Showing posts with label nasa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nasa. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2011

NASA set to launch Mars rover searching for signs of water, life

About time that NASA does something.
I'm surprised they are using an American rocket and not going to the Russians or even the Chinese for the launch.

The State Column
NASA officials spent much of the weekend putting the last-minute touches on a rover headed to Mars this week.

NASA will launch the rover — nicknamed Curiosity — using an Atlas V rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on November 26, space agency officials said. The launch was originally scheduled to blast off on November 25, however, officials said Sunday that the launch will be delayed in order to replace a suspect battery on the rover’s rocket...

The rover will travel to Mars, where it will land in Gale crater, which is thought to be about three and a half billion years old and more than 95 miles in diameter. The crater has a combined size of Connecticut and Rhode Island with a three-mile-high mountain of layered sedimentary rock at its bottom — an enticing area of exploration for scientists.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Aliens May Strike Humans To Save The Galaxy

The 2012 doomsday prophecy is nothing compared to Aliens being so pissed off at how we take care of the earth that they are going to obliterate us to save the Galaxy!

Time to start drinking folks !

Global warming may not remain merely 'global' anymore, as a new study suggests its cosmic impact.

Beyond endangering the earthly inhabitants, humans may have posed a serious threat to the entire galaxy, possibly prompting aliens to destroy humanity in order to end global warming and save the rest of the galaxy from being contaminated as well.

Surprisingly, the suggestion comes from one of NASA's scientists.

The scenario was brought up in a joint study by Penn State University and the NASA Planetary Science Division, titled "Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis."

"A preemptive strike would be particularly likely in the early phases of our expansion because a civilization may become increasingly difficult to destroy as it continues to expand," the study says. "Humanity may just now be entering the period in which its rapid civilizational expansion could be detected by an ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) because our expansion is changing the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, via greenhouse gas emissions."

By using spectrometry, extraterrestrials could detect changes in Earth's atmosphere and deduce that we're out of control, speculated the researchers, among a number of other scenarios discussed in the 33-page paper.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Endeavour space shuttle makes last touch-down

One more to go and that is it, no more space shuttle.


Space shuttle Endeavour has brought its 19-year operational career to a close with a textbook landing in Florida.

The vehicle swept into a night-time touch-down at the Kennedy Space Center after a successful trip to the International Space Station (ISS).

The US space agency (Nasa) is retiring its shuttle fleet and Endeavour will now be prepared for public display at a science museum in Los Angeles.

Only the Atlantis ship has yet to make a final outing.

It was moved to Kennedy's one active launch pad late on Tuesday night to get it ready for that swansong, which is expected to occur next month.

Endeavour's rear wheels touched the runway at Kennedy at 0234 local time (0634 GMT).


Thursday, May 26, 2011

NASA Announces Pioneering Mission To Asteroid

Sounds exciting, and it could be if furtherr funding does not get cut from the NASA budget.
Osiris-Rex will not reach the near Earth asteroid designated 1999 RQ36 until 2020 (launch date 2016) it will be awhile.

Irish weather online
NASA will launch a spacecraft to an asteroid in 2016 and use a robotic arm to pluck samples that could better explain our solar system’s formation and how life began. The mission, called Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer, or OSIRIS-REx, will be the first U.S. mission to carry samples from an asteroid back to Earth.

“This is a critical step in meeting the objectives outlined by President Obama to extend our reach beyond low-Earth orbit and explore into deep space,” said NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden. “It’s robotic missions like these that will pave the way for future human space missions to an asteroid and other deep space destinations.”

NASA selected OSIRIS-REx after reviewing three concept study reports for new scientific missions, which also included a sample return mission from the far side of the moon and a mission to the surface of Venus.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Nasa sky-map data's stellar spectacular

Awesome stuff, some of the most beautiful things you could ever see are out in space, new pictures are always exciting.

Here's the gallery, and this is the Multimedia gallery for you technical people, you can select an object, download it, and save it, of course you need to know where the object is (Right Ascension and Declination)and these are in different filters (red, blue,green,)you can view them combined or separately, but you can't view in the all four band mode, but hey it is good enough!
Nasa has released a trove of data from its sky-mapping mission, allowing scientists and anyone with internet access to peruse millions of galaxies, stars, asteroids and other hard-to-see objects.

Many of the targets in the celestial catalogue released online this week have been previously observed, but there are significant new discoveries. The mission’s finds include more than 33,000 new asteroids floating between Mars and Jupiter and 20 comets.

Nasa launched the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, which carried an infrared telescope, in December 2009 to scan the cosmos in finer detail than previous missions. The spacecraft, known as WISE, mapped the sky one and a half times during its 14-month mission, snapping more than 2.5 million images from its polar orbit.

The spacecraft’s ability to detect heat glow helps it find dusty, cold and distant objects that are often invisible to regular telescopes.

The batch of images made available represents a little over half of what has been observed in the all-sky survey. The full cosmic census is due for release next spring.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

NASA's Kepler Telescope Finds Plenty of Planets Outside Solar System

Very Awesome.

An orbiting NASA telescope is finding whole new worlds of possibilities in the search for alien life, including more than 50 potential planets that appear to be in the habitable zone.

In just a year of peering out at a small slice of the galaxy, the Kepler telescope has spotted 1,235 possible planets outside Earth's solar system. Amazingly, 54 of them seem to be in the zone that could be hospitable to life -- that is, not too hot or too cold, Kepler chief scientist William Borucki said.

Until now, only two planets outside Earth's solar system were even thought to be in the "Goldilocks zone." And both those discoveries are highly disputed.

Fifty-four possibilities is "an enormous amount, an inconceivable amount," Borucki said. "It's amazing to see this huge number because up to now, we've had zero."

The more than 1,200 newfound bodies are not confirmed as planets yet, but Borucki estimates 80 percent of them eventually will be verified. At least one other astronomer believes Kepler could be 90 percent accurate.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Unmanned US Spacecraft Returns After 7-Month Trip

Uh, Autonomous landing? 7 Months in space!

Can it Carry Cargo?

If it can land itself while carrying say ...

Nevermind! Move along sheeple nothing to see here.

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – The U.S. Air Force's secrecy-shrouded X-37B unmanned spaceplane returned to Earth early Friday after more than seven months in orbit on a classified mission, officials said.

The winged craft autonomously landed at at Vandenberg Air Force Base on the California coast 130 miles northwest of Los Angeles, Vandenburg spokesman Jeremy Eggers said.

"It's very exciting," Eggers said of the 1:16 a.m. PST landing.

The X-37B was launched by an Atlas 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on April 22, 2010, with a maximum mission duration of 270 days.

Also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle, the Boeing-built spacecraft was originally a NASA project before being taken over by the military.

The Air Force has not said whether it carried anything in its cargo bay, but insists the primary purpose of the mission was to test the craft itself.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Arsenic-based life form discovered on Earth

Not the type of Alien Lifeforms we want to see but definitely Alien.

the Washington Post
NASA held a press conference Thursday afternoon in which they revealed the discovery of arsenic-based life forms on Earth. As Marc Kaufman explained:

All life on Earth - from microbes to elephants and us - is based on a single genetic model that requires the element phosphorus as one of its six essential components.

But now researchers have uncovered a bacterium that has five of those essential elements but has, in effect, replaced phosphorus with its look-alike but toxic cousin arsenic.

News of the discovery caused a scientific commotion, including calls to NASA from the White House and Congress asking whether a second line of earthly life has been found.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pentagon, NASA experts say mystery plume was plane

Yeah and we are all stupid !
Move Along!

LOS ANGELES – The Pentagon and NASA experts have determined that a billowing contrail seen streaking into the skies above Southern California was likely caused by an airliner and not a missile.

The phenomenon recorded Monday evening by a TV news helicopter created a media sensation and a vapor trail of commentary across the Internet about the possibility of a secret missile firing. But the military insisted it knew of no rockets launched in the area.

Defense Department spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said Wednesday that officials were satisfied it was an airplane contrail distorted by camera
angle, winds and other environmental factors including a setting sun.


Friday, October 1, 2010

NASA Chief Who Called Muslim Outreach 'Foremost' Job Heads to Saudi Arabia

Yep , NASA is not reaching out to the Muslims !

Just because NASA Chief Charles Bolden is Going to Saudi Arabia , that doesn't mean it is some of that Muslim Outreach directive .

Move Along !

The NASA chief who caused an uproar over the summer when he said outreach to the Muslim world might be his "foremost" priority has embarked on a trip this weekend
to Saudi Arabia.

A NASA spokesman said the visit is part of a multicountry tour. Administrator Charles Bolden and a delegation of several other NASA officials arrive in Saudi Arabia on Friday following a trip to Prague. From the Middle East, they will head next to Nepal where Bolden will give a keynote address at a climate change conference.

Though Bolden's comments about Muslim outreach earlier raised concerns that the White House was squeezing him into an out-of-place diplomatic role, NASA spokesman John Yembrick said the trip "was not initiated" by either the White House or the State Department.

"This trip, including the visit to Saudi Arabia, is driven by specific, appropriate agency-level objectives," he said in an e-mail.

Must be code for Muslim Outreach



Wednesday, July 14, 2010

NASA Outreach Program 'Confirmed' Despite White House Denial, Rep Says

"The last thing we need to be doing now is spending precious space dollars ... on outreach to any religion," he said. "We need to spend money on human space exploration."

And Muslims have done nothing to further space exploration !

From Patriot post / Patriot Humor

Call it a failure to launch.

The White House is disavowing a plan to have NASA conduct outreach to Muslim countries, but a congressman who talked to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden about that plan last month said the initiative was very real until somebody slammed the brakes on it.

Rep. Pete Olson, ranking Republican on the Space and Aeronautics House Subcommittee, told that Bolden described the outreach program as part of the administration's space plan during a conversation they had in June.

"He confirmed it to me," Olson said. The Texas Republican said he thinks the program existed until the "uproar" compelled the administration to rethink it.

Though Bolden mentioned the outreach months ago during a speech in February, it drew widespread attention after he described it as a "foremost" priority during an interview with Al Jazeera last month. The administration initially stood by the claim, but White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday that Bolden misspoke and that the outreach is "not the task of NASA."

Olson said that to his knowledge no collaboration with Muslim countries actually took place. He said such a collaboration could raise concern about missile technology falling into the wrong hands. But at the same time, he said NASA doesn't have much classified information to share. He described the agency as a cash-strapped arm of the federal government in dire need of some TLC. His main concern with the outreach program was that it would divert badly needed money away from space exploration.

"The last thing we need to be doing now is spending precious space dollars ... on outreach to any religion," he said. "We need to spend money on human space exploration."


Phantom Eye hydrogen-powered spy plane unveiled

The Phantom Eye can stay in the air for 4 Days , at 65.000 feet .

Boeing has unveiled its unmanned hydrogen-powered spy plane which can fly non-stop for up to four days.

The high-altitude plane, called Phantom Eye, will remain aloft at 20,000m (65,000ft), according to the company.

The demonstrator will be shipped to Nasa's Dryden Flight Research Center in California later this summer to prepare for its first flight in early 2011.

Boeing says the aircraft could eventually carry out "persistent intelligence and surveillance".

It is a product of the company's secretive Phantom Works research and development arm.

Boeing says the aircraft is capable of long endurance flights because of its "lighter" and "more powerful" hydrogen fuel system.

"We flew Condor [the company's previous reconnaissance drone] for 60 hours in 1989 on regular jet fuel, and that was the maximum," said Chris Haddox from Boeing Phantom Works. "Now we're talking 96 hours."


Monday, July 12, 2010

Muslim Outreach Not the Job of NASA, White House Says

"That was not his task and that's not the task of NASA,"

Well , Who's Task is it then ?

It was Obviously said , So who said it ?

Sounds like some Frustrated and Frantic Backpedaling .

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday that NASA Administrator Charles Bolden must have misspoken when he told Al Jazeera last month that one of his top priorities is to reach out to Muslim countries.

"That was not his task and that's not the task of NASA," Gibbs said.

Bolden, though, said last month in the interview that it was President Obama who gave him that task. He made a similar claim in February.

The White House also backed up Bolden last week when his remarks first stirred controversy. A White House spokesman last Tuesday said Obama wants NASA to engage with the world's best scientists and that to meet that challenge, NASA must "partner with countries around the world like Russia and Japan, as well as collaboration with Israel and with many Muslim-majority countries."

NASA last week walked back Bolden's claim that Muslim outreach was the "perhaps foremost" plank of his mission, saying that Bolden was merely talking about his "outreach" responsibilities and that space exploration is still NASA's No. 1 job.

But Gibbs on Monday appeared to deny that Bolden was asked to focus on Muslim outreach at all.

Asked whether Bolden misspoke, Gibbs said: "I think so."

He said he wasn't aware of Obama speaking to Bolden about his comments.

The Muslim comments were met with a wall of criticism last week from conservatives and former NASA officials who said that while Muslim-nation outreach is laudable, it should not be a NASA priority.

Bolden said in the interview that Obama told him before he took the job that he wanted him to do three things: inspire children to learn math
and science, expand international relationships and "perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering."


Monday, July 5, 2010

NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World

That's it , Obama has really flipped his wig !

WTF , Why do we need to advance Muslim relationships through NASA for ?
It does not even make since , but this Licknob thinks he has it all figured out !

The Foremost Mission of the NASA Chief is going to be promoting Islam , and some hope and change B.S. with the Muslim Community !

Do Muslims even go for this kind of Science ?

I may snap over this one , Or maybe I will step up the drinking a little !

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA's orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama
assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel.

"When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview...

"It is a matter of trying to reach out and get the best of all worlds, if you will, and there is much to be gained by drawing in the contributions that are possible from the Muslim (nations)," he said. He held up the International Space Station as a model, praising the contributions there from the Russians and the Chinese.

You have got to be Joking , The Contributions from the Muslim World ? In a Space Program ! ? ! ?
Yagermeister is just not going to Cut it Anymore .


Sunday, July 4, 2010

American Flag Farthest From Home Is Leaving Solar System

"We were extraordinarily proud of what we were doing as a laboratory, as a part of NASA and as a country and we felt it was important to make a statement to that effect," said Jet Propulsion laboratory scientist John Casani, NASA's Voyager project manager at the time it was launched, in a statement provided to this week. "I'm gratified that Voyager is still sailing out there, bearing America's colors. What it represents to us is an affirmation of the pride we had at that time."

Extraordinarily Proud !

Something a lot of people these days are not , Proud of being American , and just plain Proud of this Country .

This July 4th, U.S. citizens around the world may proudly display American flags to celebrate Independence Day while away from home, but they won't hold a candle to the farthest American flag in history
, which is leaving the entire solar system behind on NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft.

The spaceflying American flag is a not a huge version of Old Glory, but will be the only one flying more than 10.5 billion miles (16.9 billion km) from Earth this Fourth of July. It is riding on Voyager 1, a 33-year-old space probe on the outskirts of our solar system.

Another far-flung American flag is flying on Voyager 2, which is about 8.6 billion miles (13.8 billion km) from Earth. Both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are on trajectories to leave the solar system behind after passing through a magnetic bubble-like region called the heliosphere.

A NASA photo
of the Voyager 2 American flag shows it to be a small U.S. standard packed alongside other mementos from Earth, like the iconic golden record that were also launched the spacecraft and contain messages from Earth for any extraterrestrials that may find them.

"We were extraordinarily proud of what we were doing as a laboratory, as a part of NASA and as a country and we felt it was important to make a statement to that effect," said Jet Propulsion laboratory scientist John Casani, NASA's Voyager project manager at the time it was launched, in a statement provided to this week. "I'm gratified that Voyager is still sailing out there, bearing America's colors. What it represents to us is an affirmation of the pride we had at that time."


Friday, June 11, 2010

Pic: F-15 & Atlantis launch

Discovery Blogs


Friday, May 7, 2010

Orion Pad Abort Test


Thursday, April 29, 2010

NASA: Building blocks of life found on Mars

The Sun

NASA scientists last night unveiled compelling evidence of life on Mars.

A special mission to the Red Planet has revealed the likely presence of a form of pond scum - the building blocks of life as we know it.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sun-Gazing Observatory Set for Launch

1.5 terabytes of information a day , near Imax resolution !

these should be some awesome pictures .

NASA hopes to launch its Solar Dynamics Observatory on Thursday, weather permitting. The SDO will capture views of the sun in IMAX-like high definition and return about 50 times more data than any other NASA mission so far. It's important to understand the vagaries of solar activity, because flareups can interfere with power grids, GPS navigation, air travel and all sorts of critical communications systems.

Originally planned for launch on Tuesday, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory was delayed once again on Wednesday due to high winds .

The new planned launch for the device from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida is Thursday, Feb. 11; the launch window is between 10:23 a.m. and 11:23 a.m. EST.

The SDO will undertake a five-year mission to investigate in unprecedented detail the energy processes driving the sun's stormy activity. The 6,555-pound spacecraft will return 1.5 terabytes of data every day -- equal to half a million downloaded songs -- and provide detailed images of near-IMAX-quality high resolution.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

NASA to Get $6 Billion to Outsource Crew Ferry

Outsourcing is the way to go for NASA , they have been doing it for years (With American Companies )
For NASA to Accomplish this within A "Government" Structure , it Total Well over the Amount for the Obamacare Plan !

Jan. 28 (Bloomberg) -- NASA would receive a $6 billion boost in funding over five years to spur companies to develop rockets capable of taking astronauts to the International Space Station, an administration official said.

In total, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration would receive $100 billion over five years under President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget, the official said.

“My initial impression is that this is a real significant indication of support for NASA in a time of tight budgets,” said former astronaut Sally Ride in an interview.