On October the 28th I enjoyed:
1 quart water
2 cups watermelon/orange juice
chunk of fresh jack fruit
bowl of fruit salad (papaya, granadilla, banana, pineapple) with chia gel and coconut yoghurt
1 cup water
2 cups greeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
shared cucumber salad meal with Mr. M - salad stuffed into nori sheets with a little Brazil Nut Butter, followed by a "Carob Brownie Batter" yumpot :)
mug of horchata tea
1 cup water
I wanted to share one more set of five fabulous recipes with you, from all the 100s of "Essential" recipes y'all sent in, in response to the August RawReform Giveaway Contest to win a free copy of Ani Phyo's new book "Ani's Raw Food Essentials". Here below are five more of your wonderful suggestions for yummmmmy raw meals that you love and rely on...enjoy ;)
I would have to say my essential Raw Food recipe is my green smoothie, where all the ingredients, except the lemon are green!
2-3 handfuls of organic greens (favorites are spinach, green leaf lettuce, kale)
1 organic haas avocado
1 organic cucumber, 1⁄2 of skin peeled (otherwise tastes too bitter)
20 organic green grapes
1⁄4 lemon, with peel removed (white pith left on)
Handful or 2 of ice cubes
1⁄2 cup filtered water
Blend it until it’s super smooth. Depending on the amount of greens and water, this will easily fill a 32 oz bell jar (or your smoothie container of choice). It has a sweet & sour flavor and super filling, especially when coupled with a handful of sprouted almonds and fresh bell pepper J
Randi R.
This is a recipe I found online a couple of years ago, I make it more often than anything else. It's great because it can be a spread, a dip, or a sauce. Everyone that tries it loves it, too, and it's so easy!!
1 cup raw cashews
half a large red bell pepper
one juiced lemon (large)
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
Put cashews in blender, then add the lemon juice. Add a bit of water (preferably spring water) so that it almost covers the cashews, but not quite. Then add the rest, and blend away!
I like to pour this into halved bell peppers and then top with fresh dill or dulse.
To make it into a salad dressing, just add more water.
SO good, seriously. Sometimes if it seems to sweet I just add more lemon juice. and blend again until it has the nice tart tangy flavour.
P.S. Your recipe for kale chips is now in my top 2 fave recipes - I LOVE them, and so easy.
Lorra F
on October the 29th I was blissed with:
1 quart water
2 cups watermelon/orange juice
4 granadilla
3 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
3 cups smoothie: coconut water/carob/greener grasses/lecithin/astragalus/ashwaganda/stevia
2 cups smoothie: coconut water/carob/greener grasses/lecithin/astragalus/ashwaganda/stevia
a papaya
1 cup water
3 cups greeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 cups smoothie: coconut water/carob/ lecithin/ ashwaganda/stevia/papaya/lavendar essential oil
1 cup water
Here are three more of your "Essential" raw recipes:
I'd have to say that my essential raw food recipe that I love to make is a variation on the Waldorf Salad.
Ingredients for salad:
2 medium apples, cored and sliced into bite-sized pieces
1 celery stalk, chopped
1 handful of walnuts, soaked then chopped
chopped parsley to taste
juice of 1 orange
3-4 tablespoons almond butter or tahini
cinnamon to taste
To prepare, whisk together sauce ingredients and toss with salad ingredients in a large bowl. This is a quick and easy recipe that definitely satisfies a sweet tooth.
Much love to you,
Ellen P
* 1 1/2 cup of water
* 1 head of organic romaine lettuce, chopped
* 2 organic apples, cored and chopped
* a small bunch of organic cilantro
* a small bunch of organic parsley
* Juice of 1⁄2 fresh organic lemon
* stevia to taste
* (1 tsp of lechitin will make it very smooth!)
Marianne R.
1 mango
1 grapefruit
1 bunch cilantro (or 1-2 c)
1 bunch spinach (or 2-3 c - or another green!)
1/2 lime
1/2 lemon
2-3 c water (to desired consistency)
seeds from 1 vanilla bean pod
agave to taste if needed (depending on the sweetness of the mango and the
size of the lime & lemon :)
Blend and enjoy!! Mmmm...
(This recipe was inspired by/adapted from a recipe by Sarma Melngailis that a friend shared with me.)
Layah J.