Hellllooooooooooooo dear people :) I am sorry to not have been more in communicado this last week – I was over in the south–west of England poking about in the countryside and sharing nice thoughts about seaweeds, sprouts and simplicity with yummy people at talks ;) I had a WONDERFUL trip, thanks so much to everyone who came out to play...I’m back in the south–east again now with seagulls and cliffs, admiring the first flowers of spring that seem to be popping up all over now – YAY :)
I’m also very excited to announce that I’ll be giving a talk in the Brighton area soon as well. On Thursday, March the 12th from 7pm I shall be donning my ‘speaker’ galoshes and cape at the lovely Manna raw cafĂ© in Brighton. Hurrah :) You can see all the juicy details and reserve your place HERE on the Manna site – hope to see you there if you’re around...this will likely be my last talk here in the UK for quite a little while at least – my US visa interview is coming up very soon, soooooo, all being well I will finally have my wings back and can get back to my beloved in California...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...breathing DEEP into that here... ;)
on February the 25th I had:
1 quart water
3 cups green smoothie: apple, ginger, parsley, kale
20 chlorella ‘nuts’
2 apples
2 cups energy soup with okra, flax crackers and tahini
mug of flowering tea
2 cups water
mug of ‘choco’ tea
chia/hemp seed milk pudding with cinnamon, goji berries and apple pieces, with lime/mint tea and extra hemp milk
3 cups water
on February the 26th I had:
1 quart water
mug of ‘throat comfort’ tea
2 cups greeeeeeeen smoothie with apple and blueberries
2 cups hemp milk with cardamom and cinnamon (YUMMMMM) with 2 apples on the side
2 cups energy soup with okra, crackers, tahini and almond butter
2 cups water
mug of ginger/lemon tea
2 cups greeeeen smoothie with a handful of gojis on the side
3 cups water
On the subject of my beloved Mr. Monarch, have you seen the contest he’s currently running through his newsletter? If you’re not subscribed to his amazing free newsletters, I’d definitely recommend signing up HERE – he sends out content–*packed* newsletters at least once a month at the moment, with articles, 'at cost' and 'below cost' deals, product reviews and more.
In his latest newsletter, he announced a fun ‘Lucky 7’ contest – here are the details if you’d love to play and didn’t hear abt this yet:
7 people are going to receive wonderful prizes. The winners get to choose two items from the first list below OR one item from the second list:
Contest Winners Choose two items:
Powerwrap (Any Flavor)
Raw Crunch Bar (Any Flavor)
Jake's Unbaked Goji Bar
Contest Winners Choose one item:
LoveForce Bar (Any Flavor)
Flax Crusts (Any Flavor)
Sesame Flax Crackers
Living Nutz (Any Flavor)
Gone Nuts (Any Flavor)
Here's how the contest works... reply HERE, telling us what you love about Matt and Angela's work... AND... Why you love 'The Raw Food World Store' - what keeps you shopping here?
The top 7 lucky winners will get to choose from the above prizes. Just submit your entry by March 3rd... :)
As you can see, the closing date is March the 3rd, so get your entries in asap if you’d love to play ;) Send in your emails HERE and Mr. M will choose his favourite entries sooooooon. (...and if you've never shopped at our stores before, you could always tell us why you might like to shop there instead ;)
on February the 27th I had:
1 quart water
2 cups green juice: celery, parsley, apple, carrot, ginger, garlic
1 cup hemp milk with cardamom and cinnamon
luscious lunch of nori rolls and lettuce leaves stuffed with spicy sunflower seed spread, tahini and fresh greens, followed by a little handful of goji berries
3 cups water
3 apples and a little bowl of hand–mixed sweet yummm: carob powder, lucuma, maca, cinnamon, yacon, vanilla, water
mug of spicy tea
2 cups water
on February the 28th I had:
1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, landcress, parsley, kale, ginger, lime
30 chlorella ‘nuts’
an apple and a big bowl of cherrrrries :)
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, landcress, parsley, kale, ginger, lime
2 cups energy soup made with leftover spread from yesterday, with okra and flax crackers on the side
little mug of spicy tea
2 cups water
Hmmmmm, I’m aware that some of you seem to be having issues with receiving/being able to read my blog posts...I have had messages saying that both the email delivery AND the main blog site seem to have been uncooperative at different points this week. I am very sorry to hear that and I’m not totally clear why that is or how to fix it yet at this point...I suspect that any changes with email delivery are due to the fact that the company that provides that service – Feedburner – were recently taken over by Google and maybe they are going through some ‘teething’ issues with switching over their systems...I am not sure yet and I do hope that any crumples in your reading pleasure are smoothed out soon ;)
Lemme know if you’re having trouble viewing these messages still and please do remember that it ought to be possible to go at any time to the blog site itself at http://rawreform.blogspot.com and read my latest musings there... ;)
Meanwhile, in the raw blogging world, here are two other fun new developments to go and explore:
1. Masala – just launched by those cheeky chirpy yumsters at WeLikeItRaw, this new service aggregates together blog feeds from lots of inspiring raw food blogs onto one page, so that you can easily see what different raw foodies are up to with the sweep of an eye or mouse ball ;)
2. Also posted online this week was the ‘Top 50 Raw Food and Lifestyle Blogs’, a handy list of great raw resources, which you can see HERE.
How BLESSED we are to have access to all this inspiring raw flow...let’s keep on threading that message out there, brothers and si*stars*...
All love,
Miss Angela Stokes. xxx
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Will YOU be one of the 'Lucky 7'...? ;)
Friday, 14 November 2008
Diabetes, Discussions and Yumballs... ;)
OOoooo, greens at the ready, it’s World Diabetes Day today, Friday the 14th of November :)
To mark the occasion, over 700 monuments around the world are being lit up with blue lights, including the Empire State Building in NYC and the London Eye in England. Perhaps you’d like to join in the celebration by pinning blue lights on your roof...? Or perhaps a more exciting way to celebrate on this day is to invest in a copy of the life-changing raw food documentary on reversing diabetes naturally, called Simply Raw? Mmmm, I think I know which I’d choose... ;)
Ext-RAW-dinarily, there will be diabetes-related events kicking off ALL over the world on this day and yet information about how to naturally reverse this condition does not seem to be actively embraced or encouraged by the World Diabetes Day team. (In fact, the WDD website/organisation has gone so far as to remove any mentions of the Simply Raw film posted to its website by users...hmmmm...interesting policy methinks... ;)
SO, in honour of the multiplying multitudes of our brothers and sisters worldwide who are living with diabetes and simply not receiving the message that they can heal naturally, myself, the Monarch and over a dozen other raw food renegades have come together to create a super-package of giveaways, to support the ‘Simply Raw’ documentary team’s mission to spread the truth.
You can see the details of this giveaway HERE – there are STACKS of generous goodies to get your mittens on – e-books, discount packages, interviews etc - for anyone who orders a copy of the Simply Raw DVD before November the 21st. (There are truly some amazing gifts in there, including the whole of Mr. M’s “Raw Success” e-book, my ‘Revealing the Physical Changes’ e-book, a whole CD recording from Wolfie, 2 free e-books on raising raw children from Storm and Jinjee, a 50% off scholarship for courses at Brenda Cobb’s living foods centre and...a free toe-nail clipping for every customer, from Gabriel Cousens (I made the last one up – he’s actually offering a chapter from his latest book ;) ...and the DVD is only a $29.95 investment - wow, it’s like Christmas come early ;) You might consider hosting a showing of this film in YOUR area, or at a potluck, or sharing it with anyone you know who is (pre-)diabetic (I wonder how many people these days DON’T know someone who is diabetic...???)
If you’ve been reading here for a while, you might remember that I watched this documentary a couple of months back (after excitedly waiting around 3 years for it to be completed ;) – I LOVED it – you can see my write-up on it HERE. You can also see the trailer for the film HERE.
on November the 12th I had:
1.5 quarts water
1.5 cups green juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, kale, cabbage, ginger, lime
1 persimmon
2 cups energy soup with okra on the side, followed by a few amazing little raw goji yumballs made by the Monarch
little cup of rooibus tea
2 cups water
1.5 cups yummy veggie juice: carrot/fennel/romaine
1 cup energy soup with okra on the side, followed by a little bowl of chia/pomegranate pudding
little cup of rooibus tea
2 cups water
Ho-hummmmmm...Mr. Monarch left for the US again today = me sad again... ;(
Yes, the US-visa-waiting saga continues...he’s going back to take care of some business, while I continue to breathe deeply here in the UK for now...hmmmmm...well, in the meantime, if you’d like to hear the Monarch’s musings on travel as a raw foodist, along with discussions about being 100% raw or not, overeating, dwindling bee populations and more, he and two of those ever-lovely goddesses of raw, Victoria Boutenko and Laura Fox, had a mighty chin-wag about all that on Wednesday night on Raw Inspirations Radio, that you can listen to HERE, if it would delight you to do so...(you might even notice a sneaky cameo from a certain Stokes too, if you listen carefully... ;)
on November the 13th I had:
1.5 quarts water
1 cup orange/pomegranate juice
1 persimmon
1.5 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, spinach, kale, cabbage, ginger, lime
2 cups energy soup with okra on the side, followed by some Monarch yumball concoctions
little mug of rooibus tea
2 cups water
1.5 cups veggie juice: celery, spinach, endive, carrot
little bowl of yummy kale salad with lime juice, avo, apple and nori strips (using up leftovers – worked GREAT :), followed by some Monarch yumballs
little cup of rooibus tea
2 cups water
Well, before he left, Mr. Monarch fortunately relayed the recipe to me for the current batches of low-glycemic ‘yumballs’, so that I can make them for myself now... ;) Each batch has been a little different so far – they all follow the same kind of pattern though and they’re YUMMMMMMY, so I’ll try to summarise in a way that will get you the taste, with space to play around with the exact ingredients you choose to include...
Ok, so, here are the important elements:
1 cup goji berries
2.5 tbsp nut butter
3-7 tbsp sweet raw powder (might be yacon powder, lucuma powder, or the most recent batch he made had the new 50% Hemp Protein Powder from Nutiva and is soooooooooooooooo good – this new HPP tastes like WEETABIX (for those of you in the UK) or WHEAT CHEX (for those in N. America - I think that's what Mr. M said the name was ;) – WOW)
First you soak the gojis in water, for at least 3 hours or so, until soft. Do not use much water – barely cover the gojis in fact with water – it is ok if some on the top are hardly touching water. Once the gojis are softened, pour them with the soak water into a food processor with the S-blade in place. Add in 2.5 tbsp of whichever nut butter you desire (me like almond butter) and a big whack of whichever powder you’re using (at least 3 tbsp – use more if you used more water). Process that all together into a yummy smooth consistency. If it looks very loose, keep adding in more powder until it stiffens up more. In a little bowl, sprinkle some more powder. Take little balls of the goji mixture in your hands and roll them in the powder in the bowl, before placing them in a 'Tupperware box' for storage in the fridge. Mr. M thinks they have the consistency of marshmallows ;) They are VERRRRY yummy – soaking the gojis seems to make a huge difference.
Other variations we’ve tried out include adding a little stevia powder and cinnamon to the mix, to make it sweeter, sprouted/dehydrated buckwheaties to add more crunch or maca to the powder that goes on the outside of the balls, for some extra OOOMPH ;) ENJOY :)
We love you,
Angelalalaalaaaaaaaaa. xxx