Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

With Gratitude

Mmmmmm, so...Thanksgiving tomorrow in the US...for those of you reading this who are celebrating this Holiday – ENJOY :) I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL time with loved ones, yummy delights and muchos gratitude flowing...
This seems to me like an ideal opportunity to share a few things I’m grateful for today...I’ll go for three things, as that’s the number I seem to most resonate with...
I’ll start with CLEARING :) As I mentioned recently, I’m in a major phase of physical clearing right now in my life – I currently have an enormous pile of accumulated stuff ready to give away – clothes, books, ornaments etc etc (including old coins from 30 different countries - hmmmm, what am I going to do with those...?)
I am SOOO excited to release all these things to whoever would love to receive them...and tomorrow night we’re actually going to have a girlie raw food potluck giveaway gathering, to give away/swap with each other whatever seems to want to flow onwards...and it’s a new moon in Sagittarius by the way tomorrow tooooooo – yummy time to connect with our si*stars* and release – I’m looking forward to it – and also to seeing the bare space on the floor that remains when all the stuff has moved on ;) FUN :)

on November the 25th I had:

1 quart water
1.5 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, kale, parsley, endive, fennel, ginger, lime
1 outrageously enormous and delicious hachiya persimmon
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and okra on the side, followed by goji/carob yumballs
little mug of rooibus tea
3 cups water
1.5 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, kale, parsley, endive, fennel, ginger, lime
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and okra on the side, followed by goji/carob yumballs
little mug of rooibus tea
3 cups water

I am REALLY grateful that I’m soon going to be back in the arms of Mr. M, all being well :)
I have a ticket to take me to Mexico this Sunday, where the Monarch and I plan to find a little place to enjoy for the winter, or at least until we hear anything more abt my visa for the US... ;)
I’m visualising sun, beach, hammocks, coconuts, cucumbers, avocadoes, pineapples and papaya, thank you... :) FUN :)
Hmmmm, now where did I put the part of my brain that can speak Spanish...??? ;)

on November the 26th I had:

1 quart water
1.5 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, kale, parsley, endive, fennel, ginger, lime
15 spirulina ‘nuts’
1 persimmon and a chunk of gorgeous pineapple
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and okra on the side, followed by goji/carob yumballs
little mug of rooibus tea
1 quart water
mug of rooibus tea

OOooOooOoo, I am VERY grateful for this video on from school lunch chef Ann Cooper in California. WOW – this woman is AMAZING :) She is PASSSssSssSSsSssionate about feeding kids healthy food and she is making a HUGE impact on the way schools feed children in the Berkeley area. She makes food for over 7000 children a day, getting up at 4am to do so, all from scratch (with a team of course ;) She has brought in salad bars, ‘real cooking’, organic growing, composting, local food sourcing and so much more to the schools she works in...she has SO much info to share in this video – I’d really recommend might not be an all–raw menu ;) – it is a MAJOR improvement though on what most kids seem to eat...
You can see the 20–minute video HERE.

ENJOY and happy waves of gratitude to all... :)
One love,
Angela. xxx

P.S. OOoo, by the way, I know some of you had issues with the link not working when you tried to sign up for a free account at Here is that link again:

Hope that works dandy-ily for you now - mmmmm, another WONDERFUL free gift to give gratitude for... We are SO blessed... :)

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Thanks and Gratitude...

Ok, this might come a little late for many of you…forgive the time difference ;) I want to wish a very joyous HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all American readers of this e-journal and those enjoying this holiday in the US…
Have you written out a gratitude list lately? Here are five things I am currently grateful for and enjoying (in no particular order)… ;)

1. All of you who wrote in to let me know that the link for Mr Monarch’s Raw Spirit Fest 10 minute video didn’t really work…THANK YOU and SORRY ;) Here it is again:

On November the 21st I had:

1 quart water
1 pint pineapple/orange juice
1 quart celery/arugula/cucumber/sunflower greens/carrot juice
3 cups water
3tbsp chia soaked in blended banana/black sapote, swirled with mulberries
little bag of cherries
½ papaya
2 cups water
3 cups celery/romaine/cucumber/carrot juice
bowl of soaked sea spaghetti
3 cups green smoothie: banana/mango/sunflower greens/romaine/alfalfa/spirulina, swirled with goji berries
3 cups water

2. The abundant wildlife where we are here in OZ. It’s amazing…there are creatures everywhere, all over and around our house…the majestic water dragons, baby lizards, frogs, incredible-sounding birds, troops of ants, wandering bugs and cockroaches, the biggest bats I’ve EVER seen who play outside our porch at night and apparently…snakes…eeeek ;) I loved the way our landlord put it when we moved in…”ah, don’t worry about the snakes, I haven’t seen one for…weeks…”

3. PRODUCE – the abundance of fresh fruit and greens here is absolutely divine. We’re especially enjoying the black sapotes at the moment (chocolate pudding fruit), as you may have noticed… ;) We recently visited a hilarious local farmer named John who showed us all around his tropical fruit farm and we handpicked a bag full of sapotes, custard apples and the most bizarre ‘Brazilian cherries’…yummmmm…people are so friendly :)

On November the 22nd I had:

1 quart water
1 pint sugar cane juice (YUMMY)
1 quart outrageous green juice – I don’t even know what many of the ingredients were…amazing vibrant fresh market greens with carrot
2 cups nectarine/cherry/banana/sunflower greens/romaine/alfalfa green smoothie
macadamia/cilantro pesto in nori/romaine wraps with slices of tomato/avo/cucumber and fresh sprouts
3 cups water
1 pint of more ext-RAW-dinary green juice with carrots
bowl of blended banana/black sapote swirled with mulberries, with a slice of raw lemon cheesecake – yummmmmm ;)
3 cups water

4. Walking and running barefoot. I LOVE that so many people here walk around with no shoes on…it just seems to fit here, with people walking straight off the beaches for example and into the towns…the streets are clean enough that there’s not much concern about broken glass etc…then today we went barefoot running on the nearby beach too…WOW…what an absolute joy…we are right next to miles and miles of virtually deserted, gorgeous sandy beaches, with a type of sand I’ve never encountered before – it’s so compacted, it leaves almost no trace of a footprint, making it so easy to run for MILES on the flat shoreline…bliss :)

5. LOVE. Blessings be for the love I share with my beloved, with my friends, with my family, both blood-related and otherwise, with all of you who connect to the energy of this e-journal, to all of you who reach out to your brothers and sisters with genuine joy, compassion and acceptance in your heart…

Thank You. I Love You. I’m Sorry. I Forgive.

One love,
Angela. xxx