Showing posts with label B.S.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label B.S.. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2012

A.J Eric Holder Pulls the Race Card;Sorta

"Protecting the right to vote, ensuring meaningful access, and combating discrimination must be viewed, not only as a legal issue - but as a moral imperative," Holder said. "Ensuring that every eligible citizen has the right to vote must become our common cause."

Uh, how do you know if they are eligible citizens Dumbass?

This is such bullshit, it allows anyone from any country to cast a vote in our elections, all you have to say is; why yes I am an American citizen.

What ever happened to being a responsible adult?
If you drive, legally you have to have a drivers license.
so what is the difference in casting a vote?

Playing the Poor me Race card is a tragic way to start off the whole election season, now their will be disenfranchised voters everywhere that do not agree with results of any voting that does not go with their ideals.

(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, appearing at a Martin Luther King holiday rally in South Carolina, warned on Monday that voting rights laws are still at risk and said aggressive enforcement of those laws is "a moral imperative."

Weeks after his Justice Department blocked a South Carolina voter identification law it said would make it harder for tens of thousands of voters, mostly minorities, to cast a ballot, Holder said the principle of electoral equality was still endangered.

"The reality is that - in jurisdictions across the country - both overt and subtle forms of discrimination remain all too common," Holder, who is black, told hundreds of people attending an annual rally to honor King, the slain civil rights leader, on the steps of the South Carolina state capitol.

"Protecting the right to vote, ensuring meaningful access, and combating discrimination must be viewed, not only as a legal issue - but as a moral imperative," Holder said. "Ensuring that every eligible citizen has the right to vote must become our common cause."


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Arizona Sheriff Cites Flood of Border Agents Confirming Feds' No-Apprehension Policy

"We have been told that - Apprehensions = failure, we are not 'immigration' officers, we should not 'lower' ourselves to the status of an immigration officer, and our primary job is not apprehending illegal aliens. Couple all this with Secretary Napolitano's recent public announcement about what she expects our apprehension numbers to be this fiscal year, and it's not hard to figure this thing out.”

What a bunch of B.S., It has been kind of obvious over the past few years that the Federal Government does not want to deter Illegal immigration.

Here is the Confirmation on that, and I'm sure it will be said that all this is B.S. also.

What are the benefits to the United States for letting every Illegal Immigrant in?

Somebody is benefiting somewhere, I guess if we were to look at the people who are the extreme Pro Immigration people(The higher up ones) maybe we could find out!

An Arizona sheriff says he has been flooded with calls and emails of support from local and federal agents who back his claims that the U.S. Border Patrol has effectively ordered them to stop apprehending illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexican border.

“Upper management has advised supervisors to have agents ‘turn back South’ (TBS) the illegal aliens (aka bodies) they detect attempting to unlawfully enter the country … at times you even hear supervisors order the agents over the radio to 'TBS' the aliens instead of catching them,” one San Diego border agent wrote in an email to Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever.

“This only causes more problems as the aliens, as you know, don't just go back to Mexico and give up. They keep trying, sometimes without 10 minutes in-between attempts, to cross illegally,” continued the email, which was among a number of communications to Dever reviewed by “This makes the job for agents more dangerous. Not only are the aliens more defiant, they also begin to feel like they can get away with breaking our federal laws.”


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Political Fear' Stifling Debate Over Radical Islam

How Exciting, Today is the start of the radical Islamic hearings and there are several protests being planned for them.

If Muslims cannot stand up for their religion and say that they have a problem within it, then they should just sit down and shut up, we will take care of it from here.

One only needs to take a look around the world, listen to what is being said, and compare it to what is being seen in America when yet another wannabe Jihadist is arrested.

Is there a problem elsewhere in this country from radical rejects that decide to take things into their own hands and kill people for their Beliefs? YEP, and those rejects are dealt with like they should be.

But because of that it does not give Islam a free pass.

Suck it up Muslims, People are committing terrorist acts in the name of your religion!

Relatives of two young men who were lured away by Islamic radicals plan to tell a House committee Thursday that Muslim leaders in America "brainwashed" and "manipulated" their family members, and that "political fear" is preventing people from talking about Islamic extremism.

The witnesses are part of the panel Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., plans to call at a controversial hearing on the threat posed by radical Islam in the United States.

King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, has faced persistent and vocal criticism from groups and lawmakers who claim he is unfairly targeting one ethnic group. One Muslim activist on Wednesday said King is "unfit" to lead the committee.

But King has defended his plans and, according to remarks prepared for the hearing, will accuse his detractors of spreading "rage and hysteria." He plans to claim that backing down now "would be a craven surrender to political correctness."

Two witnesses are expected to provide a first-hand account on how their relatives were exploited by Islamic radicals.

Melvin Bledsoe, whose son allegedly attacked an Army recruiting center in Arkansas, said in written testimony -- which Fox News has seen -- that Americans are ignoring the issue.

"There is a big elephant in the room, but our society continues not to see it. This wrong is caused by political correctness. You can even call it political fear," he said.

Bledsoe plans to describe how his son, Carlos, was radicalized when he went off to college in Nashville, Tenn. In his testimony, he explained how his son's personality changed and how, when he returned home for the holidays in 2005, he told his family he converted to Islam. From that point, he changed his name and eventually traveled to Yemen.

"Some Muslim leaders had taken advantage of my son. But he's not the only one being taken advantage of. This is going on in Nashville and in many other cities in America," Bledsoe plans to say. "In Nashville, Carlos was captured by people best described as hunters. He was manipulated and lied to. That's how he made his way to Yemen."


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Arizona Rancher Will Fight Court Order To Pay Damages to Undocumented Immigrants

You have got to be Kidding me.

I only hope that Mr. Barnett, refuses to pay this fine.

What other Bullshit is going to come out of the Fiasco that is the U.S. Border.

An Arizona rancher who was ordered to pay nearly $90,000 in punitive damages to undocumented immigrants he confronted, with a gun, is going to request a rehearing, his attorney said.

“We’ll be filing a motion for a rehearing,” said David T. Hardy, who is representing Roger Barnett. “He feels he got screwed. I have some sympathy for that view.”

The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last week upheld a lower court verdict ordering Barnett to pay the damages for the 2004 incident, in which the plaintiffs claimed that he approached them with his dog and said he’d shoot them if they tried to leave.

The court said that an Arizona law permitted a person to threaten to use – or actually use – physical force against someone else when that person believes it is necessary for protection “against the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful physical force.”

But the court said that Barnett held them at gunpoint even after becoming aware that no one in the group of 16 men and women was armed, and so he could not use the argument of self-defense.

“Basically they said he took his pistol out and kept his pistol out longer than necessary,” Hardy said.

In fact, Hardy added, Barnett put his gun away after realizing that no one in the group was armed, and after feeling he was not in physical danger.


Mexico Angry at U.S. Official's 'Insurgency' Remark

Always playin the name game!
What else are you supposed to call the insurgency in Mexico?

Do the cartels go around terrorizing the citizens of Mexico?
Do the drug running douchebags live amongst the people they terrorize?
do they set off carbombs? Not many but the answer is still yes!
Do they cut off peoples heads?

Does Mexico look like a war zone half the time?

Its an insurgency Jackass what else would you call it ?

MEXICO CITY -- The Mexican government on Wednesday condemned comments by a top U.S. Defense Department official characterizing the drug gang violence here as a "form of insurgency" -- remarks the official later apologized for and retracted.

Mexico's Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinosa regretted that "outdated visions" on drug trafficking continue to be used and urged U.S. officials to refrain from commenting on issues they are not fully informed about.

We do not understand? WTF! You people are to Ignorant to understand what is happening in your own country! your people are being killed right and left and we don't understand!

"These unfortunate incidents should show that officials need to refrain from making statements, from giving opinions without having all the facts," Espinosa said.

Westphal made his initial remarks Monday at the Hinkley Institute of Politics Forum. In a statement Tuesday he said that in response to a question, he "mistakenly characterized the challenge posed by drug cartels to Mexico as 'a form of insurgency."'

"My comments were not and have never been the policy of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government toward Latin America," he added. "I regret that my inaccurate statements may have caused concerns for our partners and friends in the region, especially Mexico."


Friday, December 17, 2010

Mexican drug war deaths surpass 30,100

Throughout the country, 12,456 people were killed in drug-related violence from January through November this year, he said, bringing the total number of deaths since December 2006 to 30,196, the state-run Notimex news agency reported.

On Tuesday the year's death tally in Ciudad Juarez reached 3,000 -- 10 times the number of annual killings that the border city counted just a few years ago.

yep Pres Calderon sure has done a lot to save Mexico, I mean look at the statistics only 12,456 people killed in 11 months!
That's only 1238 Murders a month, or about 34 Murders a day !

and 3000 alone in Jaurez!

Damn I may move there, it sounds like such a nice place.

Mexico City (CNN) -- More than 30,100 people have died in drug-related violence since Mexican President Felipe Calderon began a crackdown on cartels, the country's attorney general said.

Armed with statistics about what he described as a "significant transformation" in Mexico's fight against organized crime, Mexican Attorney General Arturo Chavez Chavez said the importance of restoring the rule of law throughout the country was the driving force behind Calderon's initiative, which started shortly after he took office in December 2006.

"What is very clear is that there is an important weakening of criminal structures. ... There is no criminal organization that can be even remotely superior to the force of the state," Chavez told reporters at a year-end meeting Thursday.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hackers Target WikiLeaks 'Enemies': Mastercard, Twitter, Paypal, Even

"We haven't really seen a public uprising like this before. And it's a surprise to a lot of the public that the Internet is that fragile, that individual people can have an impact like that."

So are you prepared for the Shittstorm?

In an unprecedented assault described variously as civil disobedience or criminal hacking, supporters of WikiLeaks struck out Wednesday at perceived enemies of the site and its jailed founder Julian Assange, launching hack attacks against MasterCard, Swedish prosecutors, and others -- and promising future attacks against Twitter, PayPal and even

The "hacktivists," operating under the label Operation: Payback, claimed responsibility in a Twitter message for causing the outages at MasterCard, which pulled the plug on its relationship with WikiLeaks on Tuesday. An online poster put out by the campaign makes its goals explicit.

"We will fire at anyone or anything that tries to censor WikiLeaks, including multi-billion dollar companies such as PayPal. Twitter, you're next for censoring #wikileaks discussion."

"The major shittstorm has begun," the poster reads.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wikileaks" Pain in the A$$ "Arrested

Nice,to bad the We(U.S.) will probably not get our hands on him.

Ya Know? just for some questioning, And maybe a little waterboarding or something like that.

(Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested by British police on a European warrant issued by Sweden over allegations of sex crimes including rape, London's Metropolitan Police said Tuesday.

Swedish prosecutors issued the arrest order for the 39-year-old Australian who is wanted in Sweden on suspicion of committing sexual crimes, which he denies.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Iran nuclear program self-sufficient

Self sufficient?
To bad their nuclear scientists are being killed.

(CNN) -- Iran now produces everything it needs for the nuclear fuel cycle, making its nuclear program self-sufficient, the head of the country's Atomic Energy Organization told state media Sunday.

The Islamic republic has begun producing yellowcake, Ali Akbar Salehi told Press TV.

Yellowcake, an intermediate stage in processing uranium, is a uranium oxide concentrate which is then heated to remove impurities, the International Atomic Energy Agency says.

Iran had been importing it, Salehi said, but is now mining it and processing it within the country.


Chinese leaders ordered Google hack

So even when further proof arrives, denial still reigns supreme.
China will Look into this, the U.S. will still be unsure and not want to say anything to upset the Communist country.

Feel like you've Been sold out yet.

Same old Bullshit Different day!

The Washington post.
A brazen series of computer intrusions into Google networks in China announced by the search engine company earlier this year were directed by the highest levels of the Chinese government, a "well-placed" Chinese source told U.S. Embassy officials in Beijing in January.

The revelation was contained in a classified State Department cable, part of a cache of cables leaked to the site WikiLeaks and disclosed Saturday.

"A well-placed contact claims that the Chinese government coordinated the recent intrusions of Google systems," the cable said. "According to our contact, the closely held operations were directed at the Politburo Standing Committee level." ...

The penetrations resulted in the theft of "significant" intellectual property, Google officials said. The company surprised many by publicly reporting the hacking, and further by saying its investigation found that the attacks originated in China. But the company stopped short of saying the attacks were directed by the government.

U.S. officials have not verified the report. "There is a single-source report that the attack was directed by the Chinese government," said a senior U.S. official, who was not authorized to speak on the record. "We have never been able to corroborate that."

Or Maybe, just to chickenshit to say something about it .


Friday, December 3, 2010

DREAM Act Would Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion Per Year, Group Says

Prepare to say goodbye to America!

This is one of those ignorant things that Politicians do to get some more credit with non Americans.
With all the crap going on in the United States, someone in power(Harry Reid)thinks it a better idea to help out Non Residents, Rather than put his effort into Helping out those People he supposedly works for.
Better to help another country I guess, than to help your own.

A group advocating for tighter immigration laws estimates that a hotly debated bill that would give tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who attend college or join the military a path to legal status would cost taxpayers $6.2 billion a year and "crowd out" U.S. students in the classroom.

A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies says the so-called DREAM Act, which would give more than 2 million young immigrants brought to the United States before the age of 16 a chance to become legal residents, could erode the educational opportunities available to U.S. citizens.

Wendy Sefsaf, a spokeswoman for the Immigration Policy Center, said CIS has "a very common formula," which factors the costs of anything without the benefits.

Her group cited an estimate by the liberal Center for American Progress that it would cost $48.6 billion to deport more than 2 million illegal immigrants who were raised in the U.S.

"The U.S. economy doesn't need more deportations; it needs more college graduates," she said, citing a Georgetown University report that shows Americans in 2018 will fall short of achieving 22 million new college degrees -- the number some say is needed to stay globally competitive -- by at least 3 million.

As a person who is out of work, and trying to pay His way through college right now, I am DEEPLY offended at the thought that it is better to Give my Tax dollars to an Illegal Immigrant, Before even looking at my Student loan Application.

F**king Bastards !


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

China arrests hundreds of hackers, says situation "grim"

Really, America should what?

"appropriately resolve related issues"

Hmmm, I'm sure that the U.S. has committed some Cyber attacks of our own(If not Obama is a bigger pussy than I thought), But never have we reached the scale of what goes on in China.

(Reuters) - China has arrested more than 460 hackers from start of this year to the end of November, but the prospects to prevent future assaults on computer security remain grim, the ministry of public security said.

The announcement, made late on Monday, came a day after a series of leaked U.S. State Department cables, including one in which an unnamed Chinese contact alleged that China's Politburo directed an intrusion into Google's computer systems, part of a broader coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by Chinese government operatives, private security experts and Internet outlaws.

"The current situation of our crackdown on hacker attacks is still very grim and the number of hacker attacks and sabotage activities in China are still high," an unnamed official said in the statement.

The ministry said it had solved 180 cyber attack cases as of the end of November.

A China foreign ministry official, who declined on Tuesday to comment on the Wikileaks' disclosure of the allegations, called on the United States to "appropriately resolve related issues" concerning the reports. The official did not elaborate.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

China Hackers strike again

It is not so much the fact that once again China has Hacked into the Pentagons websites.
But the fact that this was done back in April.
China does not have the worlds largest super computer for nothing.

Nearly 15 percent of the world's Internet traffic -- including data from the Pentagon, the office of Defense Secretary Robert Gates and other U.S. government websites -- was briefly redirected through computer networks in China last April, according to a congressional commission report obtained by

It was not immediately clear whether the incident was deliberate, but the April 18 redirection could have enabled malicious activities and potentially caused an unintended "diversion of data" from many U.S. government, military and commercial websites, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission states in a 316-page report to Congress.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pentagon, NASA experts say mystery plume was plane

Yeah and we are all stupid !
Move Along!

LOS ANGELES – The Pentagon and NASA experts have determined that a billowing contrail seen streaking into the skies above Southern California was likely caused by an airliner and not a missile.

The phenomenon recorded Monday evening by a TV news helicopter created a media sensation and a vapor trail of commentary across the Internet about the possibility of a secret missile firing. But the military insisted it knew of no rockets launched in the area.

Defense Department spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said Wednesday that officials were satisfied it was an airplane contrail distorted by camera
angle, winds and other environmental factors including a setting sun.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mystery Solved? Missile Launch Could Be a Jet Contrail

Sorry I'm not buying that one !

Not being an expert on Missiles or Anything, But I did spend Two years working at the Fort Bliss Army base in Texas/New Mexico.
I personally witnessed Patriot Missile Launches(From a distance)along with several other Missiles that are tested on their Firing ranges !
This was nothing but a Missile, Jet's do not leave a Contrail, and they don't make Vertical Takeoffs.
go Here and check out the Video Yourself.

A video that appears to show a missile launch off the coast of California is so far "unexplained" by anyone in the military, a Pentagon spokesman told reporters Tuesday -- but what seems mysterious could be nothing more than an airplane.

Federal officials do not consider the event a threat. And they aren't the only ones.

According to a post on, the visible exhaust from a jet engine, a trail of condensed water vapor called a contrail, resembles a missile trail when seen from some angles.

The confusion between a missile launch and a jet plane launch is caused by several common misconceptions, the site notes, explaining that the angle of launch, the direction of flight, and even the shape of the Earth can lead to the illusion. And indeed, when you look at certain images of jet launches, they do look a fair bit like missiles.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Iran Plans to Execute Woman in Stoning Case

Iran obviously does not care so much for what anyone or country has to say about this !

Just remember that Islam, is the Religion Of Peace !

Human rights observers warn that Iran plans to execute a woman whose sentence to stoning has drawn international condemnation.

Contacts inside in Iran say authorities in Tehran have given the go-ahead to prison officials in Tabriz to execute Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, possibly as early as Wednesday, though it's not clear yet by what method, Mina Ahadi of the International Committees Against Execution & Stoning told Fox News.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Iran Paying Afghan President's Chief of Staff

So now we have Karzai's chief of staff accepting money from Iran !

Well you know what is next, Afghanistan will receive a few Billion Dollars from the U.S. for funding the War Against the U.S.,Just like it is done in Pakistan !

Afghan President Hamid Karzai's chief of staff has been receiving millions of dollars in cash payments from Iran, the New York Times reported Saturday.

The advisor, Umar Daudzai, briefs Karzai each morning and is known for pushing anti-Western policies, the Times said.

Citing unnamed Afghan and Western officials in Kabul, the newspaper reported Iran had been using its influence in attempt to weaken Afghan ties to the U.S. and NATO, as well as further its own interests in the country.

The payments Daudzai receives are deposited into a secret fund that he and Karzai have used to pay the country’s lawmakers, tribal leaders and Taliban commanders to secure their loyalty, the report said.

"It’s basically a presidential slush fund," one Western official told the paper. "Daudzai’s mission is to advance Iranian interests."


Seven killed in Kenya soccer stampede

And then you can go to a Soccer Game and be crushed to death by your fellow fans!

(Reuters) - Seven soccer fans were killed and dozens more were injured in a stampede at a match between two of Kenya's top teams, an ambulance operator said on Saturday.

The stampede took place inside the Nyayo National stadium in the capital Nairobi during a match between AFC Leopards and Gor Mahia.

"Seven people are dead. People tried to force entry during the match because they didn't want to pay," David Matee, a radio operator with the St John's Ambulance, told Reuters.

At least 30 people were hurt in the crush, 14 of them critically, Matee said.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

U.N. urged to set up panel on ethics of robot weapons

"serious concerns that have been almost entirely unexamined by human rights or humanitarian actors."

Humanitarian Actors ? You mean like Angelina Jolie and Sean Penn ? How about George Clooney ! Or are they talking about Humanitarian Actors like Ahmadinejad , Chavez and Fidel Castro ?

Humanitarian Actors my Ass !

Why does not the U.N. start a panel of "Actors" that discuss all the suicide bombings,Beheading's,Stoning's,and Honor Killings and Amputations that happen on a daily basis in the Muslim world !

The Useless Nations has turned it's ways towards global role reversal. The good guys are now the bad and the people who actually commit atrocities against Human Beings are the New good guys !

(Reuters) - A U.N. investigator called on the world body on Friday to set up a panel to study the ethics and legality of unmanned military weapons -- an apparent reference to U.S. drones that strike suspected Islamist militants.

In a report to the U.N. General Assembly human rights committee, Christof Heyns said such systems raised "serious concerns that have been almost entirely unexamined by human rights or humanitarian actors."

"The international community urgently needs to address the legal, political, ethical and moral implications of the development of lethal robotic technologies," said Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions.

It was the second time this year U.N. experts tackled the issue. In June, Heyns' predecessor, Philip Alston, called for a halt to CIA-directed drone strikes on al Qaeda and Taliban suspects in Afghanistan and Pakistan, saying killings ordered far from the battlefield could lead to a "Playstation" mentality.

I prefer Xbox 360 ! Bring on the Robots !


Friday, October 22, 2010

US to cut aid to Pakistan military units over human rights abuses

I'm so confused !

The Gaurdian UK
The US government plans to cut military aid to several Pakistani military units as punishment for human rights abuses, including torture and extra-judicial executions, according to senior officials.

But at the same time, the Obama administration is reportedly in the final stages of agreeing a new $2bn (£1.28bn) aid package for Pakistan to pay for equipment needed in counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations.

The units to be sanctioned have not been identified, but they are understood to include elements within Twelve Punjab infantry regiment, which is based in north-western Mardan, and units from the frontier corps, the paramilitary force recruited from the Pashtun tribes.

The White House has not officially informed Pakistan of the decision even though senior Pakistani military and civilian leaders are in Washington for meetings with the government.