Showing posts with label new moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new moon. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 October 2010

We Are Home :)))

Happy 10-10-10 everyone :)  
Happy World Raw Food Day, Happy Crystal Grid Activation Portal Day...what a wonderful day :)))

We are HOME :)))

After two months of travelling and speaking in N.America, Mr. Monarch and I are bursting with joy to be HOME again, at our beautiful homestead in Vilcabamba :)
It felt sooooooo GOOD to get back - we have both been sporting permagrins since our arrival, not least because we arrived home to meet a whole new member of our family ;O
Our mare Barbie is now the very proud mum of a beautiful baby boy (colt), named Cherry Star :))) Cherry arrived with the new moon on the morning of October 7th and is outrageously gorgeous - see below for evidence ;) We are so happy to welcome him to the land and our family :)))

Below are links to two sets of photos, some of Cherry Star and some of the garden/land, which is all coming along beautifully :) ENJOY :)

on October the 6th I appreciated:

1 quart water
2 tbsp bee pollen, 1tbsp spirulina crunchies
1 quart greeeeeeeeen juice
big shared "final supper" meal at Au Lac restaurant with friends, including raw 'garlic bread', soups, pizzas, salads and donut holes :)
3 cups water

on October the 7th it was a day of travel for us and I loved:

1 quart water
bunch of yummmmy red grapes
2 cups water
shared plane picnic with Mr. M of: romaine/nori wraps stuffed with Sea Clear, avocado, lecithin, tomatoes, cucumber, sprouts and kale chips, followed by a yummmmy fresh apple
mug of herbal tea
2 cups water

Click this link below for the pics of Cherry Star:

on October the 8th we were still on the road and I was blissed with:

1 quart water
water of three young coconuts :)
a dragon fruit and three granadilla fruits
airport picnic of romaine/nori wraps stuffed with Sea Clear, avocado, lecithin, tomatoes, cucumber, sprouts and kale chips, followed by a yummmmy fresh apple :)
2 cups water
3 tbsps acai powder
2 cups water

on October the 9th we were *finally* home and I LOVED:

1 quart water
water of 2 young coconuts
1 quart greeeeeeeeen juice from the garden :)
slice of homegrown watermelon from our garden :)))
4 granadillas :)
YumMmmmmmmmmy impromptu kale salad meal with Mr. M, with kale chips also on the side ;)
Big mug of horchata tea
2 cups water

Click this link below for the pics from the land/garden:

All love and blossoming bliss :)
Angelalalaalaaaaaaaaa. xxx

P.S. The Raw Mom, Cooked Dad summit starts TODAY - check it out HERE if you're not already signed up for this series of FREE interviews :)

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

The Visionary Age...

Well, well, well...seems my recent post on bowel movements during Juice Feasting stirred up many curious questions in your noggins...we’ve been inundated with stool-related queries here - thank you ;) From ‘how is it that if I eat sweetcorn it comes out a day later having bypassed all the encrusted waste in my intestines?’ to ‘why am I not having bowel movements, if I’m doing juices AND smoothies?’ to ‘I’ve started Juice Feasting and am scared of doing enemas – do they really matter? I’m releasing lots of mucus through my nose…’

Ok…here’s my answer for that last one...
Enemas are very simple and not painful - nothing to worry about ;) You can even see videos of how to do them on YouTube ;) They are discussed to a degree in my book 'Revealing the Physical Changes', which you can see HERE.
Colon cleansing is EXTREMELY important while Juice Feasting - you won't be getting anywhere near the amount of cleansing benefits without doing some form of colon irrigation. Most of us are SO toxic and have so much to release - if you're not keeping up with that through internal cleansing, you can easily run into issues. Use a simple lubricant like coconut oil to help the process, take it slowly and I'd recommend some of the writings of either Dr Norman Walker (Become Younger, Colon Health) or my partner Mr Monarch (Raw Spirit, Raw Success) - you can also read many informative articles for free on Matt's website - see and go to ‘Articles’.
If you really can't face the idea of enemas by yourself, maybe doing a PROFESSIONAL colonic would appeal more? Or use more Cascara Sagrada to keep things moving out of the system, or use other herbal formulas (e.g. 'Intestinal Movement Formula' by Healthforce), to move stuff is imperative to keep things moving in some way though, for optimal cleansing...
Mucus is just clearing out of your body as a result of the DETOX you are triggering by Juice Feasting - DO AN ENEMA and you'll find this clears MUCH quicker - your body is just taking the opportunity to throw out stuff that's been building up for YEARS... Other things to help: do a sauna, sweat, exercise, tongue scrape, dry skin brush etc - just help your body RELEASE every way you can... ;)

on Feb the 4th I had:

1.5 quarts water
1 quart zucchini/watercress/cabbage/carrot juice
bowl of avo mushed with diced tomatoes/garlic, masses of sprouts – whero peas/sunflower seeds/pumpkin seeds/alfalfa/broccoli/mung beans, karengo and wakame seaweeds, served with cucumber sticks, lettuce leaves and bits of green crackers
1.5 quarts water
1 apple
20oz carrot/celery/spinach/parsley juice
3 dried figs
¼ pineapple
1.5 lbs cherries
3 cups water

Hmmm, sorry to hear the link was broken to Steve ‘Sproutman’ Meyerowitz’s book, in my last post ;( HERE it is again, for those of you who wanted to check it out. PLUS, if you missed his talk on RawVeganRadio many moons ago, I'd definitely recommend it - it's tres inspiring ;) You can listen to that HERE - it's now been moved to the 'Premium' area of the RVR site - they have a NEW offer on right now though, to try out the Premium area for just $1, for a limited time - so, seems like an ideal time to check it out ;)
…and for those of you who still don’t believe raw food fun can happen in the garden in cold places in winter, check out this super-cool picture of ‘Mrs Raw Snowwoman’ forwarded to us from Jan in Georgia this week ;) JUICY :)

on Feb the 5th I had:

1.5 quarts water
8oz orange/pineapple juice
24oz celery/carrot/watercress/kale
bowl of avo mushed with diced tomatoes/garlic, masses of sprouts – whero peas/sunflower seeds/pumpkin seeds/alfalfa/broccoli/mung beans, karengo and wakame seaweeds, served with lettuce leaves and a Mexican power stick
1.5 quarts water
24oz celery/cucumber/lettuce/radish/carrot/cilantro juice
2lbs cherries and a banana
3 cups water

February the 6th is the New Moon in Aquarius - time for radical change, according to Lisa Dale Miller – and this gorgeous occasion comes with a partial solar eclipse - oooo la la, how blessed we are ;) Here’s a few snippets of Ms. Miller’s report for this moon:
“Aquarius is often thought of as visionary: an energy that looks beyond the norm, questions accepted truths, boldly claims originality, flies in the face of reason; and flatly refuses to blindly follow the dictates of others.
The annular solar eclipse will add a bit of heightened energy to this New Moon. Partial phases of the eclipse will be visible primarily from eastern Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. For more information on the eclipse go to NASA’s Eclipse homepage
The Aquarius New Moon asks each of us to awaken to the reality of our lives. To see it as it truly is (no rose colored glasses allowed) and then envision a better life; one free of old rules and restrictions that reflect your “I can’ts, I won’ts, I’m unable, and I’m scared”. This is a truth or dare New Moon. Recognize your present circumstances and then dare to vision beyond them, past the boundaries of the known into the unknown.
Aquarius is all about the “power of one” to change the circumstances of the many... Aquarian success comes from connecting to the needs of your generation and making your life a testament to upliftment.
The Aquarius New Moon is all about individuation and freethinking. It is a time to get free of self-imposed restrictions and think out of the box.
Think about how you can become a force for change at your workplace, in your neighborhood, and at home. Change is good! So this New Moon, commit to changing your life and you will change the world. Ride the wave of this mind-altering, life-altering New Moon Cycle.”

Mmmmm, beautiful...from a Leo full moon into an Aquarian new moon :) You can check out Lisa’s FULL report HERE...and GUESS WHAT – in just a few days – on Friday Feb 8th – it’s my own lovely Aquarian’s birthday ;) Yes, Mr Monarch fits the above description of Aquarian energy remarkably accurately, as those of you who know him well will appreciate ;) …and this free-thinking visionary will very soon be embarking on his next trip around the can send him some big raw birthday love to (pssssst, don’t tell him I sent you though... ;)

One love,
Angelallalalalalalalalallaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. xxx

Friday, 9 November 2007

Intense Times...

So I’ve been learning some fascinating things since arriving in Aus…I was not aware that this country is amidst a severe water shortage. The consequences of course are manymanymany-fold…one of them being that crops are ‘failing’. Grains in particular are being affected – the wheat and barley crops have been particularly small…consequently, people worldwide are seemingly feeling great concern that there is ‘not enough’ grain to go round and it was just announced that Japan for example - who apparently import 90% of their food supply – are using national emergency funds to purchase grain from wherever they can… :O This fascinates me…it seems to me that we started cultivating grains, by-passed the food chain, started feeding grains to other animals and basically got ourselves thoroughly addicted to the stuff and wrapped up in a perversely resource-intensive, apparent dependency on grains…and now when that grain supply seems to be dwindling, humans are freaking out…when in truth, we could all be eating straight from the earth and growing our own food supplies quite easily, if that is what we choose…(in this country it seems that might require vastly re-structured water management systems…and perhaps the situation is ‘beyond redemption’ by now… and yet…there is always a choice…)
My friends tell me that farmers here are being offered $150,000 to walk away from their land, as there is no water to sustain the farms. Of much greater concern to me than the grain crops, I was saddened to hear that entire fruit orchards are being levelled, as there is no water to feed the trees…wow…intense times…

On November the 8th I had:

1 quart water
1.5 cups green smoothie – banana, mango, kale, flax
1 apple
1 pint celery/spinach/carrot/cucumber juice
bowl of mulberries blended with hemp seed
1 pint romaine/carrot/cucumber/dandelion/parsley juice
bowl of avo mashed with sundried tomato Alive hummus, stirred with pieces of fresh tomato and dulse, served with flax crackers and nori – yummmmmmm :)
3 cups water

November the 9th sees the new moon in Scorpio… Here’s a little of what master astrologer Lisa Dale Miller of has to share on the matter:

“So everyone, what broken down, unhealthy aspects of your life are you ready to release? The New Moon in Scorpio is the perfect a time to put muscle behind an intention to transform cognitive and emotional distortions, especially those that bring suffering to yourself and to others. So take a deep breath, muster up some courage, and gracefully greet this New Moon in Scorpio. This is the premier night to open your eyes to your own self-doubt, insecurities, negativities and self-delusions, and through clear comprehension, transform these negative states of mind into positive intentions for liberation, and internal and external change. Scorpio is the sign that seeks deep truth in all things.
The New Moon in Scorpio is the night to acknowledge the ways this questioning process manifests in your life. This is the most serious New Moon of the year. Saturn rules fear, so look at your fear; where it comes from, what makes it worse and what eases it. This is the optimal night to face your fear head on and make a commitment to letting go of unhealthy and tortuous relationships, jobs, behavior, and habits. A New Moon in Scorpio shows you the truth, shows you your vulnerabilities, and your powerlessness. But it also gives you the strength to let go of destructive behavior patterns, make changes, and learn to be powerful in a positive life-supporting way."

I for one am CERTAINLY feeling the power of this moon. It feels very strong to me and the ‘veils of reality’ seem extremely thin and supple right now… To read Lisa’s description of this new moon in full, see HERE.

on November the 9th I had:

1 quart water
1 quart watermelon/orange juice
2.5 cups celery/mint/carrot/pineapple/ginger juice
1 mango
bowl of mulberries blended with hemp seed
2 cups water
1 pint banana/mango/cilantro/lettuce green smoothie
little bowl of avo mushed with spinach Alive hummus, stirred with pieces of fresh tomato, served with flax crackers and nori
1 quart water

We speak tomorrow night from 6pm at the Intuitive Well in Sydney – details HERE:
The event is catered by the delightful Julie of Conscious Choice – there will be incredible gourmet raw cakes and treats on offer…

Hope to see you there if you’re in the area ;)

One love,
Angela. xxx

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Co-operation, communication and ice cream... ;)

I did a really fulfilling live radio interview today...there was something quite delicious about it…it was for Vancouver Co-op radio and the host is a lovely, gentle, insightful woman named Allart…this interview differed to so many others in that we went deeeeeeep into the emotional aspects of my raw food journey – almost to the exclusion of all else ;) It was wonderful to share so much, especially with a fellow raw foodie and WOMAN who clearly is very passionate about health and healing for the masses…beautiful…you can listen to the interview HERE:

on October the 9th I had:

1 litre water
800ml green juice with carrot
bowl of chia soaked in blended coconut meat/banana/water, with cinnamon, mulberries and lucuma powder
700ml water
handful of goji berries with pine nuts
200ml water½ a durian
1 litre water

Today also sees the new moon grace us with its presence in Libra…this is a moon close to my heart…I have a LOT of Libra in my chart…I also resonate greatly with the number 10 and interestingly, the day today is 10.10 and the time of the new moon is 10.01 PDT (the time zone I'm currently in...)…oooo la la…what to say about all THAT??? Well, as always, master astrologer Lisa Dale Miller has plenty of guidance to share on this one…here she goes:

“Because Libra rules all forms of relating, it's worth beginning with the most important of all human relationships: our stewardship of this planet. Once again, this year we all need to do very serious ritual work on this New Moon in Libra, the ruler of justice, negotiation, deep-listening, love, and caring for "the other." Look within, get active, and shower love locally; your actions and intentions will reverberate out like waves in a pond, shifting the entropic downward spiral we see happening all around us.
Because the Libra New Moon rules love and relationship, this is the most powerful New Moon for bringing new love into your life. This is the perfect time, through ritual, to clearly define your qualifications for a relationship, and set the intention to make it happen.
I recommend a New Moon in Libra ritual that revolves around serious list making. Libra is the communicator and this is the time to clearly communicate what you want, so the universe can line up behind your intention and make it a reality. Create your lists as though you are weaving a piece of fabric, using your mental and emotional energy to build intention with substance and form. When you have finished, place the lists in a sacred place somewhere in your bedroom. Read the lists each day while the Moon is waxing to full. Don't be afraid to refine or edit the lists. It helps build the energy.
Libra revels in openness and sharing. Libra is the listener of the zodiac. The only way to achieve fairness and understanding is to share your feelings and then carefully listen to the feelings of others. Use this time to engage in meaningful discussions. Libra rules compromise and negotiation and helps us learn to get what we want while making the other party feel like the winner. Win/win is the way of Libra!
The New Moon is Libra is a great time to caretake intimate relationships. This is the New Moon to remind yourself that all any of us ever really needs is love! And yes, you do deserve to be loved!!!”

Ahhhhh, beautiful ;) …see Lisa Dale Miller’s full run-down on this new moon in Libra HERE:

on October the 10th I had:

1 litre water
1 litre green/carrot juice
big bunch of yellow-green grapes
300ml water
GORGEOUS dip made fresh with just 4 ingredients: tomatoes, avocado, hemp seeds and Celtic sea salt, with homemade brazil nut/carrot juice pulp/sundried tomato flax crackers…WOW…I seem to have come over all domestic again… ;)
500ml water
1 mango
500ml green juice with carrot
bowl of blended banana with maca and cinnamon, over soaked, dehydrated buckwheaties and chopped dried fruit…YUMMMMY
500ml water

OOoooOOooOooo, exciting yummy info for any of you in the Ojai/Santa Barbara area, in California…our friends who make the most outrageously delicious RAW ICE CREAM are now selling their wares in the local area…WOW…some of you reading this may remember the ‘durian and ice cream’ party we had earlier this year in California – well, this was the stuff we were all devouring – pints and pints of it – it’s incredible… ;) Now they’ve set up their own website for people to place orders for ‘Henry’s Raw Vegan Ice Cream’ - it's all handmade with love, in small batches, by a beautiful young raw vegan family. They are STRICTLY handling only local orders at the moment though…I do hope they'll expand at some point to sell further afield – at least to the LA area perhaps – it seems to me this is a big ‘gap in the market’ of commercial raw foods…I guess the logistics of keeping things frozen in transport etc make it complex…hmmm…in any event – if you’re in that area and want to enjoy a simply delicious raw treat, check it out… ;)

One love,
Angela. xxx

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Reflections on the Past...

There’s been a dramatic limey invasion of Raw Spirit Radio… ;)
Last week, myself and fellow British raw renegades Kate Magic, Suki Zoe and Joel Gazdar united with Laura ‘Foxy’ Fox in Sedona, AZ to spread some healing inter-continental love vibes and apparently ‘redeem the British culinary tradition’ after decades of soggy, broiled, greasy nonsense… ;)
The interview was great fun and Mr Monarch even got in on the invading action…you can hear the show by visiting this LINK and scrolling down...
Foxy also has a lovely-sounding show lined up for tonight – September the 11th. On the 6th anniversary of the events in NYC that shocked the world, she’ll be holding space with Steve Adler, Nick Good and others, all sharing on the theme of Forgiveness and Divine Love as a path of healing. Beautiful. Check it out with that same link above…

on September the 9th I had:

1 litre water
1lb jack fruit flesh
600ml green juice with carrots
500ml water
bowl of sea spaghetti seaweed with sunflower seeds, hemp oil and granulated wrack seaweed – RIDICULOUSLY good…
little piece of leftover almond dessert from LIVE yesterday
1 litre water
bowl of chia seeds soaked in blended concord grapes with banana
1 litre water

Today - September the 11th - also saw the appearance of the new moon in Virgo – an ideal time, according to astrologer Lisa Dale Miller – to ‘consider one's responsibility to serve, heal, and educate others’… She suggests:

“committing to heal and serve others to the best of your ability, question, analyze and shake out your old beliefs, act with an openness and intelligence sourced in non-judgmental curiosity and revolutionize your life by breaking the illusion of separation and committing fully to love all beings.
This is the New Moon to realize that we each have a duty to heal ourselves by reaching out to heal others. And by the way, you can't heal the planet if you won't take responsibility for your own health and well-being.
This is the best New Moon for initiating an intention to deal with substance abuse, weight problems, and eating disorders. This is the New Moon to get serious about seeking medical attention for symptoms or illnesses you have been avoiding or denying. Bring happiness to your loved ones by committing to illness prevention and better health. This is the time to investigate dietary changes, daily exercise programs, and improving sleep and learning relaxation techniques. Make no mistake about it; the mind-body connection is the most powerful medicine for healing and the true wisdom of Virgo.
The New Moon in Virgo is also the right time to deal with unrelenting self-criticism and perfectionism. Virgo tends to suffer from a sense of never being good enough; nothing it does, creates, thinks, or feels is worthy and therefore it constantly questions and critiques itself. If this sounds like you, this is the New Moon to take your inner critic in hand and tame it.”

To read Lisa’s entire fascinating article on this powerful new moon for shifts in health and well-being, click HERE.

on September the 10th I had:

1.5 litres water
slice of watermelon
box of strawberries
bowl of sea spaghetti seaweed with hemp oil, sunflower seeds, sauerkraut and wrack granules
1 litre water
1 litre green juice with carrot
bowl of banana/jackfruit/hemp seed ice cream with a few pods of durian on the side…
1 litre water

I began to imagine recently what it would be like to meet my great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. Imagine. I have no association with them as beings at all. They could literally walk into the house I’m in right now and I wouldn’t even recognise them, on a physical level (and I don’t mean if they walked in here as skeletons ;). I don’t know their names, I don’t know what they looked like…I don’t know where they lived, what they enjoyed or what they experienced here…and yet they played pretty significant roles in shaping the being that I am today – I carry resonances of all of them – physical features, tendencies, genetic weaknesses, diseases, preferences…I find this strange to contemplate…it’s like there’s an odd disconnect between my heritage and me…nothing disturbing of course…I just found it interesting to contemplate… ;)

One love,
Angela. xxx

Saturday, 11 August 2007

In Gratitude and Bliss...

Thank you SO much for ALL the incredible, beautiful, loving messages myself and Matt have received over the last couple of days – we really appreciate all the amazing supportive yumminess you send in our direction and beam it all straight backatcha too ;) We feel extremely blessed…thank you…
I had SUCH a lovely birthday yesterday…Matt and some of the UK raw lovelies had arranged a surprise raw potluck in a park…wow ;) I didn’t know WHERE we were going – we were just wandering up through a park as far as I knew – then suddenly I saw someone waving at us from across the green and realised it was one of my soul sistas, who I hadn’t seen in over a year, who shares the same birthday as me and who I thought I wouldn’t get to see on our day of celebration – WOW – I ran across the grass to meet her and it all unfolded into a magical afternoon of raw picnic-ing with wonderful friends in the sun, as more and more people arrived to join in the fun :) I was SO happy – it was a wonderful treat…

On August the 10th (my birthday ;) I had:

1.2 litres water
big glass of rejuvelac
tiny glass of orange juice
700ml celery/cucumber/apple/ginger juice
box of raspberries
double shot of wheatgrass with ginger, apple and lime
raw chocs
1 litre water
AMAZING bits of loved-up yummies at raw potluck – freshly foraged berries, raw hummus, pesto, salads, energy balls, phenomenal raw pizza and berry cheesecake from Shell and outstanding birthday love cake from Rawlicious – WOW :)
1 litre water
lamb’s quarters with avo, tomatoes, sprouts
1 litre water

‘LouLou’ left a comment on here recently asking where to get Chia seeds from in the UK – I’m going to post the reply here too, for all to see ;)

“Hi Loulou, thanks for your message. As it happens, we have a limited supply of 1lb (454g) bags of chia seeds here in the UK. They are £10 a bag, plus postage. Email if you'd like to order some ;) xxx”

Of course, for those of you in North America/the rest of the world, you can order them from the same link given before, if it pleases you… ;) See HERE...

On August the 11th I had:

1.5 litres water
big glass of rejuvelac
slice of watermelon
a few organic apricots
500ml water
bowl of ground chia seeds mixed soaked in blended pear/lime juice/ginger, with mulberries swirled in for chewing…
1 litre water
bits of raw chocolate, amazing nori wraps stuffed with superfood concoctions, spirulina cracker-biscuits and masterful raw cake…all made by Kate Wood – wow :) we are so blessed...
1 litre water

Tomorrow (Sunday August the 12th), is the new moon in LEO – here is some of the commentary on this powerful day from master astrologer Lisa Dale Miller:

“…this is the New Moon to uncover your own gift and then let it blossom and evolve as you give it to the world at large.
If you have had some creative project simmering on the back burner for the last couple of years, this is a powerful time to take it out, dust it off and see if it still has juice for you. If so, start to work with it again during this New Moon cycle.
...this is the perfect New Moon to look deeply at how much of what you say and do, is done to appease an inner need for attention and recognition of specialness, rather than a selfless, heartfelt, compassionate desire to heal.
True self-esteem is built by developing a calm center from which all decisions are made and all actions are undertaken. A real leader feels a tremendous responsibility to share their talent in an effort to make life better for everyone around us. Use this New Moon to look at how much of your time you share your talents to help others in need.
This is the New Moon for romance. When it comes to love, Leo loves romance; full-blown choreographed romance…if you are just not getting enough attention from your partner, or you are lonely and looking for love, this is the New Moon to create a powerful ritual to invoke and invite romance into your life.”

AAAAUUUWWWWWWWW – thanks Lisa ;) sounds divine – to read her whole article, click HERE


All love,
Angela. xxx

Friday, 13 July 2007

The Fox, The Bees and The Moon...

Fox News published an article covering my transformation and raw foods today – hurray :) Great to see a more ‘mainstream’ media outlet like this embracing the raw food message – Alissa Cohen, Natalia Rose and I all contributed to the piece and I feel it turned out well as a good little intro piece for people to the idea of raw foods – YAY – every little bit helps in spreading this message of health and healing :) You can see the piece here:

On July the 12th I had:

*1.5 litres water
*tiny gorgeous glass of green smoothie
*bowl of luscious raw ‘granola’ – soaked sprouted oats, blended with coconut butter, lemon juice, berries, cinnamon and…I don’t know what else – a WHOLE lot of love…to make a YUMMY smooth creamy breakfast cereal, topped with banana slices, hemp seeds and fresh lavender…WOW…how blessed am I…??? ;)
*salad of spinach, romaine and dulse with a sunflower seed and garlic dressing, with a separate sunflower seed kale wrap
*1.5 litres water
*4 peaches
*700ml peppermint tea
*3 frozen cherries – yummmmmmmm :)
*400ml celery/cucumber/romaine/fennel/apple juice
*bowl of chia seeds with goji berries, apple, spirulina, maca and honey
*1 banana with a tbsp coconut butter
*1 litre water

Ok, time to answer a question from one of YOU delightful little popsicles reading this…Michelle asked:

“Can you tell me why you use bee pollen because I cant find anything online about that. Also why MSM? I read you used that somewhere else.”

Hmmmm…yes…I use bee pollen mainly because I like it – I love the taste and texture of it and that it is such a ‘wonder-food’ in terms of the nutrients…it’s phenomenal in terms of the amino acids - the PROTEIN (hallelujah…;), the B-vitamins, mineral range, enzymes…those little nuggets are incredible power-houses…and it gives me a great energy boost…I love that it’s not fatty, but feels dense and nourishing and enriching…one of my favourite ways to eat it is just to shake it up with an equal amount of hemp seeds and eat it as a snack – PHENOMENAL nutrient intake and feels pretty light and easy to digest too…love it…my favourite kind of bee pollen is FRESH and still MOIST - not stuff that's been dried a lot - the stuff you get fresh like that just meeeelllllllllts in your mouth and is amazing to me...and yes, I'd love to state myself as a 'raw bee-gan' again...or...whatever word you feel comfortable with in place of 'vegan' - bee pollen and honey are the two products that come from animals that I enjoy...
As for MSMhmmmmmmmmmmmdoesn’t really interest me so much INTERNALLY these days – I used it for a while when Juice Feasting…mostly it just tastes unpleasantly bitter to me though and I prefer to use it externally, on my skin in lotions like THIS, rather than drinking or eating it…it definitely brings extraordinary results for SOME people though – there are many testimonies of people dealing with joint issues like arthritis and so on finding tremendous relief with it. You know what they say…everything ain’t for everybody… ;) Here’s what I wrote about MSM in 'A Juice Feaster’s Handbook':

"MSM – (methyl sulphonyl methane) – a sulphur compound that occurs naturally in every cell of our bodies and is necessary to produce collagen/connective tissue. MSM gives flexibility, tone and strength to the skin, hair and nails. Taken as a powder/capsules, MSM is excellent for restoring elasticity and flexibility to skin and joints and for healing scar tissue. Try taking ½ tbsp a day of the powder and increase if you feel it is beneficial to you."

on July the 13th I had:

1.5 litres water
1 litre green juice with apple
1 mango
500ml water
spinach/romaine/hemp seeds/dulse/lemon juice
apple pulp mixed with raisins, cinnamon, maca and honey
little glass of banana/greens smoothie
1 banana
1 apple
1 litre water
3 tbsps hemp seed and bee pollen mixed
1 litre water
green salad with tahini/garlic/lemon dressing, nori sheets and flax crackers
500ml water

Hope you had a great Friday the 13th… ;) Tomorrow, July 14th is the New Moon in Cancer. This is the New Moon of love, carrying the idea of fully opening to the possibility of living each day as a loving, heartful, mindful being. This is what Astrologer Lisa Dale Miller has to say about it:

“This is a New Moon to take responsibility for our inner emotional condition, without all the drama.
This is the best New Moon to work on your home life and the quality of interaction that goes on in your family. We all need time to stop and really appreciate our loved ones: to fully embrace them, look deeply into their eyes, allowing the heart to soar in the recognition of oneness. This is also a great New Moon to engage in healing work around your own childhood/family system issues.
This is the right New Moon to begin letting go of old defense and protection mechanisms that may be doing you, and your relationships, more harm than good.
Cancer is the zodiacal archetypal Mother. This is a great New Moon to begin learning about the Sacred Feminine and incorporating this wisdom into your daily life and by extension, into our world. The Way of the Sacred Feminine is one of love, caring, understanding, compassion, peace and joy.
Open your heart and take care of your emotional life by committing to an insistence on love and kindness in all your interactions. This is the way of Cancer!”

To read her whole beautiful summary, see HERE.

With all love to you all,
Angela. xxx

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

On Communication and Cleanliness...

June the 14th is the new moon in Gemini. This is the moon of information, communication and ideas. Here are a few things astrologer Lisa Dale Miller has to say about this moon (see her full article HERE):

“The New Moon in Gemini calls on each of us to open up, talk about it (whatever it is), and open ourselves to feedback.
This is the New Moon to work on your communication skills. Learning how to communicate effectively creates successful relationships…communicate your wishes, dreams and desires to those who can aid your progress.”
“Gemini rules change. This is the best night to work on managing your fear of change. Everything changes; it is the nature of Maya, the field of relativity. When we ride the changes and make surfing the waves of change a vehicle for success, we actualize the highest expression of Gemini.”

Beautiful…I’m excited because my Moon is in Gemini from my birthchart – so I’m in full alignment there on this day ;) I recently had a free birthchart produced for me, actually, from a great site – - I’d recommend trying it out – I was impressed with the accuracy of my reading…

On June the 12th I had:

1.5 litres water
500ml celery/cucumber/apple/greens juice
¼ large watermelon
big green salad with avo, cumin, lime juice, seaweeds
1.5 litres water
box of raspberries
500ml celery/cucumber/apple/fennel juice
1 medium papaya
1 litre water
½ mango
1.5 litres water

I am SO active physically at the moment – I seriously don’t think I’ve ever been this consistently active as an adult…and it feels AMAZING – such a gift to myself…jogging, yoga, cycling, dancing, sit-ups – most of those, every day :) WOW – I LOVE it…I truly believe these bodies were made to be active and it feels like a real adventure to me to explore more and more about using this one…my fuel intake consists of many ‘clean’ and simple raw foods at the moment too, lots of yummy summer fruits and greens, so I’m feeling great…hurray :)

On June the 13th I had:

1.5 litres water
¼ large watermelon
big green salad with seaweeds, lime juice and handful of soaked/sprouted/dehydrated nuts and seeds
1.5 litres water
3 peaches
3 apriums
1 banana
1 litre water
1 box raspberries
600ml cucumber/apple/fennel/bok choi juice
3 tbsp hemp seed with 3 tbsp bee pollen
1 litre water

I have a new toy – a recent addition to my collection and I really appreciate it… It’s pink. It’s hard. It goes in my mouth and moves across my tongue…oooooo, matron ;) …don’t get too excited - it is…a tongue scraper… ;)
I am really appreciating this simple little detox tool…I’d never used one before I got hold of mine during my Juice Feast, but now I use it every morning. It helps remove any white-ish/yellow nasty stuff that has built up on my tongue overnight. I always use it now before I drink my first water of the day – it makes SUCH a difference for me – it feels so much nicer to drink the water in to that cleaner environment, rather than swallowing down any grim tongue detox remnants, back into my body…I love it and totally recommend getting hold of one – they’re so cheap (just $7) and will last you YEARS, as they’re made of stainless steel…see HERE to order one...marvellous…

Enjoy :)
One love,
Angela. xxx