Showing posts with label manna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manna. Show all posts

Monday, 9 March 2009

Gettin' Juicy with The Global Juice Feast 2009 :)

In case it somehow passed you by, this year’s Global Juice Feast is now in session :) It started last Saturday, the 7th and runs for the next 92–days orrrrr...for as long as you like ;) The beauty of the GJF is that you can participate as little or as much as you like – do a full 92–day juicy session like I did back in 2006–2007, or do one day a week for the Feasting season, or do a 3–day stint, or 47 days – whatever works for YOU ;)
If you’ve never checked out the community site, that might be a yummy place for you to check into as well – it’s a free 'Ning' community full of juicy beings worldwide...
Here’s a very cool little juicy story one reader sent recently:

“I started a juice feast yesterday, and Boy was it so much fun too. I had so much Energy too. I Was cleaning my whole kitchen, took out the garbage, did some Laundry and then when out and watered my gardens, all 12 of them. Then I came in and got on my Treadmill for 70 mins. I had a total of 5 Quarts of juice. I never Felt Hungry. My body was getting what it needed, so there were no cravings for any kind of food. Now I am on day 2 and drinking my first Quart of juice. Oh and I lost 6 more Pounds too. WoW!!! How about that for a neat thing.”

I LOVE this little heart–felt testimonial – it totally illustrates the ENERGY and passion that so many people seem to feel while JF– it :)
You can check out the HQ HERE and my book on this subject – ‘A Juice Feaster’s Handbook’ HERE.
ENJOY your juicy journeys, dear ones...

on March the 8th I had:

1 quart water
big mug of pau d’arco tea
3 cups greeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, parsley, ginger, lemon
30 chlorella ‘nuts’
1 quart hemp milk with cinnamon/cardamom
3 cups water
2 tbsp bee pollen
mug of rooibus tea
3 cups greeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, parsley, ginger, lemon
2 tbsp Sproutein powder
1 quart hemp milk with cinnamon/cardamom
2 cups water

on March the 9th I had:

1 quart water
big mug of pau d’arco tea
big chunk of fresh pineapple
3 cups greeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, parsley, ginger, lemon
2 cups energy soup with okra and tahini
mug of spicy tea
3 cups water
2 cups greeeen juice: celery, fennel, parsley, mixed sprouts, ginger
3 cups pumpkin seed milk with cardamom/cinnamon
2 cups water

Tomorrow evening (Thursday March 12th), I’ll be giving my ‘swan song’ raw food talk in the UK at the charming Manna raw food café in Brighton. The talk starts at 7pm and will likely be the last time I speak here for quite a little while, all being well with my US visa unfoldments... ;) SO, t’would be lovely to see you there if you’re in this can reserve seats HERE...

Manna also have an ext–RAW–dinary looking raw chocolate superhero party coming up this Saturday with a rumba/samurai theme... ;) lol... The action starts at 7pm and there will be live music from duet Shrinari, plus all kinds of chocolate treats, elixirs and delights to devour ;) ever, if these events are not in YOUR area and you’d love somewhere to play with raw friends TOO, then you can always check the fabulous online calendar at HERE, for events in your vicinity – or add events in there yourself :)
(Personally, if I was in California this weekend, methinks I would head along to either the fabulous–looking ‘2012 Quantum Leap’ event that Ms. Laura Fox is involved with, HERE or the lovely Green Lifestyle Film Festival in LA, which you can see more about HERE – please do let us know your experiences at these events if you’re attending... ;)

on March the 10th I had:

1 quart water
mug of pau d’arco tea
big chunk of fresh pineapple
2 cups greeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, parsley, ginger, lemon
2 cups energy soup with okra and tahini
mug of spicy tea
3 cups water
an apple, a big bowl of YUMMY Shazzie salad and raw truffles with freshly brewed herbal teaaaaaa = yum
2 cups water

on March the 11th I had:

1 quart water
mug of freshly made herbal tea concoction
glass of watermelon/banana ‘juice’
little glass of almond milk
yummy meal at Manna of shared raw burger/pizza, followed by strawberry/coconut tart and blue lotus tea
3 cups water
3 cups green juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, landcress, parsley, ginger
3 cups hemp milk with cinnamon/cardamom
1 cup water

On the subject of California, HERE is a GREAT little YouTube video on suburban permaculture in SoCal that I watched recently – LOVE the natural air drier ;)

..and for those of you in the UK, HERE is an amazing documentary on permaculture that was shown recently by the BBC and now can be seen online (unfortunately it seems like this only works if viewed from the UK though – sorry other readers – there are MASSES of great permaculture resources/videos available online though, if you poke around... ;)
Enjoy :)

All love and shiny knee-pads,
Miss Stokes. xxx

Friday, 6 March 2009

Unfolding My Wings...

WELL, as many of you know, I went for my US Fiancee Visa interview in London yesterday. It seems that all is well and I will have a visa sooooooooooon, to get back to my beloved. There is one final hoop to hop through – a few more forms they would love to eyeball, then all being well, I will have visa in hand within the next couple of weeks and will be on my way back to Mr. M :) Yeeeeeeee–HAH :) We are very excited...and also extremely grateful for ALL the amazing love, positivity and support y'all have been sending us during the last few days of this process, which has been unfolding for the last 1.5 years now...I felt the flow of support very strongly on the day and it felt immensely nourishing, so thank you, everyone :) We love and appreciate you :)

on March the 4th I had:

1 quart water
mug of dandelion tea
3 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, landcress, kale, parsley, zucchini, ginger, apple
1 quart hemp milk with cinnamon/cardamom
2 tbsp bee pollen
3 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, kale, parsley, zucchini, ginger, apple
1 quart hemp milk with cinnamon/cardamom
40 chlorella ‘nuts’
3 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, kale, parsley, zucchini, ginger, apple
little packet of fresh jackfruit pods
2 cups water seems I’m still here in the UK for at least the next 10 days or so...if you’d love to come out to play and give me a ‘goodbye’ wave/hug/squeeze in person, I’ll be speaking next Thursday, March the 12th, at the delightful Manna raw café in Brighton, from 7pm – details HERE. As I mentioned before, this will most likely be my last talk in the UK for quite some time, all being well with visa adventures... ;) Hope to see you there if you’re around...

…and while we’re on UK–based news, I’m excited to say that I have more bags of chia here again, if anyone would love some. They are £10 per bag (1lb/454g), plus p&p. Email me on if you’d like to snap some up before the box is bare again ;)

I also have the following goodies here too, if you’d like any of these:

‘Raw Success’ by Matt Monarch - £10
‘Raw Spirit’ by Matt Monarch - £8
‘How to Go Raw for Weight Loss’ by Angela Stokes - £5
‘Revealing the Physical Changes’ by Angela Stokes - £5
‘A Juice Feaster’s Handbook’ by Angela Stokes - £5
DVDs of Mr. Monarch speaking at Ecopolitan - £5
'Become Younger' by Norman Walker - £5
'Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices' by Norman Walker - £5
‘Water Can Undermine Your Health’ by Norman Walker – £5
‘Raw Family’ by the Boutenkos – £7
‘Absolutely Abeba’s Edible Treats’ raw cracker recipe book - £5
'Raw Foods for Busy People' Book - £8
'Green Magic: Raw Foods for Busy People 2' Book - £9
‘Raw Food Made Easy’ by Jennifer Cornbleet – £12
‘Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen’ by Ani Phyo – £12
‘Raw Organic Cuisine in Ten Minutes’ DVD – Bryan Au – £10
‘Sprout Garden’ by Mark M. Braunstein – £9
'Raw Greek' by Gina Panayi - £10
'Fresh' by Sergei and Valya Boutenko - £12
'Raw Soul' recipe book - £10
'Detox Delights' by Shazzie - £5
Nut Milk Bags - £6 each

If you're unsure what any of these items are, you can see more about them on our store HERE...and just email me on to let me know if there are any goodies you'd love to add to your collection... ;)

on March the 5th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘passion’ tea
big handful of goji berries and 2 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups greeeeen juice with seed milk
a GORGEOUS whole little durian
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeen juice
a delicious shared meal at Manna, including rainbow salad w/pesto, nori roll, love burger, raw sandwich, followed by apricot/pecan pie, berry cheesecake and ice cream – WOW :)
2 cups water

OooOOooooo, I am excited to announce the blossoming of the new ‘RawFu’ magazine from dear Bunny Berry. WOW, check this beauty out...I am sure this is going to be a fabulous read...if you’re not familiar with Bunny’s work and site, she is a super–sweet, sassy, funny, yummy, lovely, raw food lightworker spreading this healing message and building community with love, passion and truth. She also has GREAT design skills and style, so I really look forward to seeing this magazine as it emerges...You can subscribe HERE. Check out the pin–up boy on the cover for April ;) Brother Philip looking suave and serene...oooohhhhhhh, what a blessed, beautiful family we have :)

Alllllll love and appreciation,
Stokes in England. xxx

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Will YOU be one of the 'Lucky 7'...? ;)

Hellllooooooooooooo dear people :) I am sorry to not have been more in communicado this last week – I was over in the south–west of England poking about in the countryside and sharing nice thoughts about seaweeds, sprouts and simplicity with yummy people at talks ;) I had a WONDERFUL trip, thanks so much to everyone who came out to play...I’m back in the south–east again now with seagulls and cliffs, admiring the first flowers of spring that seem to be popping up all over now – YAY :)
I’m also very excited to announce that I’ll be giving a talk in the Brighton area soon as well. On Thursday, March the 12th from 7pm I shall be donning my ‘speaker’ galoshes and cape at the lovely Manna raw café in Brighton. Hurrah :) You can see all the juicy details and reserve your place HERE on the Manna site – hope to see you there if you’re around...this will likely be my last talk here in the UK for quite a little while at least – my US visa interview is coming up very soon, soooooo, all being well I will finally have my wings back and can get back to my beloved in California...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...breathing DEEP into that here... ;)

on February the 25th I had:

1 quart water
3 cups green smoothie: apple, ginger, parsley, kale
20 chlorella ‘nuts’
2 apples
2 cups energy soup with okra, flax crackers and tahini
mug of flowering tea
2 cups water
mug of ‘choco’ tea
chia/hemp seed milk pudding with cinnamon, goji berries and apple pieces, with lime/mint tea and extra hemp milk
3 cups water

on February the 26th I had:

1 quart water
mug of ‘throat comfort’ tea
2 cups greeeeeeeen smoothie with apple and blueberries
2 cups hemp milk with cardamom and cinnamon (YUMMMMM) with 2 apples on the side
2 cups energy soup with okra, crackers, tahini and almond butter
2 cups water
mug of ginger/lemon tea
2 cups greeeeen smoothie with a handful of gojis on the side
3 cups water

On the subject of my beloved Mr. Monarch, have you seen the contest he’s currently running through his newsletter? If you’re not subscribed to his amazing free newsletters, I’d definitely recommend signing up HERE – he sends out content–*packed* newsletters at least once a month at the moment, with articles, 'at cost' and 'below cost' deals, product reviews and more.
In his latest newsletter, he announced a fun ‘Lucky 7’ contest – here are the details if you’d love to play and didn’t hear abt this yet:

7 people are going to receive wonderful prizes. The winners get to choose two items from the first list below OR one item from the second list:
Contest Winners Choose two items:
Powerwrap (Any Flavor)
Raw Crunch Bar (Any Flavor)
Jake's Unbaked Goji Bar

Contest Winners Choose one item:
LoveForce Bar (Any Flavor)
Flax Crusts (Any Flavor)
Sesame Flax Crackers
Living Nutz (Any Flavor)
Gone Nuts (Any Flavor)

Here's how the contest works... reply HERE
, telling us what you love about Matt and Angela's work... AND... Why you love 'The Raw Food World Store' - what keeps you shopping here?

The top 7 lucky winners will get to choose from the above prizes. Just submit your entry by March 3rd... :)

As you can see, the closing date is March the 3rd, so get your entries in asap if you’d love to play ;) Send in your emails HERE and Mr. M will choose his favourite entries sooooooon. (...and if you've never shopped at our stores before, you could always tell us why you might like to shop there instead ;)

on February the 27th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups green juice: celery, parsley, apple, carrot, ginger, garlic
1 cup hemp milk with cardamom and cinnamon
luscious lunch of nori rolls and lettuce leaves stuffed with spicy sunflower seed spread, tahini and fresh greens, followed by a little handful of goji berries
3 cups water
3 apples and a little bowl of hand–mixed sweet yummm: carob powder, lucuma, maca, cinnamon, yacon, vanilla, water
mug of spicy tea
2 cups water

on February the 28th I had:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, landcress, parsley, kale, ginger, lime
30 chlorella ‘nuts’
an apple and a big bowl of cherrrrries :)
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, landcress, parsley, kale, ginger, lime
2 cups energy soup made with leftover spread from yesterday, with okra and flax crackers on the side
little mug of spicy tea
2 cups water

Hmmmmm, I’m aware that some of you seem to be having issues with receiving/being able to read my blog posts...I have had messages saying that both the email delivery AND the main blog site seem to have been uncooperative at different points this week. I am very sorry to hear that and I’m not totally clear why that is or how to fix it yet at this point...I suspect that any changes with email delivery are due to the fact that the company that provides that service – Feedburner – were recently taken over by Google and maybe they are going through some ‘teething’ issues with switching over their systems...I am not sure yet and I do hope that any crumples in your reading pleasure are smoothed out soon ;)
Lemme know if you’re having trouble viewing these messages still and please do remember that it ought to be possible to go at any time to the blog site itself at and read my latest musings there... ;)
Meanwhile, in the raw blogging world, here are two other fun new developments to go and explore:

1. Masala – just launched by those cheeky chirpy yumsters at WeLikeItRaw, this new service aggregates together blog feeds from lots of inspiring raw food blogs onto one page, so that you can easily see what different raw foodies are up to with the sweep of an eye or mouse ball ;)

2. Also posted online this week was the ‘Top 50 Raw Food and Lifestyle Blogs’, a handy list of great raw resources, which you can see HERE.

How BLESSED we are to have access to all this inspiring raw flow...let’s keep on threading that message out there, brothers and si*stars*...

All love,
Miss Angela Stokes. xxx

Thursday, 21 August 2008

May I Be Frank...?

EXCITING: have you seen anything about the new ‘raw transformation’ documentary that’s in the works called ‘May I be Frank?’? I think it looks GREAT :) One reader, Gina, sent me THIS LINK this week to an article in Ode Magazine about the ‘star’ of the film, Frank Ferrante, who agreed to participate in this ‘sort of reverse Super Size Me’ production, with the assistance of some of those beautiful people from Café Gratitude.
55-year-old Frank’s background involves a working-class Brooklyn upbringing, drug addiction, alcoholism, arrests, periods in mental institutions, suicide attempts, obesity, hepatitis, heavy medications and strained relationships. PHEW...quite a bit to work through then, potentially ;) It looks like it will be a very entertaining, moving and inspiring film, especially to share with loved ones. You can watch the trailer HERE – it’s so well put together – I love it and look forward to seeing the full-length film when it’s ready – ENJOY :)

on August the 19th I had:

1 quart water
3 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, carrot, ginger
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with diced bell pepper and dulse pieces. Followed by a little hazelnut butter mixed with raw carob powder
1 quart water
3 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, endive, carrot, ginger
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with diced bell pepper and dulse pieces. Followed by a bowl of durian/hemp ice cream with lucuma and carob powders – YUM :)
mug of peppermint tea
2 cups water

YUMMY – a fantastic new raw food hangout has opened here in Brighton and I’m VERY excited about it :) It’s called ‘Manna’ and is hosted by the lovely Warren and Andreas. We shimmied along there yesterday to see how things are unfolding in their opening days. I think it is looking very beautiful – a light, bright, welcoming space painted in tranquil greens and yellows, with a generous deli counter packed with fresh greens, musical instruments hanging on the walls for customers to jam with, knowledgeable, friendly service, a lovely garden space with grape vines, a shop space with all kinds of pre-packaged goodies for sale and of course fresh juices, smoothies, raw meals, teas and more. I think this is a VERY exciting development for the UK raw food scene...
We tried the raw ‘burger’ dish and it was truly superlative. The venue has a late license, so the plan is to host events/jam sessions etc in the evenings, which will be such a blessing, to have a ‘clean’ space like this for people to gather and connect. WONDERFUL :)
If you’d love to get on down to Manna, here is the address:

24 Coombe Road

You can also see more info at: Maybe see you there someday soon if you’re in this area ;)

on August the 20th I had:

1 quart water
tbsp spirulina powder with water and lucuma powder
bowl of cherries (ooo la la ;)
double shot of wheatgrass
1.5 cups veggie juice: cucumber, celery, green bell pepper, carrot, ginger
2 cups water
AMAZING raw burger with fresh salad, followed by assorted freeze dried YUMMY fruit pieces (durian, jack fruit, mangosteen) and raw vanilla ice cream – WOW :)
Mug of choco tea and selection of raw chocolates – eeeeeek ;)
3 cups water

on August the 21st I had:

1 quart water
2 cups veggie juice: spinach, watercress, celery, cucumber, fennel, ginger, sunflower greens, endive, carrot
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in and curry powerstix on the side, dipped in hemp butter. Followed by a little rammikin bowl of hazelnut butter mixed with lucuma and carob powders
3 cups water
1.5 cups veggie juice: spinach, watercress, celery, cucumber, fennel, ginger, sunflower greens, endive, carrot
mug of 'choco' tea
2 cups water

OooooooOOOOooo, have you heard about the ‘Healthy Living Eco Fest’ happening soon in Michigan? On September the 20th from 10am-10pm in Brighton, Michigan, there will be a day-long celebration of all things vibrant, fresh and joyful ;) The Monarch and I are both scheduled to speak there, along with Viktoras Kulvinskas, Shantree and Lorenna from the wonderful Living Centre in Canada, plus festie organizer Joyce Oliveto, who worked alongside Ann Wigmore for years. The day will in fact be a kind of ‘tribute’ day to the work and wonders of the Wigster herself – FUN :)
Here’s some of what’s on offer:

*Speakers & booths focusing on Green Living, Healthy Living & Building
*Living Foods Demonstrations
*Animal Health & Healing
*Lectures, Workshops and ongoing demos throughout the day
*Variety of booths with food & drinks—or bring picnic basket
*Drumming around the bonfire
*Tai Chi—Yoga—Massage
*Walking Trails
*Supervised Children’s Area with Activities

The admission fee for the full day is $25 for adults and free for those 16 years and younger ;) You can see full details about the festie HERE.
Hope to see you there too, if you’re in the area...

All love,
Angela. xxx