Showing posts with label exciting opportunity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exciting opportunity. Show all posts

Friday, 30 May 2008

6 Years Raw TODAY :)

OOooOoOOooo, I have a VERY exciting JUICY opportunity for someone out there...I’ve been contacted by a lovely woman named Jennifer here in the UK who is looking for someone to be a live-in chef at her beautiful new rural property in the north part of East Sussex, starting in mid-July (see pic – WOW ;).
The role involves preparing fresh veggie juices and salads daily as part of a weight-loss programme for the land-owner. In return, the fortunate being who takes on this position will have their own self-contained ‘bedsit’ living area to enjoy. This position would suit an individual OR perhaps a couple who are happy to share the space together. The property covers 8 beautiful acres, with organic gardens and a swimming pool due to be created this summer.
The position would suit someone who is creative, open-minded and preferably talented at preparing healthy (mostly raw) foods, though Jennifer is willing to train someone to make juice too, if necessary ;)
It is ESSENTIAL that whoever takes on this role is a car driver with their own vehicle, as Jennifer does not drive and part of the job would involve going to purchase produce from nearby shops/markets, etc. The position will be offered at first on a 3-month trial basis, so that each party can confirm that this is something they feel good about ;)
Jennifer has recently returned to the UK from California, where she lived in a raw community for a few years and she is hoping to create a similar supportive network at this new property here.
Aside from this ‘JUICY’ position, Jennifer is also seeking a live-in gardener/caretaker/groundsperson to manage the organic gardens and property, in return for living in another self-contained cottage on the land. (This cottage could also easily accommodate a small family unit or couple if necessary.) The ideal person for this position will have experience with gardening/landscaping/building etc.
There may also be other opportunities to move into a space on the grounds in the future.
Aside from the main house, bedsit and cottage, the estate also contains a restored barn, which has been converted into a lovely ‘workshop’ space, where gatherings will quite possibly be held in the future.
If you would like to contact Jennifer about the Chef or Gardener roles, please email her on: dragonfly229 (at) (replace ‘at’ with the @ symbol), being sure to write ‘Community Retreat Project’ in the subject title, please.
(I imagine these positions are likely equally open to international candidates as they are to UK residents, provided any international applicants take care of their own visa/travel arrangements, etc.)

on May the 28th I had:

1 quart water
40oz watermelon/orange juice
½ tsp bee pollen
3 cups cucumber/radish/endive/cabbage/lettuces/spinach/carrot juice
3 cups water
1 quart cucumber/celery/apple/ginger juice
½ tsp spirulina powder
cup of rooibus tea
½ tsp coconut oil
2 cups cucumber/radish/endive/cabbage/lettuces/spinach/carrot juice
2 cups water
juice of 2 oranges mixed with spirulina powder
1 cup water

As I post this, it is May the 30th 2008 and it is exactly 6 years today since I went raw, up in Iceland :)))
WHAT a journey it’s been :O I feel so very blessed to be on this path, living my truth, sharing with so many incredible people and watching the shifts in lives/ is an amazing gift...
As I’m in England at the moment, I took the opportunity to seek out my old diary from 2002, to see what my thoughts were during those fateful days 6 years are some choice excerpts:

Firstly, this is how I summed up the evening before the 30th, when I was lent the ‘Raw Family’ book by my friend – a crossroads moment in my life...

May 29th, 2002
‘After dinner (pasta), felt very full and tired and uncommunicative. Decided to go out to tent. Laid out there – cold, but made fires in my stomach and was fine. Then H, being very sweet, brought me sleeping bag and books to read. One of them was the story of the ‘raw family’ – Russians who only eat raw food. Read whole book in about 2 hours – it was fantastic, a revelation. Seemed so simple and so revolutionary – I felt like I should really do it. But so many complications seemed to be in the way. But then also, a lot of positive things for me – like I don’t own any kitchen stuff yet, I’m almost vegan now anyway, I work in greenhouses = free veg and no-one relies on me to cook, etc... Hmmm...decided to sleep on it...’

WOW – how perfect – laying with a belly-full of pasta, reading the book that was about to flip my life inside out ;)
Here’s what I wrote the next day...

May 30th, 2002
‘Didn’t sleep so well, as head was full of revolutionary thoughts about being raw. Sort of decided to do it, by accident – just prepared breakfast of fruit. It had begun. To work and hunger pangs starting to creep in were fended off with cucumber shoots, as I turned them.’
(I was working in organic greenhouses at the time, tending cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers ;)

It’s so interesting to me to look through these old diaries and see how much my life has shifted these last 6 years...perhaps I'll share some more excerpts over the coming days, seeing where I was at on my journey back then ;)
Tonight I went to a 5 Rhythms dance class to 'celebrate' the transformation I have experienced and danced myself into a trance of love and gratitude...LUSH...thank you to everyone who has rippled through my life path in these last years...may there be much more joy to unfold together yet... :)

on May the 29th I had:

1 quart water
juice of 2 oranges mixed with spirulina powder
3 cups watermelon juice
2.5 cups green juice: cucumber, celery, spinach, chard, radish, endive, cabbage, carrot juice
2 cups water
1lb GORGEOUS cherries
1 tsp green powder
2 cups green juice: cucumber, celery, spinach, chard, radish, endive, cabbage, carrot juice
½ a large, gorgeous papaya
2 cups green smoothie: mango/banana/spinach
2 cups water

on May the 30th I had:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/orange juice
2 cups celery/cucumber/radish/endive/cabbage/watercress/arugula/cilantro/carrot juice
½ an amazing papaya
2 cups water
little bowl of delicious sea spaghetti seaweed with flax oil, ACV and kelp granules
1.5 quarts water
1 tbsp green powder

Lisa in the UK wrote in to say:

"Hi Angela, great that you are back in blighty for a bit and good to hear that all these interesting things are happening over in the states - but is anything like it happening over ere at all do you know? sunshine and peace Lisa"

WELL, my dear...there is in fact a VERY exciting looking festie coming up in the lush Sussex countryside, from August the 15th-18th. It is called the ‘Space of Love’ festie and is a different manifestation of the ‘Funky Raw’ festie that has been running every summer down in Devon for the last few years. The lovely Lara and Matt have taken over the running of the festie this year and transplanted it to Sussex, which will make it easier to access for all the raw foodies in the London/Brighton area... ;) There will be:

raw food talks, demos, music, yoga, drumming, massage, meditation, qi gong,
sweat lodge, raw goddess workshop, kids’ yurt, healings
and amazing raw/living food catered by the divine Shell of

This is a drug-free and alcohol-free festie and tickets are capped at 150 attendees on the land, so register soon if you want to be assured of a place ;) Weekend tickets for adults are a highly reasonable £60 for adults (£50 concessions), £30 for 6-18 year olds and under-5s go free. You can also just get a day pass for the Sunday, for £25.
For more info, see the SpaceOfLove site – hope to see you there :)

All love,
Angela. xxx

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Raw For LIFE :)

Ok, remember how I said there seem to be so many interesting films around at the moment? Well, here’s another one that I’m really excited about…RAW FOR LIFE :) Have you seen anything abt it yet? We have a copy winging its way to us here in OZ, so I haven’t seen it yet myself – I am VERY excited to though, when it arrives. The trailer alone is wonderful :) (You can see that HERE). It is a beautifully put together ‘A-Z encyclopedia of raw foods’, in a two-disc DVD set. It features various yumsters talking about the what/why/how of raw life…including the good Drs. Cousens, Wolfe, Bisci, Clement and Fuhrman, Rev. Beckwith, Woody Harrelson, Morgan Spurlock, Mike Adams, Anthony Robbins, Victoria Boutenko and…ME, holding up the girly side of things ;) From the trailer, the editing seems slick, the message is clear, the cover and artwork are just gorgeous and I think this is going to be an incredible gift to share with loved ones this Holiday Season…This set has been created by Mark Perlmutter’s team in California – the people bringing ‘Raw for 30 Days’ to the big screen next year – which is going to be SUCH a momentous time for spreading the raw message…in the meantime, this Raw For Life DVD set is already available for us all to get our hands on and share. The Raw For Life team are encouraging people everywhere to gather together groups of friends for a raw party and show the DVD. Seems like a marvellous way to share some healthy fun this Holiday season to me…hope my copy arrives soon ;) If you’d like to grab a copy for yourself, we have the set in the RawReform Store HERE.

On December the 17th I had:

1 quart water
slice of watermelon
2 cups water
avocado mushed with sliced garlic, sprouts, alive hummus, diced tomatoes and Himalayan salt, stuffed in nori rolls
2 cups water
2 cups cucumber/romaine/kale/all-kinds-of-greens/tatsoi/carrots/apple/ginger juice
1 papaya
3 cups green smoothie: mango/banana/romaine/tatsoi/parsley
2 cups water

Ooo, here’s an exciting opportunity for some luscious lovely out there, from Sedona:

Sedona's Café Raw Bliss and Chocolates is looking for a new member to add to their team. It is a wonderful Raw restaurant that has been open now almost 2 years and the opportunities to expand have created a need for more assistance. We are looking for a wonderful person who is passionate about being in the create, and virtually run all aspects of that part of the show...a beautiful opportunity for the right person. Contact Jim Bottarini at

Wow…hope to see you there next year if YOU turn out to be that ‘right person’…or do pass the info on to anyone you think might love a bit of it... ;)

on December the 18th I had:

1 quart water
‘The Cleansing Drink’ #1
= 8oz water, 2oz apple juice, 1 tbsp liquid bentonite, 1tsp psyllium powder
Followed by 10oz water mixed with 1tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1tsp raw honey
1 cup water
1 pint cucumber/romaine/kale/all-kinds-of-greens/tatsoi/carrots/apple/ginger juice
‘The Cleansing Drink’ #2
1 pint cucumber/romaine/kale/all-kinds-of-greens/tatsoi/carrots/apple/ginger juice
‘The Cleansing Drink’ #3
1 pint cucumber/romaine/kale/all-kinds-of-greens/tatsoi/carrots/apple/ginger juice
‘The Cleansing Drink’ #4
1 pint cucumber/romaine/kale/all-kinds-of-greens/tatsoi/carrots/apple/ginger juice
‘The Cleansing Drink’ #5
2 cups water

So…today was the first day of my 7-Day psyllium-bentonite cleanse. It’s been good. My energy is a little lower than usual and there have been a number of detox symptoms to breathe through, yet overall, all is well. Symptoms = my nose poured for most of the day, I had a very slight headache on-and-off at times and mainly I just felt slow and tired. There’s been a little bit of hunger too, as my stomach adjusted to not having food. The psyllium really helps with not feeling hungry though, as it is such a bulking agent… Incidentally, the 'Cleansing Drink' routine is the same thing each time, repeated 5 times a day - hence I didn't write out all the ingredients for every repetition of the day...I find it quite bizarre to drink apple cider vinegar…I’ve never used it in a cleanse before, yet it’s one of the things recommended in Jensen’s book…I’ve been using ACV as a cleaner and ant deterrent in our house the last few weeks, so it seems kind of odd to now be drinking it too… ;) Jensen also recommends many supplements to take inbetween the ‘Cleansing Drinks’ – I decided to replace those with fresh veggies juices…I had 2 quarts (abt 2 litres) of juice in total today and feel fine – that’s abt half what I was drinking this time last year while Juice Feasting…as I said though, the psyllium makes a huge difference in terms of feeling satiated…

All blessings,
Angela. xxx

Wednesday, 22 August 2007



We're looking for a dynamic, beautiful, eye-catching cover for Matt's new book 'Raw Success', which is due for release very soon...we're REALLY excited about this new piece of work and want to find a stunning cover to match the depth of exploration Mr Monarch has gone to, producing this amazing guide to long-term success with a raw food lifestyle...

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-HAH ;)

So, here's the deal - you've got UNTIL MIDNIGHT MONDAY AUG 27TH (PST) to submit YOUR impressive design to

If YOUR design is the one chosen, you can take your pick of one of these three yummy prizes:

PLUS a signed copy of the book itself when it's printed (but of course), with your very own magical design gracing the cover ;) This is a wonderful opportunity for any budding designers out there to get their work seen by a huge audience...'ve got until midnight, Monday the 27th of August to get your paintbrushes splashing and your photoshop purring into action... ;)

If you want some more info about the book, see HERE - don't be fooled by the current book cover on that page though - it's just a sample ;)

We're very excited to see your raw creativity explode onto the page...the game is afoot... ;)

One love,
Angela. xxx