rejecting an Iranian accusation it would feed sensitive information to Washington.

Relations between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have become increasingly strained over the last year, with the Vienna-based agency voicing frustration over what it says is lack of Iranian cooperation with its inspectors.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted earlier this week as saying the IAEA would pass on information about Iran's nuclear program to the United States if Tehran agreed to widen the agency's inspection powers in the country.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Iran accused by UN watchdog of hampering nuclear inspections

NO !

You have got to be Kidding !

Iran is stalling Nuclear Inspections By the IAEA , That's Unheard of .

Whats next , Is Iran going to be accused of being a Terrorist State ?

In its quarterly report on Iran's programme, the International Atomic Energy Agency repeatedly complained of Iran's failure to respond to its inspectors' requests for information about its plans and activities. In particular, the report said that Tehran's repeated objections to the accreditation of UN inspectors "hampers the inspection process and detracts from the agency's ability" to monitor Iran's nuclear work, which is already the subject of several UN resolutions and international sanctions.

The IAEA noted that Iran had the right to block inspectors on some criteria – several countries vet inspectors on the basis of nationality for example – but objected strongly to an Iranian claim that two recently-blocked inspectors had made "false and wrong statements" in an earlier report. The report was about the removal of sensitive laboratory equipment under IAEA surveillance, which can be used for separating uranium or plutonium from spent nuclear fuel.

The IAEA said it had "full confidence in the professionalism and impartiality of the inspectors concerned, as it has in all of its inspectors"


Monday, June 21, 2010

Iran bars two U.N. inspectors in nuclear dispute

As expected , Iran starts it's B.S. and denies U.N. inspectors from entering the country .

Same old bullshit different round of sanctions .

Tomorrow , More of the same .

(Reuters) - Iran has barred two U.N. nuclear inspectors from entering the Islamic Republic, increasing tension less than two weeks after Tehran was hit by new U.N. sanctions over its disputed atomic program.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) rejected Iran's reasons for the ban and said it fully supported the inspectors, which Tehran has accused of reporting wrongly that some nuclear equipment was missing.

"The IAEA has full confidence in the professionalism and impartiality of the inspectors concerned," spokesman Greg Webb said in an unusually blunt statement which described the IAEA's report issued last month as "fully accurate".


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Iran to build 'powerful' new nuclear reactor

Iran is very determined to Go the Nuclear way .
Defiant in every way they are planning a bigger reactor to be ready in about five years , Five years is pretty quick , they must have been already working on it for awhile ?

TEHRAN — Iran plans to construct a new nuclear reactor for radio-isotope production that is "more powerful" than its Tehran research facility, atomic chief Ali Akbar Salehi said on Wednesday.

Salehi said Tehran will be also ready with its first batch of fuel plates for the existing Tehran research centre by September 2011.

The atomic chief added Tehran will adopt a "dual-track" policy in dealing with the world powers, which imposed new sanctions on Tehran even as they offered to discuss its nuclear programme.

"Iran is designing a reactor to produce radio isotopes, which will be more powerful than the Tehran reactor," Salehi was quoted as saying on state television's website.

The project would "probably take about five years," Salehi said, adding the that the location was not yet finalised, ISNA news agency said in a report that indicated it would be a 20-megawatt reactor.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Russia says terrorists seeking nuclear materials

I've heard this before , It really sounds like if you have enough money or actually work at a Russian Nuclear facility , you can walk away with whatever you Want !

The end result of Russian failure , Nuclear Jihad !

(Reuters) - The chief of Russia's state security service said on Wednesday that terrorists were seeking access to nuclear materials across the former Soviet Union, Russian news agencies reported.

Alexander Bortnikov, the chief of the FSB, the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB, gave no further details about the attempts or which groups had sought the materials.

"We have information which indicates that terrorists are continuing to attempt to get access to nuclear materials (and) biological and chemical components," he was quoted as saying by Interfax and Itar-Tass.

"We are paying constant attention to this issue," Bortnikov said, referring to concerns that terrorists could get their hands on nuclear materials.

Nuclear experts say there is no sign that terrorists have acquired weapons-grade nuclear material but there have been at least 18 documented cases of theft or loss of plutonium or highly enriched uranium, several in the ex-Soviet Union.

Despite major, heavily U.S.-funded security improvements at Russian facilities containing nuclear materials since the 1991 Soviet collapse, experts say the risk of theft remains.

Among concerns are the potential for theft by insiders -- particularly in a country plagued by corruption -- as well as imperfect accounting for the materials and inexperienced guards, according to Harvard University nuclear expert Matthew Bunn.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

IAEA inspects Syria reactor in uranium traces probe

The IAEA is far behind in the game of connect the Dots .
There is a reason why Syria will not let the IAEA inspectors search the Alleged Nuclear Sites !


(Reuters) - U.N. inspectors have been able to revisit a Damascus nuclear research reactor as part of a probe into possible covert atomic activity in Syria, diplomats said on Tuesday.

But Syria continues to deny inspectors follow-up access to a desert site where Israel bombed a building in 2007 which U.S. intelligence reports said was a nascent, North Korean-designed nuclear reactor geared to yield atomic bomb fuel.

The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency has been checking whether there could be a link between the Damascus reactor and the bombed Dair Alzour site after discovering unexplained particles of processed uranium at both.

Syria turned down a planned IAEA inspection of the Damascus reactor in February, saying it was too busy with preparations for an IAEA Board of Governors meeting. But inspectors have now been allowed to examine the site.

"They visited Damascus only," a diplomat close to the IAEA said. The nuclear watchdog's next report on Syria is due toward the end of May.

Syria, an ally of Iran which is under investigation over nuclear proliferation suspicions, has denied ever having an atom bomb programme.

But in his February report on Syria, new IAEA chief Yukiya Amano gave independent support to Western suspicions for the first time by saying the uranium traces found in a 2008 visit by inspectors pointed to nuclear-related activity on the ground.

Syria's envoy to the IAEA has suggested Israel dropped uranium particles on to its soil to make it look as if a covert nuclear weapons plant was being built, an explanation which has been treated with skepticism by Western diplomats.

The IAEA wants to re-examine the desert site so it can take samples from rubble removed immediately after the air strike.

A point of serious Stupidity here ,
If the samples they would like to inspect were removed immediately After the Israeli airstrike how are they going to Examine them ?

Would they not need to go to where they were removed to ?

Do they think Syria will just hand them over for inspection ?

The agency has also been seeking access to three other Syrian sites under military control whose look was altered by landscaping after inspectors asked for access.

Look a shrubbery here a Nice Hosta over there throw in a few flowering plants in between and surprise , No nuke Site here !

Israel is widely believed to be the only Middle East state to possess nuclear weapons, although it maintains public ambiguity about its capability.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Momentum for Iran Sanctions

Now that Mohamed ElBaradei is no longer the Muslim in charge of inspecting muslim interests in nuclear weapons , maybe we will see a little change at the U.N security council .
Being that the IAEA never allowed the proper evidence or reports to be used as evidence against Iran , maybe China will come online with everyone else .
But that is a big maybe .

The Wall Street Journal
VIENNA—The new head of the International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran isn't cooperating with U.N. inspectors, and Russia appeared to move closer to supporting sanctions, adding momentum to efforts at the U.N. Security Council to pressure Tehran to rein in its nuclear program.

IAEA chief Yukiya Amano, speaking to reporters at his first scheduled news conference since he took the post in December, defended his agency's impartiality in a Feb. 18 report that said Iran may be working on a missile capable of carrying a nuclear payload.

Yukiya Amano defended his agency's impartiality in a Feb 18. report saying Iran may be working on a missile capable of delivering a nuclear payload.
More on Iran

The IAEA board of governors, which is meeting this week, is expected to recommend that the report be forwarded to the Security Council for consideration during discussions on possible sanctions.

The report and Mr. Amano's speech Monday represent a shift from the less-confrontational stance of Mr. Amano's predecessor, Mohamed ElBaradei, who led the agency for 12 years.

Mr. Amano said Iran is cooperating with the mandate of the IAEA to make sure no known sources of uranium are being diverted for military use. But he said there is much that Iran keeps off limits to inspectors charged with verifying whether its nuclear program is peaceful or military in nature.

The Feb. 18 report listed questions of "concern" that prevent the IAEA from declaring Iran's nuclear program to be peaceful, as Tehran claims. On Monday, Mr. Amano said the report was based on an impartial analysis of credible information from multiple sources.

Iranian Ambassador to the IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh said the findings in the report were "unjustified."

U.S. Ambassador Glyn Davies said the report presents a "factual" list of the IAEA's concerns and will "help focus Security Council Members on how far Iran has to go" to meet its international requirements.

Mr. Davies said the international community, led by the U.S., China, Russia, France, the U.K. and Germany would now need to "find new ways to change Iran's direction."

China, however, has opposed sanctions, and Russia has dragged its feet. In Paris Monday, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev said Moscow was ready to consider new sanctions, but insisted that any measures not harm the Iranian population.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Iran picks sites for 10 uranium enrichment plants

Iran must know that if they build these sites they will be Attacked , that would be why they are trying to Strategically place them out of harms way .

Little do they know .

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has identified potential sites for 10 new nuclear enrichment plants and construction of two of them could begin this year, a nuclear energy official said on Monday.

"We have earmarked close to 20 sites and have passed the report on those to the president, however, these sites are only potential," Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization, was quoted as saying on news agency ISNA.

"We should begin the construction of two enrichment sites next year ... In the two new sites, we plan to use new centrifuges." The next Iranian year begins on March 21.

Salehi said the proposed sites had been chosen in remote mountainous areas around the country to help protect from attack. "These sites will be built in a way that will keep them safe from any attack," he said.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

IAEA suspects Syrian nuclear activity at bombed site

"Syria has yet to provide a satisfactory explanation for the origin and presence of these particles," he wrote, dismissing Damascus's contention that the traces came with munitions used by Israel to wreck the complex.

Some more astonishing revelations from the IAEA

Qur'an 4:142
"Surely the hypocrites strive to deceive Allah. He shall retaliate by
deceiving them."

VIENNA (Reuters) - Uranium particles found at a Syrian desert complex bombed to ruin by Israel in 2007 point to possible covert nuclear activity at the site, the U.N. atomic watchdog said Thursday.

It was the first time the International Atomic Energy Agency lent public support to Western suspicions that Israel's target was a nascent nuclear reactor that Washington said was North Korean in design and geared to making weapons-grade plutonium.

Previous IAEA reports on its two-year investigation into the affair, impeded by a lack of Syrian cooperation, said only that the uranium particles raised concern because they did not come from Syria's declared inventory.

"The presence of such particles points to the possibility of nuclear-related activities at the site and adds to questions concerning the nature of the destroyed building," said the confidential report by new IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano, obtained by Reuters.

"Syria has yet to provide a satisfactory explanation for the origin and presence of these particles," he wrote, dismissing Damascus's contention that the traces came with munitions used by Israel to wreck the complex.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Iran defies censure, plans 10 uranium sites

"I am sad to say that Iran's announcement makes a military attack on the facilities more likely. If so, it will be a more target-rich environment,"

Whoa ! Getting pretty serious now .
As you can tell from the quote above from , Mark Fitzpatrick, the chief proliferation analyst of London's International Institute for Strategic Studies , talking about Israel and their wanting of a preemptive strike against Iran .

I'm all for letting Israel deal with this on their own , hopefully they don't Nuke the Little Bitches , Either way it is well past time to be gentle with Iran .

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran announced plans on Sunday to build 10 new uranium enrichment plants in a major expansion of its atomic program, just two days after the U.N. nuclear watchdog rebuked it for carrying out such work in secret.

The defiant move by hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government will further aggravate tensions between the Islamic Republic and major powers over Iranian nuclear activities.

Analysts said it would accelerate calls for more U.N. sanctions against Iran. One said it increased the chances of military action to halt an atomic program that Washington and its allies suspect is aimed at building a nuclear bomb, something Tehran strongly denies.

The White House condemned the announcement.

"If true, this would be yet another serious violation of Iran's clear obligations under multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions and another example of Iran choosing to isolate itself," spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a statement.

"Time is running out for Iran to address the international community's growing concerns about its nuclear program."

Germany expressed "great concern." British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said: "Instead of engaging with us, Iran chooses to provoke and dissemble."

Mark Fitzpatrick, chief proliferation analyst at London's International Institute for Strategic Studies, said the move was a show of Iranian "braggadocio" which made an attack on its nuclear sites more likely.

Israel, assumed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, has hinted at the possibility of attacking Iranian facilities if it deems diplomacy at a dead end. Washington has publicly opposed the idea of Israeli pre-emptive strikes.

"I am sad to say that Iran's announcement makes a military attack on the facilities more likely. If so, it will be a more target-rich environment," Fitzpatrick said.


Teheran threatens to cut ties with IAEA

According to Larijani, "If the Western powers continue to use the ridiculous policy of sticks and carrots, Teheren too will form a new type of relationship with the West."

Sticks And Carrots , WTF ?
Never heard of that one , maybe it is a gay Iranian thing , Ahmadinejad Picked up recently from Venezuela ?
Either way it sounds like a threat to me , And why is it even when there are 25 out of 28 votes cast to censure Iran , Do these douchbags target the U.S ? it is not just us , it is also the rest of the civilized world that is against them !
Maybe we should play Pillows and Broccoli whith them ?

Two days after the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency passed a resolution censuring Iran, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani issued a warning of his own that Teheran would may cut cooperation with the UN nuclear agency watchdog.
Iranian President Mahmoud...

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, center, listens to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's speech, as judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, second right, and parliament speaker Ali Larijani, center left, sit, during the Friday prayers.

"If the West continues to pressure us, then parliament can review Iran's cooperation level with the IAEA," he told the assembly.

According to Larijani, "If the Western powers continue to use the ridiculous policy of sticks and carrots, Teheren too will form a new type of relationship with the West."

The US and Israel expressed satisfaction over the weekend with what officials from both countries termed "a growing momentum" of international pressure on Iran to halt activities that would enable it to construct nuclear weapons.

On Friday, the IAEA resolution censuring Iran passed by a 25-3 margin, demanding that Teheran immediately freeze construction of its newly revealed nuclear facility and heed Security Council resolutions to stop uranium enrichment.

US officials said that the UN agency's censure of Iran demonstrated international resolve to pressure Teheran if it doesn't comply with international demands concerning its nuclear program.


Friday, November 20, 2009

IAEA suspects Syria of hiding nuclear activity

The IAEA is asking Syria questions after the agency found uranium particles at two sites. One of the sites was the reactor destroyed by the Israelis and another site near Damascus. Wtop

The agency found traces of uranium at the Dair Alzour nuclear site that are not included in Syria's declared inventory, according to a just released report. The Syrians said the uranium came from the Israeli missiles used to destroy the nearby al-Kibar reactor in September 2007.

The presence of uranium particles was detected at a second site near Damascus -- the Miniature Neutron Source Reactor. Syria said it came from the accumulation of samples and reference materials used in neutron activation analysis.

The IAEA is not buying either of the two explanations and is pressing Damascus for more answers and wants to know from where the uranium came. The agency has run its own tests and is certain the Syrian government is not telling the truth.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

IAEA sees risk Iran hiding more nuclear activity

This is one for the " No Brainer File ".
If the IAEA really thinks that Iran Has been 100% honest with them , they need to close down ! Obviously Iran has some intentions it does not want to disclose .
in their report just a few weeks ago , They said everything was Cool with Iran they were telling them everything , showing them everything ! And now this ?

VIENNA (Reuters) - The United Nations' nuclear watchdog is concerned that Iran's belated revelation of a new uranium enrichment site may mean it is hiding further nuclear activity, an agency report said Monday.

The report said Iran had told the International Atomic Energy Agency that it had begun building the plant within a bunker beneath a mountain near the holy city of Qom in 2007, but the IAEA had evidence the project had begun in 2002.

Iran reported its existence to the IAEA in September after, Western diplomats said at the time, learning that U.S., French and British spy services had discovered it.

IAEA inspectors admitted on October 26-27 to the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Site found construction well advanced. Iran told the Vienna-based agency it would be started up in 2011.

"The agency has indicated (to Iran) that its declaration of the new facility reduces the level of confidence in the absence of other nuclear facilities under construction and gives rise to questions about whether there were any other nuclear facilities not declared to the agency," the report said.

"(The IAEA wrote to Iran on November 6) asking for a clear statement on whether they have similar facilities they have decided to build or are building, or have built. The IAEA has not got an explicit answer as of this morning," said a senior international official familiar with the inquiry.

"And they probably wont receive one anytime soon "