Showing posts with label Transport and Travelling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transport and Travelling. Show all posts

Monday 27 July 2015

ABC Wednesday, C of Captain

On one of my travels to Australia, I arrived rather early, as usual, in Cairns. I was to meet my daughter at the airport. She was alone while her kids were at home in Cooktown with her partner.

As it was still very early we went to a café to have a "brekkie". After that we went to a very small airfield to board an even smaller plane, which could accommodate 10 people. We were the only two passengers. After a while a tall young man with a cheerful face and a briefcase under his arm, came to us and greeted us with:"G'day ladies, how are you today? I am your captain!"

We answered with:"Hello, and how are you?!"

We took our places  on the back seats and he sat down on his heels and told us what we had to do in case of an emergency. It was kind of funny as we know the whole ritual by heart now, but he was obliged to read it out loud.

When he sat down on his seat in front of the plane, he started the engine, but in stead of taking off he drove round and round for a while. We asked him if anything was the matter. He said that he had no idea, but there was a red light on at the dashboard, and that he first wanted to consult his manual. Fortunately he found the problem and how to solve it. And off we went. We arrived safely at the airport in Cooktown.


While writing this post I am again in Australia. Have a nice summer!

We thank Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC, and we must thank Roger too for the weekly job to find  ten bloggers for each of the ABC Team members  to visit and to read their posts. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar . This week we are looking for words  beginning with C.


Monday 20 July 2015

ABC Wednesday, B for Boarding

In the past 30 years I have seen a lot of airports, where I spent my time waiting for the sign to board. I was always happy to see the words "Boarding Now" appearing on the screens of the departure boards.  I have to wait at least three hours when I travel by plane. The longest normal waiting time was 19 hours. Sometimes I book a hotel room, sometimes I spent this time in one of the business class lounges, where I can read or work on the computer, while I am having a cup of coffee or tea.



 I also like to walk along the shops

 and see the interesting parts of the airports.

This is Schiphol by night. My eldest grandson and I were waiting for the flight to Tasmania, with a stop on Bali.

Then finally we got permission to go to our gate and board on our plane.

This is one of the ways to board, but sometimes we have to board outside the building.

The seats in most of the planes look very comfortable.

Business class seats

We thank Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC, and we must thank Roger too for the weekly job to find  ten bloggers for each of the ABC Team members  to visit and to read their posts. For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar . This week we are looking for words  beginning with B.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

ABC Wednesday, A for Airport

Cairns /. My granddaughter on her way to Holland.2013
Schiphol/:We are on our way to Tasmania. December 2012


We thank Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC, and we must thank Roger too for the weekly job to find  ten bloggers for each of the ABC Team members  to visit and to read their posts. We are beginning to find another round for all the 26 letters of the alphabet. This will be now the letter A.

As I have been travelling a lot during the past 25 years, I thought it might be appropriate to start with Airport.

Hong Kong/ Waiting for the cyclone to be over

In January 2014, I had  to wait for 36 hours in an overcrowded airport building.

The whole population of Hong Kong seemed to have taken refuge in this enormous building. Outside the storm was still raging and it was  dangerous.

Flights were cancelled due to a tornado

My grandson was so tired that he fell asleep on the floor.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

ABC Wednesday, V for Volkswagen

Volkswagen Type 1
Early 1966 Volkswagen Beetle


"The Volkswagen Beetle, officially called the Volkswagen Type 1 (or informally the Volkswagen Bug), is an economy car produced by the German auto maker Volkswagen (VW) from 1938 until 2003. The car was conceived by Adolf Hitler when he was leader of Nazi Germany and wanted a cheap, simple car; he contracted Porsche in 1934 to design and build it to his exacting standards. Ferdinand Porsche and his team took until 1938 to finalise the design. The Beetle is the longest-running and most-manufactured car of a single design platform, worldwide."

When we went to Scandinavia in 1976 we drove through Germany. My four years old son was very excited because of all the Volkswagens he saw. He continually shouted:"Mum, dad, there's again a Beetle !"He was angry that we didn't look surprised that there were so many Volkswagens on the road.

In 2005 my daughter, her children and I were in New Zealand, where my then three years old grandson was very much interested in VW Beetles, because of the Herbie movies. He called them Herbie cars. There happened to be several of them in NZ at that time .

So the Beetle played a significant role in our lives.

With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC.For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar . This week we are looking for words beginning with V.
