Showing posts with label raw food lecture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raw food lecture. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Raw Events in England :)

OoOoOoooooo excitement abounds :) I'm very delighted to announce that I will be doing a couple of talks here in England soon, over in the beautiful 'west country' :) The delightful Lisa of has set up a talk for me in Glastonbury on February the 24th and in Barnstaple on February the 26th...I'm excited to get out there and share, while I'm still here in the UK; as and when I finally have my fiancee visa in hand for the US, it may be a while before I'm back in Blighty I've somehow never yet been to Glastonbury - it will be fun to explore :)
Here are more details for these events:

*Glastonbury - Tuesday, 24th Feb, 7.45pm
Venue: The Glastonbury Experience, 2-4 High Street, Glastonbury BA6 9DU
Investment in your health: £6.50

*Barnstaple - Thursday, 26th Feb, 7.45pm
Venue: Barnstaple Library (Henry Williamson Room), Tuly Street, Barnstaple, N Devon EX31 1EL
Investment in your health: £6.50

For more info and to reserve your place call: 01769 550408, email lisasture (at), or see
See you there, perhaps...? ;)

on February the 3rd I had:

1 quart water
40 chlorella nuts
1tbsp bee pollen
masses of fresh okra with 2 cups energy soup and tahini on the side
little mug of spicy tea
3 cups water
2 cups green juice: celery, zucchini, broccoli, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage, kale, fennel, ginger, lime
bowl of chia mixed with hemp milk, carob powder, yacon powder, cinnamon, vanilla, with a chunk of ‘tahini dream bar’ on the side – YUM :)
3 cups water

Many of you have been asking for Monarch updates, after his recent illness. Well, thankfully, as I said in my last blog post, he seems to still be getting better and feeling healthier by the day - YAY :) I am personally very very was rather challenging to feel so far physically from my beloved when he was feeling so unwell...hmmmmmmm...thanks so much again to all of you for your love, kindness, messages, healing thoughts and more that have been sent in these last days - they are all thoroughly appreciated :)
While we're in the healing realm, I'd also love to report that it seems our Mexican rescue dogs are getting progressively better too :) Sandy and Panda are eating well, enjoying California and healing...apparently Sandy wags her tail much more often these days - especially every time she sees Mr. M ;) sweet ;) He is the one who brought her in from the cold, surely saving her life in the process - she loves him :) She also apparently doesn't screeeeech anymore and make those shocking sounds she used to - Mr. M says she can bark now :) ...and her puppy Panda is just growing and growing, teething and gnawing and's such a delight to know that they are both thriving now... YAY :)

on February the 4th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups green juice: celery, zucchini, broccoli, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage, kale, fennel, ginger, lime
40 chlorella nuts
1tbsp bee pollen
2 cups energy soup with okra and tahini on the side
little mug spicy tea
3 cups water
2 cups green juice: celery, zucchini, broccoli, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage, kale, fennel, ginger, lime
bowl of chia pudding – chia soaked in hemp milk blended with carob powder, lucuma, cinnamon, vanilla, with fresh cherry pieces and passion fruit swirled in – WOW :)
2 cups water

on February the 5th I had:

1 quart water
1 cup green juice: celery, zucchini, broccoli, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage, kale, fennel, ginger, lime
2 cups water
little block of chia pudding – chia soaked in hemp milk blended with carob powder, lucuma, cinnamon, vanilla, with fresh cherry pieces and passion fruit swirled in, plus an apple
2 cups energy soup with okra and tahini on the side
little mug of spicy tea
2 cups green juice: celery, zucchini, broccoli, Jerusalem artichoke, cabbage, kale, fennel, ginger, lime
little bowl of blended yum: carob powder, lucuma, vanilla, cinnamon, water, with a little grawnola stirred in
2 cups water

OMGODDESS - here is a raw recipe video not to be missed. If you haven't checked out this clip of miniature raw goddess Zion making raw flax cookies, this is a must see ;) She seems SO incredibly articulate, tuned in and 'beyond-her-years' for a three year old - it's truly like she has her own TV show - absolutely amazing - LOVE it ;)
Thanks be to Maggie who sent this clip in. (Maggie has a lovely range of hand-made pottery pieces btw, many fruit/veggie inspired, which you can see HERE.)

Luscious love,
Angelalalalallaaaaaaaaaa. xxx

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Sly Smiles...

Oooooo, I’m feeling all aglow and excitable right the latest newsletter from ‘The Ringing Cedars of Russia’ (the people who publish the ‘Anastasia’ books), they included my weight loss story, a link to the CNN piece I did earlier this year, plus another article on raw food too – FUN :) I had a huge grin at being featured in ‘Anastasia’s newspaper’ - or 'The Earth' as it's known - as she’s definitely my biggest current source of si*star* inspiration...You can see their latest newsletter HERE – it is huuuuuuuuuuuuuge, packed with amazing articles on ecovillages, permaculture, growing food and now...RAW food lifestyles too :) YAY :) You can sign up to receive their free newsletters HERE and if you haven’t yet read the AMAZING Anastasia books, you can see them HERE...

on December the 7th I had:

1 quart water
water of one young coconut
1.5 cups energy soup with mineral–rich flax crackers and kale chips, followed by a little raw ice cream with coconut yumballs
1 quart water
1 quart veggie juice: cucumber, spinach, romaine, red bell pepper, carrot, fennel
1 tsp yummmmy bee pollen
handful of AMAZING strawberries :)))
1.5 cups energy soup with kale chips and AMAZING fresh chubby okra, followed by samples of new bars – almond, chai, goji (goji = my favourite ;)
3 cups water

I watched a great raw food lecture by Paul Nison on YouTube yesterday. It’s in 6 parts and is called ‘Formula for Health’. I love that Paul shares about the importance of many other factors for our optimal health than just FOOD – he talks about the role of television in the ‘numbing’ game, some really interesting historical info about how people used to usually eat twice a day and why they started to eat more and more, the perils of eating late at night, the major causes of disease, the role of exercise and so on. Paul throws lots of humour into the mix of his lectures – it’s a fun watch, methinks – you can check out the first part HERE and click on through all 6 parts from there if you’re drawn – I recommend it...ENJOY :)
(BTW – Paul’s going to be a daddy for the first time very soon – his lovely wife Andrea is expecting their daughter in the first few weeks of the new year – EXCITING – send them loooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee :)

on December the 8th I had:

1 quart water
1 quart veggie juice: cucumber, spinach, romaine, red bell pepper, carrot, fennel
couple of spoonfuls of AMAZING Mexican papaya
2 cups energy soup with okra and kale chips on the side, followed by a crunchy goji bar
3 cups water
water of 2 young coconuts with 1 tbsp greener grasses powder
3 cups energy soup with okra and kale chips on the side, followed by some raw coconut ice cream freshly–made by the Monarch – WOW :)
3 cups water

on December the 9th I had:

1 quart water
3 cups veggie juice: cucumber, spinach, romaine, carrot, red bell pepper, fennel
½ tbsp bee pollen
big bowl of fruit salad with chia gel: papaya, strawberries, raspberries, banana
2 tbsp sproutein powder
2 cups water
2 cups greeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, dandelion, spinach, lime
2 cups energy soup with okra and kale chips, followed by a little Monarch–made raw ice cream and pieces of goji bar
2 cups water

Mmmmm, I read another passage in ‘Raw Emotions’ today that I’d love to share here...I hope you enjoy any note of resonance it might strike for you ;)

A Secret Smile…
Sometimes our body language can reveal interesting things about our patterns. For example, have you noticed that some people actually smile as they talk about perceived ‘difficulties’ in their lives? Sometimes of course, this appears as the gentle smile of someone who is aware that ultimately, all is well, whatever appears to be happening on the surface. More frequently, though, this pattern seems to arise in those who tend to focus on ‘issues/problems’ in life - e.g. ‘Did I tell you, Uncle Billy’s going in for a knee operation again?’; ‘The service at that restaurant was awful - the waitress was so rude’; or ‘I told them that would happen - they never listen to me’ and so on. Although the topic is something that might usually be thought of as unfortunate/unpleasant, the speaker is smiling. There is a sense that they actually enjoy focusing on these aspects of life or even delight in it in some way. They might dwell on details and repeat such stories often. What might be behind that smile? My feeling is that usually, focusing on ‘the negative’ is a life-long pattern for such speakers and it is what feels comfortable to them. In contrast, speaking about inspiring, uplifting, exciting, expansive ideas and projects might seem alien and perhaps even scary to someone whose reality until now has been mainly shaped by ‘negative’ imprinting.
Be aware of your own facial expressions in the coming days as you speak. Do you notice yourself smiling if you speak about ‘difficulties’? Does this seem peculiar to you? What do you think might underlie this pattern?
I recognised this pattern in myself only when it was pointed out to me one day by a friend. I was relaying a story I’d told many times before of how challenging my relationship had been with an ex-partner. My friend listened as I told this ‘tale of woe’ then asked me why I’d had a slight smile on my face the whole time I spoke. What was ‘in it’ for me to keep repeating this story? How was this serving me? This was a real moment of clarity for me and helped me to move on and let go of that pattern.
This is not to suggest, however, that we all ought to look morose, tearful or distraught whenever we relay other-than-fabulous information. It is simply a pattern that can be observed and might reveal some interesting insights, if we are willing to explore...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... ;)
All love,
Angelalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. xxx

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Raw Foods in Scandinavia...??? ;)

OOOooooo, I’m excited to say that the details of our upcoming talk in SWEDEN have finally fallen into place ;) Here’s the scoop, for all of our Scandinavian raw family:

On Saturday the 18th of October, we’ll be speaking at Livshälsa Yoga Studio in Stockholm,
from 1-4pm. Click HERE for full details (in Swedish ;)

…and while we’re on the subject of raw food in Scandinavia, I’d love to give you a little quote here recently sent to me in an email from ‘Birgitta’ in the FAR north of Norway:

“Your book "Raw Emotions" is a must for me to get, for I have long suspected that "eat less and exercise more" is a kindergarten solution. It's a far more complex problem than most slender people realize. I have never met any overweight persons who don't know that they need to "eat less and exercise more". I believe there are some underlying problems that maybe have to be addressed first - or at least they must not be ignored.”

I LOVE that: ‘kindergarten solution’ – that really made me laugh out loud, thanks for sharing, Birgitta :)

on October the 7th I had:

1 quart water
2.5 cups carrot/romaine juice
20 chlorella ‘nuts’
handful of raspberries and blackberries, 4 fresh figs
2 cups water
1.5 cups carrot/romaine juice with spirulina stirred in
2 cups energy soup with flax crackers, followed by 2tbsp goji berries with pine nuts
mug of spicy tea
3 cups water

YUMMY – did you see that ‘Health Book Summaries’ recently posted their summary of ‘Green for Life’, Victoria Boutenko’s CLASSIC raw food book on consuming more greens (especially green smoooooothies ;)? Well, if you haven’t read this outstanding book yet, I’d suggest you skip on over to read this free summary at Even if you HAVE read it, maybe you’d like a little refresher? ;)
There are other GREAT raw titles summarised there too, like Gabriel Cousens’ ‘Spiritual Nutrition’, Wolfie’s ‘Sunfood Diet Success System’, plus many other wonderful titles that aren’t necessarily ‘RAW’-orientated, yet have very valuable info to share, like ‘Selling Sickness’, ‘Appetite for Profit’ and others. The Summaries (if you’re not familiar with them) are compiled by the ever-lovely and multi-skilled Mike Adams of and Kevin Gianni of
GREAT job at spreading the word, guys ;)

on October the 8th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups ‘wild power’ tea
3 juicy, dark Italian plums
2 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, endive, fennel, sprouts, Jerusalem artichokes, carrots, ginger
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with flax crackers, followed by a little yummy bowl of hazelnut butter mixed with carob powder, lucuma powder and water
3 cups water
1 cup veggie juice: celery, cucumber, endive, fennel, sprouts, Jerusalem artichokes, carrots, ginger, with extra wheatgrass powder stirred in
½ a YUMMY papaya
20 chlorella nuts
2 cups water

Here’s a FABULOUS little video recently sent to me by Gina in Colorado. It is all about ‘Carrotmob’ – have you seen what these people are up to?
Well, if you haven’t, watch this 10-minute video below – like me, you just might be BLOWN AWAY by the beautiful simplicity of this concept – I hope more people start applying this technique all over the place – IMAGINE the impact that could have...
Enjoy the vid ;)

All love,
Angela. xxx

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Talking Raw...

Hurray :)
The details for our talk here in Iceland are now confirmed :)
Mr Monarch will be arriving in Iceland next week and then we’ll be speaking on July the 23rd from 7-10pm at the delightful Rope Yoga Studio – everyone’s welcome :) You can see the full details on my events calendar HERE and sign up to reserve your space on HERE. There will be raw food dishes on offer at the studio that day, as well as raw snacks at the event ;) We hope to see you there, if you’re in the area...

on July the 8th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘choco’ tea
shot of wheatgrass
bowl of blended yum: almonds, lucuma, maca, cinnamon, with gojis stirred in for chewing ;)
3 cups water
1 cup chai tea
a red bell pepper with dulse seaweed fronds and tahini
2 cups water
mug of sweet chili tea
1.5 cups green juice: cucumber, celery, ginger, fennel, sprouts, sunflower greens, masses of fresh greens from the garden, lime
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with mung beans and coconut flakes stirred in, with a flax cracker. Followed by a little bowl of blended yum: pecans, lucuma, maca, cinnamon, goji berries.
Mug of choco tea
2 cups water

HMMMMMMMMmMmmMmMmmm...seems some of you missed the free 24 hour time-slot for the call I did with Kevin Gianni last week. WELL, generous soul that he is, dear Mr. Gianni has given us another link to play with, to access the call for free again, for 48 hours this time – it is active NOW, so go listen HERE if you’d like to hear my recent musings on food addictions, releasing cravings, healing the skin and more...

on July the 9th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ginger tulsi tea
shot of wheatgrass
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with mung beans and coconut flakes stirred in, with a flax cracker. Followed by a little bowl of blended yum: pecans, lucuma, maca, cinnamon, goji berries.
Mug of ‘choco’ tea
1 quart water
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with mung beans and coconut flakes stirred in, with a flax cracker. Followed by a little bowl of blended yum: pecans, lucuma, maca, cinnamon, goji berries.
Mug of ‘choco’ tea
1 quart water

While we’re on the subject of Mr Gianni, have you seen the amazing new ‘Health Summaries’ project he and Mike Adams have been working on? LOVE it. They are offering summarised ‘Cliffs Notes’ versions of some of the most inspiring health food books on the market, just like the site offers the same kind of service for ‘self-development’ books. How BLESSED we are to have these tools coming to our fingertips at this time of mass information, when so many of us don’t feel we have the time to sit and focus on reading whole books. I so appreciate these ‘distilling’ services on offer...
With ‘HealthSummaries’ you can get the ‘skinny’ on all kinds of amazing titles like Gabriel Cousens’ ‘Spiritual Nutrition’, David Wolfe’s ‘Sunfood Diet Success System’, ‘Selling Sickness’ and ‘Beyond Medicine’ for FREE as PDF downloads. You can also subscribe to an ‘advanced’ service that brings you MP3 recordings of the summaries. Yummy. You can read all about the fun and games on offer HERE and sign up for your free summaries :)

All love,
Angelalalaallaaaaaaa. xxx

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Seaweed Safety and Spices...

I’m writing from the southern tip of Lake Taupo in New Zealand today...what a STUNNING area – the lake is just vaaaaast :) We’ve been travelling quite a lot the last few days, LOVING the scenery here, marvelling at the myriad hues of green, the enormous stretches of land, land, land, sans human settlements, the gorgeous pristine waters...yummy…we also gave talks yesterday in Tauranga – thanks to ye’ all who came out to play – it was fun :) We’re on our way south fact, we’ve just confirmed we’ll be speaking in Wellington in a couple of months' time. We’ll be at the Crossways Community Centre, (Cnr Elizabeth & Brougham Streets) on Saturday 19 April from 3.30pm to 7.30pm, with a raw potluck after...hope to see you there if you’re in the area – you can see full details and book your place HERE:

on February the 22nd I had:

2 quarts water
juice of 3 mandarins juiced in the mouth ;)
20oz of celery/cucumber/parsley/spinach/lambs’ quarters/carrot juice
bowl of fruit salad with chia gel: papaya/dragon fruit/banana/peach/cherries/blueberries
1 quart water
1 tbsp green powders: wheatgrass and barley grass
bowl of homemade tahini/brazil nut butter mixed with mung bean sprouts, diced tomatoes/garlic, karengo seaweed, stuffed in lettuce leaves and nori sheets
1 quart water

This question came in recently about seaweed:

“I wonder about mercury in seaweed? If we must worry about mercury in fish, wouldn't it be in the seaweed also?”

Hmmmm, thanks for the Q...well, while personally I don’t feel that I ‘must’ worry about anything, I was intrigued about the content of this message and so asked our primary seaweed supplier - ‘Maine Coast Sea Veg’ for their feedback – here was what they had to say on the matter:

“Our mercury levels are so low that we actually stopped testing for several years. We started again in response to customer requests for the information.
The levels for mercury have been consistently
undetected at 0.04 ppm.

We do testing for heavy metals every year, at the end of the harvest season.
I have attached our Statement of Product Testing for 2007, which is the last year for which data is available. You can also check out the same document in our FAQ section online, at

I hope that this is helpful. If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact me. Yours in Health,
Rae Urban”

Hmmmmm, interesting, eh? Hope that helps y’all feel even more yummy about munching on the ocean’s weedy wonders...I am SOOO into seaweeds at the moment, as you may have noticed in my daily food logs ;) Karengo, wakame, kelp, nori – LOVING it and it’s definitely nice to know I’m not massively stacking up my toxin load simultaneously... ;)
Ok, double-whammy food log now, due to being ex communicado on the road for a while there... ;)

on February the 23rd I had:

1.5 quarts water
3 mandarins
16oz carrot/cucumber/ginger/mint juice
bowl of cherries
2 cups carrot juice with Greener Grasses powder stirred in
3 cups water
bowl of fruit salad with chia gel: banana/blueberries/cherries/mulberries
1 quart water
2 cups carrot juice
bowl of avo mushed with diced tomatoes/garlic, mixed sprouts, karengo seaweed & cumin powder, served in lettuce leaves and nori rolls
1 quart water

on February the 24th I had:

2 quarts water
3 mandarins
24oz celery/cucumber/cabbage/parsley/spinach/lambs’ quarters/carrot juice
lettuce wraps stuffed with seed pate (soaked sunflower seeds/sundried tomatoes, blended with garlic), diced tomatoes, sprouts and seaweed
1 quart water
1 tbsp green powders
bowl of chia gel with fruit salad – blueberries, cherries, mulberries and apple
1.5 quarts water

Here’s another recent Q – from Ms. Amy...

“I'm wondering: do you use any kind of spices in your dishes (pepper, oregano, etc)? I'm just curious. I don't know if going without spices is for me, so I'll probably keep them personally, but I was just curious what "real" raw foodies do! Thanks. Making The Transition in Pennsylvania – Amy”

Thanks for the Q Amy :) Well...everyone’s different of course and some raw foodies will use herbs and spices, whereas others aren’t interested in them...I’ll certainly share with you what THIS ‘real raw foodie’ does though ;)
I rarely use spices anymore in foods I make myself – I do go through spates though where I might get REALLY into something – like cumin for example – some of you who’ve been reading this blog for a while might remember I got really into eating cumin with avocado and lime a while back – I was eating it literally every day, then I was just...done, not really interested anymore – though, coincidentally, I did get some out of the cupboard here yesterday in fact and enjoyed a bit with my meal ;) Sometimes I get interested in cayenne pepper and I think that may happen again soon...I feel it coming ;) Cayenne is an extraordinarily healing food – if you’ve never looked into the properties of it, I’d definitely recommend it – especially for anyone in cold, wintery places right now ;) I also absolutely LOOOOOOOVE cinnamon and just got a new bag of it a few days ago, so will start using that again soon, most likely…other than that, hmmmm...I don’t use much myself in the way of spices...
Herbs I enjoy include parsley, cilantro, mint and basil – the first two we use pretty often in juices and sometimes in salads/savoury meals, whereas basil and mint I tend to find more awkward to use in meals – it always seems like when you buy them, they come in huge bunches and unless I make pesto or ice cream or smthg, it just seems like way too much to deal with in one go, so I tend to just not even bother getting either of them ;) I’m not much into using dried herbs myself either... HOWEVER, if I eat some pre-prepared raw food like crackers or smthg that someone’s made, which contain herbs or spices, I usually feel fine about it. Mr Monarch on the other hand has been at this raw game longer than me and is not so enamoured of spices – he’s very sensitive to them and really feels the effect strongly when they’re in foods – he prefers to avoid them. A lot of raw foodists actually don’t feel good about eating herbs/spices – usually it’s people more into Natural Hygiene ideas who feel that way . Here’s a little blurb I wrote recently on spices that might help explain why, if this seems odd to you:

“Spices tend to be powdered forms of certain plants, in concentrations you would not easily come across in nature. Spices are made by powdering down a large amount of some bark, root, or other plant matter. You might even have a spice blend. The concentrated intensity of the spice can throw the body a bit out of balance, as you are getting a much bigger ‘hit’ of this food than you’d naturally be able to get hold of if you were just foraging things to eat in the wild. This can distort taste buds, block your ability to sense when you’ve eaten enough and so encourage eating in excess.”

As for the herbs, well, as mentioned above, some of them just don’t seem that easy to use – if you can’t imagine eating a whole bunch of mint or basil for a meal, some people question the idea of bothering to use them at all...;) Well...different courses for different horses – I hope that’s given you some ideas anyway about raw foodie herb/spice interactions...

One love,
Angela. xxx

Friday, 1 February 2008

Just gimme land, lots of land under starry skies above...

Today I decided to check out what was happening for me this day last year on my blog...February the 1st 2007, I was...74 DAYS into Juice Feasting and amazed to be ‘STILL having solid bowels movements’…;) Those of you who followed my juicy adventures more closely will know I actually experienced solid BMs for the ENTIRE 92 days...quite really shows me how much there is to release from these structures, after soooo many years of less-than-optimal eating... Here to the right is also a pretty picture I took on this day last year, while visiting a local art gallery in Costa Rica, where I was at that time...seems like a few lifetimes ago now... ;) My, my, how quickly things seem to flow these days...and how JUICILY things seem to flow too – have you noticed how many people out there seem to be Juice Feasting at the moment? It’s quite amazing to see...all power to you if you’re immersed in liquid land at the moment ;) (You can see my full post from this day last year HERE.)

on January the 31st I had:

2 quarts water
1lb cherries
12oz pineapple/cucumber juice – YUMMMM
bowl of avo mushed with diced tomatoes, pinch of salt and assorted micro-greens/alfalfa sprouts, served with cucumber slices and carrot ‘unbread’ sticks
1.5 quarts water
1/5 tbsp green powder
bowl of fruit salad: delicious mix of papaya, banana and blueberries – absolutely GORGEOUS :)
1/5 quarts water

YAY, I’m happy to hear so many of you enjoyed the link to the free Ann Wigmore book over on the ChiDiet site :) REMEMBER that there’s still time to enter the RawReform giveaway contest for January – though it somehow already became February where we are – there’s a few days yet before the next newsletter goes out... The question this month was all about the ‘old school’ raw food pioneers, like Wiggie herself ;) The prize is a free copy of Mr Monarch’s ‘Raw Success’ on e-book and to be in with a chance of winning, just email in your A to the following Q:

If you could speak to any of the Raw Food Pioneers of by-gone days and ask them a single question, whom would you connect to and what would you ask them?

Examples of pioneers who have passed to the other side include:
Dr. Norman Walker, Arnold Ehret, Bernard Jensen, Szekely, Paul Bragg, Dr. Ann Wigmore, Herbert Shelton, St Louis Estes and Hilton Hotema... There have been some fascinating Qs coming in so far – keep ‘em coming ;)
Send your answers in to and the winner shall be selected at random and with much joy in a few days... ;)

on February the 1st I had:

1.5 quarts water
1 golden peach and 1lb cherries
3 cups water
delicious fresh sprouts/greens salad, straight from the garden, with diced tomatoes and bell peppers, celery/spinach sauce, salad dressing, avocado and home-preserved olives – yummmmm :)
A few orange slices and a chocolate bliss ball
Shot of INTENSE kombucha
2 cups water
24oz juice: cilantro/cucumber/watercress/kale/carrot/spinach juice
bowl of chia gel with papaya/banana/blueberries and dried figs dunked in tahini on the side
3 cups water

We were so blessed today to meet the lovely Mark and Veronique of Vital Essence, who showed us some places to get organics in Auckland. We were starting to wonder... ;) We’ve actually never been anywhere that seems to have such scant access to organics – we were a bit baffled, especially as New Zealand tends to be renowned for being very eco-conscious and there are MANY organic farms here...a couple of days ago we tried our luck in one supermarket only to discover the interesting ‘health food and soap’ aisle...yes...those of you who’ve heard me give a talk may remember me joking that ‘the middle aisles will kill you’ – well, this ‘health food’ aisle definitely didn’t appear to be an exception to that, with all it’s packaged soya products and the alluring smell of soap wafting along from the adjoining shelves… Fortunately we located a couple of places to get organic goods today – hurray – including Ceres, a nice little health food store :) Then even more exquisitely, we were treated to a delicious fresh salad, straight from Mark and Veronique’s garden – YUMMMM. It was so beautiful to me to see a young family living the kind of life I would LOVE to soon settle into too – a garden full of greens and fruit trees, a beautiful, happy young raw toddler and people who are clearly curious about the joys to be explored here...FUN :)
By the way, I have the full event details now for our talk here in Auckland: we are speaking on Sunday February the 17th (N.B. - not the 16th as previously thought) at the St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby. The event runs from 1-5pm and you can see more details on the RawReform homepage HERE. Hope to see you there if you’re in the area ;)

One love,
Angela. xxx

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Beyond the Silence...

HelLLLllLlllLLllllllllOOOoOoooOooOooooOooOooOOOOOOOOOOO :)
...back from the silence now...apologies for the temporary hiatus in communication from either of us – I promise I hadn’t absorbed the Monarch into silence too ;) ...we were just re-integrating life here after my absence...then last night we also spoke here in Byron Bay, which was a bit ‘trippy’ for me, to speak to a room full of people after silence for 4 days ;) In any case...I’m happy to be back from the ‘void’ now and DELIGHTED that you all seemed to enjoy the Monarch musings so much last week :) That’s so lovely :) Perhaps we can persuade him to write more frequently in the future... ;) I think he did a wonderful job...and feel very humbled to have such a loving, open-hearted and generous partner at my side… ;)
Thank you for ALL your messages to both of us during this last week – it’s taking a while to catch up with email, so please be patient if you’re still waiting for a response to smthg... ;)

Here’s what I had for the 4 days while I was away:
Jan 8th I had:

1.5 quarts water
1 papaya with lime juice
1 pint celery/cucumber/mizuna/parsley/apple/carrot/red chicory leaves/radish juice
2 cups water
bowl of mushed banana mixed with chopped basil and garlic, alfalfa sprouts and tahini, served with sunflower greens, cucumber sticks and a piece of macadamia/flax bread
1 mango
3 cups water
1 avocado mushed up with curry Alive Hummus & Himalayan salt, served with fresh salad – lettuce/tomato/cucumber/carrot/zucchini
3 cups water

On Jan the 9th I had:

1.5 quarts water
1 cup celery/cucumber/mizuna/parsley/apple/carrot/red chicory leaves/radish juice
big bowl of fruit salad: papaya/mango/kiwi/orange/apple/banana
1 quart water
½ a cup celery/cucumber/mizuna/parsley/apple/carrot/red chicory leaves/radish juice
¾ avocado mushed with Chilli Alive Hummus & Himalayan salt & lime juice served with cucumber sticks, a simple green salad and sunflower greens
1.5 quarts water
bowl of salad: lettuce, corn, tomatoes, onion, carrot, beetroot, cucumber, zucchini w/ olive oil & apple cider vinegar dressing, plus a little guacamole
10 dried figs dipped in tahini
1.5 quarts water

My silent retreat experience a word – INTENSE...I was in meditation for 11 hours a day, starting at 5.30am and finishing at 9pm daily. I really appreciated the gift of majorly slowing down and getting masses of clear ‘headspace’, with no distractions at all – no books, media, computers, phones – nothing – not even eye contact with others or speech. Vipassana is certainly an INWARDS process. This was not a ‘traditional’ Vipassana retreat though, by any means – those are 10 days long for newbies and apparently involve seated meditation all day long, often with many dozens of people in attendance. This one I attended was a kind ofprivate’ Vipassana with just 12 attendees, private rooms available, a mixture of both seated and walking meditations and the option to go for shorter periods – e.g. 4 days like I was able to go for. I have never done SUCH intensive meditation. I meditate every day in my usual life, for around 15 minutes in the morning, plus also ‘tune in’ throughout the day to re-connect to the Divine. That’s a BIG difference though to being in an almost constant state of meditation for days on end... I found the method of meditation very different to my own path. It was essentially the concept of going into the ‘void’, where the attention is on nothing other than one’s own breathing or walking, for moment after moment, minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day...noting one’s thoughts/feelings etc as they arise in the mind, then always bringing the focus back to the breath or walking feet. I felt a lot of resistance come up in me towards the whole process. While I appreciated the theoretical value of being ‘in the void’ so much as a way of connecting to truth, in my actual experience, I mostly found it...hmmmmm, how to put this...????, I’m very aware that Vipassana is a pathway of examining the self, so I guess we could draw some interesting conclusions then about my self-concept ;) In any case, my prevailing feeling was ‘where is the love in this process?’ It felt so...empty...I am able to go into the ‘void’ as I choose and certainly appreciate the break it offers me when I do – however, I don’t seem to resonate much with being in there hour after hour after feeling is that at the moment I am embodied here as a human and there are things to enjoy, love to share, people to interact with and so on...when I leave here and return to the void, that seems the time to really enjoy THAT reality, rather than being out there now, when I could be playing here instead. I hope that makes sense and that people realise I’m simply relating the truth of my personal experience here. I believe the paths to the Divine are many and the Truth is one. This kind of intense meditation is certainly a path that millions worldwide seem to embrace – it just doesn’t resonate that much for me – there are other paths and practices that speak to me much more – and I trust my feelings about that. My feelings are my guidance system. This kind of meditation also felt very ‘masculine’ to me – that love of the ‘void’. David Deida has a great way of explaining how people with masculine energy love to ‘die’ to everything and blank out into the void (picture the 'typical' scene of a guy coming home at the end of a working day, for example, sitting down and blankly flicking between TV channels). I felt that kind of energy in this process – a blanking out, shutting down…nothingness…empty…which can be great and yes of course at the ultimate level, that’s all there really is – nothing, everything, the grand illusion, the web of interconnectedness, the cosmic giggle…and this stage of my life, passing large amounts of time constantly in that kind of space doesn’t much appeal to me...
I’m back to my own daily meditations here at home and definitely sense how they have deepened as a result of my experience there...and I am also aware that this was my first experience of ‘dipping my toes’ into the deeeeeeeeeeeeeep waters of such intensive meditating and that perhaps in the future I will feel drawn to go there again...we shall see... ;)

On January the 10th I had:

1.5 quarts water
4tbsp chia gel w/ a big bowl of fruit salad: pineapple/plum/apple/kiwi/orange/mango/papaya/passion fruit/banana
1.5 quarts water
big slice of watermelon
salad of lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini, onion, carrot, beetroot, corn, served with avo mushed with hummus and salt, in romaine wraps
1.5 quarts water
2 tbsp chia gel w/ a bowl of fruit salad: black plum/pear/banana/cherries
little bowl of salad with apple cider vinegar/olive oil dressing and a little piece of macadamia/flax bread
1 quart water

On January the 11th I had:

1 quart water
4tbsp of chia gel with bowl of fruit salad: banana/mango/passion fruit/kiwi/orange/plum/apple/pineapple/pear
1.5 cups rooibus tea
big slice of watermelon
bowl of salad – lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, carrot, beetroot, corn, onion, served with avocado mushed with hummus & salt, served with romaine leaves
1.5 quarts water
3 black plums and a big handful of cherries
1 pint green juice with lemon
1 quart water

I felt extremely blessed in terms of the food I had during this retreat. As a 100% raw foodist, one of the main things that has already held me back from going on Vipassana was the fact that the catering is mostly cooked veggie/vegan dishes. As I said though, this was a more ‘private’ setting and my food choices were willingly embraced. The chef supplied me with some delicious salads, mostly made with produce straight from their organic gardens and with MUCH love ;) I then added in some denser foods and it all worked out fine :) As you can see from the above food lists for that period, I ate salads quite a lot – this was really interesting for me, as I can’t even remember the last time I ate a salad prior to this week – I just don’t eat stuff like that anymore. I drink my veggies far more often than eating them. There was no juicer to use there though, so I was eating salads and found that they were DELICIOUS – it felt really refreshing to eat such simple fare, prepared with a great deal of love and care. Chia and avo with hummus were definitely my saviours though during this event. I made up a batch of chia gel with water, put it in the fridge and would then spoon some out into fruit salads, to help balance my blood sugars and keep me satiated between sessions. Then I would mush up avocado with some of the Alive Hummus and have an instant yummy dip or sauce for salads. I would DEFINITELY recommend travelling with those 3 items... I was also delighted to see on my return to email-world that Mike Adams over at NewsTarget had published my ‘Chia Cheat Sheet’ article to his site in my absence – NICE – masses more people are getting turned on to the magic of chia now :) You can see the article on NewsTarget HERE.
I also noticed that I drank HUGE amounts of water during the retreat…I wasn’t getting my usual juice and the absence of celery and cucumber juice especially makes a big difference, besides which, I think my throat just felt dried out so much from not speaking...I actually didn’t even speak much for the first few hours after Mr Monarch came to collect felt too odd to do so...then as I started to speak...and smile...and LAUGH again, it was SO much fun – I was astounded by the sound of my own laugh – I had not heard it for so many days, it seemed huge and foreign...and I LOVED it :) It felt soooooooooooo good to laugh again and interact and fact, very rapidly, within just half an hour perhaps of leaving the retreat centre, it felt to me as if the whole thing had never even happened – or like it was all a dream – it was SO very far from the reality I was entering back into – watching the trees move past the car windows, holding hands with my beloved and gently, lovingly, joyfully laughing... ;)

All love,
Angela. xxx

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Bring on the NEW...

Do you like Greek food? Ever had RAW Greek food? If you’re not familiar with the work of UK gourmet raw food chef Gina Panayi, you’re in for a treat... I first encountered Gina’s work a few years back at the fabulous Food of Life festival in Brighton. This was a festie based around raw/living foods, eco-living, conscious lifestyles, musical magic and more...Gina had a stall there, selling her Raw Greek, that place was PACKED that day, with all the finest raw foods the UK has to offer...chocolates, crackers, juices, cakes, salads, smoothies – you name it...and the unanimous favourite of EVERYONE I spoke to was the Raw Greek creations...perhaps it’s the novelty factor, perhaps it’s the love that Gina and her crew clearly infuse their food with...perhaps it’s the amazing taste combinations...or all of the above...whatever it is, Gina’s food is definitely LOVED and she now has a Raw Greek recipe book out, so you can learn how to recreate her masterpieces with your own Vitamix ;) We now have her book for sale in the RawReform Store – as far as we know, we’re actually the only people selling it Stateside at the, you might wanna get in quick before your other raw foodie friends get a copy and sparkle their tastebuds to pleasure paradise at your next potluck ;) Gina’s book is stuffed with raw vegan versions of Moussaka, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Frappe, Cinnamon Biscuits, Meatballs and costs $22.95 and you can see more about it HERE.

On December the 31st I had:

3 cups water
slice of watermelon
1 pint green lettuce/fennel/cucumber/mizuna/ginger/apple/celery juice
handful of cherries
1 mango
bowl of raw granola with sliced fresh banana and apple, with fresh macadamia milk and a chocolate bliss ball on the side ;)
2 cups water
1 pint tatsoi/cucumber/mizuna/celery/kale/fennel/apple/bell pepper juice
bowl of Mr Monarch’s outrageous cacao creation…mysterious concoction including at least dried apricots, hemp seed, cracao and goji berries…the rest is…an enigma… ;)
2 cups water

Oh hear ye, oh hear ye…myself and the Monarch were due to be speaking in the fair town of Adelaide upon this very weekend that does greet us next. It so happens that in the course of the unfolding of life, the date has been re-arranged. Consequently, it is intended that we shall convene instead upon the day of Saturday January the 26th, in the afternoon, with a suitable Adelaide venue to be announced…thanking you in advance for your understanding and we do hope to see your shiny buttons there in a few weeks…in the meantime, we are delighted to be presenting presently in the presence of the pleasant in Byron Bay…Saturday the 12th verily shall see us heartily expound the rewards of a raw lifestyle from 6.30pm at the Ambaji Wellness Centre…more details HERE

on January the 1st I had:

3 cups water
1.5 cups tatsoi/cucumber/mizuna/celery/kale/fennel/apple/bell pepper juice
big slice of watermelon
2 cups water
slice of Mr Monarch’s fabulous raw pizza
2 cups water
bowl of RICH raw dessert with soaked dried apricots/figs, hemp seeds, tahini, sliced banana and cherries
3 cups water
½ a big watermelon

Happy New Year :) Thanks for all your birthday wishes that have been coming in for the RawReform site and new year excitements...ahhhhhhhhh, here we are then, 2008...what a vibrant energy there is to embrace at this time of year…did you make some intentions/write out some goals for the coming year? May all your yummiest desires be fulfilled...
Remember that if you want to join Mr Steven Prussack from Raw Vegan Radio for his new year cleanse, it’s kicking off next Monday, on January the 7th and promises to be ‘the biggest group cleanse EVER’ Ooo la la ;) E-books, podcasts, webinars – sounds like fun :) I won’t be playing this time round…I’m quite happy in the world of solids at the moment after my recent psyllium-bentonite scrub-out...I’ll be cheering you all on from the sidelines though... :) ENJOY :)

One love,
Angela. xxx

Monday, 10 December 2007


WOW, now this is a MUST see :) LOL…Mr Monarch has just put up a before/after video of his personal raw food transformation, on YouTube…it’s pretty phenomenal to see the contrast…he recently found all these old tapes of his pre-raw and early raw days from 8 or so years ago and has been cutting them together into this piece – it’s really quite lyrical…there's also a little Stokes cameo in there too ;) Enjoy...

on December the 9th I had:

1.5 quarts water
3 cups cucumber/celery/parsley/mint/kale/dandelion/pineapple juice
chunk of watermelon
1 tbsp greener grasses powder
handful of cherries, one little mango
2 cups water
1 green mamey, ½ a cherimoya, ½ a sapodilla
3 cups water
7 dried figs dipped in raw tahini
3 cups green smoothie: banana/mango/figs/romaine/all-kinds-of-intense-greeeeeeeens ;)
2 cups water

I had a lovely time speaking in Brisbane this weekend, then also got to hang out with some old friends of mine from my years in Iceland, which was GREAT fun – it is so interesting for me to reconnect with people from a time when my life was so vastly different…I can feel pathways opening up to parts of my brain that I never go into these days as we talk about old times and speak some Icelandic…fun ;) It was really nice as well to visit Brisbane’s amazing all-organic farmers’ market on Sunday morning – they even have a pre-prepared raw foods stall, with pizzas, cakes and so on :) I also collected a whole bag of fresh macadamia nuts straight from the tree in my friends’ garden…mac nuts are native here and very abundant...yummmm :) I DEFINITELY also appreciated coming ‘home’ though…after so many years of hobo-ing around the world, the times when I have an actual base are so precious to me…and especially sharing this one with my beloved – yumminess…I FINALLY understood what a dear old friend said to me once about going to stay at other’s houses. She lived in London with her partner and they were going to stay with his parents for a few nights, a few hours away. She said to me ‘I can’t see the point – I have my own house, why would I want to go and stay in someone else’s?’ At the time, I couldn’t relate at all, as to me, it really made no difference where I was – it was all the same to me – always someone else’s house…well, NOW I understand what she meant…it’s LOVELY to visit with friends and connect and it’s also DELICIOUS to me at this point to come home again, to a little space in the world that is filled with ME things… ;)

on December the 10th I had:

1 quart water
bowl of papaya flesh with lime juice
2 cups water
1 quart celery/cucumber/romaine/kale/cabbage/mizuna/all-kinds-of-greens/carrot/apple juice
½ an avo mushed with diced tomatoes, a pinch of Celtic sea salt and a dash of alive hummus, served with cucumber sticks and a piece of flax cracker
2 cups water
1.5 cups celery/cucumber/romaine/kale/cabbage/mizuna/all-kinds-of-greens/carrot/apple juice
1 egg fruit
2 cups water

Ooo la la…it’s time for another ‘exciting opportunity’ alert. T. Colin Campbell, the author of the fantastic book ‘The China Study’ (the most comprehensive research study ever conducted on the relationship between diet and disease) is looking for people to share their stories of healing with a plant-based diet. YUMMY. Here’s the relevant blurb:

“All of Dr. Campbell's research points to the benefits of a plant-based diet and the dangers of the over-consumption of animal protein, including red meat, pork, poultry, fish and dairy. To support Dr. Campbell's work, we endeavor to create a library of accurate and personal accounts by those who have used plant-based nutrition to inhibit disease. These accounts will be aggregated and made available to the public to serve as a reference material for patients, physicians, researchers and anyone else who may need it. As well as to create this reference resource, the intention is also to collect a critical mass of information that may pave the way for further study. The more information we are able to gather, the greater impact we will have.
We seek to gather tens of thousands of accounts. If you have had a positive experience using a plant-based diet as medicine, your story would prove invaluable to our project. If you should you know of others with compelling stories regarding foods' use as medicine please share this letter with them as well. Should you be willing to participate, I invite you to contact me without delay. Please contact Micaela Cook at”

Hope to see you on their database if you have a juicy tale to tell... ;)
All love,
Angeeeelllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. xxx

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Your questions answered...

Ooooo, lots of questions from y’all at the moment…here’s my answers to three:

1. Could you send the recipes in measures that I can relate to? United States measures – 1 cup, 2 quarts. I don’t know what 500ml water is...Please help translate!!! Thanks! R.
Eeeeeeek…yes, I suspect this is something many of you have issues understanding…sorry about that…I use millilitres because it’s the easiest thing for ME to get my head round…when I was growing up in the UK, we seemed to learn in partly metric and partly imperial. The result is a messy measurement system in my head. Millilitres seem the least irksome for me to use, as the system at least seems somewhat ‘logical’ (compared to, for instance ‘stones’ – 1 stone being…14 lbs…or something peculiar like that... ;) Yet I understand that millilitres are confusing for most over on this continent…cups, pints and quarts are all a bit hazy in my brain…I’ll do my best to start converting over though from now on…for now, just be aware that 500ml is approx. equivalent to a pint and 1 litre is about the same as a quart…hope that helps ;)

2. What are longans? A "box" of them no less! S.
MMMMMMMmmmmm…longans…these are my new favourite toy. They grow in south-east Asia, are small round fruits with a yellowy-brownish thin shell and are kind of similar to a lychee or rambutan inside. You peel the shell off and find a soft, juicy, translucent white ball of fruit inside, that tastes, to me, somewhere between caramel and pepper ;) I’m eating so many at the moment because I’m living right beside a Korean supermarket that has trays of them packed fresh daily – YUMMMMM – so, when I say a ‘box’, that means a 1lb tray of sweet caramelly, peppery yummmmm ;)

on October the 18th I had:

1 litre water
800ml green juice with carrot
little bowl of sea spaghetti with pumpkin seed butter, granulated wrack and cumin powder, with nori stuffed with hemp seed/flax oil/salt mixture
300ml spice tea
500ml water
700ml green juice with carrot
Mr Monarch’s famous ‘banana bread with cream cheese’ (see past post HERE for details)
700ml water

3. Hi Angela, recently joined your daily blog and monthly emailing and came across an older blog about the almond scare. i haven't been following up on what's happened with this. would you know if almonds are no longer safe to eat? have they enforced the law yet or is it still pending? would you know where we might order almonds in order to ensure that their raw? also,would you know if the still-in-the-shell almonds also going to be pasteurized? it's such a ludicrous situation! unbelievable. B.
Hmmmmm…yes, the almonds…well, to be honest I kind of lost the plot with the almond issue too…I know the mandate got passed that now requires all almonds to be ‘sanitised’. The fabulous Eli Penberthy of sends me updates to let me know what’s happening and the latest can all be found on this page of the Cornucopia website: That page contains a comprehensive fact sheet about the issue, as well as sample letters that can be directed to the USDA (or to Cornucopia, who will direct them on for you).
I hope that helps answer your questions…thanks for sending them in ;)

on October the 19th I had:

1 litre water
1 litre watermelon/orange juice
700ml green juice with carrot
gorgeous little bowl of persimmons blended with Amazon Bliss, swirled with goji berries – GORGEOUS
1 litre water
raw pesto pizza, half a raw veggie-burger, assortment of raw chocolate treats – all from the uber-fabulous Gorilla Food raw take-out in Vancouver
1 litre water

Just to let you know, there are a couple of changes to announce for my talk in Victoria tomorrow (Saturday):
1. Following his sudden and unexpected re-appearance in Canada, Mr. Monarch will be joining me and giving a talk too :)
2. The venue has had a last minute shuffle – only up a flight of stairs though, no major worries ;) We are now upstairs from the Green Cuisine Restaurant at:

Pacific Rim College (Complementary and Integrative Medicine - mostly oriental and acupuncture)
Suite #229, Market Square, 560 Johnson Street
Victoria, BC

The event starts at 6.30pm. You’ll still be able to get juices and food etc from the restaurant downstairs and we also hope to have a juicer at the event, to knock out some more liquid yummmm – hope to see you there if you’re around…

One love,
Angela. xxx

Sunday, 5 August 2007

In Response to Three Recent Emails...

WOW. Recently I received an email declaring:


Eeeeeeeeeeek…wow, people…this situation is getting pretty extraordinary…as you may have seen in the latest RawReform newsletter, I’m in the process of writing a new book which will be printed as a ‘real’ bound volume, available in stores – hurray ;) - it is my intention to help masses more people heal themselves with this info and I want to include OUR stories to encourage them…raw food before and after pics tell it all, they encourage people towards the truth so succinctly. If you have a story you’d love to share, please email with a paragraph about it and a before/after photo…let’s help the shift onwards into the light…

On August the 3rd I had:

1 litre water
200ml orange juice
800ml green juice with carrots
1 fresh corn cob
1 box of blackberries
raw food bar
bag of freshly picked local cherries
1 litre water
700ml green juice
avo/dulse/greens salad on fresh flax crackers
1 litre water

Somebody else wrote to me recently saying that it seems to them like I don’t eat much…this was interesting for me, as it seems to ME like I eat quite a lot..hmmm…different perspectives ;)
…things tend to change a LOT in terms of quantities consumed when you go completely raw. Over time, the body cleans and strips down and you become a more efficient 'machine' at assimilating foods, so you start to require less quantity, to get all the nutrition you need…I’ve been on this path for over 5 years now and with the 92-day Juice-Feast mega-cleanse thrown in too, I’m a pretty efficient ‘machine’ these days ;) The longer you're raw, the less your body requires in terms of quantity, which can often be very challenging for people emotionally to deal with...ahhhh, it’s all a journey and we all have our own marvellous experiments to enjoy…

On August the 4th I had:

1 litre water
250ml orange juice
800ml green juice
bag of cherries
2 pears
500ml water
bowl of banana/avo mush mixed with fresh alflalfa/broccoli/fenugreek sprouts, shavings of broccoli, pumpkin seeds and lamb’s quarters. Chocolate balls
1 litre water
300ml green juice with greener grasses mixed in
bowl of banana/avo mush mixed with fresh alflalfa/broccoli/fenugreek sprouts, shavings of broccoli, pumpkin seeds and lamb’s quarters. Chocolate balls
500ml peppermint tea
1 litre water

I received this in another lovely email message today:

“We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth." --Virginia Satir

Mmmmm-hmmmmm…I really hear that…I avoided physical contact with others for SO many years as a morbidly obese person. I deprived myself of so many years of intimacy, as I felt like it was not ‘appropriate’ for me to have physical contact with anyone – like I was too ‘disgusting’ for anyone to be near…wow…what a life perspective ;) Now sharing hugs with others is one of my simplest and most enriching pleasures ;) I am still shy at times to initiate physical contact with others, yet when I DO reach out and hug another, I feel the joyous energy flow and I know that it benefits all involved ;) ahhhhhhhh…breathe deep, send love, share HUGS ;)

One love,
Angela. xxx

Saturday, 28 July 2007


In case you didn’t see my little announcement yet, I’m really excited to be participating in the Raw Food World Summit, which is kicking off on August the 7th and features 12 top speakers on raw foods, sharing their stuff, tele-conference style…yeeeeee-HAH ;)
You can sign up for FREE, or invest in the other packages on offer, HERE.

On July the 26th I had:

1 litre water
500ml celery/cucumber/apple juice
½ tbsp greener grasses powder
1 litre water
chia seeds with blended apples, goji berries, raisins, maca and lucuma powder
400ml dandelion tea
bag of cherries
1 persimmon
1 litre water
spinach, romaine, avo, dulse, raw cauliflower curry, waldorf salad, flax crackers
1 litre water
400ml orange/cinnamon tea

Somebody left a comment recently asking about drinking tea…yes, I LOVE it – especially in cold places and simple teas like peppermint or dandelion that I feel offer some function too (i.e. aiding digestion). I tend to put hot water on the tea, then drink it much later when it’s cooled down OR add cold water sooner, to be able to drink it sooner – I do not enjoy drinking anything hot anymore…sun teas are my favourite way of making tea as a raw foodie – though England seems to be…hmmmmmm…rather severely clenched in sun-shortage right now…wow…it’s like someone left the tap on since I left last summer ;) Thanks to all of you who braved the winds though and turned out for Matt Monarch’s raw food lecture in London on Friday night – it was FUN to see so many enthusiastic faces here, brightening up grey London…hurray :) Thanks for a great gathering :)

on July the 27th I had:

1 litre water
1 chopped apple and a handful of blackberries
600ml green juice with apple and fennel
bowl of chia seeds soaked in apple juice with lucuma powder, goji berries, dried mulberries and maca
400ml dandelion tea
1 litre water
3 tbsps bee pollen mixed with hemp seeds and cardamom powder
1 litre water
6 persimmons, 1 fig and some incredible raw chocolate ;)
1 litre water

...and so, from one Aquarian to another...the moon is about to be full in Aquarius – this Sunday or Monday, depending which continent you’re on ;)
Lisa Dale Miller describes this as the full moon of ‘the visionary’ or ‘guru’. This is:

“A night dedicated to thanking all our teachers, in every walk of life. An Aquarius Full Moon asks us to especially honor unique and revolutionary teachers: those who vision far out beyond the rest of us. Those dedicated to upliftment, freedom, utopianism and humanitarianism.

This is a night to step into your own sense of teaching and service by breaking down the attraction to focusing only on your own life. Selfless giving to others is a true Aquarian vision of working for the collective upliftment of all sentient beings. This is the Full Moon for involvement in something larger than you.

This is the Full Moon to honor freedom, idealism, humanitarianism, egalitarianism, and the revolutionary impulse toward reform, without causing harm to anyone. Aquarius is the impulse to raise-up everyone and leave no one behind. So in service to these calls to action, become responsible and find out what is really happening around you. Get involved in your community, volunteer your time, and raise awareness in your neighborhood.”

WOW…yummy…a powerful time to step into your OWN power and shimmy on into the light with ALL your brothers and sisters :) You can read the whole of Lisa Dale Miller’s piece HERE.

One love,
Angela. xxx