Showing posts with label angela stokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angela stokes. Show all posts

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

My *10 YEAR* Raw-nniversary Today - Free Giveaway ;)

WOW, it's 10 years ago today since my dear friend Heida in Iceland lent me the book which helped me to change the life path I was on...10 years ago today I borrowed the book "Raw Family" by the Boutenkos, read the whole thing in one evening and *bam*, dove into my raw path the very next day :)
A decade later, what an epic journey this has all turned out to be, leading me from miserable, morbidly obese, always ill and extremely shut down emotionally, through ten or so dress size changes, countless countries, interviews and talks all around the world, marriage, moving to Ecuador and now the whole new adventure of motherhood ;)

If you don't already know about the early years of my transformation, you can read aaaaaaaaaaaaall about that on my website HERE...

As for now, I'd love to extend my heartfelt gratitude and gleeeeeeeeee, as ever, to dearest Heida for setting me on my raw path, the Boutenkos for sharing their story that inspired me so much, Mr. Monarch for sharing this wild ride with me with such love and passion...and ALL of you out there who have been a part of this transformative healing journey this last decade, in whatever role you may have showed up - THANK YOU :)

As a little celebration of this decade benchmark today, I'd love to give away 10 free copies of the very first ebook I ever wrote on the subject of raw: "How To Go Raw For Weight Loss"...if you'd love to feast your eyes on a free copy of this ebook, just leave me a comment below on this blog post letting me know who or what inspires you most in the raw foods movement right now and why :) You can also leave your comment on Facebook instead if you find that easier...the thread on Facebook is HERE: I'll aim to split the winners at random in the coming days between commenters on both pages...

For now, HUGE thanks again to you all out there who have been part of this decade-long celebration of life and transformation and here's to many more decades of exploration to come... :)

All love,
Angelallaaaaaaaaa. xxx

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Biting the Raw Apple in NYC ;)

The last few days have been INTENSE: after a wonderfully relaxing stay out in the woods at Ronora Lodge in Michigan, we have been in full-on festie/expo mode here in NYC the last couple of days, at the Raw Food/Yoga Expo - pheeeeeeeeew ;) Thanks to everyone who has come along to see us there - we'll be there all day tomorrow again, at the New Yorker Hotel, then we head off west again ;)
Here are a few recent pics:

With the lovely Ani Phyo

Mr. Monarch speaking in St. Louis

Me and Sproutman - YAY :)

With the gorgeous Penni Shelton in Tulsa

on May 29th I had:

1 quart water
1 Tbsp bee pollen
2 cups straight green juice
2 cups greens/apple/lemon/ginger juice
3 cups water
1lb cherries
2 cups ‘skin lover’ juice
2 cups greens with carrots juice
1.5 little pots of durian ice cream, handful of celestial cina–pecans
1 quart water

This came in recently on a 'Gift for Today' email from Hazelden - I thought you might enjoy it too ;)

"With ease we may express love to children, touched by their vulnerability, certain we'll not be bruised by rejection. If only we'd continue our free expression of love to all the child adults on our paths, we'd discover both exhilaration and the courage to face any event life passes our way."

oooOoooooooohhh, how wonderful to express freely, open-heartedly, honestly and lovingly, regardless of any anticipated outcome ;) Love it...

on May 30th I had:

1 quart water
double shot of ‘napalm in the morning’ spelt–grass special
1 quart greeeeeen juice
little chia pudding meal: chia, maca, freeze–dried durian, fresh blueberries, water, fresh cherries, vanilla powder
2 cups water
shot of wheatgrass
1 quart greeeeeeeen juice with carrot
2 little tubs of durian ice cream – one plain, one cinnamon, little handful of celestial cina–pecans
3 cups water
2 cups coconut water
2 cups water

Little Reminder: tomorrow (Sunday 31st), is the last day for the ‘Raw Emotions’ + ‘Superfoods’ books special offer. You can get both books right now for $34.95 rather than the usual price of $48.90 (saving $13.95)...
So, act now if you'd love to get your hands on these two exciting NEW raw lifestyle handbooks...

If you already own one of these books, you can still get in on this great deal and give the duplicate copy away... ;) Both of these books make wonderful gifts and have the potential to transform the lives of yourself and your loved ones.

To get a Special Offer Package of 'Raw Emotions' and 'Superfoods' for only $34.95, click HERE.

All love,
Miss Stokes. xxx

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

'Raw Emotions' and 'Superfoods' Special Offer :)

Hello dearlings, here below are a few excitement-fuelled little announcements from my recent newsletter, in case you didn't receive that (you can sign up for my free newsletter in the little box on the right side of the RawReform site HERE if you're not subscribed already... ;)


I am VERY excited to announce that we have a VERY special offer for you right now:

You can get my book 'Raw Emotions' ($29.95 Value), and 'Superfoods', by David Wolfe ($18.95 Value), for only $34.95 :) (A saving of $13.95.) This offer is only available for 5 Days...until May 31st. So, act now if you'd love to get your hands on these two exciting NEW raw lifestyle handbooks...

If you already own one of these books, you can still get in on this great deal and give the duplicate copy away... ;) Both of these books make wonderful gifts and have the potential to transform the lives of yourself and your loved ones.

To get your Special Offer Package of 'Raw Emotions' and 'Superfoods' for only $34.95, click HERE.

on May the 24th I had:

1 quart water
mug of cranberry/apple tea
1.25 quarts veggie juice: cucumber, celery, mixed greens, romaine, carrot, lemon
big baby green leafy salad with dressing (tahini, almond butter, apple cider vinegar, lemon, water, Hawaiian fire salt), kim chi, baby carrots, dulse, nori flax crackers, followed by 1 Tbsp Goji Bliss
3 cups water
3 cups green smoothie: strawberries, grapes, ½ banana, masses of mixed leafy greens
3 cups water

Mr. M and I are all over the US at the moment giving talks and presenting at festivals. Thanks to EVERYONE who has been coming out to play ;) Here are some of our upcoming speaking engagements, if you’d love to come and connect in person:

*May 29th–31st, NYC – Yoga and Raw Food Expo

*June 5–7th, Santa Barbara, CA

*June 20–21st, Central Point, OR – Raw Union Festival and our Wedding *July 7th, San Antonio, TX
*July 10th, Dallas, TX

*July 12th, Downers Grove, IL
*July 14th, Livonia, MI
*July 25th, Kansas City, MO

*August 21–23rd, Fort Bragg, CA
*August 24th, Healdsburg, CA

*August 26th, Sacramento, CA

You can see full details for all these events over on Mr. M’s site HERE. There will be more dates added along the way too.
If you would love to help us set up a talk in YOUR area, or help publicise an event in your area, please email and we'll see what we can co-create ;) We'd especially love to hear from anyone in the Oregon/N. California/WA state area about helping to post flyers etc for Raw Union - thanks :)

on May the 25th I had:

1 quart water
1.25 quarts greeeeen juice: celery, kale, pineapple
2 cups water
40 chlorella ‘nuts’
big baby green leafy salad with dressing (tahini, almond butter, apple cider vinegar, lemon, water, Hawaiian fire salt), kim chi, baby carrots, dulse, nori flax crackers, followed by 1 Tbsp Goji Bliss
1 quart water
water from one young coconut with Greener Grasses powder
big baby green leafy salad with dressing (tahini, walnut butter, apple cider vinegar, lemon, water, Hawaiian fire salt), kim chi, sun–dried tomatoes, dulse, nori flax crackers, followed by oatmeal cookies topped with YUMMY orange carob spread :)
3 cups water

on May the 26th I had:

1 quart water
mug of rooibos tea
½ a pineapple cut in chunks, 2 segment of a grapefruit (eeeeeew – I still do NOT like grapefruit – was testing ;)
3 cups smoothie: coconut meat, strawberries, celery, Greener Grasses powder. YUMMY :)
1 quart water
1 Tbsp bee pollen, 30 chlorella ‘nuts’
big green leafy salad with dressing (tahini, pumpkin seed butter, apple cider vinegar, water), with baby carrots and sun-dried tomatoes on the side, followed by 1 Tbsp of Goji Bliss
3 cups water

  • Taking place immediately after the Raw Union festival is the Raw Honeymoon Retreat, from June 22nd - June 28th.

    Every day of the retreat, there is a full–yet–flexible schedule of classes and activities, hosted by Ken Brown, Peggy McDonnell (the owners of Angel's Health Farm), Matt Monarch, and Angela Stokes. Within this week–long time frame, we will cover EVERYTHING that we believe can help empower you into a dynamic, focused, enjoyable new healthy lifestyle. Click HERE for the full Retreat Program Outline. The price of this week-long Retreat is $1995 and includes room, board, food and the entire fun-filled 'Healthy Living' Program.

    This is going to be a fun-filled, inspiring educational week :)

    Space is limited to 25 participants on the retreat. Onsite accommodation ranges from luxury private rooms to a four–person dorm. Accommodation is designated on a first–come, first–served basis, so those who sign up sooner get the first choice of rooms...

    You can reserve your retreat space by clicking HERE.

  • All blissings and vibrancy with you and through you,
    Miss Stokes. xxx

    Thursday, 2 April 2009

    Raw Food Adventures in Vilcabamba...

    OOoooooo, we are loving it, loving it, loving it here in Vilcabamba,'s been quite an amazing week here, exploring our new home and connecting with friends new and usual, you can keep fully up-to-date with our meanderings in '3D' through our daily videos at The Raw Food World, HERE.
    Below you'll find more of my recent photos from our adventures here...

    Mr. M and I playing out on our land...

    Dr. Wolfe creating a cairn to bless the land...thank you :)

    on March the 31st I had:

    1 quart water
    mug of chamomile tea
    plate of fresh pineapple
    2 tbsp Greener Grasses powder
    a few gorgeous olives, some banana bites, a few rambutan
    2.5 cups of INTENSE greens/ginger/apple juice
    an afternoon of nibbles – both wild and packeted, including bits of foraged greens, guava, wild red bananas, plus some savoury trail mix, bee pollen with hemp seeds, sprouted wheatberries
    3 cups water
    2 cups green juice: cucumber, celery, parsley, alfalfa, apple
    gorgeous plate of garden salad, with fresh guacamole, cabbage ‘chips’ and some nibbles of raw chocolate samples for dessert
    2 cups water

    Miss Stokes and the Valley of Longevity ;)

    Amazingly HUGE local San Pedro cacti...

    on April the 1st I had:

    1 quart water
    mug of chamomile tea
    big bowl of gorgeous fresh fruit salad
    2 cups water
    3 tbsp hemp seed with pollen, a vegan curry powerstick, ½ a ‘bread banana’, a little bowl of garden salad
    2 cups water
    15 chlorella ‘nuts’
    a big bowl of yummy salad with lettuce, tomatoes, dulse, garlic, lemon juice, green onions, avocado, tahini and flax crackers with almond butter on the side
    3 cups water

    YUMMINESS at the Sambuca Cafe in town -
    fresh organic juices, smoothies, salads and more... :)

    on April the 2nd I had:

    1 quart water
    mug of lemongrass tea
    slices of papaya, couple of hand–harvested oranges and guavas
    20 chlorella ‘nuts’
    2 cups water
    big bowl of salad with flax crackers
    3 cups water
    1.5 cups greeeeen juice: cucumber, celery, parsley, alfalfa, carrot
    shared plate of pineapple and papaya, with 1/2 a plantain
    2 cups water

    Mr. M at the local Sunday Farmer's Market in Vilcabamba - pineapples, sapotes, bananas, plantains, cherimoya, greeeeeeens, avocadoes and it :)

    We are feeling EXTREMELY blessed and joyous as the path unfolds here...our dear architect friend Ayrie is also here now with us and we're exploring housing options - FUN :) Compost toilets, solar panels and rounded walls ahoy... ;)

    With love, excitement and a full, blossoming heart of joy :)
    Miss Stokes. xxx

    Tuesday, 17 March 2009

    I GOT MY VISA :)))))

    (((((((((((: I GOT MY FIANCEE VISA :))))))))))))


    After 1.5 years of waiting, I was given my fiancee visa for the US today, at the American Embassy in London :)
    I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooOoOoOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooo EXCITED :))))))))) and grateful :)))))))

    on March the 16th I had:

    1 quart water
    mug of pau d’arco tea
    3 cups greeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, parsley, landcress, ginger, apple
    3 cups hemp milk with cinnamon/cardamom
    2 tbsp bee pollen
    40 chlorella nuts
    ½ a gorgeous pineapple
    mug of rooibos tea
    3 cups hemp milk with cardamom/cinnamon
    3 cups green juice: celery/cucumber/apple/fennel/ginger
    2 cups water

    You can check out Mr. M’s uber–excitement at the visa news on The Raw Food World TV show, HERE.
    on March the 17th I had:

    1 quart water
    mug of pau d’arco tea
    3 cups green juice: celery/cucumber/apple/fennel/ginger
    chunk of pineapple
    20 chlorella ‘nuts’
    1 tbsp bee pollen
    1 cup water
    2 cups green juice
    1lb durian flesh :)
    3 coconut macaroons and a little goji loveheart :)
    3 cups water
    little bunch of grapes
    1 cup water

    OoOoOoooo, I have had SUCH an amazing day today and I feel soooo grateful and relieved...FIANCEE VISA, durian, sunshine, springtime, synchronicities abounding, flow, love and even an amazing hemp/bamboo/organic cotton clothing sale at the Braintree shop in ;)
    I am feeling outlandishly blessed and blissed. I finally feel like I can exhale, after ALL this time of waiting ;)
    THANK YOU UNIVERSE :))) ...and thank you SO much to everyone who has been sending us love, light and support during this time – it is all SO appreciated :)

    With ecstatic love, smiles, bliss and bubbles of joy :)
    Miss Stokes. xxx

    Saturday, 14 March 2009

    B12, Intestinal Flora and Rejuvelac...

    Quite a few people have been asking me about B12 recently, so I thought I’d share some of my thoughts on the matter here...

    What about vitamin B12?
    B12 deficiency tends to be a big health concern among veg
    an raw fooders. This vitamin is essential for red blood cell formation, energy and nerve function. It seems to be found in western food sources primarily in meat and dairy produce, so vegans often have low levels of it. (Though many studies also seem to show widespread B12 issues, regardless of whether people eat animal products or not...)
    B12 Deficiency can lead to exhaustion, dizziness and blackouts. Other symptoms of B12
    deficiency include anxiety, pale skin, blurred vision, poor memory, constipation and in severe cases, anaemia and nerve damage. It’s a controversial issue and some suggest there are in fact no reliable vegan sources of B12.
    As for me, I feel like I do now get som
    e B12 from the foods I eat - (algaes, seaweeds etc) PLUS I rarely wash my fruit and veg - I like having some soil/micro-organisms in there to help my system produce B12 and thrive ;) I also take good care of my colon, through both consuming probiotics and doing colon cleansing, which means my internal flora produce B12 for me too. To be certain I’m getting all that I need, I also take a B12 supplement regularly, which I feel is like my ‘back up’ in case the foods and internal flora really aren’t working.
    couple of years into my raw journey, I actually experienced a serious B12 deficiency. At that time, my food intake was quite unbalanced, I was doing no colon cleansing and taking no B12 supplement. I was pale, dizzy and low in energy and ended up having blood tests to determine the cause, after a fainting spell. After discovering I had a low B12 count, I started taking supplements and my health improved rapidly...

    I hope that gives some answers for any enquiring minds out there...also read on below for an easy, cheap way to help support your ‘friendly’ intestinal flora to rustle up their own B12 ;)

    on March the 12th I had:

    1 quart water
    mug of pau d’arco tea
    2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, landcress, parsley, Jerusalem artichoke, endive, fennel, ginger
    2 cups energy soup with okra and tahini on the side
    mug of spicy tea
    3 cups water
    2 cups green juice: celery, cucumber, landcress, parsley, Jerusalem artichoke, endive, fennel, ginger
    3 cups hemp milk with cardamom/cinnamon/vanillaaaaaaaa :)
    2 cups green juice
    2 cups water

    I was recently sent a link to a great article by the lovely Lenette Nakauchi in Chicago, on ‘22 Ways to Save Money’ as a raw foodist.
    I love the number 22 and I loved this cool article too, packed with useful suggestions – check it out HERE for sweet little tips on buying in bulk, foraging, sprouting...aaaaaaand making your own fermented yummies – more on that below... ;)

    on March the 13th I had:

    1 quart water
    mug of pau d’arco tea
    2 cups green juice: celery, cucumber, landcress, parsley, Jerusalem artichoke, endive, fennel, ginger
    2 cups energy soup with okra and tahini on the side
    mug of spicy tea
    3 cups water
    2 cups green juice: celery, cucumber, landcress, parsley, Jerusalem artichoke, endive, fennel, ginger
    an apple, sea spaghetti salad with Ms. Magic, followed by spicy tea and yummmmmmy ‘cool happy cakes’ ;)
    2 cups water

    You asked, we delivered ;) There have been numerous requests lately too for a video showing how to make, I got my filming/editing hat out and put the following together:

    :) Hope that helps for any budding fermenters out there ;) I’ve been making rejuvelac consistently for the last few weeks now here in the UK, using it as the base for all my energy soups... It’s a great, inexpensive way to get live enzymes and probiotics into your body tooooooo...

    Here’s a 7–Day Rejuvelac Timeline for your delectation:

    Day 1: Leave wheatberries to soak in water overnight.
    Day 2: Morning - discard soak water, leave wheat to sprout. Evening - rinse sprouts with clean water.
    Day 3: Morning and evening - rinse sprouts off with clean water.
    Day 4: Place sprouted wheat into a container and cover with lots of water to create the rejuvelac. Leave to ferment for the next 36-48 hours or so.
    Day 5: Leave the rejuvelac fermenting.
    Day 6: Decant the drink into containers, into the fridge. Add more water onto the wheat to make a second batch of rejuvelac.
    Day 7: Decant the second batch of rejuvelac and offer the wheatberries to the local birdies ;)

    ENJOY :)

    All delight and joy to you...
    Ms. Stokes. xxx

    Sunday, 28 December 2008

    Raw Food World Wrap-Up and Wearable Feed-Bags...

    Today is ‘Wrap–up Sunday’ over at The Raw Food World TV show, so if you didn’t catch our shows this week, or would love to see a summary of what we’ve been up to, you can hop on over HERE to access our musings... Find out more about the destiny of ‘’, get up close and personal with one of our darling little puppies and learn more abt ‘The Intermediate Diet’ with Mr. M...

    on December the 27th I had:

    1 quart water
    water of 2 young coconuts
    3 tbsp Sproutein powder
    2 cups veggie juice:cabbage, iceburg lettuce, dill, parsley, cucumber, cilantro, beetroot w/greens
    abt 40 Chlorella ‘nuts’
    water of 2 young coconuts blended with maca, cinnamon, stevia, carob and lucuma powders
    2 cups water
    2 tbsp bee pollen
    2 tbsp Sproutein powder
    water of a young coconut blended with maca, cinnamon, stevia, carob and lucuma powders
    1 cup water

    I’m very excited to announce that we now have FRENCH translations of three of my ebooks available – OoOooooo lala INDEED ;)
    You can now access:

    all in French at THIS LINK in the RawReform Store, thanks to the uber–talented Colette Pairain and her daughter Nadége in France, who have been diligently re–scribing these texts into French for the last few months... THANK YOU gals – great job... ;)
    If YOU would like to translate any of our books into another language, just let us know and we can work with you to arrange that – email and we can get things swingin’ and shakin’ worldwide, in a raw styleeeeeee ;)

    on December the 28th I had:

    1 quart water
    2 tbsp bee pollen
    2 tbsp Sproutein powder
    water of one young coconut
    2 cups veggie juice: cabbage, fennel, iceburg lettuce, parsley, beetroot w/greens, lime, ginger
    30 chlorella ‘nuts’
    2 cups water
    24oz coconut water blended with lucuma powder, carob powder, stevia, cinnamon, Maca Force
    30 chlorella ‘nuts’
    water of 1.5 young cocos
    water of one young coco blended with lucuma powder, carob powder, stevia, cinnamon, Maca Force
    Water of one young coco
    1 cup water

    There were two ‘mainstream’ news reports about food that interested me recently...

    The first is about a Federal Judge in the US who is eating raw now, because he has cancer – GREAT to know he’s on such a healing path :) You can read all about his experiences HERE.

    The other story that caught my eye…well, this one was over on actually, so not really THAT ‘mainstream’ at all ;) LOL – it is masquerading in that vein though and doing a pretty uncanny job of it, in my opinion...treat yourself to a giggle over HERE, where you can learn more about wearable feed–bags for humans... ;)

    One love,
    Angelalalalaaaaaa. xxx

    Friday, 26 December 2008

    Christmas 'Tails'...

    Mmmmm, hello...did you have a delightful Dec. 25th? I hope so...we did. You can check out our antics and meet the canine participants of our Christmas ‘Tail’ over at TheRawFoodWorld.TV, if you like...and we would also LOVE any more feedback anyone would care to share on raising dogs raw...we’ve had some GREAT suggestions sent in so far...I’ll aim to compile them all into a list perhaps at some point to share, as I’m sure others would find them all useful too...
    Mr. M has been having a lot of fun piecing the shows together and there is even a dedicated YouTube channel for them all now – see: – fun :) Many more to come...
    Let us know too if you have any yummy requests/suggestions/comments etc for the TV show – just email and we’ll do our best to get on it ;)

    on December the 24th I had:

    1 quart water
    water of one young coconut
    3 tbsp Sproutein powder
    water of 2.5 young coconuts
    2 cups water
    1 tbsp bee pollen
    2 cups energy soup with kale chips on the side, followed by a hand–blended bowl of sweet yum: lucuma powder, carob powder, goji berries, incan berries, cinammon powder, water
    little cup of spicy tea
    3 cups water

    In case you’re in a raw recipe ‘tizzy’ at this time of year, I thought I’d mention that I dropped by ‘’ recently and it’s looking GOOD over there...nice presentation and TONS of searchable recipes...anyone can join and contribute...I think it’s really cool that you can enter any ingredient/search term and it will pop up all relevant recipes for you... You can check out that site HERE if you’re not already familiar with it...
    I’m actually intending to make some kind of ‘key lime pie/cheesecake/smthg’ sometime soon, utilising some of the MASS of coconut meat and limes we have here...will be aiming for low glycemic though and no cashews ;) If anyone has any recommendations they’d love to offer, then again, please just email and let us know ;)

    on December the 25th I had:

    1 quart water
    2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, zucchini, iceburg lettuce, cabbage, beetroot w/greens, carrots w/greens, fennel
    water of a young coconut
    2 tbsp Sproutein powder
    2 cups energy soup with kale chips, followed by a little bowl of hand–blended yum: lucuma powder, carob powder, cinnamon, Maca Force, gojis, water
    2 cups water
    water of a young coconut
    YUMMY smoothie: coconut water/meat, carob powder, lucuma powder, stevia, cinnamon, maca force, with a little crunchy raw cereal added at the end
    2 cups water

    on December the 26th I had:

    1 quart water
    water of one young coconut
    2 tbsp sproutein powder
    1.5 cups green juice: zucchini, cabbage, cilantro, parsley, iceburg
    water of one young coconut
    1 cup water
    20 chlorella ‘nuts’
    water of 2 young coconuts
    2 tbsp sproutein
    2 tbsp bee pollen
    water of one young coconut
    2 tbsp 'Pure Synergy' green powder
    1 cup water

    I’m back onto mainly coconut water again right now. It just feels SO good to me – LOVE it and as it now seems very likely I’ll be leaving Mexico and heading back to the UK next week, I decided to make the most of coco–yumminess while I can ;) There is an intention to pass the next few days on primarily coconut water, with bee pollen, veggie juice, green powder etc alongside – Juice Feasting pretty much ;) lol ;) A yummy way to dip into a little of end–of–year cleansing; out with the old, in with the new...
    Oh my GOODNESS, on the subject of cleansingMs. Suki Zoe, colon hydrotherapist and health renegade ext–raw–dinaire has just posted an amazing set of live blood cell analysis pics to her blog. She did a comparison of her blood after having veggie juice compared to after having cacao powder and agave. WOW...I highly recommend taking a look at those pics for the sheer ‘WOH’ factor... ;) AMAZING contrast...You can check out this juicy lady’s pics HERE...and perhaps use that as inspiration to get your liquids on, lovelies ;) Thanks for sharing, Suki...

    All blessings and yumminess,
    Angelalalalaaaaaaa. xxx

    Wednesday, 24 December 2008

    Do They Know About Raw Food?

    Helllooooooooooo beautiful,
    A short burst of connection today to relay...
    I made a little raw food song for Christmas. You can see it here if you like and the lyrics are down below:

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Feliz Navidad and all best wishes to you for a supreme...Thursday... ;)
    All love,
    Angela Claire Santastokes. xxx

    Do They Know About Raw Food?

    It's Christmas time,
    There's no need to be afraid.
    At Christmas time you can still eat raw and celebrate.
    Yes in a world of cooked food
    We can spread a healthy glow
    Take raw gojis and desserts wherever you go
    But say a prayer,
    Pray for the other ones.
    At Christmas time, it's hard
    To see the foods they munch...
    But there's a world beyond that fridge door
    And it's a world of love and health
    Where the raw community gather to uplift you and to help
    When everyone around you seems to be high on processed foods,
    Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you ;)
    And there won't be greens on many plates this Christmas time.
    The most nutritious thing they'll eat is fruit pie.
    Oooooohhhhh, where no sprouts ever grow,
    And no smoothies or juices flow...

    DO they know about raw food at all?
    Feed the World,
    Let them know about raw food and
    Feed the World,
    Let them know about raw food
    Feed the World
    Let them know about RAW FOOD...

    ;) xxx

    Tuesday, 21 October 2008

    30-Day Raw Food Weight Loss Programme - Out NOW :)


    I’m very excited to say that myself and those delicious Raw Divas Tera and Amy are today launching a new ‘30-Day Raw Food Weight Loss’ version of their Body Enlightenment System programme :)
    The Body Enlightenment System (BES) has been shimmying around for a couple of years now, helping many hundreds of people to go and stay raw – NOW we’ve taken that programme, updated it into a weight loss special, re-done all the menus to include lots of GREEEEEEEEEEEEENS + healthy fats and scheduled a yummy set of weekly teleseminar calls with myself, Tera, a raw-friendly Medical Doctor (FUN) and other appropriately delightful yumsters… ;)

    The 30-Day programme includes the following:

    *daily email coaching
    *your very own living, breathing, loving BES ‘buddy’ – for mutual support
    *community forum to connect with others
    *suggested recipes for EVERY day of the programme – there are 2 menu planners to guide you – a ‘fruitier’ version OR the new version based around greens/healthy fats – you choose, or mix’n’match
    *lifetime pass to the BES programmes – every time the programme is repeated, you get to play again, if you’d love to = FUN :)
    *7-day preparation week – materials to get you set up
    *a ‘success planner’ workbook that helps you address life beyond food ;)
    *daily fitness challenges of 7-minutes or less, to get you moooovin’

    Registration for this event is open NOW and closes at 12pm EST (noon) this Saturday, October the 25th. The preparation week starts on the 27th, then the full 30 day programme begins on November the 1st.
    You can see all the details HERE and there is even a ‘risk free’, money-back guarantee, so whaddayagotta lose, except maybe a few extra unwanted pounds? ;)
    ENJOY :)

    All love and 30-day shaped love buckets,
    Angela. xxx

    Monday, 6 October 2008

    New Delights...

    I am SOOOOO happy – the main site is back up again :) It got blown to pieces by all the CNN-related traffic and was sadly down for over a week, being lovingly restored, like a raw version of humpty-dumpty ;) WELL, now it’s all back together and shinier than ever, thanks to some nice men who have well-developed left-brains for all those techie details – thanks, guys :)
    You can check it out HERE (scroll down to the bottom of the front page and click the link, to skip the email sign-up ;) There are new pics up, updated videos and media area, plus you can check out the forum here if you’d love to connect with others...
    Do you like the new before/after pic on the front page? I’d LOVE to hear any thoughts/comments/suggestions on any aspect of the site that you might like to share abt – please email to let me know ;) Now seems like an optimal time to shake it all up...
    Thanks :)

    on October the 3rd I had:

    1 quart water
    2 cups ‘wild power’ tea
    2 cups veggie juice: cucumber, celery, sprouts, carrots with greens, radishes, endive, fennel, lettuces, ginger
    2 cups energy soup with flax crackers, followed by a chunk of raw chocolate from Twinkle :)
    3 cups water
    1 cup energy soup with a mixed-seed ‘cookie’, followed by a little round choco/coconut ‘cake’ at Manna Café
    3 cups water

    on October the 4th I had:

    1 quart water
    1 quart veggie juice: zucchini, carrots, celery, ginger, endive, fennel
    2 cups energy soup with a curry powerstick, followed by a chunk of ‘Hazelnut dream bar’ from the Monarch ;)
    3 cups water
    glass of ‘greengasm’ juice at Inspiral Café in Camden
    shared plate of raw cheesecake and truffles at Inspiral, mug of lemon/ginger tea
    1 cup energy soup
    2 durian pods
    1 quart water

    As I write this, I am just finished eating a yummy meal with the Monarch, during which we were reminiscing about some of the ‘other-than-optimal’ things we used to eat before we went raw... Mr. M was recounting how he would consistently eat 2 microwaved chicken patties on bread for BREAKFAST, followed by tuna straight from the can onto bread for lunch, capped with a dinner of 2 more of those dry chicken patties on...yes, more bread ;) LOL... a definitive recipe for digestive disturbance of untold levels, surely?
    I’m pretty sure my pre-raw intake topped his though in terms of calories, greasy trans-fats, crazy choices and just about everything else ;) I was actually doing an interview this morning and the journalist asked what I used to eat in an average day before my raw makes me laugh just describing it sometimes – COUNTLESS thousands of calories in a day, starting with 2 rounds of fried-egg toasted sandwiches on white bread with margarine and tomato ketchup for breakfast – about 10 minutes after waking, preferably ;) It really does amaze me that I’m still alive sometimes when I think of the way I used to truly is incredible how much the human body will tolerate...
    These days I rarely seem to eat solids more than twice a day (compared to almost CONSTANT meals/snacking in my past)... I just don’t feel GENUINELY hungry more often than that, during the space of any given day, so there’s no real impetus to eat... When I first met the Monarch and he ate twice a day, that seemed VERY ‘restricted’ to me and I couldn’t imagine eating that way...well, here we are a few years down the line and now I choose to eat that way too...interesting, the way our paths unfold... ;)
    I hope YOUR raw journey is unfolding with grace and joy toooooooo...

    on October the 5th I had:

    1 quart water
    1.5 cups ‘wild power’ tea
    1.5 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, lambs’ quarters, endive, fennel, carrots with greens, ginger
    2 cups energy soup with nori sheets stuffed with mix of hemp seeds/linseed oil/Himalayan salt, followed by a little bowl of durian ice cream
    cup of spicy tea
    3 cups water
    1 cup veggie juice: celery, cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, lambs’ quarters, endive, fennel, carrots with greens, ginger
    1 cup energy soup with nori sheets stuffed with mix of hemp seeds/linseed oil/Himalayan salt, followed by a chunk of ‘tahini dream bar’
    3 cups water

    on October the 6th I had:

    1 quart water
    3 cups veggie juice: red bell pepper, fennel, carrot
    20 chlorella ‘nuts’
    2 cups energy soup with a curry ‘powerstick’, followed by a chunk of ‘tahini dream bar’
    mug of spicy tea
    3 cups water
    2 cups energy soup with a curry ‘powerstick’, followed by a chunk of ‘tahini dream bar’
    mug of spicy tea
    3 cups water

    WOW, I am in LOVE. I am feeling totally ADDICTED to the new shampoo and conditioner we have from Soignee ;) LOL...I have never felt so attached to a beauty product before... I heard a woman talking once about how she felt ‘addicted’ to using one brand of ‘natural hair care’ products. I smiled, yet couldn’t really relate, as she enthusiastically recounted how excited she would be to go for a shower, just so that she could use the products and smell their luscious smells... Well, now I’m finding that I CAN actually resonate with that feeling, when I use the Soignee products. They are TRULY amazing – I’ve never used anything like them on my hair...they smell like CHOCOLATE and are sooooooOOoOooooooo rich and creamy and smooooooooooth – my hair feels like silk during and after using them... I feel like I sound like an 1980s shampoo ad right now ;) LOL – it’s all true though – I LOVE these products and feel like I’d love to never use anything else on my hair again (other than breaking the cycle of using any products at ALL, of course ;) I had no real interest in these products at first, yet our customer service gals tried out some samples and were SO excited abt them that they INSISTED we start carrying them in our stores. They even actually ordered the products and added them to the website themselves (unheard of ;), just to be CERTAIN we have them ;) That’s the power of the Soignee line... Here’s some of the official blurb abt them:

    “Enriched with soy and wheat proteins, vitamins, herbal extracts, and essential oils. MSM and Panthenol help restore a radiant beauty to all hair types, especially chemically treated or damaged hair. It is gentle enough for everyday use. Soignée MSM Shampoo contains NO Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, methylparaben, propylparaben, alcohols, chemical foaming agents or preservatives, and is hypoallergenic.”

    I also hear that their Wrinkle Crème product is outstanding too – I haven’t tried that yet, or the facial crème, facial wash or night crème...we have them all in the RawReform store though - check them out HERE if you’d love some yummy treats for your OUTER body... ;)

    All love,
    Angelalalalalalaaaaaaaaa. xxx

    Thursday, 25 September 2008

    Raw Gratitude...

    WHeeeeeeeeEEEeEeEEew, the last couple of weeks have been pretty FULL-ON here... ;) LOL...thanks for all your beautiful messages and sorry that not much blogging has been in process ;) We just got back to the UK yesterday and I promptly fell asleep for 16 HOURS – lol ;) Back on form now... The recent lovely news item from CNN News on my weight loss story seems to have been meeting with much delight among raw foodies all over – YAY :) Thank you, Dr Gupta for keeping your perspective open :)
    I know some of you in Europe have been having issues viewing the clip on the CNN site – it’s actually now up on YouTube too, so you can see it HERE instead, if you like ;)
    The piece will apparently be aired on TV again Friday morning around 8.30am Eastern US time, as well as a few repeats this weekend - so, watch out for that if you have TV ;)
    ...and for those of you who’d enjoy sending some raw love and gratitude over to Dr. Gupta and the CNN crew for their yummy portrayal of the raw lifestyle, you can visit this page HERE to leave them any kind comments ;)

    on September the 19th I had:

    1 quart water
    mug of sweet/spicy tea
    3 cups veggie juice: cucumber, celery, kale, romaine, carrots, ginger
    2 cups energy soup with coconut chips stirred in, followed by a little bowl of almond butter mixed with lucuma, carob and maca powders
    3 cups water
    big handful of freshly-picked blackberries
    3 cups veggie juice: cucumber, celery, kale, romaine, carrots, ginger
    2 cups water

    on September the 20th I had:

    1 quart water
    handful of blackberries
    3 cups veggie juice: cucumber, kale, romaine, carrots, ginger
    2 cups energy soup with coconut chips stirred in, followed by a little bowl of apricot kernal butter mixed with lucuma, carob and maca powders
    2 cups water
    freeze-dried durian and 2 fresh peaches – yum ;)
    3 cups water

    on September the 21st I had:

    1 quart water
    2 cups green juice: celery, cucumber, kale, spinach, romaine
    1.5 cups energy soup with flax crackers on the side, followed by a few gojis for sweeeeeetness ;)
    3 cups water
    1.5 cups energy soup with half a slice of raw pesto pizza, followed by a little ‘amazon bliss’ butter
    a few pieces of dried durian/mangosteen, a few fresh figs and a few nibbles of new raw chocolate goodies from Raw Spirit Fest
    1.5 cups ‘wild power’ tea
    2 cups water

    Have you checked out Justin and Heidi Ohlander’s ‘Raw Food Right Now’ blog recently? I went for a visit a couple of days ago and was delighted to see lots of exciting new blog posts there – they cooled off on their postings for a while over summer – now it seems like they’re back full-force ;) Yeeeeee-HAH ;) There are some GREAT pieces to check out over there, including:

    *A wonderful ‘Raw Spirit Fest’ wrap-up blog, giving links to numerous peoples’ pics and accounts of their experiences at the fabulous festie in Sedona.
    *A link to the fantastic new list put together by Steve Pavlina called ‘You know you’re a raw foodist WHEN...’ – very funny ;) (I’d like to add ‘when you regularly have green specks of food stuck between your teeth’ and another I heard once that really resonated for me – ‘when you have goji berries constantly stuck to your kitchen floor and you don’t mind’ ;)
    *A review of different cooler bags/boxes for carrying your raw yummables around with you. WOW – I for one am SOOO happy to see this review piece – I’m ALWAYS on the look-out for user-friendly, eco-friendly, stylish cooler bags and food storage solutions for the road – THANKS, guys, for putting this out there... :)

    So, hop on over to for an eyeful of yum...

    on September the 22nd I had:

    1 quart water
    2 cups green juice: celery, cucumber, kale, spinach, romaine
    1.5 cups energy soup with flax crackers on the side, followed by a little ‘vanilla crème’ from Cocopura – WOW :)
    1 quart water
    10 ‘chlorella nuts’
    14oz veggie juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, beetroot, carrot, ginger
    a feast of freeze-dried durian dipped in raw chocolate – OooOoOooooo la LA ;) LOL ;)
    3 cups water

    on September the 23rd I had:

    1.5 quarts water
    1.5 cups green juice: celery, parsley, kale
    2 cups water
    1.5 cups energy soup with flax crackers on the side, followed by a little raw chocolate ‘sauce’ ;)
    3 cups water
    tbsp wheatgrass powder and 10 ‘chlorella nuts
    1 curry powerstix, a little bowl of hand-mixed yacon powder, mesquite powder, gojis and barberries – wow ;)
    3 cups water

    on September the 24th I had:
    2 quarts water
    4 fresh figs
    1 tbsp wheatgrass powder and 15 chlorella ‘nuts’
    3 cups water
    2 cups energy soup with flax crackers, followed by a little durian ice cream
    2 cups water

    on September the 25th I had:

    1 quart water
    3 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, lettuces, carrot, ginger
    3 cups water
    15 chlorella ‘nuts’
    2 cups energy soup with flax crackers, followed by a little durian ice cream
    3 cups water

    Another ‘hot’ topic you’ll find summarised over at RawFoodRightNow is the current on-goings with the almond growers in the US, who are taking action against the USDA. We can ALL support the almond growers as they go to court against the USDA to overturn the ruling to ‘pasteurise’ all almonds. This lawsuit will be expensive for the farmers, who have mostly seen their family farm incomes destroyed by the pasteurisation mandate. If you would LOVE to support the farmers and get back to being able to easily buy raw almonds again at will, please visit the Cornucopia Institute’s website HERE and send along your donation towards this case.

    Almond-y love to all ;)
    Angelalalalaalaaaaaaa. xxx

    (P.S. hope to see those of you in the UK at the Festival of Life this weekend in Londinium – see HERE for details – I’m scheduled to speak at 3pm and the Monarch at 5pm ;)